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Sequence 161Florida Palm Harbor Montessori Academy, 2313 Nebraska A venue, Palm Harbor, Florida 34683, 813/786-1854. Three teachers 3-… |
Sequence 47Colorado Scenic Boulder Colorado's Public Mon- tessori School is accepting applications thru March 31st from qualified… |
Sequence 255McGrath, 5237 Ashton Road, Sarasota, Florida 34233. Telephone 941 /922-4949, fax 941/922-7660. PALM HARBOR MONTESSORI… |
Sequence 219on certification and reciprocity may be obtained from the Georgia Profes- sional Standards Commission… |
Sequence 196perienced, supportive, and active faculty. Atlanta affords many "Go- ingOut," personal and professional… |
Sequence 187Hawaii Montessori School of Maui is look- ing for an upper elementary teacher for the 2003-2004 school year. We are a… |
Sequence 238of the best -;mall communitie.., in Amerirn. With threecolleges,amedi- cc1l commu111ty ..,er, ing NW Geor- gia, Rome isa… |
Sequence 151Florida Teachers of Ages 3-6, 6-9, 9-12 Candidates hold Montessori certi- fication & Bachelors Degree Experience… |
Sequence 121115 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds and qualifications. Experienced or recent Montessori graduates of AMI, AMS or other… |
Sequence 76s1on of assis1an1. parent educauon and participation wuh parent board m school operation. Compe111ive ;alar) and gcncrou,… |