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Displaying results 301 - 400 of 463
Sequence 238to help match a child's interest to the right resource. Get the children reading non-fiction as well as fiction, because… |
Sequence 159ARE WE SUCCEEDING IN NURTURING THE SPIRIT? by Aline D. Wolf Aline Wolfs challenge to Montessorians to look seriously at our… |
Sequence 172"Do you play with them?" "No, I just keep them." "Do you like them?"… |
Sequence 48and was honorably discharged, much to the Marine Corps' chagrin. Producing Buddhist poets is not something one sees… |
Sequence 50you wrote a lover, and I often think you, too, are a long poem whose gift is the gift of change, of sublime transformation… |
Sequence 62Isn't the life that he should lead. It's a nagging feeling inside him, Urging him away from this. Telling him his… |
Sequence 132THE FIRST LESSON To depict the origins of the universe to the child, I begin in the time- honored tradition of storytellers… |
Sequence 204and norms and procedures and such, and teaching can only be evaluated as creative (or less creative) in the cultural context… |
Sequence 162The earth venture, the life venture, is a single ven- ture. If the other living forms don't succeed we cannot succeed… |
Sequence 164Emotions, to a world of intimacy. It takes a universe to make a child Both in outer form and inner spirit. It takes a… |
Sequence 21Most sensitive phase 0 4.0 C: .Q 3.5 ·;:: - en Q) en Q. ffl C ~ 0 .... Q) .c E ::::, z 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5… |
Sequence 55Contrary to what Piaget thought, imitation, we now know, begins at birth. Some studies show that even newborn babies can… |
Sequence 60every word and feel like you have to read cover to cover-but simply sitting with the child and reading as a method of… |
Sequence 98from such matters is the variety of exchange represented by talk among people with its myriad planes of intellectual,… |
Sequence 112So the question is, of course, What about language? Let's be a little more precise-it is the phonetics of language? No,… |
Sequence 116present state or condition that we're in, we wouldn't be able to think of positive ways of changing it for the… |
Sequence 118head, 11 Aha! This represents something. This is a sign. This funny whatever represents banana. Therefore if I make that sign… |
Sequence 45REINVENTING CIVILITY by Larry Schaefer Larry Schaefer's plea for civility in an age of rudeness and commercial youth… |
Sequence 115toward that. It's also important for Montessori children to understand their Montessori heritage, to understand in a… |
Sequence 347started to have threshing floors, presses, small little agricultural production centers right on their farms or shared by a… |
Sequence 356all of you as teachers should remember one thing: Your allegiance is not to make people feel good but it is to the truth.… |
Sequence 363balance is the profile of the agrarian: The agrarian alone understands that proper balance. We go back to the image of… |
Sequence 368He said, "Oh, no." I said, "That's just a law. It's a canon. You can't escape it. It… |
Sequence 370There always must be this knowledge in a young person about the tragic nature, what the Greeks called the ephemeral existence… |
Sequence 387THE FARM EXPERIENCE: ITS IMPORTANCE IN A CHILD' s LIFE by Richard Barker Richard Barker's pioneering work in… |
Sequence 400We have been on the Farm fora year. We planned and prototyped for three years (more, really), but none of that planning could… |
Sequence 403students and their families, neighbors, local volunteers, teachers and administrators from other schools, people who saw the… |
Sequence 433But cynicism will not save humanity. The adolescent-who rep- resents the future "man in society"-must have… |
Sequence 39This time frame is very short-unless you' re in the middle of it, and then you think it's a lifetime. When you'… |
Sequence 40Montessori said in The Absorbent Mind: The child's adaptation to the world is thus favoured on natural lines, because… |
Sequence 76perspective, every day is a good day. We're the ones that say, "Oh, are you having a bad day today?"… |
Sequence 82Q: When you say that everyone's wearing panties, at what age do you start? You don't wait for the parent to say,… |
Sequence 91ACTIVITIES WITH PLANTS ANO ANIMALS Another activity is plant watering. Young children, when they're first walking until… |
Sequence 158a slightly increased risk of miscarriage among flight attendants. (But some researchers believe it is more a matter of job… |
Sequence 167Let me first talk about cytomegalovirus (CMV), which is a very common virus. It poses no danger to most of us. In fact, many… |
Sequence 169We're all tested for rubella immunity a tour first prenatal visit, and if you're not immune to rubella or have low… |
Sequence 170almost certainly incapable of harming the fetus. Microwave ovens are not dangerous. A lot of people were worried about… |
Sequence 184Dr. Montessori defined the nor- mal path of development as one in which the two streams of en- ergy in the child, the… |
Sequence 205That's the program that we did in a capsule. So what I'm interested in doing now is some dialogue about how that… |
Sequence 206And I was very up-front: "This is what I'm going todo." "Do you think my child's too… |
Sequence 21erything in the beginning, but he or she directs every particle's behav- ior at any moment in time. This directing is… |
Sequence 81price for me and you are trying to get the best price for you the whole negotiation process is really enjoyable. Even though… |
Sequence 157that. Normally, I don't stop the activity until everyone does, but David Kahn has only given me one hour to speak. He had… |
Sequence 158instead need to have a biocentric view, an earth centered view of the child. And that's what I'm going to talk about… |
Sequence 162an individual level, perhaps as parents, in the way we rear our own children; but we also create it on a cultural level in the… |
Sequence 170featured quite prominently in this conference. There's a gentleman whose name is David Sobel who's written a number… |
Sequence 179also our species identities. By integration I mean that when I look at the audience here I identify with those things that… |
Sequence 189on earth. Over 3.5 billion years there have been five of these events. Isn't it amazing that humans have reached the… |
Sequence 195challenge. It's a challenge of scale, it's a challenge of place, it's intertem poral, it's in terspatia I… |
Sequence 204faculty for analysis and empiricism, the faculty of imagination, and the capacity for compassion. This is how we study nature… |
