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Displaying results 201 - 300 of 394
Sequence 78The woman who had opened our session was not satisfied with my summary. "I'm not talking about a little… |
Sequence 79weeks befol"e I found out what was happening. They finally admitted to me that they were banging on the wall between… |
Sequence 96to accept the fact of evolution. Darwin lies beside Newton in Westmin- ster Abbey for this great contribution. His theory of… |
Sequence 98nineteenth-century reaction; and, while I'm not a conventional believer, I don't consider myself irreligious.… |
Sequence 51forward to a big future at Syracuse University. ot to mention along the way I've found a great boyfriend and earned… |
Sequence 23MORE: I thought we said friendship .... The Dean of St. Paul's offers you a post; with a house, a servant and fifty… |
Sequence 57feelings of others. Why couldn't he pursue his mission and still be accepted by others? Seems to me he'd have a… |
Sequence 60Ms. A: Well, man does some things that don't require a body. Leader: Such as ... Ms. A: We think. And therefore thinking… |
Sequence 82COAUTION OF ~ENTIAL SCHOOLS by Michael Goldman In straight-forward language, Michael Goldman challenges the conference to… |
Sequence 103must repair." I think that quote speaks co our condition very directly. Those words are rather different from the… |
Sequence 175Mum-CUlruRAL PERsPECTIVFS AND ScHOOL REFORM by Asa G. Hilliard Asa Hilliard's compelling case far urgent care far urban… |
Sequence 182have a problem co explain. We know that babies are geniuses universally. We find ic in Piagec, but unfonunacely he didn't… |
Sequence 185S. I Hiyakawa, who was my president out at San Francisco State, is a wonderful person. When Dr. Hiyakawa was running for… |
Sequence 187we can teach them something. The whole parent issue is tied up because if we really care about parents, then we're going… |
Sequence 81here only about the part chat goes on in schools. That's partly why I say "to help cultivate" rather… |
Sequence 97dependent. We depend on what other people think and on "looking good." We sometimes feel used or possessed… |
Sequence 48There is onJy one man in the world and his name is All Men. There is only one woman in the world and her name is All Women… |
Sequence 88Over the years, I have used these games with children from a broad socio-economic range, and I'm always pleased to… |
Sequence 47teachers of history. We must become students of history because a knowledge of the past is essential to thinking clearly. I… |
Sequence 79nothing; we can expand the idea of doing something to include providing rewards. These reformulations are improvements, but… |
Sequence 59Twenty-two schools from the sample group responded to the ques- tion. There was some ambiguity in the way the question was… |
Sequence 50it easier for a child to learn to use similar approaches in other situations-such as school. Dr. Martha Bridge Denckla, a… |
Sequence 62One elementary school head in an affluent Midwestern suburb recently told me that children from "normal"… |
Sequence 83faculty without increasing the number of students. I'm sure there are creative solutions which could reduce the number of… |
Sequence 43together. You can't look at the intelligences as the first thing on your list. You have to look at the real-world… |
Sequence 117fore, we ought to give thought to the metaphors we use. If we don't have an ar- ticulated metaphor, then we ought to… |
Sequence 120was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 123You want them to get busy with all the things I saw out here in the exhibits. You want them to see a banquet out there. You… |
Sequence 129But I pray that somehow the memories will remain. Of work, of rain, of chill Of darkness and of light. Memories of love… |
Sequence 136was one of the most wonderful experiences of my Ufe. I really felt as though I was living with nature, without worrying about… |
Sequence 13first, that I couldn't dance and appeared to be devoid of any sense of rhythm; second, that I was totally inept at… |
Sequence 217"Well, he did give us a good idea for the story, but ... " "Let's tell the group. Children,… |
Sequence 32made a miserable passage in the slow part of that movement." He went back to play the second part of the concert and… |
Sequence 72That lasted for a while. In this century, in addition to artists, we began to think of scientists as creative, which is again… |
Sequence 83A: Gatekeepers usually develop historically in very funny ways. You don't know exactly who will be entitled to be a… |
Sequence 189The ability to reflect on the broader consequences of action, and thus to tolerate experience that is entropic, applies to… |
Sequence 190The ability to stand solitude goes hand in hand with emancipa- tion from the peer group. Many older adolescents seem to have… |
Sequence 26between the family and the school. Do the students stay on the farm for the entire two years of early adolescence? How long… |
Sequence 19here's what I'm going to do to you," or I say, "Do this and you'll get that," I am… |
Sequence 32Fourth, punishment gets people to think almost exclusively about their own self-interest. Whenever we talk about"… |
Sequence 44a different direction, to teach you everything about motivation that I know on one overhead (see Figure 3). It took me a while… |
Sequence 48appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Deci, 1971). But I find people are more interested, for some… |
Sequence 51thumb is that the more you want kids to want to do something, the more you would avoid rewards at all costs because of what… |
Sequence 62But in this second-grade class, the kids were into this. One kid came up, when it was her turn to speak, and talked about… |
Sequence 63develop self-discipline, what they mean is to get the child to introject, to use the psychoanalytic language, or swallow whole… |
Sequence 129It set me on a path of discovery, I guess, because I'm attracted to people who are what I call great teachers. I usually… |
Sequence 134requires it; it requires that we dialogue. If you dialogue, you've got to be culturally salient. I think you will hear in… |
Sequence 137that-and I emphasize the i-n-g, do-ing that-not can do that-it's always doing that. The brain is in a constant search for… |
Sequence 210SELF AND EVOLUTION by Mihaly Csikszentrnihalyi Current views of evolution presented at the Epic of Evolution conference… |
Sequence 211Just so that you know why my name is so long, let me explain it and parse it to make it easier to remember. It is made up of… |
