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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 149
Sequence 5function of the child with regard to the formation of the human personal- ity (p. 15). Oui· civilization has not yet devised… |
Sequence 26References Goffstein, M.B. (1979). Natural history. New York. Farrar, Straus, Giroux. Goffstein, M.B. (I 984). A little… |
Sequence 4and writing. Teachers have written about their experiences, anecdotaJly and informally, through diaries, logs, and narratives… |
Sequence 1F~----------------- MONTESSORI AND LEARNING DISABIUTIES by Sylvia 0. Richardson American education is currently under attack… |
Sequence 20Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 19[Interview with Donald Brownlee]. [Minneapolis] Star Tribune February 5, 2000. Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in… |
Sequence 11"This," she said, "is our hope-a hope in a new humanity that will come from this new education, an… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 15We must be quick because our species, homo sapiens, having at- tained a certain level of intelligence, is now, in the words of… |
Sequence 37extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 18America Welcomes Dottoressa Montessori Elementary class, The Washington Montessori School, Washington D.C., around I 9 I 6 18… |
Sequence 15REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |
Sequence 15Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 1103 Chapter I On the Move with the "New Child" 1.1 Beyond the Pillars of Hercules "At 8 o'… |
Sequence 17Creative persons differ from one another in a variety of ways, but in one respect they are unanimous: They love what they do… |
Sequence 10162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 What we elementary Montessori teachers have to remember is that the real… |
Sequence 10210 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 have developed better technologies. The impli- cations for all this—… |
Sequence 1MonTessori prAcTices: opTions For A digiTAl Age by Mark Powell Mark Powell’s plea for an open-minded view on the full scope… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 145 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.… |
Sequence 24AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 145 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.… |
Sequence 64AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 152AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 25AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 145 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.… |
Sequence 65AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 153AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 756 that they can do equivalence decoding. In English, at least, this is not the case. Conse- quently, some children may be… |
Sequence 8Jerome Study Group. (1963). Montessori in the home. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House. Jerome Study Group. (… |
Sequence 911-a Lyon, Peter. (1963). Success stor : the life and times of S. s. McClure (pp. 350-52). New York: Charles Scribner… |
Sequence 1314 Cavaletti, Sofia. (1983). The religious potential of the child. New York: Paulist Press. 1. Communications.… |
Sequence 3031 Gupta, R. K. (1964). Consciousness and the child. Around the Child, .2_, 42-45, (4). Hillman, Rebecca. (1968, Fall… |
Sequence 4546 King, Irving. (1912). The place of certain kindergarten principles in modern educational theories. Proceedin s of… |
Sequence 4748 Murphy, Sister Blten. (H77). Self-dctualizacion: Learning to LLve. The Constructive Tridngle, ~. 22-31, (10). Myers… |
Sequence 66Cohen, Sol. (1972). Montessori comes to America, 1911-1917. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 1, 358-372, (14). Cook,… |
Sequence 7374 O'Shea, Michael V. (1912). The Montessori method of teaching. Dial, 13_, 392-394, (3). O'Shea, M. V. (1913… |
Sequence 7475 Rambusch, Nancy M. (1963). Montessori for American children. Paper presented at the 4th national American Montessori… |
Sequence 107108 Dr. Montessori's aim. (1913, December 9). New York Times, (1). Dr. Montessori with her new race plan. (1913,… |
Sequence 109110 Madame Montessori is here; Talks of work. (1913, December). Chicago Herald Tribune. 1_, p. l, ( l). Maffi, Quirino… |
Sequence 139Donahue, Sonja M. (1976). Montessori echoes. The Constructive Triangle, l, 26-29, <4>. Editor. (1913). A… |
Sequence 193195 Kahn, David. (1981). Dealing with problems: Beyond the elitist principle: Kahn/Plank interview. NAMTA Quarterly… |
Sequence 105Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA The American Montessori Academy of Roseville, California, is pleased to announce… |
Sequence 114Elementary positions available to teach both lower level class (6-9) and upper level class (9- 12). The Montessori School of… |
Sequence 115ALCUIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL, estab- lished 1961. Five primary-all extended day; five elementary. Montessorian as full-time… |
Sequence 140in the foothills of the San Gabriel moun- tains. We're in one of the fastest grow- ing areas in the country withy many… |
Sequence 94CONNECTICUT Well established AMI school in New Eng- land is seeking a certified AMI primary t.eacher for an established,… |
Sequence 95West Suburban Montesoori School seeks an effective, loving AMI pre-primary directress for January/September, 1989. West… |
Sequence 112COLORADO Accepting applications for openings in our Elementary level, both 6-9 and 9-12. School has been in existence 24… |
Sequence 114is located in a beautiful facility with ren- ovated barns on an old farm. Just 15 min· utes North of Baltimore Inner Harbor… |
Sequence 33function of the child with regard to the formation of the human personal- ity (p. 15). Oui· civilization has not yet devised… |
Sequence 140Administrator, MONTESSORI INTERNA- TIONAL CHILDREN'S HOUSE, 1641 Winches- ter Road, Annapolis, MD, 21401, (301) 757-7789… |
Sequence 112experienced and committed educator to provide strong leadership co the staff and administration, serve as a dynamic presence… |
