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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 131
Sequence 8The Farm School, Athol, MA Founded in 1989, The Farm School supports programs for three to five days; it builds its depth on… |
Sequence 9during the year. At the North Country School, there occurs a Harvest Day during the fall, in which the entire school… |
Sequence 3In the Erdkinder, the cosmic vision of the Montessori elementary years is made more conscious, more concrete. It is… |
Sequence 96In the Erdkinder, the cosmic vision of the Montessori elementary years is made more conscious, more concrete. It is… |
Sequence 20on and found their children strikingly independent, good natured, and well adjusted. Two regional papers, including the… |
Sequence 10cent Colloquium (see the timeline of Montessori secondary programs in "The Development of a Montessori High School as… |
Sequence 12If the human being is what we study, then we must create an environment which uniquely addresses the psychologi- cal… |
Sequence 13that is to bring the developing human through optimal prepared environments for every stage of development. The Farm School is… |
Sequence 7<lards, she has a stable air about her. She is able to be respectful of the role of adults who work side by side with… |
Sequence 3WHY NOT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Peter Gebhardt Seele describes the Erdkinder ideal in relation to… |
Sequence 8that the student's memory is rich, full, and innocent. The student's own take is that the student's individual… |
Sequence 9some misbehavior. But by the end of the year, Arthur softened. He could make things with his hands. He welded a hanging rod… |
Sequence 16GEOMETRY AND ERDKINDER by Nathaniel J. McDonald Nate MacDonald's chronicle of his first year of teaching geometry at the… |
Sequence 23the first principles-definitions, postulates, and common notions. Thus, although the language can be archaic and the… |
Sequence 24progression of mathematical concepts from Algebra I to Algebra II to Trigonometry, culminating in Calculus. Mr. Miller also… |
Sequence 33should have a recognizable purpose that benefits the individual or the community as a whole from the adolescent perspective.… |
Sequence 35involves higher-level reasoning skills to arrive at a conclusion with concrete reality serving as a kind of control of error… |
Sequence 4I had planned to use a simple geometry software (not GIS because of time and knowledge constraints) from Key Curriculum Press… |
Sequence 7Contextual Studies Contextual studies are formal learning tasks selected from a variety of sources including the National… |
Sequence 9Forest Contextual Studies Forest biology calls for the contextual studies of botany, taxonomy, and classification. The study… |
Sequence 11University Farms Collaboration The ideal area of content integration with this facility emphasizes a study of genetics and… |
Sequence 13predator/prey simulations and investigations of food webs, and analyzing amino-acid sequences to determine evolutionary… |
Sequence 16THE MONTESSORI PAST AS PRELUDE TO A MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL Montessori adolescent education takes place squarely in the con… |
Sequence 19(Bergamo, Italy), the Farm School provides the basis for continuing authentic Montessori education through the end of high… |
Sequence 3Since students attend The Montessori Farm School coming from both Montessori schools and more traditional educational formats… |
Sequence 5middle, and end for five different cycles. So how does this work with the adolescent? In the beginning, the seventh-grade… |
Sequence 7When the adolescents achieve this social independence, they are ready for high school. They are insightful about new friends.… |
Sequence 17REFERENCES Joosten, A.M. Learning From the Child. Amsterdam: Asso- ciation Montessori lnternationale, n.d. Reprinted from… |
Sequence 15whole community. (Awareness of social and individual responsibility and how they interact) It is true that we do a lot of… |
Sequence 3REPORTING ON THE "EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL OF SOCIAL LIFE" Three land experiments were presented as social… |
Sequence 10cultures, but their outcomes are similar; you might say, therefore, that their outcomes are universal manifestations of the… |
Sequence 4The restrictions and the rules that we have come up with for the running of the program are there to ensure that the triangle… |