Sequence 209ment so people can confront that. Even if you believe in God, you still have to confront the coldness and the darkness along… |
Sequence 27WHAT DR. MONTESSORI TELLS Us ABOUT SENSITIVE PERIODS Sensitive periods are the powerful capacities to develop certain charac… |
Sequence 102Children should come to understand that each failure can teach us something that will speed us on our way to ultimate success… |
Sequence 155A. I think we' re only beginning to reach that. Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan, at the University of Michigan, have led… |
Sequence 193that their calculations would be completely wrong. They went in the wrong direction. But she didn't correct them, and… |
Sequence 195Q. But she did. She said it. She said exactly what you said, that starting with the bacteria, each organism actually created… |
Sequence 214our relationships with our children come under this umbrella. We have a sense of ownership over that relationship and we don… |
Sequence 218holistic, or even naturalistic values that fly in the face of disciplinary thinking. Science, geography, history, and other… |
Sequence 220the prepared environment. Many people who teach outside of the Montessori tradition believe that you folks just have children… |
Sequence 104Now we are probably entering a kind of fourth period, which is defined as the period of the knowledge worker, where we can… |
Sequence 134our school, unbeknownst to me, was relationships between the school director (me) and the teachers. "Oh, yes, she… |
Sequence 83• Gaining the assurance to share news: You know your little groups of sharing news are very important. It's not always… |
Sequence 87It's always the same steps. You help the children to discover. Then one day-and it's different with every child-… |
Sequence 88Now, you know that we usually have two object boxes: One is totally phonetic, like dog or hat, and one contains sounds that… |
Sequence 92have their roots from different countries, from different peoples-I mean, there in America you should have an enormous number… |
Sequence 191about balance, which is another aspect of how we run our business, and how I think businesses and organizations are going to… |
Sequence 196done. He decided that the equipment that he was using just wasn't good enough, so his first business loan was for $825.35… |
Sequence 197amazing was that ninety percent of the catalog was teaching people not to use his products anymore. He started talking about… |
Sequence 198going to have a hard time with the financial side sometimes. They're at odds. There is absolutely no question that they… |
Sequence 199have heard of him. He's on expedition right now going up to the Northwest Territories. This is a nine-month expedition.… |
Sequence 201using business to inspire and implement solutions to environmental crises. It doesn't mean that you try, in Michael… |
Sequence 203us, it was a good decision, too. Now we're differentiated, and our customers are even more loyal to us. When you talk… |
Sequence 205pion of the project and the company forever. So either way, the result is excellent. Once every eighteen months, we sponsor a… |
Sequence 206a couple stores in that area, and we publicized the need to remove the dam, and we gathered money to try to get it taken down… |
Sequence 30Let me start by recounting a story of a middle school principal who had a problem. The problem was that the girls in her… |
Sequence 42become worse at, there are other things that you may become better at. So what you want to do is capitalize on the things you… |
Sequence 43taught by Spanish speakers and given to Spanish speakers in a Spanish-speaking country, so I decided I needed to learn Spanish… |
Sequence 44ing. Montessori talks a lot about the importance of classification skills. Much of her system is based on the development of… |
Sequence 45problem. After you're done the problem solving, you have to monitor the results of the strategy and ask yourself,&… |
Sequence 47practical. It's important to teach children to be good thinkers, not just in a classroom, but also in their everyday… |
Sequence 52So surmounting obstacles is really important because there will be times, if you're trying to be creative in your… |
Sequence 54and that is about the obstacles you face if you're going to be creative. It's not an easy path, but it's a… |
Sequence 58encode learning material more deeply and elaborately because they're being taught in three different ways (analytically,… |
Sequence 59career in psychology?" What is getting an A in an education course on classroom management going to have to do with… |
Sequence 61wisdom. And wisdom involves putting together everything I've said today. It's about the use of your successful… |
Sequence 78The traditional concept of intelligence is based on three key assumptions. First of all, intelligence is thought to be innate… |
Sequence 168· The organization of the work. And last but by no means least, • The ability of the teacher to observe the phenomenon and to… |
Sequence 42Traditional teachers, more particularly those who have taught for many years, may find life as Montessori students very… |
Sequence 88are aiding in the third plane, and this experience of a legitimate society, a" school of experience in the elements… |
Sequence 108The evaporative pond inspires chemistry; the greenhouse evokes physics. To provide structure for the adults as well as the… |
Sequence 126I accepted a job at the University of Utah partly because of expe- riences that I had in nature. I love the desert and the… |
Sequence 186I THE A PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT! I THE <BULB> I ~~ ,flNALlTYI 1ai l~~~ mi ~ ~ MAE!] coc:9 ,.MQ,t;Hf~SORI)… |
Sequence 241have to dois to recognize this, and help the children to see this. We may have to build solidarity from a psychological point… |
Sequence 244convinced when they saw some sugar transform itself into a fuming mass of the blackest coal under their eyes, after sulfuric… |
Sequence 252to them about what the We force is. It's not just physical We. And where did we come from, and where are we going after… |
Sequence 289be in residence, and the specialists must always be the ones that come in from outside. I understand that there's a… |
Sequence 353Now what about humanity itself? As we know, at a certain point in the story, we focus on that very. special form of life to… |
Sequence 109comment was, "Everything has a purpose. Even the annoying fly has a purpose. Even the mosquito has a purpose.&… |
Sequence 7this f 011 rnnl issue embodies one part of the fire of her continuing sparks that mature into flames, and then regress as… |