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Displaying results 401 - 463 of 463
Sequence 33in which case, perhaps, I will drop a seed to invite you to think about those ideas, not merely to sell ideas that are already… |
Sequence 57helps me to see that they might not be so easy to reconcile. And the third kind of challenge is that 1 have this theory,… |
Sequence 59Here's what I think makes sense in a school, and I think many of you wiJI agree with this, and then Twill proceed to some… |
Sequence 60We do not teach fractions because kids are going to need to know about that next year, or because it's on our lesson… |
Sequence 65to the port side in other respects. But at the same time, it's hard to imagine truly progressive education without that… |
Sequence 70antithetical to genuine, deep learning. Once again we can tell the parents the absence of grades is often a precondition to… |
Sequence 75I need to just chill out and do the stuffllove, so why the hell shouldn't children have that opportunity? Do they have to… |
Sequence 79punishment and sometimes a very cruel one to the child. It's not a matter of figuring out slightly groovier ways to do… |
Sequence 99things and said, "That's not the way I present that." So they've got to do their own. Even if I… |
Sequence 107• [ will seek to be more observant and encourage my children to explain what they do rather than to tell them what to do. • I… |
Sequence 218Dr. Orr went on and mentioned that to combat environmental problems we need engagement, we need to insti I I-as he said… |
Sequence 242name it-they con- trolled, just as the male head of household con- trolled. You always have to look at both the family… |
Sequence 243The fact that women in the Nordic nations are about forty percent of the national legislatures has had a profound effect on… |
Sequence 252kids also get it. Whether it's African-American history, whether it's women's history, if it's just that… |
Sequence 119I spent n good bit of til/le showing nnd telling Bernie what we would do instead, under each of these circw11stnnces. This… |
Sequence 132Byron's Story I was s11111111011ed to t/,eoffice next to 011r classroom where I found Byro11's 111ot'1er… |
Sequence 167dinarily hard for them, they can sometimes push through that diffi- culty. I think it also keeps them out of the vacuum; with… |
Sequence 180hundred years without special education staffs. So even though the sophistication of information-specialized information-is… |
Sequence 147Most of the time, this kind of meaningful work cannot take place solely in a classroom. That's a challenge. It's a… |
Sequence 199r Algebra :ZO,o Puactcrus Arithmetic Geometry 7 ~on• Nufnti.- P,cti.qon,, • GcomW"1c,.;… |
Sequence 203science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead:… |
Sequence 213My training is primary, and my work before adolescent was in the Children's House. As Chris Kjaer was saying, "… |
Sequence 73problems are very, very treatable. If babies are squinting or if their eyes are misaligned, encourage the parents to get the… |
Sequence 75[t acts as a neuronal insulator, like the plastic wrapped around an electrical cable, which prevents me from getting a shock… |
Sequence 98givens and maturational processes, which make it something in certain ways so different from what happens in infancy. I am go… |
Sequence 104Hatching Hatching is a term from Margaret Mahler. By the time he is five months old, the baby is somewhat aware of the… |
Sequence 115the world; the gene for that implicit social learning is gone. Social Stories describe a situation, skill, or concept in terms… |
Sequence 117An acute stressor, with the right help, tends to take care of itself in days or weeks. You identify it as a problem in social… |
Sequence 123Anxiety This is how we are built, and some of us are built a little more emotionally unstable than others. Consider the… |
Sequence 135Irlen Lenses Let's talk about one very unusual intervention that many have heard of: It's called Iden lenses. This… |
Sequence 140Again, learning disabled children still develop. We must design a way of investigating interventions that allows us not to… |
Sequence 133respond to stories" (113). A recent ad (January 19, 2009) placed in Tl,e New Yorker by Columbia University announces… |
Sequence 142elementary classroom, social cohesion is built through stories: When the children share something from home, or when we offer… |
Sequence 169if you ever watched the old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons.) The Wayback Machine can take you to old sites. It's a Jot of… |
Sequence 248BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Earthworms Kalman, Bobbie. The Life Cycle of n11 Enrl/1wor111. New York: Crabtree, 2004. Simon, Seymour… |
Sequence 251ln our classical elementary curriculum, there is a lot of biology, but of course, very Ii ttle of modern biology. Modern… |
Sequence 297with related questions." A lot of times people are afraid of repetition when working with adolescents. But it's… |
Sequence 299you the secret of the adolescent. She says, "The intimate vocation of man is the secret of the adolescent" (… |
Sequence 301ROAD MAP Six HISTORY FOR THE OLDER ADOLESCENT JAMES MOUDRY Jn111es Maud ry e111phasizes n11 intemntio11a! perspective 011… |
Sequence 305time, it's the people in it, it's how they relate to the place, it's how they relate to each other. And in the… |
Sequence 71ply never heard about Maria Montessori and her little school in San Lorenzo? It's far more likely that we shouldn't… |
Sequence 74tessori school(s) we are doing this very "such and such," it helps to ma kc parents comfortable and to see… |
Sequence 81fact that someone is successful and their Montessori background or their educational preferences. On this front we would lose… |
Sequence 82Our short-term goal is building and retaining enrollment. Our long-term goal is bringing the Montessori experience to all… |
Sequence 174from police blotter reports, in which case they're likely to be low; or if they come from scientifically controlled… |
Sequence 192Childhood to Adolescence 64). The opening of the exhibit at the DeKalb History Centei~ located in the old stone courthouse in… |
Sequence 223transferred from the host to the most senior of the guests. How can this be accomplished? You would probably have to read the… |
Sequence 47This experience, typical of some of the schools that I was looking at (but not the Montessori schools), amazed me. When I… |
Sequence 66they thought it was a heart question and a symbol of an eye if it was a research question. Some questions were both. When we… |
Sequence 133children than most Montessorians care to support but never fails to emphasize the fact that hands-on exploration, time in the… |
Sequence 167In a typical study we would have two hundred children doing this questionnaire eight times a day for a week, four or five… |
Sequence 29A Montessori Plea for the Special Child by Therese Hahn Therese Hahn's own childrearing experience motivates her intense… |
Sequence 21The Arts: Setting: Time: Characters: A Play on Writing a Play By Sister Mary Aloyse Gerhardstein, R.S.M. The 9-12… |
Sequence 55Montessori: How do you feel that children can be saved from this kind of thing? Neill: Well, the first thing is to be loved. l… |
Sequence 57Neill: Not so much lacking-fear of "You musn't do that." I believe it begins in the cradle, myself,… |
Sequence 5854 tried to destroy his religious beliefs; and I think it would be criminal. Of course it would. And the same with a child.… |
Sequence 11And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed And said "I'm gonna be like him. yeah. You know I'm gonna… |
Sequence 39These changes mean that au1omaticall} the roles and responsibilities of all other institutions having anything to do with… |
Sequence 84 nature of Montessori - the freedom that is offered to the child to mold his environ- ment, to choose his own work, as… |
Sequence 43"Eighth Grade Graduation, 1983" by Sarah Pearce and Margaret Nowak Brown Sarah Pearce and Margaret Nowak… |
Sequence 25• I babies, I think the American mother, with great ease and comfort, will be able to put the baby into the deep freeze… |
Sequence 26cardinal principle I want to give you (which has been developed out of numerous in- sights, inclding Dr. Montessori's… |