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Sequence 7Very often young people approach their academic work in a complex manner when, in reality, the tasks are relatively simple.… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Aries, P. Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage, 1962. Csikszentmihalyi, M. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal… |
Sequence 15PaAJ 1: 1/ie, ttf~ e~ AN OVERVIEW OF ADOLESCENCE by Phil Gang Dr. Gang's overview of adolescence provides a backdrop… |
Sequence 1to be more realistic and open with close friends, and this helps them develop a clearer sense of themselves. At the onset of… |
Sequence 29Very often young people approach their academic work in a complex manner when, in reality, the tasks are relatively simple.… |
Sequence 123REFERENCES Aries, P. Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage, 1962. Csikszentmihalyi, M. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal… |
Sequence 23PaAJ 1: 1/ie, ttf~ e~ AN OVERVIEW OF ADOLESCENCE by Phil Gang Dr. Gang's overview of adolescence provides a backdrop… |
Sequence 31to be more realistic and open with close friends, and this helps them develop a clearer sense of themselves. At the onset of… |