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Displaying results 3801 - 3890 of 3890
Sequence 56Revesz, Geza. (1925). Progressive education. The Call of Education, 2 71-73, (3). Rogers, George W. (1977). Maria… |
Sequence 5750 Spodek, Bernard. (1970). What are the sources of early childhood curriculum? Young Children, 26, 48-50. (3). Standing… |
Sequence 62COSMIC EDUCATION Eugenia, Mother Isabel. (1972). Catholic religion in cosmic education. Paper presented at Palo Alto.… |
Sequence 6760 Evans, Olive. (1968, July 7). The Montessori method--pro and con. New York Times, .2, p. 4, (1). Fleege, Urban. ( 1968… |
Sequence 7366 Bronder, Ann Kenny. (1981). Lasting impressions: The Montessori approach. Momentum,.!±_, 36-37, (2). Brooklyn Eagle. (… |
Sequence 7568 Dru11DDond, Margaret. (1935). Montessori method as a basis of modern education. Conference of Educational Associations… |
Sequence 76Godefroy, J. C. L. (1925). Perspectives provided by the Montessori method. Call of Education, 3, 24-31, (8). Goodwin, Gary… |
Sequence 7770 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 8073 Montessori, Mario. (1972). Voices from the past and the present. Communications,_!, 2-4, (3). Montessori, Mario, Jr… |
Sequence 8376 Siquerra, T. N. (1957). Montessori for children. Journal of Education and Psychology. Reprinted (1957). Around the… |
Sequence 84Steward, J. A. (1912). Madame Maria Montessori. Journal of Education, 11, 702, ( 1). St. John, A. (1927). Montessori and… |
Sequence 96Rhymes and rhythm. (1960). Around the Child, 1, 55-56, (2). Selman, Ruth,. (1984). First words: Anecdotal observations of… |
Sequence 113106 (n.d.). The three levels of ascent. Reprinted (1962). Around the Child, 2, 1-3, (3). (1933). The two natures of the… |
Sequence 114107 Centenary ce le brat ions in 1970. ( 1969). Communications, i, 29-30, (2). Centenary celebrations in 1970. (1970).… |
Sequence 115108 Dr. Montessori's aim. (1913, December 9). New York Times, (1). Dr. Montessori with her new race plan. (1913,… |
Sequence 116109 Heller, H. H. (1914). Appreciation: Maria Montessori. Journal of Education, 79, 96, (l). Hoehm, Matthew (Ed.). (1948… |
Sequence 117110 Madame Montessori is here; Talks of work. (1913, December). Chicago Herald Tribune. 1_, p. l, ( l). Maffi, Quirino… |
Sequence 119112 ( 1). Montessori' s reception in Rome. (1914). Freedom for the Child, l, 14, (1). Montessori in Vienna:… |
Sequence 120Smart, Dr. J. Ewart. Dr. Maria Montessori 1870-1952--The origins of Montessori. Holland: Association Montessori… |
Sequence 125118 Montessori Talks to Parents Newsletter. published by North American Montessori Teachers' Association, 2859… |
Sequence 132126 Savoye, Jo Wood. (1969). Constructive Triangle, Report from the teacher's representative. f!, l-3, (3). Savoye… |
Sequence 157Foster, Lawrence J. (1970). Maria Montessori and modern educational thought some criticism of the Montessori method… |
Sequence 158152 Maas, Minerva Constance.(1971). An analysis of Froebel's play and Montessori's work in terms of their… |
Sequence 159153 Hornberger, Mary Alice. (1982). The developmental psychology of Maria Montes- sori (Italy). (Unpublished doctoral… |
Sequence 160154 Sheehan, Joan Elizabeth. (1969). A comparison of the theories of Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget in relation to the… |
Sequence 163157 LaRoche, Susan Merritt. games, and charts. (1970). A beginner's approach to science with lines, Unpublished… |
Sequence 170164 Miezitis, Solveiga. (1971). The Montessori method: Some recent research. Interchange. 3.. 41-59, (17). Reprinted (… |
Sequence 198192 Gitter, Lena L. (1973). Montessori method of indirect preparation for reading and wr1t1ng. Journal of Special… |
Sequence 214208 Montessori, Mario. Montessori teaching Herald Tribune, Nagnand, Sunanda. 67-68, (2). Peterson, Irene 0. Triangle… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI: PEACE AND EDUCATION Commemorative Edition Peace and Education Conference Atlanta, Georgia 1985 volume 11… |
Sequence 5engineering is treading a cautious path that has the potential for saving us from disease, while at the same time it tampers… |
Sequence 6only are they unprepared for relationships with the adult community, but all of their knowledge-building is void of experience… |
Sequence 28A second strategy open to the copywriter - and this is particularly useful for what might be called "luxuries&… |
Sequence 29education." Now I draw attention to these lapses not for any wish to belittle the remarkable achievement of Maria… |
Sequence 31We can now clear away some of the muddle and indicate the direction in which we might journey together in seeking a philosophy… |
Sequence 34the child. The publicly received opinion seems to be that if the teacher does not teach then the student does not learn, or,… |
Sequence 36If we understood fully how Socrates is able to do that - without, of course, his doing it at all - then we would really know… |
Sequence 37due process. But ultimately, people are instruments, tools, and eminently dispensable. The Montessori movement in its own… |
Sequence 38Montessori's Concept of Personality: The Development of Inner Peace by Michael Gross Using a careful analytic approach… |
Sequence 39The folJowing chart will delineate the components of personality. Personality = Totality of Physical and Mental Potentialities… |
Sequence 45sensible, apparently insightful patter of information that was his source of knowledge. He may also have found it impossible… |
Sequence 47universal evolution of human consciousness. Gradually mankind will realize how infi- nitely silly it is to even remotely… |
Sequence 12A Career in Montessori Education by Rita Schaefer Rita Schaefer presents an objective view of Montessori career options, as… |
Sequence 14I ! ~ ll 11 teaching credential have the possibility of entering a public Montessori School. Beyond this level are… |
Sequence 22Goodbye Montessori A Personal Account by Martha Kent At 1he Lhreshold of reriremenl. Manha Kem /akes a nostalgic look at her… |
Sequence 23Photo by Ann Luce thought, the equal inclusion of cultures everywhere brought increasing areas of knowledge within my… |
Sequence 24II I The usefulness of Montessori training outside of the classroom was impressive in several ways. Ln my adjunct career as… |
Sequence 25Montessori Careers by Carol Dittberner Ms. Diffberner"s itinerare career presents a personal evolution leading to… |
