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Sequence 19Hannaford, C. S111nrl Moves: Why Leaming ls Not All i11 Your Head. Arlington, VA: Great Ocean Publishers, 1995. Hart, R.… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES 'Cone/, J.L. The Brain Structure of the Newborn and Consideration of the Senile Brain. Res. Publ Ass. Nerv.… |
Sequence 46Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |
Sequence 182Hannaford, C. S111nrl Moves: Why Leaming ls Not All i11 Your Head. Arlington, VA: Great Ocean Publishers, 1995. Hart, R.… |
Sequence 45REFERENCES 'Cone/, J.L. The Brain Structure of the Newborn and Consideration of the Senile Brain. Res. Publ Ass. Nerv.… |
Sequence 54Long, John. (1982). NAMTA Quarterly, The elementary child, the curriculum and Montessori. 2, 10-16, (7). 47 Lucas, Ann F… |