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Displaying results 301 - 400 of 757
Sequence 5like fathers, relatives, neighbors, etc., who know the child and care for that child, separation is no big deal. It doesn… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Review: Man: A Course of Study Kahn-Bruner Interview Jerome Bruner's recollection of his famous Man: A… |
Sequence 3good for discussion because all it leads to is other people saying, "Ooh" or "Aah" or &… |
Sequence 4is transactional. Philosophy, I suppose, is disciplined, educated dialogue with people sharing their subjectivity about big… |
Sequence 5"And so we see Marta, concerned about the cosmetic __ ." Let them imagine a narrative! We were having such… |
Sequence 634 Bruner: I don't like to get dragged down into a bad game of chess - if you're going to play chess, play it well… |
Sequence 1Interview: Dealing with Problems: Beyond the Elitist Principle Kahn-Plank Interview Emma Plank was a teacher with Lili… |
Sequence 220 David Kahn: How has the profession changed over the last 25 years? You once told me you worked with an entirely different… |
Sequence 422 urbanization takes away some of the spontaneity. Also an admissions policy deadens spirit. Kahn: Then, you're saying… |
Sequence 5Plank: Because there was no space for the children. The parks were not like parks here. You were not allowed to enter the… |
Sequence 624 everybody else and nothing ever happened. So not knowing too much about child deficiencies was a help. We were not too… |
Sequence 826 Kahn: This compassion for the special child that you experience with the Haus der Kinder, the compassion of other children… |
Sequence 9Kahn: Well, perhaps the limited outreach of the current Montessori movement in the United States is related to the fact that… |
Sequence 1Some Higher Education Guidelines for the Prospective Montessori Teacher By David J. Kahn Ckcasions arise when high school… |
Sequence 1On Being a Montessori Grandmother by Peggy Kahn With a touch of satire and a grain of truth. Mrs. Kahn presents her… |
Sequence 8On Being a Montessori Grandmother by Peggy Kahn With a touch of satire and a grain of truth. Mrs. Kahn presents her… |
Sequence 1The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 1October, 1983 Dear Mr. Kahn Letter to the Editor In reviewing Rita Kramer's biography, MARIA MONTESSORI. some years ago… |
Sequence 2Lili Peller and Me an interview with Margot Waltuch Kahn: Margot, tell us about your first contact with Lili Peller. Waltuch… |
Sequence 33 Mrs. Pelter's Special Class with Seniors John Dewey: "Experiences in Education," 1938 Quote what… |
Sequence 4McGraw et. al. the article presents classical Montessori Principles. Let me find some lines. "Development cannot be… |
Sequence 55 Kahn: What are some of Peller's views on day care? Waltuch: Look at her "fourteen points." She gets… |
Sequence 77 1 Personal Belongings are particularly essential when his school day is long. 1 Behavior Deviations. The child with special… |
Sequence 142. History of Education Quarterly. Burstyn, Joan. (1979). 19, 145-49, (5). 3. Journal of Teacher Education. Haberman,… |
Sequence 20Ward, Florence Elizabeth.a (1913). The Montessori method and the American school. New York: Macmillan & Co. l.… |
Sequence 2122 Kahn, David, (Ed.). A parent's guide to Montessori elementary. Available from NAMI'A. Maier, William. What… |
Sequence 2223 Bruner, Jerome. (1982). A view of childminding. NAHTA Quarterly, 2, 9-21, (13). A dialogue about child rearing. (… |
Sequence 2627 Jordan, Nancy. (1974). The malad'usted child in a Montessori settin Paper delivered at the Congress in Turin.… |
Sequence 3132 Stimulation and fatigue. (1919, September 18). Times Educational Supplement, pp.475-76, (4). Thompson, s. R. (1924).… |
Sequence 5152 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 54COSMIC EDUCATION Eugenia, Mother Isabel. (1972). Catholic religion in cosmic education. Paper presented at Palo Alto.… |
Sequence 5556 CREATIVE DRAMA Gerhartstein, Sister Mary Aloyse. (1980). A play on writing a play. NAMTA Quarterly,!, 17-23, (7).… |
Sequence 6061 CULTURAL STUDIES Devi, Dipti. (1963). Festivities observed in the Montessori Shishu Bhavan. Around the Child,~. 54-58… |
Sequence 6162 Peller, Lili. (1978). The Children's House. NAMTA Quarterly, 1, 47-55, ( 9). Schaefer, Larry & Schaefer… |
Sequence 79Haring, Norris. (1963). Reflections upon contemporary learning theory and application in a structured environment Paper… |
