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Displaying results 12601 - 12700 of 13048
Sequence 15by getting out of school. The cure is talking, mourning, accepting, and getting on with our work. • • • Montessori means… |
Sequence 19The Psychological Value of Work in School by Mario M. Montessori, Jr. Dr. Montessori utilizes the field of psychology to… |
Sequence 2420 neurosis, however, has not affected the ability to work, because of the relative autonomy of this sphere of behavior. The… |
Sequence 25it is not nipped in the bud when he is a child. Montessori gave a new orientation to work in school because she realized its… |
Sequence 3834 is a real trouble. I want the child prepared. DK: Is the child alone with you? BF: With a three, four or five year old,… |
Sequence 4036 Montessori teachers. Montessori teachers have a tremendously pos1t1ve attitude toward learning. There is a respect and… |
Sequence 41Introduction to The Religious Potential of the Child "I bless you, Father ... " (Matthew 11:25) by Sofia… |
Sequence 4844 relationships. Ditto with meals and bedtimes. Now such details can be checked and balanced to shore up the continuity of… |
Sequence 49mother says can no longer be used as a reason or an excuse for what he does or fails to do. Nor, for the most part, does the… |
Sequence 5316,000 children. The average school has 62 children; fewer than 20 schools are twice that size. Yet the NAMT A/ AMI mailing… |
Sequence 5450 A Tribute to Miss Lena The death of Miss Lena Wikamaratne on August 6, 1982 marks still another generational loss to the… |
Sequence 5652 Needed for 83-84: AMI Elementary Teacher for a newly-formed school in St. Paul, Minnesota. Com- petitive salaries.… |
Sequence 6056 National Montessori Media Center Film Library The Mcd,a C'en1cr will bcgm 10 1ake ri1m bookings for 1he following… |
Sequence 65NAMTA News: New Parent Newsletter Well Received NAMT A members received with this Quarterly a sample of an eight part series… |
Sequence 6662 Announcements: NAMTA Regional Workshops Winter and Spring 1983 The Child's Nature: Inside and Out San Diego,… |
Sequence 70___ check ir this is a new address last name first street address city and state area c-ode/phone number middle initial… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY volume eight number two MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY AND BEYOND Montessori Secondary School -… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY AND BEYOND volume eight number two Editorial Theme: Montessori Secondary School - Developing the… |
Sequence 5The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 1612 B. PoUtical and Social Change (looking at the peasant movements in Germany, France, and America; the development of unions… |
Sequence 19(h) skeletal system (i) body constituents (i) CHNOPS (ii) macromolecules (j) vitamin - drug food assimilation (k) health… |
Sequence 253. solution of inequalities in one variable 4. solution of inequalities in two variables XIV. Utilizing Calculator Math &… |
Sequence 26Childhood's Promised Land - Montessori Children Ages 9-12 by Larry and Pat Schaefer Larry and Pat Schaefer present a… |
Sequence 3026 •not interacting with them enough - being afraid to enter into their banter and ar- gue and convince or draw limits and… |
Sequence 35thorough written evaluation in June. We emphasize good communication with our parents. A good gauge of whether our 9-12… |
Sequence 43"Eighth Grade Graduation, 1983" by Sarah Pearce and Margaret Nowak Brown Sarah Pearce and Margaret Nowak… |
Sequence 4844 Reading for Signs of Life By Jerome Bruner On Learning to Read: The Child's Fascination with Meaning By Bruno… |
Sequence 53Feature Section: Elkind vs. Montessori: A Debate Jn the January issue of the widely distributed journal of the NAEYC, Young… |
Sequence 5450 Montessori Education: Abiding Contributions and Contemporary Challenges by David Elkind Maria Montessori was one of the… |
Sequence 55These attitudinal contributions must be viewed in context of the historical cir- cumstances in which she lived and worked to… |
Sequence 5652 These attitudes and many others were gradually translated into an educational system that we know today as Montessori… |
Sequence 57One of the constructions used to defend the absense of fantasy in Montessori schools is that fantasy is essentially dishonest… |
