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Displaying results 501 - 600 of 757
Sequence 73In view of the principle of indeterminacy, Dawkins would readily agree with the statement of Gregory the Great. Taking all… |
Sequence 80the structure itself should function for contemporary children as an essential part of the prepared Montessori environment.… |
Sequence 107TOWARDS A THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE FRAMEWORK FOR A MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL by David Kahn Tl1e fon11a tio11 of the adolescent… |
Sequence 109obtains, allocates, supervises, and safeguards the work done as self help. This work is found either within the school itself… |
Sequence 119D. Adolescents need to know about their world as it is, but they also need to see the best aspects of human organiza- tion;… |
Sequence 129Kahn, David. "Montessori Erdkinder: The Social Evolution of the Little Community." Tile NAMTA journal 31.l… |
Sequence 3THE NAMTA JOURNAL VoL. 33, No. 2 • SPRING 2008 MONTESSORI AND SPECIAL EDUCATION In affiliation with 1hc Associa1ion… |
Sequence 105SUPPORT AND ENGAGEMENT FOR ALL STUDENTS by John R. Snyder and Donna Bryant Goertz Donna Bryant Coertzn11d John S11yder… |
Sequence 180hundred years without special education staffs. So even though the sophistication of information-specialized information-is… |
Sequence 199Montessori referred to children who possessed habits of deep concentration (i.e., those who had repeated flow experiences) as… |
Sequence 217Csikszentrnjhalyi, M. Creativity: Flow a11d the Psychology of Discovery a11d l11vention. New York: HarperCollins, 1996.… |
Sequence 2WHAT Is NAMTA? The \Jonh American :\1onte,,nn Teacher,· ,\,-,oc1ati11n prm 1de, a medium of ,tud). interpretation. and im-… |
Sequence 81to show them the "human capacity to solve problems and ... [the capacity] of the spiritual source of life to overcome… |
Sequence 83REFERENCES Blake, William." Auguries of Innocence." 1803. Blake, William. So11gs of /1111oce11ce n11d of… |
Sequence 102Fabre, J. Henri. Tlte Life of the Spider. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1915. Kahn, David. "The Kodaikanal Experience-Part… |
Sequence 2WHAT Is NAMTA? I he :\onh Amcric,,n Muntc.'"ori Tead1er-,· \v,<x1ation prO\ idc, a medium ol ,tud\.… |
Sequence 39Facility Ownership Forty-seven percent of the responding schools rent their facilities while 53% own them, up from a 50-50… |
Sequence 49using the primary (3-6) level as an example. Median salaries at the 3-6 age level are shown for teachers employed at schools… |
Sequence 224foundations of meaning, they lose their appeal. Nature has an im- portant role to play in shaking these foundations. THE… |
Sequence 254Ago." January 10, 2010. Kaiser Family Fo1111dalio11. March 26, 2010 <… |
Sequence 8A system is a set of interrelated elements that make a uni- fied whole. Individual things-like plants, people, schools,… |
Sequence 71We Tell Stories to Inspire the Second-Plane Child's Tendency towards Hero Worship If you go to the biography section of… |
Sequence 85and service to the earth itself. When students work in service of something larger than themselves, they feel connected. This… |
Sequence 208Kahn, David. "Normalization and Normality across the Planes of Development." Tlte NAMTA Jo11r11a/ 22.2 (1997… |
Sequence 189Far_ji-0111 Italy: First Europe and then India 27 AMI (ed.), cit.. p.47. 28 P. Giovetti. cit., p. I 03. 29 Ibid, p. IOI. 30… |
Sequence 213Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 199 Montessori course of 1910 and the Children's… |
Sequence 230216 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Di Rudini A., 25n. Dolmetseh E. A., 149. Ercole… |
Sequence 248Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years student begins to… |
Sequence 249Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Moral, or ethical,… |
Sequence 250Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years future, Montessori… |
Sequence 297Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Bibliography Dewey, J… |
Sequence 338The new child, she said, must show us how to make all mankind aware of its unity. That human being is different from us and… |
Sequence 339Montessori's path for a science of peace is clear and radical and so optimistic that the junior class is doubtful it can… |
Sequence 340Now 12 says, for the betterment of society. The high school is the training ground for a scie11tia co11- at11rnlis, an exalted… |
Sequence 5MONTESSORI HISTORY IN SEARCH OF A SOUL by David Kahn I realize only too well thnt l nm losing my faith i11 the possibility… |
Sequence 7puts the spotlight on another kind of spiritual impetus: the understand- ing of the greater wltole tltroug/J living together… |
Sequence 93REFLECTIONS ON THE DEATH OF SOFIA CAVALLETTI AUGUST 23, 2011 by David Kahn, 2012 Other i111portant threads in these… |
Sequence 6Part II hIstory oF the unIverse: the earth and the IntegratIon oF the human PersonalIty ...............................81… |
Sequence 111 Kahn • Preface: Revelations Then and Now—Guided by Nature Preface: revelations then and now—Guided by nature by David… |
Sequence 133 Kahn • Preface: Revelations Then and Now—Guided by Nature of the human personality and of our planetary system are playing… |
Sequence 155 Kahn • Preface: Revelations Then and Now—Guided by Nature all of Montessori. The critical function of the natural world is… |
Sequence 177 Kahn • Preface: Revelations Then and Now—Guided by Nature Children need a real connection and a freedom to be in nature—… |
Sequence 9383 Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience the KodaiKanal exPerience: chaPter i Kahn-wiKraMaratne interview… |
Sequence 9585 Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience students used to go away after the lecture; I would run up there… |
Sequence 9787 Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience WIKRAMARATNE: Yes. Kodaikanal was a place where English, American… |
Sequence 9989 Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience Watering, Bombay, India, 1940 let’s go for a ramble first and… |
Sequence 10191 Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience Miss Lena Wikramaratne (1909-1982) was a student and colleague of… |
Sequence 10393 Kahn-Montessori Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience the KodaiKanal exPerience: chaPter ii Kahn-Montessori interview… |
Sequence 10595 Kahn-Montessori Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience MONTESSORI: Yes, we had many occasions to make moral lessons with… |
Sequence 10797 Kahn-Montessori Interview • The Kodaikanal Experience Walking the line carrying various objects including a pink tower,… |
