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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 134
Sequence 10not only connect with Montessori education-they may be indispensi- ble to the preservation and application of the Montessori… |
Sequence 42. To better connect teacher-directed and child-directed work; to investigate ways to maximize self-directed activities; to… |
Sequence 6informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 10Project ff: Humanities/Great Civilizations Objectives Upper Elementary and Middle School Development A special curriculum,… |
Sequence 11baboons, and through the ethnographic film experience of the Netsilik Eskimo the purest surviving examples of the traditional… |
Sequence 28Classification Physical Intellectual/ Psychological Social Middle School (Ages Twelve to Fifteen) Developmental… |
Sequence 304. Mathematics: the child uses higher order thinking skills to solve problems in relation to a variety of challenges from… |
Sequence 8PHASE 2 ◊ YEAR THREE IMPLEMENTATION AT PILOT SITES (CONTINUED) 1994 - 1995 August ◊ Two-week Summer Seminar Representatives… |
Sequence 20PHASE 2 ◊ YEAR THREE IMPLEMENTATION AT PILOT SITES (CONTINUED) 1994 - 1995 August ◊ Two-week Summer Seminar Representatives… |
Sequence 374. Mathematics: the child uses higher order thinking skills to solve problems in relation to a variety of challenges from… |
Sequence 39Classification Physical Intellectual/ Psychological Social Middle School (Ages Twelve to Fifteen) Developmental… |
Sequence 74baboons, and through the ethnographic film experience of the Netsilik Eskimo the purest surviving examples of the traditional… |
Sequence 75Project ff: Humanities/Great Civilizations Objectives Upper Elementary and Middle School Development A special curriculum,… |
Sequence 79informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 812. To better connect teacher-directed and child-directed work; to investigate ways to maximize self-directed activities; to… |
Sequence 8middle school program. The young people and their parents jointly create their learning plan with the teacher's guidance… |
Sequence 9· "My first day of Middle School ... " • "Elementary school was the ... " · "My… |
Sequence 10methods often separate thinking from its experiential context and result in drudgery. Consistent with the idea of creating a… |
Sequence 13about their momentary experience. Students in both samples also completed a detailed questionnaire with similar questions… |
Sequence 32Education and Optimal Experience"), a theoretical article recently submitted to an academic journal (Rathunde, An… |
Sequence 40Nichols, J ., & R. Miller. "Cooperative Learning and Student Motivation." Contemporary Educational… |
Sequence 2NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 6We're learning more about social interaction than actual academics. The fact that Montessori and current motivation… |
Sequence 2RESPONSE TO Two STUDIES BY KEVIN RATHUNDE AND MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI by Kay M. Baker The studies titled Middle School… |
Sequence 3native student feedback; and (5) more flexible instructional periods (Rathunde & Csikszentmihalyi, Middle School… |
Sequence 7Lest one think that the prepared environment referred to means only the school environment, I hasten to add that the prepared… |
Sequence 11REFERENCES Montessori, M. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Rev. ed. Trans. AM. Joosten. Oxford, England: Clio, 1996.… |
Sequence 5Neither does it surprise us to learn that Montessori students spend less time in passive listening and watching media, and… |
Sequence 6Montessori students reported higher flow experiences than tradi- tional students: "Flow is more likely to occur when… |
Sequence 8In the Social Context study, Rathunde and Csikszentmihalyi write this: A recent study found that Montessori students reported… |
Sequence 9REFERENCES Haines, A.M. Spontaneous Concentration in the Montessori Prepared Environment. Videocassette. NAMTA, 1997.… |
Sequence 4Rathunde, Kevin, & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. "Middle School Students' Motivation and Quality of… |
Sequence 4This article represents my progress thus far in understanding how flow theory and Montessori philosophy help to reveal the… |
