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Displaying results 1 - 87 of 87
Sequence 8accelerated as a consequence of using the Montessori materials. Subjects were in their second year in three different… |
Sequence 1THE ROOTS OF DISCIPLINE by Lili E. Peller Ms. Peller begins with a Montessori definition of discipline, and then shows a… |
Sequence 4They converse at length about the size of a polishing cloth, the beauty of a pouring pitcher, the exhibition of the sensorial… |
Sequence 3IN MEMORIAM ELISE BRAUN BARNETT 1904-1994 On November 20, 1994, the Montessori community lost a tireless lover of children… |
Sequence 1In 1938, with the help of friends in India, she and her family managed to leave Austria before the War. She was to spend nine… |
Sequence 16In 1938, with the help of friends in India, she and her family managed to leave Austria before the War. She was to spend nine… |
Sequence 17IN MEMORIAM ELISE BRAUN BARNETT 1904-1994 On November 20, 1994, the Montessori community lost a tireless lover of children… |
Sequence 7These booklets are sold in three-volume sets. Series One includes The Home Environment, The Road to Discipline, and The… |
Sequence 2THE CHILDREN' s HOUSE by Lili E. Peller Lili Peller' s interest in creating the right environment as a decisive… |
Sequence 1THEORIES OF PLAY by Lili E. Peller As a Montessorian and psychoanalyst, Lili Peller provides a developmental perspective on… |
Sequence 4THE ENVIRONMENT What kind of environment must we prepare for children who will be spending most of their waking hours there?… |
Sequence 8out and hang it on the line. Of course it freezes, but that's the way it's always been done in Minnesota. We can… |
Sequence 15well together. Teachers and staff must refrain from being judgmental of parents who work long hours. The assistants must… |
Sequence 37need for simple beauty in mind. Its model school building was designed by the architect Franz Schuster in the Bauhaus style… |
Sequence 38The pantry It should be possible to move almost everything outdoors- chairs, tables, shelves, screens, and easels. Often… |
Sequence 40The qualities of space- the feeling of spaciousness or of nestling in a small enclosure, the sensation of being high up… |
Sequence 186Notes and Sources, continued Centenary Exhibit. The collection also contains Lisl's beautifully handwritten notes of Dr… |
Sequence 937 Peller • The Children’s House Outdoor Equipment. As mentioned before, the playground should be directly connected with… |
Sequence 1038 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 Rather, we have set up circumstances where children are on site for long… |
Sequence 1745 Black • Montessori All Day We have to be acutely aware of how the needs of the child in long hours of care differ from… |
Sequence 2School Design: The Children's House by Lili E. Peller Emma Plank's edited papers of Lili E. Peller (Roubiczek)… |
Sequence 1Looking at the Individual Child Interview Emma Plank, editor of a new book On Development and Education of Young Children,… |
Sequence 2Plank: We lived right in the school at first, and then around the corner. We were in a working class district where there were… |
Sequence 6etc. In the summer we went to the country for at least 4 weeks, sometimes six weeks. We did these thin~ as a class, alJ… |
Sequence 1Interview: Dealing with Problems: Beyond the Elitist Principle Kahn-Plank Interview Emma Plank was a teacher with Lili… |
Sequence 1Maria Montessori visits Lili Peller These are changing times for Montessori in the United States. NAMTA has recognized thqt… |
Sequence 2Lili Peller and Me an interview with Margot Waltuch Kahn: Margot, tell us about your first contact with Lili Peller. Waltuch… |
Sequence 77 1 Personal Belongings are particularly essential when his school day is long. 1 Behavior Deviations. The child with special… |
Sequence 1Montessori, Freud and Lili Peller by Emma Plank Emma Plank's brilliant introduction to Peller denotes not only Ms. Plank… |
Sequence 29 forging links between psychoanalysis and education. At that time Lili Peller had already built up a model nursery school… |
Sequence 3Lili Peller in 1966 independent. Following the pattern of their time and class, the real care of the child was given to a… |
Sequence 4II In her university years her interest in the exploration of life became more specific: She turned to the study of the child… |
Sequence 5especially Italian so we would be prepared to understand her lectures when our turn came to go to one of the international… |
Sequence 613 College. Her eagerness to bring insights of analytic psychology to teachers in practice had found an outlet. She had… |
Sequence 1Preface to Vital Needs of Young Children by Emma Plank Lili Pe/ler's interest in creating the right environment as a… |
Sequence 2illustrated monograph, wriuen by him and Lili Peller. on the plan for the building (see illustration) and its utilization, was… |
Sequence 1The Vital Needs of the Young Child by Lili Peller If the young child is to live and to develop into a normal adult, that is… |
Sequence 1The Children's House by Lili E. Peller "We need in every part of the city units in which intelligent and co-… |
Sequence 67accelerated as a consequence of using the Montessori materials. Subjects were in their second year in three different… |
Sequence 39THE ROOTS OF DISCIPLINE by Lili E. Peller Ms. Peller begins with a Montessori definition of discipline, and then shows a… |
Sequence 8They converse at length about the size of a polishing cloth, the beauty of a pouring pitcher, the exhibition of the sensorial… |
Sequence 99INrnooucnoN SEEKING A RIGHTFUL PlAcE Bettelbeim's old-world consciousness laments the effects q/ajjluence. He cites the… |
Sequence 185IN MEMORIAM ELISE BRAUN BARNETT 1904-1994 On November 20, 1994, the Montessori community lost a tireless lover of children… |
Sequence 186In 1938, with the help of friends in India, she and her family managed to leave Austria before the War. She was to spend nine… |