Sequence 172162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 What we elementary Montessori teachers have to remember is that the real… |
Sequence 293283 O’Shaughnessy • Epilogue: The Child and the Environment might be given along with other names, and whose function is to… |
Sequence 297287 O’Shaughnessy • Epilogue: The Child and the Environment the children feel a sense of pride and accomplish- ment. Dr.… |
Sequence 298288 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 significant services for us, such as inventing the wheel, discovering… |
Sequence 300290 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 nurtured through a dramatic passage from one realm of existence to… |
Sequence 302292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 71 Kahn • Preface: Practical Life Preface: Practical life– a transforming realization from Birth to adulthood by David Kahn… |
Sequence 93 Kahn • Preface: Practical Life |
Sequence 93 Kahn • Preface Connie Black spotlights the social cohesion argument, quoting Montessori: Children who have acquired the… |
Sequence 5549 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment adolescents can live at all times of day and night, in all weathers,… |
Sequence 6458 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Chawla, L. In the First Country of Places: Nature, Poetry and Childhood… |
Sequence 133127 Mosher • Into the City a references Kahn, David. “The Unfolding Drama of the Montessori Adolescent in America.” The… |
Sequence 181175 Henke • Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace Class. Here students address current issues such as biological politics, water… |
Sequence 188182 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 of extending it to Montessori adolescent communities around the globe.… |
Sequence 197191 Henke • Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace reform issues of our time. These student groups form the backbone of peace… |
Sequence 93 Kahn • Preface Montessori associations are working together, and we all can see new Montessori expansion ahead as the… |
Sequence 71 Kahn • The Deeper Meaning of Inclusion in Montessori Education Preface: The DeePer Meaning of inclusion in MonTessori… |
Sequence 93 Kahn • The Deeper Meaning of Inclusion in Montessori Education The dramatic statement of inclusion values in a Montessori… |
Sequence 272266 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 possibly provide a structure for indigenous educators to create their… |
Sequence 5549 Schaefer • Grace and Courtesy and Beyond com/2014/09/11/fashion/steve-jobs-apple-was-a-low- tech-parent.html>.… |
Sequence 159153 Kahn • Review of Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter review of like leaven By Patricia coulter by Barbara Kahn I first met… |
Sequence 161155 Kahn • Review of Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter the simplicity of the Mass presentation and how such simple things and… |
Sequence 163157 Kahn • Review of Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter |
Sequence 71 Kahn • Innovation within Montessori Structure The truth of Montessori is balance, as these writers clearly state, and the… |
Sequence 93 Kahn • Innovation within Montessori Structure Drama performance, Montessori High School at University Circle, Cleveland, OH… |
Sequence 115 Kahn • Innovation within Montessori Structure a disciplines, and in which Montessori teachers present the materials that… |
Sequence 71 Kahn • The Technology Gospel According to Montessorian The Technology gospel According To MonTessoriAn John McnAMArA: The… |
Sequence 93 Kahn • The Technology Gospel According to Montessorian Montessori’s truths are always simple. Technology in the classroom—… |
Sequence 4337 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems globAl science And sociAl sysTeMs: The essenTiAls oF MonTessori educATion And… |
Sequence 4539 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems The MonTessori eleMenTAry inFrAsTrucTure The Interdependencies: The Abstract… |
Sequence 4741 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems ecosystem contains most meaningful (Greg MacDonald, unpub- lished course notes… |
Sequence 4943 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems not an end in themselves. And to understand anything in the real world, to help… |
Sequence 5145 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems evolutionary end of human history implicit in Montessori’s cosmic plan. In a… |
Sequence 5347 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems The knowledge demanded is not a subject to be covered, but rather knowledge to… |
Sequence 5549 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems Occupations Classified as Science Lessons 2001–2002 Chemistry • Atoms and… |
Sequence 5751 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems Zoology • Characteristics of mammals • Characteristics of birds • Systems… |
Sequence 5953 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems achieving on tests, but for the sake of the production and exchange within the… |
Sequence 6054 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 sense of justice and life will blossom tranquilly under ordered labour… |
Sequence 6155 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems and of activity. If during the period of adolescence that interest in the… |
Sequence 6357 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems can invite other international schools and then meet with all summit… |
Sequence 6559 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems awareness wherever there is a Montessori adolescent program. This is a need for… |
Sequence 6761 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems all stages of the child’s self-construction, widening like the spider web is the… |
Sequence 357351 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C. J., & Pomeroy J. “ADHD Symptom… |
Sequence 2923 Cunningham • From Cosmic Education to Civic Responsibility day-to-day actions of each and contributes to the maintenance… |
Sequence 3024 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 all people, global view, interdependency of all life” (Kahn). Our… |
Sequence 3428 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 AMI Refresher Course, Austin, TX. February 17-20, 2017. Kahn, David. “… |
Sequence 53Montessori and Assessment: Some Issues of Assessment and Curriculum Reform introduction This study investigates the impact… |
Sequence 58AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 119A Science of Peace page 118 heads and intellectuals needed to learn how to work with their hands, as ‘men who have hands and… |