Sequence 62References Goffstein, M.B. (1979). Natural history. New York. Farrar, Straus, Giroux. Goffstein, M.B. (I 984). A little… |
Sequence 205ALASKA The ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT has an esrab- lishcd Moniessori program which nml.s urrifird rlrmemnry uachm on an… |
Sequence 206administrative experience in the AMI Montessori tradition. Primary and elemenrary Montessori diplomas arc desirable.… |
Sequence 148MASSACHUSETTS THE HARBORLIGHT MONTESSORI SCHOOL of Beverly, MA needs: infamlroddler teacher (0 to 3) and primary teacher (… |
Sequence 113POSITIONS CALIFORNIA San Francisco Bay Area: MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF LOS ALTOS. beginning i1s 21'' year wilh an… |
Sequence 115riculum includes CnrecltesisofrheGood Shep- herd. SETON ACADEMY MONTESSORI. PO Box 5192, River Forest, IL 60305. MARYLAND… |
Sequence 205plicant must have AMI or AMS certification, minimum 3 years experience, strong interper- sonal, communications, and community… |
Sequence 163Northampton is a beautiful city in the western part of the state. Convenient to both Boston and New York, Northampton… |
Sequence 143and writing. Teachers have written about their experiences, anecdotaJly and informally, through diaries, logs, and narratives… |
Sequence 172Massachusetts The Eliot Montessori School, South Natick, MA, founded in 1971, serves 130+ students in grades 1-8. Our pro-… |
Sequence 155F~----------------- MONTESSORI AND LEARNING DISABIUTIES by Sylvia 0. Richardson American education is currently under attack… |
Sequence 180and 12 years, is currently accepting appli- cations for Montessori Elementary teach- ers (ages 6-9 and 9-12). A school owned… |
Sequence 77demic year. Well-established, 32 year old school in a picturesque Chicago suburb, ,;,.·ith cnrollment of 290 Com- pctnive… |
Sequence 182Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 218profit, independent, Montessori school, for ages 3-12, located in down- town Wilmington, Delaware. Our school offers a… |
Sequence 48Established in 1961, Alcuin is a parent- owned, not-for-profit, state of Illinois recognized school located in a pictur-… |
Sequence 49The Montessori School of Northampton is looking for an experienced Director/ Directress to start up a 9-12 program over a… |
Sequence 56Should this sound like you, please send details of your qualifications, refer- ences etc to: Paula Mallasch, Little Sprouts… |
Sequence 258Salary scale based on degrees and ex- perience. Excellent benefits. For an application call Brian Giersch, Supvr. of… |
Sequence 214ideal for development of Erdkinder. Please send letter and resume to Anne T. Riley, 5004 Randonstone Lane, Bowie, MD 20715 (… |
Sequence 364settings and is currently enrolled in the Elementary training course would be preferred. Competitive salary and benefits.… |
Sequence 260Springfield Pub I ic Schools 59 Howard Street Springfield, MA 01105 413-787-7747 or 413-750-2059 The Eliot Montessori… |
Sequence 96[Interview with Donald Brownlee]. [Minneapolis] Star Tribune February 5, 2000. Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in… |
Sequence 258Elementary Montessori Teacher for Fall 2000-2001. Needed for 9-12 yr. class. School established 1966, 22 acres of developed… |
Sequence 259tact GordonMaas by telephone (978- 465-0065), E-mail (Mogomaas@, or facsimile (978-465- 0119), or mail to 2 Perry… |
Sequence 139Teachers in Connecticut are the highest paid teachers in the United States with excellent benefits. Qualified Applicants… |
Sequence 146AJexander Rice Esty, is listed on the Na tionaJRegistry of Historic Places. Reminiscent of the early Montessori "… |
Sequence 224antSt.,Framingham,MA01701,508- 872-3630, Fax: 508-872-3314. AMI Primary Teacher Needed… |
Sequence 201Massachusetts The Children's Montessori School Competitive salaries and benefits. Excellent opportunity for profes-… |
Sequence 246friendly staff. Located on two cam- puses, our school currently has 3 Primary classes, an Elementary and a Toddler class.… |
Sequence 248gree/Masterspreferredandmustbe OCCS qualified as director 1 or di- rector 2. School administration ex- perience minimum 2-3… |
Sequence 250Joyful in Boston Opening for one Primary (3-6) and one expansion Elementary Montes- sori teacher in Boston area. Follow… |
Sequence 64"This," she said, "is our hope-a hope in a new humanity that will come from this new education, an… |
Sequence 191If interested, please send your re- sume to: Suzanne Damadio, Administra- tor Patuxent Montessori School 14210 Old Stage… |
Sequence 192an Extended Day Program as well as both Before and After School Pro- grams. Please contact: Maureen Quinn 168 Turnpike… |
Sequence 156Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 220Maryland Wanted Montessori teachers for toddler room (ages 2-3) and prepri- mary (3-6). Positions open now. Please send… |
Sequence 25We must be quick because our species, homo sapiens, having at- tained a certain level of intelligence, is now, in the words of… |
Sequence 260Denison is a magnet school in the Denver Public Schools and opened its first Children's House in 1986. Currently there… |
Sequence 271allows expansion at all levels. Kingsley is an innovative, creative, dynamic Montessori school looking for the best… |
Sequence 272Address: 282 Porter Street Melrose, MA 02176 (home) 70 West Emerson Street Melrose, MA 02176 (school) Thacher Montessori… |
Sequence 54Massa eh usetts The Amherst Montessori School in Amherst, MA is accepting appli- cations for an AMJ or AMS Toddler Teacher… |
Sequence 231Connecticut Head I Co-Directress (2.5-6years) Must hold an undergraduate col- lege degree as well as Montessori Primary… |
Sequence 239Curt Chamberlain, Head of School 30 Old Mill Bottom Road North Annapolis, MD 21409 Fax: 410-757-8770 Ore-mail:… |
Sequence 116extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 261MSOQ is a diverse community, currently serving 110 children be- tween the ages of 3-9. Our school offers 4 beautiful primary… |
Sequence 20America Welcomes Dottoressa Montessori Elementary class, The Washington Montessori School, Washington D.C., around I 9 I 6 18… |
Sequence 316REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |