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Displaying results 3601 - 3700 of 3890
Sequence 9praying with these words: "Goodness, light, Amen.", and so, "Jesus is beautiful, is beautiful.&… |
Sequence 12mense history that God has made and is making with man throughout the centuries. Each of us has entered into this history and… |
Sequence 26As the Japanese have a unique understanding of fine finish, my tastes became very strongly influenced by their sense of… |
Sequence 30Since th<' answer would not (or could not) come from the professionals, Barry and Suzi Kaufman looked to their own… |
Sequence 31Film Review: To Film the Human Potential by David Kahn In social life we find too many examples of sloth of mind; people… |
Sequence 32would never guC'ss that a camera was in proximity given the natural poist• of thl'S(' childn•n nt work. Pl… |
Sequence 35Introducing a policy and/or program into an existing school situation is more difficult and requires tact, patience, much… |
Sequence 39USE OF MATERIALS WITHOUT DEMONSTRATION Many American adults have difficulty saying no to children. One of the manifestations… |
Sequence 43teacher in attractive resort area. AMI pre- ferred. Contact Marie Scott, Montessori Children's Center, 200 W. 7th St.,… |
Sequence 3PARENT EDUCATION: FORM AND CONTENT Editorial Report: Parents and Adults in the House of Children Unite around the Child by A… |
Sequence 8MONTESSORI BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR PARENTS The Indian publications as well as all Joosten leaflets can be ordered from Montessori… |
Sequence 12and a material making coordinator. Parents have acknowledged the value of these sessions for increasing their understanding of… |
Sequence 27The Value of Parent Study Groups by Ruthanne Reed and Nancy Cannon Ms. Reed and Ms. Cannon apply the auto didactic Montessori… |
Sequence 40"Every work of this kind presents the facts as they are known to the writer, and something more - the writer's… |
Sequence 41Interview: Rita Kramer: A Voice in a Continuing Dialogue Rita Kramer's biography inspired a personal visit to New York.… |
Sequence 45Book Review: Maria Montessori Author: Rita Kramer 4 JO pp. New York: G.P. Putnam 's Sons, 1976 review by David Kahn… |
Sequence 46analytic remarks are conclusions, not facts and the book in its mingling of fact and opinion risks serious misinterpretation… |
Sequence 47views the preservationist impulse as dogmatism. Kramer maintains that after a certain point Montessori's life work ceased… |
Sequence 48Spiritual Education: God's Presence in a Montessori Environment by Betty Hissong Mrs. Hissong is a seasoned Montessori… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Cosmic Education by Mario Montessori, Jr. Mario Montessori's book Education for Human Development dem… |
Sequence 7concept of cosmic education. There are three separate aspects of this con- ception that should be considered in this regard.… |
Sequence 11them with consciousness. During this process they inadvertently fertilize the flowers they visit by carrying pollen from one… |
Sequence 13At Home in the Natural World by Jim Roberts Jim Roberts emphasizes the importance of sensorial experiences of na- ture at… |
Sequence 34pressions of the wonder and beauty of the world is however restricted to a "vacuum." Then in elementary… |
Sequence 69Announcement: New Books Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori by Mario M. Montessori, Jr. has been… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: East of the Sun and West of the Moon and 398.2 on the Library Shelves by Lilian B. Mullane Ms. Mullane… |
Sequence 55Curriculum Review: Nienhuis Montessori U.S.A. Under the direction and management of Monte Kenison, Nienhuis Mon- tessori U.S… |
Sequence 61MONTESSORI CHILDREN HOUSE OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS seeks a teacher for growing primary class. Pleasant Ozark town; near… |
Sequence 5THE MONTESSORI ERDKINDER EXPERIMENT Editorial Report: Maria Montessori's Erdkinder Experiment by Ursula Thrush… |
Sequence 7Editorial Report: Maria Montessori's Erdkinder Experiment by Ursula Thrush Ms. Thursh s Erdkinder Project has survived… |
Sequence 8. II I I I I I are allowed to fully experience their emerging independence and responsibilities, enabling them to… |
Sequence 9function of employment during this sensitive period is to allow students to discover their own innate needs and inclinations… |
