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Sequence 4be something unusual about this one. It is certainly not that it can offer empirical evidence of success in all those fields… |
Sequence 4lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 3WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 1THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 17attempts I made to dig out information about Maria Montessori's stay and work in Koda i. My inquiries were frequent! y… |
Sequence 62The Early Days of Montessori Education in Berlin Multiplication work, Berlin Montessori class, I 92 7 Children's House… |
Sequence 66Furniture and Architecture for Children's Houses Montessori exhibition accompanying the Congress on Early Childhood held… |
Sequence 72Teaching Materials, continued Material for developing the auditory sense Three of six sound boxes, each producing a… |
Sequence 141paleontology, and zoology, as well as natural history as a whole. The third story tells the origins of humans, with a… |
Sequence 9Working and Earning Many of the activities of Erdkinder - whether in a hostel, on the farm, or in the shop - provide… |
Sequence 9596 MATHEMATICS Calvert, Patty. (1972). Memory game variation. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 19, ( l). Joosten, A. M. (… |
Sequence 10be something unusual about this one. It is certainly not that it can offer empirical evidence of success in all those fields… |
Sequence 16lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 145WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 278The education of young people in a commu- nity that is not isolated but only separated from the larger society entails… |
Sequence 18THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 215attempts I made to dig out information about Maria Montessori's stay and work in Koda i. My inquiries were frequent! y… |
Sequence 64The Early Days of Montessori Education in Berlin Multiplication work, Berlin Montessori class, I 92 7 Children's House… |
Sequence 68Furniture and Architecture for Children's Houses Montessori exhibition accompanying the Congress on Early Childhood held… |
Sequence 74Teaching Materials, continued Material for developing the auditory sense Three of six sound boxes, each producing a… |
Sequence 143paleontology, and zoology, as well as natural history as a whole. The third story tells the origins of humans, with a… |
Sequence 15Working and Earning Many of the activities of Erdkinder - whether in a hostel, on the farm, or in the shop - provide… |
Sequence 78Wednesday, 11 April - The Day of the Junior Child morning: Prof. Dr. Schulz-Benesch (Germany) The Actuality of Maria… |
Sequence 10396 MATHEMATICS Calvert, Patty. (1972). Memory game variation. The Constructive Triangle, ~. 19, ( l). Joosten, A. M. (… |