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Displaying results 1 - 33 of 33
Sequence 19There is also the fundamental human need for orientation: know- ing where I am and where my place is. Knowing our place gives… |
Sequence 3There is also the fundamental human need for orientation: know- ing where I am and where my place is. Knowing our place gives… |
Sequence 12our country? What happens when you put a bouquet of alstromeria in a warm room? The Chart of Interdependencies: Another way… |
Sequence 1The scienTisT in The clAssrooM: The MonTessori TeAcher As scienTisT by Ginni Sackett Ginni Sackett shares insights ignited… |
Sequence 1The scienTisT in The cAsA: The child As scienTisT in The MAking by Ginni Sackett If a parent were to ask what science and… |
Sequence 1The Genesis of a Montessori Trainer By Rita Schaefer The University of Portland has accepted the Primary AMI Teacher Training… |
Sequence 87Key Library Promotion of NAM'D\ Media Expands Montessori Outreach NAMTh will promote its videos and publications with a… |
Sequence 97ENGLAND El.ementary in England. The first 3 Ele- mentary Schools in England are opening in autumn 1989. Unique opportunity… |
Sequence 117SCHOOL FOR SALE Sonoma, California. One primary class- room school 3-6. Solid reputation in 9th yr. Complete class and play… |
Sequence 121The Erdkinder Committee, formed December ·s, 1990, discussed three different sites - Conneeticut, Ohio, and Oregon - for… |
Sequence 182- Argentina - Barbados - Bulgaria ~ ~----------- ' ~ ~ o The U.S. Information Agency iii' Z n 1994-1995… |
Sequence 214development, implement board poli- cies and promote excellent relations among constituents. Undergraduate degree is required… |
Sequence 261Ohio Join our staff of professionals as we enter our 26th year of excellence in Montessori education. Our school is located… |
Sequence 221Qualified candidates need an under- standing of Montessori philosophy, and strong interpersonal and mana- gerial skills. We… |
Sequence 216Contact us today to leam about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 206A lowcostoflivingand true qual- ity of life including excellent muse- ums and restaurants, beautiful park land, wuversities… |
Sequence 255Contact us today to learn about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 257Locatedminutesfromdowntown Cleveland, this small center is part of the Creative Playrooms family of schools. We offer… |
Sequence 247weekend duties, comm unity meet- ings, outdoor activities, etc.). Ap- plicants should enjoy working with young adolescents… |
Sequence 209January 27-30, 2005 Phoenix, Arizona Understanding Intelligence: The Montessori Contribution (Also Included: National… |
Sequence 281Small non-profit school with steadygrowthseeksMontessoricre- dentialed director/ directress (6-9) beginning fall 2005.… |
Sequence 265The Montessori School of Win- ston-Salem, NC, is committed to becoming a world class Montessori school and seeks a Head of… |
Sequence 365fall of 2008. LCMCS is located in Gresham, Oregon, with a support- iveandactivecommunity. We offer salary and benefits… |
Sequence 371There is also the fundamental human need for orientation: know- ing where I am and where my place is. Knowing our place gives… |
Sequence 406tive salary and full health benefits. If you would like an opportunity to work with a coUaborative team of AMS and AMI… |
Sequence 74our country? What happens when you put a bouquet of alstromeria in a warm room? The Chart of Interdependencies: Another way… |
Sequence 71 Schaefer • Social Cohesion, Grace, and Courtesy: An Editorial Social coheSion, Grace, and courteSy: an editorial by Pat… |
Sequence 115 Sackett • The Scientist in the Classroom The scienTisT in The clAssrooM: The MonTessori TeAcher As scienTisT by Ginni… |
Sequence 2923 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa The scienTisT in The cAsA: The child As scienTisT in The MAking by Ginni Sackett If… |
Sequence 127121 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds Oregon The Montessori School of Bea- verton (MSB) is a nationally recog- nized AMI… |
Sequence 19The Genesis of a Montessori Trainer By Rita Schaefer The University of Portland has accepted the Primary AMI Teacher Training… |
Sequence 5450 EDWARDS MO TESSORI SCHOOL. bilingual education. ,eeking AMI ELEMENTARY TEACHER FOR THE FALL. This AMI 4 class• room… |
Sequence 61portation provided. Contact: Mrs. C. Wolhardt. Taipei Montessori School, No 10, Alley 4. Lane 43, Tien-Mou E. Road. Taipei,… |