Sequence 10And finally an objective that is not wholly in either class, the development of a sense of identity and self-esteem. 11 This… |
Sequence 17Maria Montessori Farmschool Half Moon Bay, California by Ursula Thrush The First Year: 1978 At present the Farmschool is… |
Sequence 20the students themselves in the process. One project currently under consideration is a video/film production tracing the… |
Sequence 23Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 53School Design: The Children's House by Lili E. Peller Emma Plank's edited papers of Lili E. Peller (Roubiczek)… |
Sequence 70that emerge from the matter with which they work. These arts dealing with the inani- mate are called the operative arts. It… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: The Case for Montessori Creativity by David Kahn The following article is a reprint of the keynote lecture… |
Sequence 9model for point, line, surface and solid, respectively. The study of lines leads to the study of angles, the study of angles… |
Sequence 29Creativity: Its Role in Development by Tillie Sullivan Ms. Sullivan compiles a Montessori view of creativity seen as a… |
Sequence 30modern "art", much of which reflects the chaos in which modern man has had to construct himself. What the… |
Sequence 31nature and whole being what is necessary for life.''1 The Montessori Environment is designed and maintained on this… |
Sequence 41terrelated, to see what Montessori has given and what still has to be developed." John (his Americanized first name)… |
Sequence 43In Psicoaritmetica, Maria Montessori speaks of how, before, the quantities were 'really' given by objects, objects… |
Sequence 54"Let's change the linen, let's do it together." And through the repetition, the child sees,… |
Sequence 64choosing 10 sacrifice so their children may have Montessori. A strong primary program provides 6- 9 year old class with well… |
Sequence 8mind. The theoretical significance of the pa11ern of stimuli in producing a perceptual experience was recognized by the… |
Sequence 9absorbs images into the individual's very life." Dr. Maria Montessori ( 1973) tells us in To Educate the Human… |
Sequence 13Both physiological difficulties and psychological traumas can hinder a child develop- mentally resulting in a handicapping… |
Sequence 15all want the best for our children; we want them to grow and develop into independ- ent, competent and mature adults. However… |
Sequence 16treating. However, the history of the abuse which has been laid upon the mentally ill and the retarded is a case of record of… |
Sequence 17birth. He looked better, felt better and became more physically active. The details of this remarkable psychoanalytic event… |
Sequence 18identity which was most unique; the word was "nobody." The word "nobody" provided a… |
Sequence 34Brian did all the cylinder blocks, the tower and the brown stairs throughout the year. Soon. after his initial acquaintance,… |
Sequence 40social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 42Curriculum Development: Departmentalized Team Teaching: Negative Compromise by David Kahn ", .. It is not enough… |
Sequence 47Classroom Management: The Prepared Environment Re-examined by Gerald E. Dzura Too often the space arrangement of 1he… |
Sequence 51Announcement: On Becoming an AMI-Recognized School The Association Montessori lnternationale was founded in 1929 by Dr. Maria… |
Sequence 12obstacles such as shelves. The ends of the long section may be connected by a gently curving line, never by broken straight… |
Sequence 28German/English To Maria Montessori Letter of Sigmund Freud, dated December 20. 1917 Verehrteste Frau, Ich habe mich… |
Sequence 31Looking at the Individual Child Interview Emma Plank, editor of a new book On Development and Education of Young Children,… |
Sequence 32Plank: We lived right in the school at first, and then around the corner. We were in a working class district where there were… |
Sequence 37Psychoanalysis and Education by Lil.i Peller Ms. Pellers work with Anna Freud and Montessori presents an interesting blend of… |
Sequence 43Montessori Education and Modern Psychology by Mario Montessori Mario Montessori, Jr. shows the comparability of modern… |
Sequence 44• The continuity in human history is a cultural continuity, whereas the continuity in the animal world is in principle… |
Sequence 49teachers are required to do this, it is important to give considerable attention to such matters in their training. Otherwise… |