Sequence 5854 they seek stimulus nutriment to further the attainment of those abilities. Stimulus nu· triment consists of such things as… |
Sequence 59new idea has to be tested in systematic ways to be verified. I am well aware that the structured use of the Montessori… |
Sequence 6056 that they can do equivalence decoding. In English, at least, this is not the case. Conse- quently, some children may be… |
Sequence 61Montessori Education: Abiding Contributions and Contemporary Challenges - A Response by Mary Maher Boehnlein, Ph.D. Elkind… |
Sequence 6258 only allow play that has an adaptive, prepatory function and discourage other forms of imaginative play. He cites only… |
Sequence 63adequate provision in a Montessori classroom for these activities Elkind that calls, social realization. Montessori's… |
Sequence 6460 what one perceives, creativity amounts to making new connections. It is a cognitive process based on recognizing reality,… |
Sequence 65from an adult perspective what looks like play is work for the child because for the child, the activity is not done purely… |
Sequence 6662 that equate children with less intelligent animals who need to be trained using a series of rewards and punishments. The… |
Sequence 67Cleland31 cautions us that the abilities of centration and reversibility identified by Piaget have not been shown conclusively… |
Sequence 6864 schools. "The gains produced are less likely to deteriorate over time than those of other programs and may not… |
Sequence 6923. M. Brearley ed. The Teaching of Young Children. New York: Schocken Books. 1971. 24. D. Anker, "Teaching… |
Sequence 73PRIMARY - We need a primary AMI directress for our excellent Montessori school. This growing school currently serves 78… |
Sequence 7470 Excellent opportunity available for Primary Mon• tessori Directress with established school in Uni- versity town. Respond… |
Sequence 75Bilingual ISpanish-Englishl Montessori teacher sought for preschool and day care center at Keene, California. Contact Ann… |
Sequence 7672 TEACHERS AVAILABLE 31 year old man w/background in Business Admin- istration looking for sponsor for training in Bergamo… |
Sequence 77NAMTA News: New Release on Discipline - Project Video David Kahn announced that he is resuming his video documentary work on… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY teachers' g --a u 0 CD CD as volume eight number three MONTESSORI: PEOPLE AND ISSUES… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI: PEOPLE AND ISSUES volume eight number three Editorial Theme: Marva Collins, American Public Education, and… |
Sequence 106 tear her down in the same media that had built her up. One by one, the labels of "Super Teacher" and… |
Sequence 11Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 12she devoted herself unreservedly to her pupils. Some of them arrived before breakfast, not many hours after she had finished… |
Sequence 15I The Computer in the Montessori Class by Dr. Peter G. Gebhardt-Seele The following is an absrract from a detailed… |
Sequence 1612 So there is no wonder that Montessori schools also see this development and take steps to adapt to this new situation.… |
Sequence 17As a help for studying the computer hardware, one could think of manipulative ma- terials oriented to the basic ideas of a… |
Sequence 21The Infant as a Human Being /963 Keynote Address Dr. Ratner in this classical review of Montessori principles emphasizes the… |
Sequence 22of 60 or 70 can hardly carry the weight of zero to three years, and the weight of the 21 hours out of the 24 hours that the… |
Sequence 23I t themselves out like mad taking care of the sex life of the flowers in the back yard. And many of them, I think, don… |
Sequence 24the other would answer, "Well, my baby ate chicken, what did your baby eat?" Steak!" For these… |
Sequence 25• I babies, I think the American mother, with great ease and comfort, will be able to put the baby into the deep freeze… |
Sequence 28may do to you when they grow up and you have entered your second childhood. In contrast, Montessori advocates sleeping… |
Sequence 30Working Towards Unity by Renilde Montessori Renilde Montessori (Keynote/NAMTA Toronro Workshop) suggests that cosmic unity… |