Sequence 21school settings (e.g., extracurricular activities) that provide more hands-on, active, and exploratory activities (Rathunde… |
Sequence 15Louv, Richard. LnstChildi11 the Woods. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 2006. Maslow, Abraham. The Fnrther Renches of H11111n11… |
Sequence 20soul of a child to stimulate imagination and interest: "What he learns must be interesting, must be fascinating. We… |
Sequence 30Experience." Applied Develop111e11ta/ Science 5 (2001): 158- 171. Rathunde, K. "Family Context and Talented… |
Sequence 9The final pivotal element is the Shop. During the first year of the garden, we sold our first harvest, lettuce and sage,… |
Sequence 12Oak Middle School is an unattainable utopian ideal. Many people truly believe that learning can only take place in a classroom… |
Sequence 2What are these human inclinations and primitive relationships that are stirred by contact with nature? Why does functioning… |
Sequence 10a unique research direction by exploring the benefits of nature walks on adolescents' attention and mood at school. The… |
Sequence 30Second, the study is the first to use both short-term and long-term, measures to look at the benefits of nature experience;… |
Sequence 38Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Resource Center. Madras:… |
Sequence 4240 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 matched traditional schools, so these kids were all in similar-sized… |
Sequence 5241 Rathunde • Nature Experience and Education internally, we need those kinds of research and tools to help our parents… |
Sequence 35171 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education ———. (1948) 1976. From Childhood to Adolescence Including “Erdkinder… |
Sequence 5PropeUe<l by enthusiasm and necessity, the Board and myself raised $360,000 in three months and borrowed $200,000 more… |
Sequence 7Fine Arts In keeping with integrative patterns, the art and music being housed in the same environment with the academic… |
Sequence 52not only connect with Montessori education-they may be indispensi- ble to the preservation and application of the Montessori… |
Sequence 192. To better connect teacher-directed and child-directed work; to investigate ways to maximize self-directed activities; to… |
Sequence 21informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 25Project ff: Humanities/Great Civilizations Objectives Upper Elementary and Middle School Development A special curriculum,… |
Sequence 26baboons, and through the ethnographic film experience of the Netsilik Eskimo the purest surviving examples of the traditional… |
Sequence 61Classification Physical Intellectual/ Psychological Social Middle School (Ages Twelve to Fifteen) Developmental… |
Sequence 634. Mathematics: the child uses higher order thinking skills to solve problems in relation to a variety of challenges from… |
Sequence 80PHASE 2 ◊ YEAR THREE IMPLEMENTATION AT PILOT SITES (CONTINUED) 1994 - 1995 August ◊ Two-week Summer Seminar Representatives… |
Sequence 207gram development challenge and will compen- sate our new administrator with a very competi- tive salary and benefits package… |
Sequence 138middle school program. The young people and their parents jointly create their learning plan with the teacher's guidance… |
Sequence 183We offer a competitive salary based on experience and benefits package that includes medical, dental, life, AD&D,… |
Sequence 224Virginia RICHMOND-New program is seek- ing an AMI or AMS certified primary teacher. This position can begin as part time or… |
Sequence 363tive salary and benefits, well- equipped classrooms and a sup- portive parent community. Montessori certified director, ac… |
Sequence 279Please forward a letter of inter- est and a resume to AGBMS; 2020 East Camp McDonald Road; Mount Prospect, IL 60056, or fax… |
Sequence 283Competitive salary and benefits are offered. Please send your re- sume to: Michelle B. Murrain c / o Charlotte Preparatory… |
Sequence 192ated, Alcuin offers competitive salary and benefits, well-equipped classrooms and a supportive par- ent comm unity.… |
Sequence 272England Montessori Elementary Directress Wanted in North London, England. We are an established AMI Montessori school in… |
