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Displaying results 13001 - 13048 of 13048
Sequence 39setting. They need academic stimulus relative to their varying stages of professional development. A blanket in-service… |
Sequence 40"materialize" the Montessori viewpoint and to make it part of a continuing heritage has been talked about,… |
Sequence 55Montessori Syntopican: Proposal Abstract b} Mary Boehnlein and David Kahn To date there is no definitive chronicle of… |
Sequence 56on a male dominated philosophical heritage. The Montessori Synropicon and Annotated Bibliography of two million words will be… |
Sequence 57later studies did seek the sources of her philosophy such as Birchnell (1970) on philosophy, Keough (1973) on receptivity to… |
Sequence 68NAMTA presents THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE Vancouver, British Columbia May 9-10 MONTESSORI SECONDARY IN ACTION A mid the… |
Sequence 71NEEDED: Teachers 10 organize/run summer daycamp at our school on Manha's Vineyard. 8eau1iful school. playground: walk IO… |
Sequence 73Contact Madeleine Onman, The Woods Academy, 6801 Grccntree Road. Bethe&la, MD 20817. 301-365-3080. Three highly… |
Sequence 75Adminis1ra1or wanted. Catholic Montessori school established in 1976; enrollmenl of 150 children ages 2½ 10 12 years.… |
Sequence 77N.A.M.T.A. News: CAROL ALVER RESIGNS FROM NAMTA Carol Alver, who has served NAMTA over a ten year period as President and… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2014 Mid-Year Article 2 AMI Journal 2014 The Mid-Year Article Contents p 2 Editorial p 4 Editorial Board p… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2014 Mid-Year Article 4 Editorial Board Kay Baker, PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12),… |
Sequence 8AMI Journal 2014 Mid-Year Article 8 The fact that the child seeks exactitude in contact with the exterior world is of… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal 2015 archival treasure publication SOME OBSERVATIONS ON TECHNOLOGY Maria Montessori From an introduction to a… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2015, archival treasure publication page 3 To our human society, technology is a permanent challenge, and a… |
Sequence 7AMI Journal 2015, archival treasure publication page 7 I would like, however, to point out that these mechanical aids are… |
Sequence 8Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12), USA Susan Feez, PhD, Senior Lecturer,… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal — Archival Treasure Publication, 2016 p. 2 IntroductIon In the year just preceding our 28th International… |
Sequence 7AMI Journal — Archival Treasure Publication, 2016 p. 7 Subsequently, people said, ‘Why not give children real ob- jects… |
Sequence 8Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12), USA Susan Feez, PhD, Senior Lecturer,… |
Sequence 2Treasure Article 2017 page 1 i. introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to our time, since… |
Sequence 4Treasure Article 2017 page 3 The activities available to the children in a Montessori classroom are those which Montessori… |
Sequence 6Treasure Article 2017 page 5 also benefit others. The dung beetles and other scavengers, for example, are sweepers of the… |
Sequence 7Treasure Article 2017 page 6 is based on the permanency of the spiritual, ethical and economical equilibrium of the group… |
Sequence 8Treasure Article 2017 page 7 ago. Politics and peace talks may provide a cessation of war but they cannot create peace.… |
Sequence 9Treasure Article 2017 page 8 tional Montessori Training Course, London, 1946, p. 48 —, From Childhood to Adolescence (New… |
Sequence 10Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12), USA Susan Feez, PhD, Senior Lecturer,… |
Sequence 2REFLECTIONS ON MONEY The Maria Montessori Archives resting with Association Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam continue to… |
Sequence 11AMI Journal 2018, archival treasure publication 11 time it circulates. When an individual de- posits his money in a bank,… |
Sequence 2Treasure Article 2019 — 2 20th International Teacher Training Course Nice, 14 September 1934 “Les Deux Justices” On the… |
Sequence 7Treasure Article 2019 — 7 In the child there is a tendency to join lofty man- ifestations: work, love, perseverance, an inner… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal 2020 archival treasure publication SOME OBSERVATIONS ON HISTORY Maria Montessori Excerpts from “The… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2020, archival treasure publication — page 2 How symbolic of our human nature is this very recent headline: “Two-… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2020, archival treasure publication — page 3 that will cause disaster after disaster. I had seen it since the… |
Sequence 2The title of this Treasure Article may sound somewhat unsurprising to many in our Montessori community. Do we not cover all… |
Sequence 3A caveat regarding the editorial policy to not change some of Montessori’s gender language. Maria Montessori studied and… |
Sequence 4AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.4 Some thoughts on the importance of the Montessori environment and fundamental ideas on its… |
Sequence 8AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.8 how this freedom of circulation develops in the individual the hunger for the fixed place.… |
Sequence 9AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.9 It is not the class to which one belongs that is important, whether it is the first, second… |
Sequence 10AMI Treasure Article 2021 — p.10 asked them to instruct the small ones. It was so interesting to see how much more rapidly… |
Sequence 2AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.2 Introduction Kodaikanal... so much more than a name with a rhythmic quality to it. In the… |
Sequence 3AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.3 Editorial policy to not change some of Montessori’s gender language Maria Montessori studied… |
Sequence 8AMI Treasure Article 2022 — p.8 than the whole of the “whys” connected? One almost realizes that the present universe is in… |
Sequence 7AMI Treasure Article 2023 — p.7 must be struck by the new fact that the child is happy to follow his teacher, which will push… |
Sequence 8AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.8 Maria Montessori studied and pioneered her revolution- ary approach to education in a male… |
Sequence 1AMI Journal 2023 pubblicazione del Treasure Article Il Bambin o Nuovo e la Pa ce Maria Montessori pubblicato da… |
Sequence 2AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.2 Ogni anno presentiamo ai nostri soci uno speciale Treasure Article dagli archivi di Maria… |
Sequence 6AMI Treasure Article 2023— p.6 Quando cominciano le manifestazioni più profonde e nascoste a rilevarsi, esse ci indicano… |