Sequence 12These booklets are sold in three-volume sets. Series One includes The Home Environment, The Road to Discipline, and The… |
Sequence 14THE CHILDREN' s HOUSE by Lili E. Peller Lili Peller' s interest in creating the right environment as a decisive… |
Sequence 30THEORIES OF PLAY by Lili E. Peller As a Montessorian and psychoanalyst, Lili Peller provides a developmental perspective on… |
Sequence 68THE ENVIRONMENT What kind of environment must we prepare for children who will be spending most of their waking hours there?… |
Sequence 72out and hang it on the line. Of course it freezes, but that's the way it's always been done in Minnesota. We can… |
Sequence 79well together. Teachers and staff must refrain from being judgmental of parents who work long hours. The assistants must… |
Sequence 39need for simple beauty in mind. Its model school building was designed by the architect Franz Schuster in the Bauhaus style… |
Sequence 40The pantry It should be possible to move almost everything outdoors- chairs, tables, shelves, screens, and easels. Often… |
Sequence 42The qualities of space- the feeling of spaciousness or of nestling in a small enclosure, the sensation of being high up… |
Sequence 188Notes and Sources, continued Centenary Exhibit. The collection also contains Lisl's beautifully handwritten notes of Dr… |
Sequence 122 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 the surrounding natural environment. The adult brings the little one into… |
Sequence 4737 Peller • The Children’s House Outdoor Equipment. As mentioned before, the playground should be directly connected with… |
Sequence 4438 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 Rather, we have set up circumstances where children are on site for long… |
Sequence 5145 Black • Montessori All Day We have to be acutely aware of how the needs of the child in long hours of care differ from… |
Sequence 53School Design: The Children's House by Lili E. Peller Emma Plank's edited papers of Lili E. Peller (Roubiczek)… |
Sequence 3PREPARED ENVIRONMENT/ PSYCHOANAL YSIS/ERDKINDER & MONTESSORI Part I Montessori Prepared Environment The Prepared… |
Sequence 29Part II Montessori and Psychoanalysis Looking at the Individual Child Emma Plank/Kahn Interview Psychoanalysis and… |
Sequence 31Looking at the Individual Child Interview Emma Plank, editor of a new book On Development and Education of Young Children,… |
Sequence 32Plank: We lived right in the school at first, and then around the corner. We were in a working class district where there were… |
Sequence 36etc. In the summer we went to the country for at least 4 weeks, sometimes six weeks. We did these thin~ as a class, alJ… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI CONGRESS IN AMSTERDAM F.ditorial Report Help AMI Shape the Montessori Future by David Kahn… |
Sequence 23Interview: Dealing with Problems: Beyond the Elitist Principle Kahn-Plank Interview Emma Plank was a teacher with Lili… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI HUMANISM: ORIGIN AND TRENDS volume seven number one Part One On Human Nature: Montessori in the Humanist… |
Sequence 1PSYCHOLOGY, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT AND MONTESSORI Reflections on Learning Judy Shepps Battle Psychological V aloe of Work in… |
Sequence 3PSYCHOLOGY, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT AND MONTESSORI volume eight number one Editorial Report: Reflections on Learning by… |
Sequence 68Quarterly Themes for 1984-85 Fall Issue-"Tribute to Lili Peller" Unpublished papers of Lili Peller, Founder… |
Sequence 69MOVING? Inform NAMTA of your new address: NAME STREET ___________ _ CITY ___ STATE ___ ZIP __ _ Publication Schedule… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY volume nine number three --------- MONTESSORI HERITAGE: A TRIBUTE TO LILI PELLER Lili Peller… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI HERITAGE: A TRIBUTE TO LILI PELLER volume nine number three Lili Peller and Me Waltuch and Kahn… |
Sequence 4Maria Montessori visits Lili Peller These are changing times for Montessori in the United States. NAMTA has recognized thqt… |
Sequence 5Lili Peller and Me an interview with Margot Waltuch Kahn: Margot, tell us about your first contact with Lili Peller. Waltuch… |
Sequence 107 1 Personal Belongings are particularly essential when his school day is long. 1 Behavior Deviations. The child with special… |
Sequence 11Montessori, Freud and Lili Peller by Emma Plank Emma Plank's brilliant introduction to Peller denotes not only Ms. Plank… |
Sequence 129 forging links between psychoanalysis and education. At that time Lili Peller had already built up a model nursery school… |
Sequence 13Lili Peller in 1966 independent. Following the pattern of their time and class, the real care of the child was given to a… |
Sequence 14II In her university years her interest in the exploration of life became more specific: She turned to the study of the child… |
Sequence 15especially Italian so we would be prepared to understand her lectures when our turn came to go to one of the international… |
Sequence 1613 College. Her eagerness to bring insights of analytic psychology to teachers in practice had found an outlet. She had… |
Sequence 4037 Preface to Vital Needs of Young Children by Emma Plank Lili Pe/ler's interest in creating the right environment as a… |
Sequence 41illustrated monograph, wriuen by him and Lili Peller. on the plan for the building (see illustration) and its utilization, was… |
Sequence 4239 The Vital Needs of the Young Child by Lili Peller If the young child is to live and to develop into a normal adult, that… |
Sequence 47The Children's House by Lili E. Peller "We need in every part of the city units in which intelligent and co-… |
Sequence 9AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.9 It is not the class to which one belongs that is important, whether it is the first, second… |