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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 191
Sequence 1MONTESSORI EXPERIMENTS FOR EVERY SEASON by Carol Gale and Kathy Moore Ms. Gale and Ms. Moore provide a series of experiments… |
Sequence 19Hellbrugge, T. 0979, Spring). Early social development and proficiency in later life. Tbe NAMTA Q11arter(y, 4<.2), 6-14… |
Sequence 14Assessment (1992, p. 7), and the future of testing in America depends on issues of equity and the improvement of opportunities… |
Sequence 15Meister, G. R. (1991). Assessment in programs for disadvantaged students: Lessons from Accelerated Schools. ERIC Document… |
Sequence 12Several researchers have pointed out the value of apprenticeships for education both in school and out (Collins, Brown, &… |
Sequence 23Gruber, H. (1974). Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific creativity. New York: Dutton. Haney, W., &… |
Sequence 3A seamless spatial flow from indoors to outdoors. The following descriptions of school site settings provide a general guide… |
Sequence 22pieces of rope, sheets of heavy cardboard, as well as manufactured modular blocks and similar construction materials. Dramatic… |
Sequence 24element in playparks and adventure playgrounds. In new or redevel- oped school buildings, field facilities should be provided… |
Sequence 1POETRY AND THE EARLY ADOLESCENT by Mary Jo Moore The concept of teacher as coach is demonstrated by Ms. Moore'… |
Sequence 2THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 191THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 3result has no line at all." They hold the strip up to the sample once more, to be sure, and the meaning of it all… |
Sequence 13• Values and Attitudes Having worked with all of the above models that explore Place as Pedagogy, it is easy to applaud the… |
Sequence 17I'm the international coordinator of a project for UNESCO called Growing Up in Cities, which has produced many examples… |
Sequence 3Nebraska is not an area of the country that lends itself to using the outdoors as an extension of the prepared environment. It… |
Sequence 11Chawla, Louise, & Roger A. Hart. "The Roots of Environ- mental Concern." The NAMTA Journal 20.1 (… |
Sequence 2GREENING MONTESSORI SCHOOL GROUNDS BY DESIGN by Robin Moore and Nilda Cosco Robin Moore and Nilda Cosco view the Montessori… |
Sequence 4ence, learning styles, psychomotor skills, and personality traits. The dense diversity of life in natural settings offers a… |
Sequence 12DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION A full range of play and learning settings was previously de- scribed in The NAMTA Joumnl (Moore, &… |
Sequence 21Figure 17. Children explore the edge of their known world at further reaches of their school ground territory. torical… |
Sequence 23learning style. Territorial design will similarly motivate the continu- ing interest of teachers, who will be as excited to go… |
Sequence 24Moore, R. (1996). "Outdoor Settings for Playing and Learn- ing: Designing School Grounds to Meet the Whole Child and… |
Sequence 3Two-year-olds are sometimes called "the terrible twos." But in an environment that meets their needs, they… |
Sequence 2MOTHER AS THE FIRST PREPARED ENVIRONMENT································· 149 by Susan Tracy THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL… |
Sequence 1Alyssa Conklin-Moore with her daughter Alexis Oliver, James, Edison, Sarah, and Sylvie Moudry 184 The NAMTA Joumal • Vol. 34… |
Sequence 2PREPARING THE HOME FOR OPTIMAL MOVEMENT OF THE CHILD UNDER THREE by Alyssa Conklin-Moore and Sarah Moudry Assistants to… |
Sequence 10Sarah: Our futon is an all-cotton chair-sized futon, which crib sheets happen to fit. We have used it with each of our… |
Sequence 14Figure 7. The bar for standing. Photo copyright© Alyssa Conklin-Moore. Figure 8. Pulling up to stand. Photo copyright© Sarah… |
Sequence 15Figure 9. The walking wagon. Photo copyright© Alyssa Conklin-Moore. Once they are standing, we offer the walking wagon, and… |
Sequence 16Figure 10. A coin bank for developing the pincer grasp. Photo copyright © Alyssa Conklin-Moore. Figure 11. Having snack at a… |
Sequence 22Figure 18. Making music. Photo copyright© Alyssa Conklin-Moore. Figure 19. Drumming. Photo copyright© Sarah Moudry. The NAMTA… |
Sequence 4climates, indoor prepared environments and gardens can similarly provide rich contact with natural materials (small trees,… |
Sequence 7Figure 2. A low "rollable" hill stimulates the vestibular system and encourages vigorous activity. Observe… |
Sequence 11significant improvement for all motor test items except flexibility. Notably, the experimental group showed marked improvement… |
Sequence 19Hannaford, C. S111nrl Moves: Why Leaming ls Not All i11 Your Head. Arlington, VA: Great Ocean Publishers, 1995. Hart, R.… |
Sequence 2DOWNPLAYING PLAY: WHAT WE Miss WHEN WE HESITATE TO SHAKE LOOSE AND FROLIC by Alyssa Conklin-Moore Alyssa Conk/ in-Moore en/… |
Sequence 4strong idea, I settled on the definition, created colJectively by Bob King and Frank Hughes, that seemed to be modestly… |
Sequence 6will chaos reign? Many of us harbor the concern that if we actively invite play into our communities, somehow activity will… |
Sequence 8The Social Domain Play pulls us into relationships where we can explore what it is to be social. Tt teaches us to cooperate… |
Sequence 10get ourselves on the path of fun and excitement, to share ourselves honestly, and to feel competent in the things that we do.… |
Sequence 12children than most Montessorians care to support but never fails to emphasize the fact that hands-on exploration, time in the… |
Sequence 14require batteries to operate as designed, we can offer parents so much more guidance and good information. Helping parents to… |
Sequence 16In every regard, play is good for the brain and intensely plea- surable. So take an extra helping of play as it barrels toward… |
Sequence 182007. Dec. 2010 <http:/ / playfinal.pdf>. Jenkinson, Sally. Tlte Genius of Piny:… |
Sequence 18solving skills and the development of interest and appreciation in the world around us. These goals acknowledge that learning… |
Sequence 947 Chawla • Bonding with the Natural World: The Roots of Environmental Awareness advanced KnowledGe Rachel Carson leads us… |
Sequence 1ecosysteMs in the bacKyard: PreParinG a diverse outdoor environMent for PriMary (aGes three to six) children by Mary B.… |
