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Displaying results 12101 - 12200 of 13048
Sequence 137Verschuur • The Nature and Theory Of…. 137 claim freedom. The age-old misconceptions of freedom and discipline surfaced for… |
Sequence 138138 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 followed Dr. Montessori to India and eventually spent most of his life… |
Sequence 140140 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 the Silence and to ask for the impossible.16 If the children are too… |
Sequence 141Verschuur • The Nature and Theory Of…. 141 come a volitional, acting, self-directed individual, no one on earth can make him/… |
Sequence 142142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 THE MONTESSORI APPROACH TO MUSIC We were very excited when the new book… |
Sequence 143Montessori • Lecture 19 143 LECTURE 19: ANALYSING SOUND AND APPRECIATION OF SILENCE Dr. Maria Montessori… |
Sequence 147Montessori • Lecture 19 147 Wemust tap the bells low near the rim. This is the exercise of pairing. It is easy to remember… |
Sequence 151McNamara • A Tribute: David Kahn 151 A TRIBUTE: DAVID KAHN The NAMTA-AMI legacy would not be complete without recognizing… |
Sequence 152152 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 duced to the Montessori community for the first time at these conferences… |
Sequence 153McNamara • A Tribute: David Kahn 153 After founding the NAMTA Media Center in 1980 he produced over thirty videos, in part,… |
Sequence 154154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 In September, 1996… |
Sequence 156156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 stitute, The AMI… |
Sequence 157Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 157 NAMTA–AMI LEGACY: WINDOWS OF CHANGE 1975-2020 David Kahn… |
Sequence 159Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 159 they were carefully nurtured and handed on to those who followed, providing meaning and… |
Sequence 160160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 NAMTA: A… |
Sequence 161Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 161 In the same first journal, Margaret Stephenson reminisced of a daycare in England during World… |
Sequence 162162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 using a grandiose… |
Sequence 163Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 163 least Maria Montessori thinks so. She indicates that what might be considered “to be rooted”… |
Sequence 169Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 169 become independent from the dictates of the body and learn to take charge of what happens in… |
Sequence 170170 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 170 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 vocabulary and… |
Sequence 171Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 171 Annette Haines: Spokesperson for Montessori Values, Scholarship, and Research,” AMI–NAMTA… |
Sequence 172172 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 172 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 The Montessori… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Is Day Care a Justifiable Compromise for Montessorians? David Kahn, Editor Last summer the A.M.I. Study… |
Sequence 6I! I I II ~ I I 2 care that the human infant is subjected to community care before he is ready? In present day care… |
Sequence 7"The child in the home is an ideal situation ... But if we do not want to send children to state day care, who will… |
Sequence 9work primarily to themselves - not to any expert-dominated institutional system. When it comes to love and security for the… |
Sequence 10Reminiscences and Thoughts About Montessori Day Care by Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson Montessorians have a contribution to… |
Sequence 11I think that small children need the security of knowing the people with whom they are passing their time. In day care… |
Sequence 12as a kind of social occasion. Afterwards, when the weather was good, the children went outside to play. We were lucky to be… |
Sequence 13had the ideal set up. There was a garden just outside the classroom. The children could go from the inside to the outside as… |
Sequence 28Feature: Science Education and Scientific Education by A. M. Joosten We can, nowadays, hardly open a newspaper and read an… |
Sequence 30contribution made by the teaching of science as a "means of development" will depend not merely on the… |
Sequence 32Curriculum Review: Montessori Materials from India by Steve Callender Most of us are aware that the Montessori Movement is… |