Sequence 2611 I 1, II Ii I I There [ sat, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, in July of 1973, and I had not yet found any classes of my own. A… |
Sequence 28!I I children and trying to see what is universal in their revelations to us and what still requires more thought and study… |
Sequence 30and the actual place of prayer. The children's atrium is the environment between the Church and the school. Tactile… |
Sequence 55Montessori Syntopican: Proposal Abstract b} Mary Boehnlein and David Kahn To date there is no definitive chronicle of… |
Sequence 57later studies did seek the sources of her philosophy such as Birchnell (1970) on philosophy, Keough (1973) on receptivity to… |
Sequence 68NAMTA presents THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE Vancouver, British Columbia May 9-10 MONTESSORI SECONDARY IN ACTION A mid the… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2014 Mid-Year Article 2 AMI Journal 2014 The Mid-Year Article Contents p 2 Editorial p 4 Editorial Board p… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2014 Mid-Year Article 5 Imagination and Exactitude Lecture 7, delivered in London on the 24th International… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2015, archival treasure publication page 2 MECHANICAL AIDS IN EDUCATION The Maria Montessori Archives resting… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2015, archival treasure publication page 3 To our human society, technology is a permanent challenge, and a… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2015, archival treasure publication page 4 steamer at sea, she loved the cinema, she realised very early on the… |
Sequence 7AMI Journal 2015, archival treasure publication page 7 I would like, however, to point out that these mechanical aids are… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal — Archival Treasure Publication, 2016 p. 2 IntroductIon In the year just preceding our 28th International… |
Sequence 7AMI Journal — Archival Treasure Publication, 2016 p. 7 Subsequently, people said, ‘Why not give children real ob- jects… |
Sequence 2Treasure Article 2017 page 1 i. introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to our time, since… |
Sequence 7Treasure Article 2017 page 6 is based on the permanency of the spiritual, ethical and economical equilibrium of the group… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal 2018 archival treasure publication SOME OBSERVATIONS ON MONEY Maria Montessori Two lectures from the 1939… |
Sequence 2REFLECTIONS ON MONEY The Maria Montessori Archives resting with Association Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam continue to… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2018, archival treasure publication 3 And then there is block chain technology — which has grown in recent years… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal “Les Deux Justices” 2019 archival treasure publication Two kinds of justice Maria Montessori Closing lecture… |
Sequence 2Treasure Article 2019 — 2 20th International Teacher Training Course Nice, 14 September 1934 “Les Deux Justices” On the… |
Sequence 3Treasure Article 2019 — 3 cause so it becomes a new mission of social jus- tice. And this people is the nation of children.… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2020, archival treasure publication — page 3 that will cause disaster after disaster. I had seen it since the… |
Sequence 9AMI Journal 2020, archival treasure publication — page 9 cannot even build himself a hut, because for the necessary materials… |
Sequence 2The title of this Treasure Article may sound somewhat unsurprising to many in our Montessori community. Do we not cover all… |
Sequence 3A caveat regarding the editorial policy to not change some of Montessori’s gender language. Maria Montessori studied and… |
Sequence 4AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.4 Some thoughts on the importance of the Montessori environment and fundamental ideas on its… |
Sequence 8AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.8 how this freedom of circulation develops in the individual the hunger for the fixed place.… |
Sequence 10AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.10 asked them to instruct the small ones. It was so interesting to see how much more rapidly… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal 2022 archival treasure publication Lecture 1 of the Advanced Course Kodaikanal, 1943 Maria Montessori Some… |
Sequence 2AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.2 Introduction Kodaikanal... so much more than a name with a rhythmic quality to it. In the… |
Sequence 3AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.3 Editorial policy to not change some of Montessori’s gender language Maria Montessori studied… |
Sequence 4AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.4 “Some Thoughts on The Importance of Presenting the Universe to Six to Twelve Year-Old… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal 2023 archival treasure publication The New Child and Peace Maria Montessori published by Association… |
Sequence 2AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.2 Every year, we present our membership with a special Treasure Article from the Maria… |
Sequence 3AMI Treasure Article 2023 — p.3 Maria Montessori in academic robes; photo taken to mark her honorary doctorate from the… |
Sequence 6AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.6 For us school has become what some modern scien- tists would term an experimental field for… |
Sequence 8AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.8 Maria Montessori studied and pioneered her revolution- ary approach to education in a male… |
Sequence 2AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.2 Ogni anno presentiamo ai nostri soci uno speciale Treasure Article dagli archivi di Maria… |
Sequence 3AMI Treasure Article 2023 — p.3 Maria Montessori in veste accademica; foto scattata in occasione del Dottorato Honoris Causa… |
Sequence 6AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.6 Quando cominciano le manifestazioni più profonde e nascoste a rilevarsi, esse ci indicano… |
Sequence 7AMI Treasure Article 2023 — p.7 Maria Montessori studiò e fu pioniera nel suo approccio rivoluzionario all’educazione in un… |