Sequence 565 Verschuur • Ecosystems in the Backyard: Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary level, but by becoming… |
Sequence 1GreeninG Montessori school Grounds by desiGn by Robin Moore and Nilda Cosco Robin Moore and Nilda Cosco view the Montessori… |
Sequence 3221 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design could start work on the outdoor renovation plan, a time-… |
Sequence 4222 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 desiGn iMPleMentation A full range of play and learning settings was… |
Sequence 5223 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design long-term site development. As the school expands, these… |
Sequence 7225 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design Secondary pathways should be considered as an independent… |
Sequence 9227 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design three to six years old, or more dramatic elevations may… |
Sequence 11229 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design Figure 12. Rain gardens are easy to install in a wet… |
Sequence 12230 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 These data reinforce more general research conclusions that suggest… |
Sequence 13231 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design world by pressing against the “unknown” (see Figure 17).… |
Sequence 14232 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 with higher levels of diversity are likely to satisfy the exploratory… |
Sequence 15233 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design Kaplan, R. “The Nature of the View from Home:… |
Sequence 16234 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 websites Natural Learning Initiative: LEED (U.S… |
Sequence 1Theory inTo PracTice: advancing norMalizaTion for The child under Three by Alyssa Conklin-Moore Alyssa Conklin-Moore… |
Sequence 365 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization to collaborate and communicate with us in the future.… |
Sequence 567 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization Generating Hands-On Opportunity During infancy, the child… |
Sequence 769 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization infancy, we work to weave the children into activities that… |
Sequence 971 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization on these well-defined periods of interest in certain areas… |
Sequence 1173 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization this process, the idea that was first physically held and… |
Sequence 1375 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization ways in which we recognize one another are how we role model… |
Sequence 1577 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization Other times what we need to do is actually minimize our sup… |
Sequence 1779 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization What’s Missing? Pull out your albums. Explore the table of… |
Sequence 1981 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization You can also invite yourself to consider the kinds of work… |
Sequence 2183 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization other words, you can’t go wrong. For those of you guiding… |
Sequence 2385 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization Find ways to visit with other guides. Get into their… |
Sequence 2587 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization involved when we witness a child fold that language card or… |
Sequence 2789 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization act. Our words have offered a possible route to success.… |
Sequence 2991 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization only touch the periphery of the child and never the core. It… |
Sequence 3193 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization the three-to-six environ- ment. It’s important to create… |
Sequence 3395 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization WraPPing iT uP When it comes to putting theory into… |
Sequence 5Montessori and Assessment page 56 at all for the tests and of the half that did, no more than several periods a year were… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 112AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 113Montessori and Assessment page 56 at all for the tests and of the half that did, no more than several periods a year were… |
Sequence 113AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 114Montessori and Assessment page 56 at all for the tests and of the half that did, no more than several periods a year were… |
Sequence 5absorbs images into the individual's very life." Dr. Maria Montessori ( 1973) tells us in To Educate the Human… |
Sequence 15Farb, P. Word Play, Knopf, New York, 1974. Gibson, E. J. Principles of Perceptual Learninl{ and Development, Appleton, Century… |
Sequence 9overpowering or painful or anxiety arousing; or he reproduces events where he had been the passive, the suffering party -… |
Sequence 12her presence and refuse substitutes, even those with whom he has a good relationship generally speaking. Bedtime, frequently… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES 'Cone/, J.L. The Brain Structure of the Newborn and Consideration of the Senile Brain. Res. Publ Ass. Nerv.… |
Sequence 46Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 1472. Foreign Language/Bilingual Jackson, Stepman Lawrence. (1980). Formative evaluation of a bilingual Montessori preschool… |
Sequence 175A Montessori mother. 0978). [Letter]. Communications, .!_, 34, (1). The Montessori movement in Holland. (1924). Call of… |
Sequence 36MONTESSORI EXPERIMENTS FOR EVERY SEASON by Carol Gale and Kathy Moore Ms. Gale and Ms. Moore provide a series of experiments… |
Sequence 141Hellbrugge, T. 0979, Spring). Early social development and proficiency in later life. Tbe NAMTA Q11arter(y, 4<.2), 6-14… |
Sequence 135Assessment (1992, p. 7), and the future of testing in America depends on issues of equity and the improvement of opportunities… |
Sequence 136Meister, G. R. (1991). Assessment in programs for disadvantaged students: Lessons from Accelerated Schools. ERIC Document… |
Sequence 22Several researchers have pointed out the value of apprenticeships for education both in school and out (Collins, Brown, &… |
Sequence 33Gruber, H. (1974). Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific creativity. New York: Dutton. Haney, W., &… |