Sequence 38School Management: Toward a Handmade Materials Ownership Policy by David Kahn This policy has been submitted to the Ruffing… |
Sequence 47Parent Education Exchange: A Child's Home Environment by Barbara Kahn The Parent Education Exchange invites… |
Sequence 48A long chest held Johnny's clothes. The drawers were the right height for him to open and look inside. The four drawers… |
Sequence 49Johnny could write or draw on the wall and a scrubbing exercise with brush, soap, sponge, drying cloth and bucket was set up… |
Sequence 50Announcements: Workshops for Adults Working with Children: December 5, 1975 - "The Corner Stone of the Montessori… |
Sequence 3THE FUTURE OF MO!'iTESSORI ELEME.,"'TARY Editorial Report: Montessori Elt'mentary: Where Do We Go… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Montessori Elementary: Where Do We Go From Here? by David Kahn If the Montessori elementary is to survive… |
Sequence 7the elementary training should follow the same course. What are some of these techniques for the "direction"… |
Sequence 8In discussing the Montessori uniqueness, we must include the "moral development" dimension which is inherent… |
Sequence 9Montessori Futures by Larry Lewis Mr. Lewis makes little distinction between Montessori elementary and Montessori pre-… |
Sequence 10the loss of human perspective and then of moral values. It is a lesson applicable to our field as well: work done solely for… |
Sequence 11both traditional and Montessori schools, Dr. Montessori and her work were welcomed and honored in the 1920's and 1930… |
Sequence 12the child in his fundamental human development. Faith in the power of the child is necessary to keep on the path, for there… |
Sequence 14The Montessori Curricular Approach to Moral Development by David Kahn The subject of moral development has not been discussed… |
Sequence 16fish, marsh, plants, ferns, amphibians, dinosaurs, [lowering plants, birds ... mankind. From nothing the world grew into… |
Sequence 21the child-the concept of universal need. A Christian and a Moslem have a. different wor/,d view but both have the same need to… |
Sequence 32Announcement: Advanced Montessori Training 1976/1977 The N.A.M.T.A. Quarterly fully endorses the Washington Montessori… |
Sequence 36the margins to note a particular use of each term. At present they are familiar with nine, associating each with its… |
Sequence 38School Administration: Volunteer Giving: A Fundraising Letter by Patrick J. Amer Responsible administration many times must… |
Sequence 40The Ruffing Montessori School has conducted many fundraising activities over the last several years, including bazzars,… |
Sequence 41A rlass chairman for this Pledge Drive will call upon you or telephone you sometime between the 1st and the 15th of December.… |
Sequence 47Personals: WANTED: Junior Level Class! The only AMI school in the state of Utah needs someone with pioneering spirit for the… |
Sequence 49Theme: Place: Contact: Leaders: Theme: Place: Contact: Worksho s The Needs of Human Beings Seattle, Washington-March… |
Sequence 7The Spiritual Development of the Child by Sofia Cavalletti In the summer of 1975 Sofia Cavalletti conducted the first U.S.… |
Sequence 13Montessori Education, the Human Spirit, and Religion by Lawrence P. Lewis Mr. Lewis regards his article as a footnote to the… |
Sequence 14though we freely admit that the child comes to know his world and him- self through objects, we often belittle the idea that… |
Sequence 15different, responding to different nourishment. This fact, however, is near- ly impossible for some parents to believe. There… |
Sequence 20From the Writings of Mother Isabel Eugenie Mother Isabel's writings are prolific and very particularized in relation to… |
Sequence 24your tummy. They must come out of that." So I said, "No, there is in the mother a corridor of life. You know… |
Sequence 31Film Review: To Film the Human Potential by David Kahn In social life we find too many examples of sloth of mind; people… |
Sequence 33School Administration: The Spiritual Factor: Formulating a Policy by Charlene S. Trochta How should the school respond to… |
Sequence 34Incorporating a system of universal religious ethics into a Montessori environment can be very successful, but requires… |
Sequence 36Classroom Management: Insight Through Observation by Jean K. Miller Since becoming involved in Montessori in 1964, I have… |
Sequence 38numeration from zero to ten. After the children have understood zero to ten they will find many things in the environment to… |
