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Displaying results 1101 - 1140 of 1140
Sequence 55How does it to be a very young child? This modern fable retells "School For Parents" - an imaginary tale… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI CROSSCURRENTS PART I CARL ROGERS SPEAKS TO MONTESSORIANS The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of… |
Sequence 33"Life is a Series of Rebirths" by David Kahn The 1983 Summer Institute One did not know what to expect at… |
Sequence 45Montessori Elementary Teacher Training Study Project by David Kahn Enclosed is a brief outline of a new national project for… |
Sequence 47II I I I I I ( 1 ment brochures, pre-college recruitment, post graduate recruitment, etc.). D. Inter-Training Center… |
Sequence 48Conclusion Each of the commit tees must conclude its studies no later than February I, with the exception of the University… |
Sequence 49Approximate Mailing Date Jan. 15, 1984 Winter April I. 1984 Spring-Summer Publication Schedule 1983-84 Publication… |
Sequence 50Two Printing Errors in Our Last Workshop Announcement The Workshop brochure recently mailed entitled, "NAMTA… |
Sequence 5248 NAMTA WORKSHOPS Wlllter tn.i $prin9 1984 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS J1nu1ry 27-28 Coot.Kl Manha Spt!ar• 1710 Sou1h Pierce… |
Sequence 3DRAMA, READING AND MONTESSORI volume nine number one Theme: Drama, Reading, Dialogue and Montessori Drama and Reading by… |
Sequence 41What It Means To Be A Montessori Parent by David Kahn The following lecture has been presented at NAMTA Media Festival~ this… |
Sequence 60NAMTA NEWS NAMTA LAUNCHES NEW CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE FOR FALL 1984 As a service LO teachers and parents, the NAMT A Board… |
Sequence 63PUBLICATIONS SCHEDULE We regret the delay of the Quarterly for this issue, but due to circum- stances beyond our control we… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY: IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE Montessori Elementary: In Search of Excellence David Kahn Summary of… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY: IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE volume nine number two Montessori Elementary: In Search of Excellence by… |
Sequence 5Montessori Elementary: In Search of Excellence by David Kahn Reality - Scene I - The Classroom The Directress arrived early… |
Sequence 14Summary of Teachers' Survey (Interpretations and Recommendations) by David Kahn Preface Report Summary School… |
Sequence 69MOVING? Inform NAMTA of your new address: NAME STREET ___________ _ CITY ___ STATE ___ ZIP __ _ Publication Schedule… |
Sequence 74NAMTA Workshops 1984-1985 October 12-13 Washington, D.C. Theme: Creative Dramatics Keynote - Margot Waltuch - Montessori:… |
Sequence 4Maria Montessori visits Lili Peller These are changing times for Montessori in the United States. NAMTA has recognized thqt… |
Sequence 6259 NAMT A Presents a Practical Publication for Parents MONTESSORI TALKS TO PA RENTS NEWSLETTER In parent discussions.… |
Sequence 7269 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY For Sale: Pre-School equipment used I yr; P .L. complete; Nienhuis sen., geog, math. extensive Jang… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI SPECIALTIES AND SPECIALIZATIONS volume nine number four School Psychology Letting Go and Letting Montessori… |
Sequence 20Bringing the Seminar Discussion into the Montessori Elementary Classroom by David Kahn The Seminar is still another roof for… |
Sequence 54NAMT A Announces Full Time Executive Director The Atlanta "Peace and Education" conference was occasion for… |
Sequence 55NAMTA News \ancou,er and Dallas-Well Altended, Brilliantl} Mana~~d The Montessori heritage tour ended with a tremcndou~ swell… |
Sequence 58Primary/Junior teachers needed for Sept. '85 for well established 114 yrs) school in Brecksville. Ohio. Within 30… |
Sequence 5NAMTA INTRODUCES: THE NATIONAL MONTESSORI TEACHER EDUCATION FOUNDATION The following bibliography represents the beginning… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI: PEACE AND EDUCATION Commemorative Edition Peace and Education Conference Atlanta, Georgia 1985 volume 11… |
Sequence 58SPECIAL '85 - '86 School Tour MONTESSORI TALKS TO PARENTS- ON TOUR Editor, David Kahn will conduct a "… |
Sequence 60NAMTA in conjunction with Peace Network Presents: Montessori Peace and Education Regional Conferences Out of the energy and… |
Sequence 64N.A.M.T.A. News: NAMTA FURTHERS RFSEARCH EFFORT NAMT A in partnership with Cleveland State University is expanding its… |
Sequence 3.. MONTESSORI CAREERS volume 11 number two Developing The Montessori Adult Children Learning; Montessori in Practice by… |
Sequence 19montessorian with a small "m" an introspective journey by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene's long career… |
Sequence 37Part II Career Variations Finding the National Role: Building Potentialities by David Kahn In an attempt to project the… |
Sequence 55Montessori Syntopican: Proposal Abstract b} Mary Boehnlein and David Kahn To date there is no definitive chronicle of… |
Sequence 69Publication Schedule 1985-86 April 20. 1985 Bulletin - Job Placement Mar. 15. 1986 Spring-Summer Quarterly - Special… |
Sequence 6Treasure Article 2017 page 5 also benefit others. The dung beetles and other scavengers, for example, are sweepers of the… |
Sequence 2AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.2 Introduction Kodaikanal... so much more than a name with a rhythmic quality to it. In the… |