Sequence 35Editorial: The Philosopher Trainer: Endangered Species By David Kahn There is a continuing sense of loss - the deaths of… |
Sequence 36eliminates family, career and income from being a matter of concern and reduces the number of trainer inquiries because of the… |
Sequence 38Book Review: The Hurried Child Author: David Elkind "A childhood is the most basic right of children"… |
Sequence 4036 Book Review: The Big Bang Author: Lydia Bailey Dedicated to a student "who loves outer space even more than… |
Sequence 41Announcement: Texas Montessori Institute Assistants to Infancy Training in affiliation with the Association Montessori… |
Sequence 43Curlis Mathes (right) with Montessori Family. Atlanta Curtis Mathes: Friend of Montessori Died June 2 I 983, plane crash.… |
Sequence 45Afternoons (1;30-3:00) Something Light Monda): Crearfrr H ritinR in thr f'rimory Clas.Jro1,m introduce<; nt.… |
Sequence 49Personals: POSITIONS A VA I LA BLE AM I teacher needed September 1983 for well- established pre-primary clas,, of 30… |
Sequence 51AMl trained primary teacher with several years teaching experience desired sponsor for advanced (elementaryl course at… |
Sequence 56nDenlhuua monteotaJorl uaa Nienhuis Montessori, Inc., the world-wide authorized manufacturer of Montessori apparatus… |
Sequence 1· 7 M19M MONtESSORI CROSSCURRENTS Part I Carl Rogers Speaks to Montessorians Part II Montessori and Christian Education… |
Sequence 5The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning by Carl Rogers "Teaching is vastly overrated.&… |
Sequence 6that the Directress is the active link between the child and the environment but that as the child increases, the role of the… |
Sequence 19Rogers: My own experience in the academic world would make me feel that this kind of loosening up process, of being a person… |
Sequence 21Book Review The Religious Potential of the Child by Irene Fafalios Originally published as ll POTENZIAL RELIGJOSO DEL… |
Sequence 22ever, one of the most important things that we must recognize in Dr. Montessori's method is that the method is by its… |
Sequence 28into Montessori - but with an added dimension. We had all experienced a lack at the very heart of the most normalized… |
Sequence 30October, 1983 Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Kahn In reviewing Rita Kramer's biography, MARIA MONTESSORI. some years ago… |
Sequence 31Dr. Montessori's meeting with Pope Pius XII and glides over Pope Benedict XV's great personal interest in Monressori… |
Sequence 33"Life is a Series of Rebirths" by David Kahn The 1983 Summer Institute One did not know what to expect at… |
Sequence 34the leadership of Barbara Gordon - quiet, persuasive, and able to bring a community of teachers and parents together in a… |
Sequence 35Ko,·ach. Hi/dick, Sullivan workshop parricipanls. pointed between the workshops were NAMTA media events reminding participants… |
Sequence 36MOTHER ISABEL EUGENIE RELIGIOUS OF THE ASSUMPTION ''A II who knew her will be sad ro hear of the death on May 15th… |
Sequence 37Recollections of Mother Isabel by Gerald Dzura As clear as on that day, I can picture a tiny woman in purple and white… |
Sequence 38"Do you believe in God?" Part way through my stylized and defensive response. she in- terrupted. For I.he… |
Sequence 41It is necessary to tell the children what conscience is. They are told so often that conscience is a voice. But it is not a… |
Sequence 43Book Review: Creativity & Immortality by John K. Long In Defense of the Family by Rita Kramer, Basic Books Inc. In… |
Sequence 45Montessori Elementary Teacher Training Study Project by David Kahn Enclosed is a brief outline of a new national project for… |
Sequence 46model to meet the objective conditions required for the continuation and expansion of Montessori elementary training. Such… |
Sequence 47II I I I I I ( 1 ment brochures, pre-college recruitment, post graduate recruitment, etc.). D. Inter-Training Center… |
Sequence 49Approximate Mailing Date Jan. 15, 1984 Winter April I. 1984 Spring-Summer Publication Schedule 1983-84 Publication… |
Sequence 51THE THTRD ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE Presented by: AMI/USA (Association Montessori lnternationale) and NAMTA (North American… |
Sequence 3DRAMA, READING AND MONTESSORI volume nine number one Theme: Drama, Reading, Dialogue and Montessori Drama and Reading by… |