Sequence 8081 B. Home Environment Banerjee, Bincy Bushan. (1960). How far the street influence affects home education. Around the… |
Sequence 8182 Thrush, Ursula. (1979). Education as peace. NAHTA Quarterly, !!,, 68-71, (4). Thrush, Ursula. (1978). Maria… |
Sequence 82Designs for differences. (Video]. Cleveland, Ohio: National Media Center/ NAMTA. 83 Growing up Montessori. [Video].… |
Sequence 8485 Raman, S. P., & Bowen, Elizabeth L. (1975). Nutrition and development. The Constructive Triangle, l, 41-46, (6… |
Sequence 94Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 108109 Heller, H. H. (1914). Appreciation: Maria Montessori. Journal of Education, 79, 96, (l). Hoehm, Matthew (Ed.). (1948… |
Sequence 120121 Hoff, Ragnhild. (1966). Anna Maria Maccheroni. Communications, 1, 26, (1). In memoriam: Albert Max Joosten. (1980).… |
Sequence 131Kahn, David. rebirths. ( 1983). Second AMI su.mmer institute: Life is a series of NAMTA Quarterly, ~. 28-31, (4). New… |
Sequence 134136 Hudson Montessori Association. 91972). Montessori in the home. The Constructive Triangle, 2, 20--23, (3). Joosten, A… |
Sequence 159161 Cos, Helen R. (1968). Effect of maternal attitudes, teacher attitudes, and type of nursery school training on the… |
Sequence 164166 Jones, Sanford. Quarterly, (1976). Some reflections on religion and the child. !, 13-15, (3). Kahn, Barbara. (1983… |
Sequence 166168 F. Policy Kahn, David. (1975). Toward a handmade materials ownership policy. NAMTA Quarterly, !, 34-36, (3).… |
Sequence 172174 Hutchinson, Lily. (1924). Call of Education,!, A review of the Montessori movement in England. 68-73, (6). Ingle,… |
Sequence 193195 Kahn, David. (1981). Dealing with problems: Beyond the elitist principle: Kahn/Plank interview. NAMTA Quarterly… |
Sequence 195197 Henderson, James L. (1964). The way of the teacher. Address to the 13th International Montessori Congress--April,… |
Sequence 200202 Hanrath, c. .!., 7-8, (1972). (2) . First AMI training course in Mexico. Comnrnunications, l Harmon, Thomas. (1967… |
Sequence 201Kahn, David. (1981). Some higher education guidelines for the prospective Montessori teacher. NAMTA Quarterly, 2, 32-34… |
Sequence 207Fraser, c. Gerald. name on toys. (1972, December 16). New York Times, p.36, Montessori Society scores use of l, (l).… |
Sequence 1Montessori Syntopican: Proposal Abstract b} Mary Boehnlein and David Kahn To date there is no definitive chronicle of… |
Sequence 74tions differed depending upon whether or not she was present when the behavior ocurred. Turner (1978) designed a test for… |
Sequence 76Boehnlein, Mary. (1984). A study of college/uruversity accredited Montessori teacher training programs. NAMTA Quarterly, 9, 49… |
Sequence 110norlh ame.ri,c;an 111,1 The 1987 Montessori Summer Institute Presented by the Nonh American Montessori Teachers'… |
Sequence 117MURIEL DWYER: ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT by David Kahn Although Ms. Dwyer has written a short pamphlet entitled Key to… |
Sequence 118Dwye1·: Well, yes of course it does relate to being able to decode; some call that reading, although it is only a small part… |
Sequence 119is fundamentally outgoing. Then he must have the experiences, suffi- ciently wide experiences, and the language that goes with… |
Sequence 3SOWING THE SEEDS OF THE SCIENCES Part I Origins of Montessori Sciences........................................... 1 The… |
Sequence 22THE KODAIKANAL EXPERIENCE Kahn-Montessori Interveiw From late 1942 to March, 1944, Maria Montessori was interned against her… |
Sequence 23was taking the RAFers through enemy territory to a place near Bel- gium where they could cross to go back home. And my two… |
Sequence 24Montessori: You had to construct the environment in order for the animal to live. For each animal there was a special… |
Sequence 25depend on sunshine, water, earth, men and animals. This is a real aspect of the world's functioning. We saw purpose in… |
Sequence 26Kahn: Another part of Cosmic Education are the charts and the time- lines. Doesn't your original work in Kodaikanal run… |
Sequence 27child can experience in nature that there is something eternal, present everywhere and always, which seems to have organized… |
Sequence 137NAMTANEWS NAMTA's OPERATION HANDBOOK-A BEGINNING Although N AMTA may never recover financially from distributing a… |