Sequence 39USE OF MATERIALS WITHOUT DEMONSTRATION Many American adults have difficulty saying no to children. One of the manifestations… |
Sequence 401. The attitude of the adult needs to change to the belief that children are capable of working for three hours. Perhaps a… |
Sequence 42Announcements and Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE: AMl trained Primary and Junior teachers needed for Sept. L976. Located in… |
Sequence 43teacher in attractive resort area. AMI pre- ferred. Contact Marie Scott, Montessori Children's Center, 200 W. 7th St.,… |
Sequence 48I I -- niienlhuii~ men~ e(Oi(Oi@ff'ii u~a Nienhuis Montessori, Inc., the world-wide authorized manufacturer of… |
Sequence 8MONTESSORI BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR PARENTS The Indian publications as well as all Joosten leaflets can be ordered from Montessori… |
Sequence 10Parent Education at Edwardsville Montessori School by Charlene S. Trochta Parent education must be an integral part of the… |
Sequence 11Subsequent activities evolved in five directions: personal contact with parents, society sponsored workshops and lecture… |
Sequence 12and a material making coordinator. Parents have acknowledged the value of these sessions for increasing their understanding of… |
Sequence 13Society, Inc. It is located in a small Illinois town, population about 15,000+. Current enrollment is 66 children in three… |
Sequence 26able fact is that the parent's "own thing" is the care of the child. The parent is no different than… |
Sequence 27The Value of Parent Study Groups by Ruthanne Reed and Nancy Cannon Ms. Reed and Ms. Cannon apply the auto didactic Montessori… |
Sequence 31One of Dr. Montessori's most inspiring presentations was poetry presented to children. She was, in every way, a very… |
Sequence 34of country a more vital force than any instinctive pieties of blood and soil. The whole piece depends on the thought America… |
Sequence 38things you meet in your reading which you want to remember. I stress the word make. Not to use a notebook, but to prepare the… |
Sequence 41Interview: Rita Kramer: A Voice in a Continuing Dialogue Rita Kramer's biography inspired a personal visit to New York.… |
Sequence 43Certainly many features of the Casa could be used to help these children, but really cognitive stimulation is not the only… |
Sequence 45Book Review: Maria Montessori Author: Rita Kramer 4 JO pp. New York: G.P. Putnam 's Sons, 1976 review by David Kahn… |
Sequence 46analytic remarks are conclusions, not facts and the book in its mingling of fact and opinion risks serious misinterpretation… |
Sequence 47views the preservationist impulse as dogmatism. Kramer maintains that after a certain point Montessori's life work ceased… |
Sequence 48Spiritual Education: God's Presence in a Montessori Environment by Betty Hissong Mrs. Hissong is a seasoned Montessori… |
Sequence 49about whether or not they really desire to expose their children to an en- vironment that involves the spiritual development… |
Sequence 50community feast. Appropriate festival table decorations are used. The shelves are moved to the sides and an open area around… |
Sequence 55Announcements: 4th- 8th July 1 977 18th International Montessori Congress in Munich on THE MONTESSORI METHOD AND THE… |
Sequence 56PRELIMINARY INFORMATION about the 18th International Montessori Congress in Munich The Congress will take place in the… |
Sequence 57Wednesday, 6th July 1977 Chairman: Prof. Dr. G. Schulz-Benesch 9.30 Jon R. Osterkorn, Milwaukee Early childhood,… |
Sequence 5816.00-16.15 Maria Deschle Social integration of children with various and multiple handicaps into the Montessori Children… |
Sequence 59Personals: POSITIONS AVA/lARl,E CALUMET REGION MONTESSORI SCHOOL, 2109 East 57th Ave., Hobart, Indiana 46342 needs person… |
Sequence 60ANNOUNCEMENTS: Workshops for Adults Working with Children: December 10, 1976- "Preparation for a Suc- cessful… |
Sequence 5Editorial Report: Cosmic Education by Mario Montessori, Jr. Mario Montessori's book Education for Human Development dem… |
Sequence 9instinctual behavior of the salmon. Being human beings, however, they have built up their behavior patterns through education… |
Sequence 10Inner order is necessary to be able to see meaning in one's existence, to find one's identity, to achieve… |
Sequence 11them with consciousness. During this process they inadvertently fertilize the flowers they visit by carrying pollen from one… |