Sequence 214However, at this point we are in an interesting situation-as many of the speakers pointed out in the past three days-we are in… |
Sequence 218Now is there any kind of guidance among the various scenarios of the future that we may or may not endorse through our… |
Sequence 248Diversification also allows you to regiment the work year so that workers-your family or your hired laborers, in the case of… |
Sequence 255digms of exclusion-not unlike modern America. The Hellenistic period is a wide-open period similar to our own, where money… |
Sequence 256to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 259own culture. We're better people than that"-not to say, "Oh, don't do that. We've got to go… |
Sequence 267told by the local EPA that he had some type of wild rat colony on his farm. The man was farming his land, and he had to cease… |
Sequence 268rational thought, philosophical systems, a sense of Western culture- are all absent there, replaced by a therapeutic… |
Sequence 270that skepticism to everything-like Bill Clinton's talk. Everybody thought it was a wonderful talk, but it was a God-… |
Sequence 273technology offered? But our family got together and said, "It's just like that orchard out there. There's… |
Sequence 108"No, I'm not the most vital part of the classroom environment at all. In fact, I love the whole idea of being… |
Sequence 55could be more difficult than skating along on a thin blade over hard ice or learning the samba? People love difficulty. I… |
Sequence 135The music created a feeling of life. Picture # 2: This picture is of a particle that was left and joining with a negative.… |
Sequence 65assimilated from the environment, without any need for direct instruc- tion." As you know, Montessori could be… |
Sequence 215What happens when an idea for doing something ends up not working? A learnable moment is born, because the child now realizes… |
Sequence 25percent of people, both here and in Japan and Germany, where they have also done research, say "No, I don't know… |
Sequence 107Nora: Anyway, I was about halfway there (or so I thought), when I discovered that I was completely lost. Not only had I… |
Sequence 90NOTES ON THE MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT by Margaret E. Stephenson I think we have encountered some gems already, which will help… |
Sequence 140classes, he said he worked hardest and felt most challenged in his math and science courses, which were his favorite subjects… |
Sequence 17are not able to grow up and sing it properly, and if they can't sing properly they can't mate and reproduce, so… |
Sequence 45everybody that all of the research on the advantages of babies signing has come from these two authors, so I'm just… |
Sequence 62size. Hopefully these are all issues you are trying to address in your school. I think that groups of twenty or thirty are… |
Sequence 65with a very tiny difference in m.vbe Wernicke's area or something, then a child enters the world, an/boys want to be… |
Sequence 116present state or condition that we're in, we wouldn't be able to think of positive ways of changing it for the… |
Sequence 119became very important for us to be able to identify possible predators, which is probably one of the initial thrusts towards… |
Sequence 171THROUf3H A WJNOOW Alson 1/t71y2k1 Fs,al[)raft LsraraoutlD)L lledmam ilbbt wln:tba #4& ii! G '4DEl;.am:… |
Sequence 79I had lived a very idyllic life. At the time I thought this might be a sign that I should retire to a monastery. But then I… |
Sequence 114Near the end of the war I leaned toward the Japanese side. And when the war ended I was sad. I was sad and relieved. I was… |
Sequence 158Memories of love shaped Between God and man in this Earthly place. Between sixteen friends Between little barefoot children… |
Sequence 165All of the experiences that we had with the Yoders made a great difference in the way we view life. Rather than just… |
Sequence 345Diversification also allows you to regiment the work year so that workers-your family or your hired laborers, and in the case… |
Sequence 352you look at the long history of the West, that's the fight for the Western soul, and usually the period of the classical… |
Sequence 353start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 355to follow an indigenous Aztec pattern of development. That's a very cruel thing to say, but it's absolutely true.… |
Sequence 364and was put in jail and they confiscated his tractor-a big scandal in the southern San Joaquin Valley. About that same time in… |
Sequence 367within a citizen is to bring a skepticism. And citizens then bring that skepticism to everything-like Bill Clinton's… |
Sequence 370There always must be this knowledge in a young person about the tragic nature, what the Greeks called the ephemeral existence… |
Sequence 452Church, and I wanted a change. The castle walls were like cages: cold, dark, and dull. He gathered his armies and I gathered… |
Sequence 477When you have been in Montessori for a while, you begin to take the idea of a prepared environment for granted-as though it… |
Sequence 484"Opportunity" implies "choice," and many and diverse choices allow for individual… |
Sequence 15children individually-not collectively but individually-becom- ing independent within an atmosphere of understanding and nur… |
Sequence 43child the belief that we trust they can do it, they move away from us with security and the feeling that they can do whatever… |
Sequence 152From ultrasound studies we now know a lot about babies' move- ment patterns, and fetal activity is actually a very good… |
Sequence 158a slightly increased risk of miscarriage among flight attendants. (But some researchers believe it is more a matter of job… |
Sequence 160A). As I said, most drugs tend to fall into Category C, which basically relieves the drug company of responsibility. Still,… |
Sequence 162We don't know yet, but it would seem that prenatal experience is getting "cleaner" than it used to be… |
Sequence 181weekend. We certainly had an interesting discussion yesterday in that little workshop on using this information in-did we ever… |
Sequence 208Q: Because I think that would be very unthreatening to parents and to the kids. A: Yes, if you don't call it sex… |
Sequence 209realize your child is not your child anymore. Your child is now entering a phase of life when they could physiologically be… |
Sequence 210up and certainly encourage the parents to talk to their children. Because that is the value system-you're right-the… |