Sequence 147--f;: .. - . ----:i~;,,•w•- ~....,DaCATION FOR THE 21ST CENT(JR AMI ill hold an International Study Conference ngton, D.C… |
Sequence 5Preface Montessori Research and Montessori Public Education This comprehensive volume of Montessori commentary and research… |
Sequence 7research, if properly guided, will establish once and for all the features which make Montessori unique. Defining Montessori… |
Sequence 123included not studying children who had the complete three year cycle of Montessori experience and not studying a Montessori… |
Sequence 126traditional educational training? Does the teacher fully absorb the phi- losophy so that classroom practices are changed? What… |
Sequence 103INTRODUCING LUCIANO MAZZETTI Luciano Mazzetti Dr. uuciano Mazzetti is the president of the International Montes- sori Center… |
Sequence 105that Montessori used science behind her metaphors. For instance, "Child the worker" refers to the child who… |
Sequence 109NAMTANEWS Montessori in the Public Schools: A Finished Documentary NAMTA traveled with cameras and lights to four cities… |
Sequence 51CLASS DISCUSSION A Scenario For The Trivium by Journet Kahn Dr. Kahn looks at the liberal arts of logic, grammm; and… |
Sequence 133Audrey Sillick, a Montessori trained naturalist, directs the program which focuses on the Montessori classroom both indoors… |
Sequence 134charge as the last journal for that membership year. For more information, contact David Kahn at (216) 371-1566. ANNOUNCING… |
Sequence 72KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH MONTESSORI ROOTS An Interview with Mildred Gunawardena In an interview with Damd Kahn, Mildred Guna:… |
Sequence 73Dr. Montessori lectured from 9 A.M. until 12 noon and 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. every day. Saturdays_ were ow· practical days, our… |
Sequence 74Kahn: So you prepared your albums during that second period. Gunawardena: No, we did that with Dr. Montessori. I had to make… |
Sequence 75where he sees only the sky. This is the difference between Montessori and normal education. I don't think Montessori will… |
Sequence 76Kahn: When you took the course in England, with Mario Montessori, how did cosmic education become evident to you? Gunawardena… |
Sequence 77are able to visualize any given lrnowledge. By 18 you have envisioned the whole universe. Then at 18 you decide what your… |
Sequence 78with Montessori. As you made what Montessori calls the levels of ascent as you go and work through the years, what discovery… |
Sequence 79observations. There was a book that was prepared for her coming. At first I didn't know what she had written. At a… |
Sequence 80cannot produce children because first you have to reach maturity. If you attempt to do something that a mature person does,… |
Sequence 81Kahn: That's very interesting. Who are some of the people you tell stories about besides George Washington? Gunawardena… |
Sequence 122(Mary Boehnlein1 Montessori Urban Task Force (Alcillia Clifford1 Mon- tessori Erdkinder Collaborative (John McNamara1 and… |
Sequence 7THE MONTFS.SORI CoNfRIBUTION TO EDUCATIONAL REFORM APROWGUE by David Kahn Washington, D.C., March 1, 1991. Operation Desert… |
Sequence 57MONfFSSORI: ANSWERS 10 PROBLEMS OF EDUCA11ONAL REFORM by Mary Maher Boehnlein Mary Boehnkin posits Montessori's view of… |
Sequence 60What makes the Montessori curriculwn work are: its long history of implementation, its focus on giving the keys (process) to… |
Sequence 6THE ExPERIMENT FOR THE ExPERIMENT by David Kahn From the dual perspective of Montessori educator and father of two chilaren… |
Sequence 141THE MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT: FRAMEWORKS FOR INVENTION by David Kahn Extrapolating from the primary and elementary curriculum… |
Sequence 183During the 1970s, the continued enthusiasm for the Montessori method led many private Montessori schools to expand their… |
Sequence 184nizational structure and administrative practice which is consistent with their educational goals and their guiding philosophy… |
Sequence 189(AMI), established by Dr. Montessori in 1929, provides the most com- prehensive approach to teacher training. Other training… |
Sequence 198viduals and social organizations to deal with complexity and change in ways which are both adaptive and creative. The emerging… |
Sequence 199Kahn, David. (1990). Implementing Montessori education in the public sector. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. North American… |