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Displaying results 1 - 66 of 66
Sequence 10Academic Year 1996-1997 Design and Task Force representatives conduct one mid-year seminar to trouble shoot implementation… |
Sequence 18Academic Year 1996-1997 Design and Task Force representatives conduct one mid-year seminar to trouble shoot implementation… |
Sequence 91Montessori 2000 A Proposal Submitted to the New American Schools Development Corporation Submitted by David Kahn… |
Sequence 24Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 15Zigler, PhD, Sterling Psychology Professor at Yale University and one of the founders of Head Start. This conference will… |
Sequence 15Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. Montessori, M. (1994). The absorbent mind. Oxford: Clio… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 4Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 13Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 166Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 175Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 178MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 82Historic Montessori Items, continued Small red and blue number rods When Nancy Jordan worked in Dublin with children who… |
Sequence 2The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 41The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 42The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Review: Nienhuis Montessori U.S.A. Under the direction and management of Monte Kenison, Nienhuis Mon- tessori U.S… |
Sequence 2The USA office/warehouse was set up in the summer of 1975 with the first orders being shipped in August of that year. After… |
Sequence 2The factory operation gives many impressions - order, precision, solidity, and once again good humor. The employees are both… |
Sequence 7terrelated, to see what Montessori has given and what still has to be developed." John (his Americanized first name)… |
Sequence 86NAMTANEWS Public School Study and Media Products NAM'D\ is continuing it.s investigation of Montessori in the public… |
Sequence 156INNER CITY MONTESSORI ASSOC.,2 Eum- lla St., Burwood NSW 2134, Australia. Queensland Australia: Beautiful One Day, Perfect… |
Sequence 191Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z nil = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task… |
Sequence 115Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. :z nil = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task… |
Sequence 212Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 9Montessori 2000 A Proposal Submitted to the New American Schools Development Corporation Submitted by David Kahn… |
Sequence 82Academic Year 1996-1997 Design and Task Force representatives conduct one mid-year seminar to trouble shoot implementation… |
Sequence 156- en Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. Educational reform? No easy task! Innovative… |
Sequence 120--· en Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. Educational reform? No easy task! Innovative… |
Sequence 216Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 32Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 201Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. Educational reform? No easy task! Innovative thinking must… |
Sequence 156Zigler, PhD, Sterling Psychology Professor at Yale University and one of the founders of Head Start. This conference will… |
Sequence 169Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. ::z ciil = =r C --en Educational reform? No easy… |
Sequence 168imagination, and John Wyatt of Beloit College introduced his model curriculum centered around the ancient city of Alexandria… |
Sequence 182Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ci»I = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task… |
Sequence 191Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z nil = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 225Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 228Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ciil = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task… |
Sequence 131Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ciil = =- = -- Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 63Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =- c -- Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 84Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. Montessori, M. (1994). The absorbent mind. Oxford: Clio… |
Sequence 280i I I ZI Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. ml = =- = -- en Educational reform? No… |
Sequence 175Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 272Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =-= --en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 231- Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. Educational reform? No easy task! Innovative thinking… |
Sequence 383Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ml = =- = --en Educational reform? No easy task!… |
Sequence 117-- en Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. Educational reform? No easy task! Innovative… |
Sequence 69MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 72Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 81Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 245----------------------------------- United Kingdom MeadowbrookMontessoriSchool A well-established school cater- ing for… |
Sequence 304For All Your Montessori Materials ... Nienhuis Montessori has been working with Montessorians since the1920's. We… |
Sequence 84Historic Montessori Items, continued Small red and blue number rods When Nancy Jordan worked in Dublin with children who… |
Sequence 167Nienhuis MONTESSORI Nienhuis Montessori. The global standard NIENHUIS MONTESSORI HOE Dana Sueet. Mountain View. CA 9.ilO.ill… |
Sequence 287Nienhuis MONTESSORI Nienhuis Montessori. The global standard IID [ Dano Streel Mo,mmo V,ew. CA 9l!Ul 150S 1 I 800-9'l-… |
Sequence 354Nienhuis MONTESSORI Nienhuis Montessori. The global standard. 150 S. Whisman Road, Mountain View. CA 9'0•1·1512 11-800·… |
Sequence 166Consistency is quality. In• uldn'°" thal span,· Q\ler 80 ye.1i1, we "'1ve… |
Sequence 199193 The NAMTA Journal Lower Elementary teaching team, so team experience is a plus. Interested parties should email their… |
Sequence 129The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 73N.A.M.T.A. News: NIENHUIS CONTRACTS N.A.M.T.A. Nienhuis Montessori USA will codistribute the N.A.M.T.A. Jour- nal as a… |
Sequence 55Curriculum Review: Nienhuis Montessori U.S.A. Under the direction and management of Monte Kenison, Nienhuis Mon- tessori U.S… |
Sequence 56The USA office/warehouse was set up in the summer of 1975 with the first orders being shipped in August of that year. After… |
Sequence 36The factory operation gives many impressions - order, precision, solidity, and once again good humor. The employees are both… |
Sequence 41terrelated, to see what Montessori has given and what still has to be developed." John (his Americanized first name)… |
Sequence 7672 TEACHERS AVAILABLE 31 year old man w/background in Business Admin- istration looking for sponsor for training in Bergamo… |