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Sequence 5that was held in Dar-es-Salaam. She had the courage to come out of her community to help us to train and to help the African… |
Sequence 1GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT: MONTESSORI EDUCATION AND PEACE by Lynne Lawrence and Megan Tyne Lynne Lawrence and Mega,1 Tyne… |
Sequence 6where any malnourished child will stay with a family member until the child is re-nourished and the family member understands… |
Sequence 7assistance in developing a funding submission and, with the help of other international colleagues, a proposal was developed… |
Sequence 1The RevelaTion of The UniveRsal Child by Lynne Lawrence Lynne Lawrence puts forward the solemn belief that each child is… |
Sequence 10that was held in Dar-es-Salaam. She had the courage to come out of her community to help us to train and to help the African… |
Sequence 20GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT: MONTESSORI EDUCATION AND PEACE by Lynne Lawrence and Megan Tyne Lynne Lawrence and Mega,1 Tyne… |
Sequence 25where any malnourished child will stay with a family member until the child is re-nourished and the family member understands… |
Sequence 26assistance in developing a funding submission and, with the help of other international colleagues, a proposal was developed… |
Sequence 61 Lawrence • The Revelation of the Universal Child The RevelaTion of The UniveRsal Child by Lynne Lawrence Lynne Lawrence… |