Sequence 5adolescent, so it naturally has to be one of the fundamental elements of an adolescent program. The second element Montessori… |
Sequence 9and biking and hiking and all of those possible ways of being active in the world with your body and exploring a healthy… |
Sequence 7that the urban and rural work is beginning to unify. Given the many talented Montessorians working in different urban &… |
Sequence 6period. As seventh- and eighth-year students, they're introduced to avenues of social organization and division of labor… |
Sequence 2SCIENCE STUDY FOR THE ERDKINDER: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS by David Ayer David Ayer's reexamination of the… |
Sequence 7The evaporative pond inspires chemistry; the greenhouse evokes physics. To provide structure for the adults as well as the… |
Sequence 1"THE SCHOOL WHERE THE CHILDREN LIVE" by David Ayer and Elise Huneke Stone Da.vid Ayer and Elise Huneke… |
Sequence 2observed: "The proposal we have put forward has, therefore, nothing surprising about it, and there is no need of… |
Sequence 3OUTCOMES AND EFFECTS OF BOARDING DAVID AYER What does it mean for the students to have boarding as part of their experience… |
Sequence 6What we as Montessorians have not had as much opportunity to observe is how young adolescents are transformed when they are… |
Sequence 7gram at which the students spent one day a week working on a small farm. Just when we finally admitted that we couldn't… |
Sequence 5next to adolescents and sharing standaxds and ethics and ideas. Then, when the valorized personality is ready to move out in… |
Sequence 8BKG: Yes. DK: Well, that's a problem for all of us. So could you elaborate on the mystenJ and what your guided intuition… |
Sequence 3Grove encourages self-construction for the good of humanity on several levels. Opportunities at the high school include: •… |
Sequence 17(I might add that the real measure of the students' ownership of the occupations is apart from their reporting to… |
Sequence 6Botanical Garden in the development of adolescent respon- siveness to the impact of urban sprawl on the natural world; • the… |
Sequence 13• a formal connection to a place of higher learning • an historic or actual connection to farming or other kinds of harvest… |
Sequence 14• Meeting local oral historians · Historical gardens • Overall regional history promotion and special events management •… |
Sequence 23includes a bed-and-breakfast, the dorm, the surrounding woodlands, etc. The embryonic community of the farm protects the… |
Sequence 148Montessori Farm Programs in Africa, Australia, and Mexico Shepherding pygmy goats, Telperion Farm School. serving ages 3-18… |
Sequence 4richness in theirlives and in their world view. It is because of what has come before that they are who they are: Montessori… |
Sequence 3There is only one thing that education can take as a sure guide, and that is the pcrso11ality of the children who are to be… |
Sequence 8The Environmental section was highly inspired by my time at the Farm School. I studied not only humans' ill effects on… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES Ewert-Kroeker, Laurie. "Farm School Culture and Valo- rization of Personality: How Does Living on the… |
Sequence 1The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 296The Farm School, Athol, MA Founded in 1989, The Farm School supports programs for three to five days; it builds its depth on… |
Sequence 336during the year. At the North Country School, there occurs a Harvest Day during the fall, in which the entire school… |
Sequence 151In the Erdkinder, the cosmic vision of the Montessori elementary years is made more conscious, more concrete. It is… |
Sequence 125NAMTANEWS NAMT A MOVES HEADQUARTERS After ten years at the Bellflower Road address in Cleveland, OH, David Kahn and the… |
Sequence 118on and found their children strikingly independent, good natured, and well adjusted. Two regional papers, including the… |
Sequence 186Proposed Specialized Breakouts (afternoons): Math, Science, Technology ♦ John McNamara Geometry: From Pure Abstraction to… |
Sequence 18cent Colloquium (see the timeline of Montessori secondary programs in "The Development of a Montessori High School as… |
Sequence 20If the human being is what we study, then we must create an environment which uniquely addresses the psychologi- cal… |