Sequence 21580302. 303-447-5407, Fax 303-444- 7479. Corne to the Rocky Mountains Denison Montessori Elementary (Magnet School) in the… |
Sequence 162· "My first day of Middle School ... " • "Elementary school was the ... " · "My… |
Sequence 201Massachusetts The Children's Montessori School Competitive salaries and benefits. Excellent opportunity for profes-… |
Sequence 246friendly staff. Located on two cam- puses, our school currently has 3 Primary classes, an Elementary and a Toddler class.… |
Sequence 256teacher to begin anew lower elemen- tary classroom. MSHR is in the heart of Cleveland's "Little Italy"… |
Sequence 263Ville-Marie Montessori School P.O. BoxSl Montreal, QC H4L 4V 4 Canada Netherlands Antilles Email: montessori@megatropic.… |
Sequence 234OUI school is entering its 24th year with a total enrollment of 185. We have 2 primary classes, 3 classes of 6-9 yearolds,… |
Sequence 236available for the 2002-2003 school year-1 Toddler and 1 Primary. We are accepting applications from guides/ teachers with… |
Sequence 260Linda Davis is a freelance Montessori adolescent specialist who assists Montessori schools in their adolescent program… |
Sequence 178CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Pleasant, flexible, reliable and experienced AMI Montessori teacher ages 2-7. Attractive salary,… |
Sequence 25methods often separate thinking from its experiential context and result in drudgery. Consistent with the idea of creating a… |
Sequence 28about their momentary experience. Students in both samples also completed a detailed questionnaire with similar questions… |
Sequence 47Education and Optimal Experience"), a theoretical article recently submitted to an academic journal (Rathunde, An… |
Sequence 55Nichols, J ., & R. Miller. "Cooperative Learning and Student Motivation." Contemporary Educational… |
Sequence 59NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 63We're learning more about social interaction than actual academics. The fact that Montessori and current motivation… |
Sequence 65RESPONSE TO Two STUDIES BY KEVIN RATHUNDE AND MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI by Kay M. Baker The studies titled Middle School… |
Sequence 66native student feedback; and (5) more flexible instructional periods (Rathunde & Csikszentmihalyi, Middle School… |
Sequence 70Lest one think that the prepared environment referred to means only the school environment, I hasten to add that the prepared… |
Sequence 74REFERENCES Montessori, M. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Rev. ed. Trans. AM. Joosten. Oxford, England: Clio, 1996.… |
Sequence 80Neither does it surprise us to learn that Montessori students spend less time in passive listening and watching media, and… |
Sequence 81Montessori students reported higher flow experiences than tradi- tional students: "Flow is more likely to occur when… |
Sequence 83In the Social Context study, Rathunde and Csikszentmihalyi write this: A recent study found that Montessori students reported… |
Sequence 84REFERENCES Haines, A.M. Spontaneous Concentration in the Montessori Prepared Environment. Videocassette. NAMTA, 1997.… |
Sequence 273John Long took Elementary Montessori training at the Washington (DC) Montessori Institute. He holds an M.Ed. from Cleveland… |
Sequence 291on 12 lovely acres with vegetable and flower gardens, fitness course, farm animals and a nature trail through our wooded… |
Sequence 211KeystoneMontessorihasastrong dedication to profession and fur- thering one's training; strong orga- nizational and… |
Sequence 219tiful, open rooms in an architectur- ally designed facility, supportive families, and a dedicated staff. Send resume to:… |
Sequence 272Address: 282 Porter Street Melrose, MA 02176 (home) 70 West Emerson Street Melrose, MA 02176 (school) Thacher Montessori… |
Sequence 281Small non-profit school with steadygrowthseeksMontessoricre- dentialed director/ directress (6-9) beginning fall 2005.… |
Sequence 131learning in schools that are cutting out recess, in schools that are saying, "We are so worried about evaluation and… |
Sequence 231Connecticut Head I Co-Directress (2.5-6years) Must hold an undergraduate col- lege degree as well as Montessori Primary… |
Sequence 239Curt Chamberlain, Head of School 30 Old Mill Bottom Road North Annapolis, MD 21409 Fax: 410-757-8770 Ore-mail:… |