Sequence 59But wait. Let's stop dreaming. Someone in the comer, a parent asks, "How will these children do at the… |
Sequence 65Report from Erdkinder Atlanta By Phil Gang Jn this report Mario Montessori responds to the previous Erdkinder Atlanta inter… |
Sequence 68one, i.e. the less divergent education of their children. should be the first to be organized. 5. An advantage is that such a… |
Sequence 71Education as Peace by Ursula Thrush Ms. Thrush reminds us that the main thrust of Montessori education takes us well beyond… |
Sequence 8Discussions directed to the Adolescent were generally less specific and more specu- lative. Professor Koning, a retired high… |
Sequence 9Early Social Development and Proficiency in Later Life by Theodor Hellbri.igge (translated by Dr. Peter Pohl) Dr. Hellbrugge… |
Sequence 14establish lasting ties with others. Thus a sensitive period also seems to pertain to social development, a period after which… |
Sequence 20The morning of April 10th featured excellent talks on the young child by Dr. Silvana Montanaro and Mrs. Goo! Minwalla. The… |
Sequence 28unlocks leads to nothing of interest to the child. Either the door led to something that was of great interest to the teacher… |
Sequence 40social organizations in nature, to be explained in Darwinian terms? How are the genes which code out this kind of behavior… |
Sequence 41his reason that the child first absorbs such images .... the child is bringing into being the most precious gift which gives… |
Sequence 42Psychoanalysis and Montessori: The Development of the Child's Self by Lili Peller Ms. Peller presents a psychoanalytic… |
Sequence 44Development never happens in a straight line. There's always a shuttling back and forth. An achievement, a sensitivity… |
Sequence 54ANNOUNCEMENT: The program America's celebration of the 50th anniver- sary of the Association Montessori lnterna-… |
Sequence 55LECTURERS (partial list) Sanford Jones is the Educational Director of St. Michael's Montessori School in New York City… |
Sequence 5Montessori Birth Assistance by G. Honegger Fresco translated by Luigi Messineo Montessori begins at birth is more than a… |
Sequence 6opened toward the renewal of ways and means related to pregnancy, delivery and the child's early period of life. Thus… |
Sequence 8,._ f') A Tribute To The Infant Class Tradition P 2_ by Rita Messineo A photo essay Jµfant,.._clQS!eJ are prcjlif~ra~… |
Sequence 17On Becoming a Human Being Kahn-Montanaro Interview As an outgrowth of the AMI National Conference at Tarrytown, New York, Dr… |
Sequence 19enlarge hjs environment. So if we could choose, I would wait until that time. Of course, you can bring the little one to the… |
Sequence 47Part II The Kodaikanal Experience the origins of Cosmic Education The Kodaikanal years were from late 1942 to March, 1944, a… |
Sequence 49The Kodaikanal Experience - Chapter I Kahn-Wikramaratne Interview David Kahn: The KodaikanaJ experience was instrumental to… |
Sequence 50Kahn: This was the Dewey environment. Wikramaratne: Yes. One day, I made my fellow teachers furious. I challenged the idea of… |
Sequence 51that. They gave us pieces of paper, the diplomas, after the course and I said I didn't want it; I have to come back to… |
Sequence 59The Kodaikanal Experience - Chapter II Kahn-Montessori Interview David Kahn: You once alluded to Kodaikanal as a community in… |
Sequence 64This reminds me of the time when Maria Montessori visited the school in Laren, Holland. The children were working in the… |
Sequence 62 of an obstacle, economically and psychologically, and that is why it is reasonable to assume that our initial efforts will… |
Sequence 84 urban school to be an acceptable compromise it will have to be organized along more traditional lines. So the task for the… |
Sequence 25Thoughts on the Erdkinder Project by Dr. Lena Wikramaratne Dr. Wikramaratne makes both philosophical and practical commentary… |
Sequence 35The Maria Montessori Farmschool/Erdkinder at Half Moon Bay (Press. release) Ursula Thrush's brave new world deserves… |
Sequence 67National Montessori Media Center - Part II FIim Library The Media Center will begin to take Rim bookings for the following… |
Sequence 2218 quantities well into the thousands. It was also apparent that Will could read with good comprehension. Our major concern,… |
Sequence 24demands of social living, so that one can respond to varying situations with adequate, appropriate behavior. A child… |