Sequence 21that is to bring the developing human through optimal prepared environments for every stage of development. The Farm School is… |
Sequence 69<lards, she has a stable air about her. She is able to be respectful of the role of adults who work side by side with… |
Sequence 293WHY NOT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Peter Gebhardt Seele describes the Erdkinder ideal in relation to… |
Sequence 424that the student's memory is rich, full, and innocent. The student's own take is that the student's individual… |
Sequence 425some misbehavior. But by the end of the year, Arthur softened. He could make things with his hands. He welded a hanging rod… |
Sequence 491GEOMETRY AND ERDKINDER by Nathaniel J. McDonald Nate MacDonald's chronicle of his first year of teaching geometry at the… |
Sequence 498the first principles-definitions, postulates, and common notions. Thus, although the language can be archaic and the… |
Sequence 499progression of mathematical concepts from Algebra I to Algebra II to Trigonometry, culminating in Calculus. Mr. Miller also… |
Sequence 508should have a recognizable purpose that benefits the individual or the community as a whole from the adolescent perspective.… |
Sequence 510involves higher-level reasoning skills to arrive at a conclusion with concrete reality serving as a kind of control of error… |
Sequence 516I had planned to use a simple geometry software (not GIS because of time and knowledge constraints) from Key Curriculum Press… |
Sequence 567Contextual Studies Contextual studies are formal learning tasks selected from a variety of sources including the National… |
Sequence 569Forest Contextual Studies Forest biology calls for the contextual studies of botany, taxonomy, and classification. The study… |
Sequence 571University Farms Collaboration The ideal area of content integration with this facility emphasizes a study of genetics and… |
Sequence 573predator/prey simulations and investigations of food webs, and analyzing amino-acid sequences to determine evolutionary… |
Sequence 576THE MONTESSORI PAST AS PRELUDE TO A MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL Montessori adolescent education takes place squarely in the con… |
Sequence 579(Bergamo, Italy), the Farm School provides the basis for continuing authentic Montessori education through the end of high… |
Sequence 587resources through the use of ur- ban educational, cultural, and business institutions. At the same time, The Montessori High… |
Sequence 588Whereas the "occupations" of the Farm School were limited in scope to roles on the farm and nearby small… |
Sequence 590• Opportunities for social, athletic, and artistic participation that are creative and individual; and • Progressive opening… |
Sequence 591cation in ways that are appropriate for the older adolescent, thus completing the vision of Maria Montessori from birth to… |
Sequence 592• Case Western Reserve University, which is currently prototyping a Montessori high school biology course at its University… |
Sequence 594The following timetable for implementation is suggested: 2001-2002 School Year: • Consolidate and refine the content of the… |
Sequence 598Jan Koning is Professor Emeritus of Pedagogics at the University of Amsterdam. He was the first principal of a secondary… |
Sequence 599land, OH). He also teachessports,music, and mathematics at the Farm School. John McNamara is teaching principal of Ruffing… |
Sequence 600written a number of book chapters and articles onstudentengagement in classrooms. Margaret E. Stephenson is AMI Elementary… |
Sequence 130Since students attend The Montessori Farm School coming from both Montessori schools and more traditional educational formats… |
Sequence 132middle, and end for five different cycles. So how does this work with the adolescent? In the beginning, the seventh-grade… |
Sequence 134When the adolescents achieve this social independence, they are ready for high school. They are insightful about new friends.… |
Sequence 246catechesistrainingforthosewhoare interested. Please contact: Dan Teller Queen of Angels Montessori 4460 Berwick St.,… |
Sequence 53REFERENCES Joosten, A.M. Learning From the Child. Amsterdam: Asso- ciation Montessori lnternationale, n.d. Reprinted from… |
Sequence 201Hershey Montessori School has pro- grams for Parent/Infant, Young Child Community (2), Children's House (3), Early… |
Sequence 227A MONTESSORI ORIENTATION TO ADOLESCENT STUDIES SUMMER, 2005 Spring Session: Administrator/Teacher Start-Up (Optional, at… |