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Sequence 2Maria Montessori was well versed in philosophy. Her footnotes include allusions to Sequin, Tolstoi, Froebal, Pascal, Poincare… |
Sequence 11The humanities also deal with the interpersonal. The child learns to discuss, to interpret, to act out what he knows,… |
Sequence 3that Montessori used science behind her metaphors. For instance, "Child the worker" refers to the child who… |
Sequence 7education to the sixth year, he formulates certain principles for the education of children at home by the mothers who ought… |
Sequence 8Jean Jacques Rousseau More than proclaiming the rights of man, Rousseau was the champion of the rights of childhood. Before… |
Sequence 10Negative Education Rousseau says, "let him be disposed to respect the individual, butl to despise the multitude&… |
Sequence 11abilities, that were entirely absent from the schoolroom in the previous ages. Consequently, attention of educationists was… |
Sequence 12the whole man completely for manhood. Manliness implied the training of hand, head and heart. The pw-pose of education is not… |
Sequence 13importance of this principle is fully recognized in modern methods of Nursery Education. Pestalozzi deserves the credit for… |
Sequence 15stages, namely (a) preparation; (b) presentation; (c) comparison and abstraction; (d) generalization; and (e) application.… |
Sequence 8The materials became a means through which inner motivation could be carried our. The phenomenon of concentration was central… |
Sequence 2When she agreed to take responsibility for these children, however, it was not in order to police their actions or treat them… |
Sequence 7teaching, which are now standard fixtures in the early education scene in America. Dr. Montessori was strongly influenced by… |
Sequence 8helping us to cut between the twin pitfalls of sentimentality and indifference in our relationship to children. Third, we can… |
Sequence 23tary school, secondary school, university. Thus, in her 1951 lecture, Montessori says, "The school, as we see it in… |
Sequence 2When Maria Montessori set up her first class environment in San Lorenzo in 1907, there were many educational scholars who… |
Sequence 1~------------------ Mo NT ES SOR I: COLLABORATION AS A WAY OF LIFE by David Kahn Maria Montessori's visionary pedagogy… |
Sequence 3The change of behavior surprised not only Dr. Montessori but the visitors who flocked from all parts of the world to witness… |
Sequence 13Froebel, it was in the concept of "play" that he recognized human activity which brought the outer world in… |
Sequence 2Psychologists, on the other hand, were traditionally foot-bound, over- burdened with statistical evidence, viewing "… |
Sequence 24Discontinuity, however, is to be found not only in relation to the education provided by the state or public sector, but also… |
Sequence 206Discontinuity, however, is to be found not only in relation to the education provided by the state or public sector, but also… |
Sequence 6In holding her as a model, in retelling that part of the story of her inspiration, I think she showed each of us what is most… |
Sequence 13condition-the tenants were in charge of the care and maintenance of the tenements. It acted as a sort of covenant. And he… |
Sequence 14Many left Rome convinced and opened Children's Houses in other countries. In 1909, Montessori published her book in order… |
Sequence 2Montessori far more than her American counterparts. At the same time it offered opportunities to enhance and enrich her… |
Sequence 12A Classic Work of Pedagogy 187 "nonnalization" process - a preliminary one and an educational one proper,… |
Sequence 2250 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Child study is an old-fashioned term. Interestingly, it originated at… |
Sequence 1Language, the Basis of Humanism by J.H. Pestalozzi Pestalozzi is mentioned in Montessori's early works as a principal… |
Sequence 10widespread, by educators such as Pestalozzi, Froebel, and Dewey. Permissiveness should be the keynote of early education, not… |
Sequence 8687 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |
Sequence 59Maria Montessori was well versed in philosophy. Her footnotes include allusions to Sequin, Tolstoi, Froebal, Pascal, Poincare… |
Sequence 53The humanities also deal with the interpersonal. The child learns to discuss, to interpret, to act out what he knows,… |
Sequence 105that Montessori used science behind her metaphors. For instance, "Child the worker" refers to the child who… |
Sequence 88education to the sixth year, he formulates certain principles for the education of children at home by the mothers who ought… |
Sequence 89Jean Jacques Rousseau More than proclaiming the rights of man, Rousseau was the champion of the rights of childhood. Before… |
Sequence 91Negative Education Rousseau says, "let him be disposed to respect the individual, butl to despise the multitude&… |
Sequence 92abilities, that were entirely absent from the schoolroom in the previous ages. Consequently, attention of educationists was… |
Sequence 93the whole man completely for manhood. Manliness implied the training of hand, head and heart. The pw-pose of education is not… |
Sequence 94importance of this principle is fully recognized in modern methods of Nursery Education. Pestalozzi deserves the credit for… |
Sequence 96stages, namely (a) preparation; (b) presentation; (c) comparison and abstraction; (d) generalization; and (e) application.… |
Sequence 32The materials became a means through which inner motivation could be carried our. The phenomenon of concentration was central… |
Sequence 105When she agreed to take responsibility for these children, however, it was not in order to police their actions or treat them… |
Sequence 161teaching, which are now standard fixtures in the early education scene in America. Dr. Montessori was strongly influenced by… |
Sequence 106helping us to cut between the twin pitfalls of sentimentality and indifference in our relationship to children. Third, we can… |
Sequence 236tary school, secondary school, university. Thus, in her 1951 lecture, Montessori says, "The school, as we see it in… |
Sequence 19When Maria Montessori set up her first class environment in San Lorenzo in 1907, there were many educational scholars who… |
Sequence 6~------------------ Mo NT ES SOR I: COLLABORATION AS A WAY OF LIFE by David Kahn Maria Montessori's visionary pedagogy… |
Sequence 108The change of behavior surprised not only Dr. Montessori but the visitors who flocked from all parts of the world to witness… |
Sequence 51Froebel, it was in the concept of "play" that he recognized human activity which brought the outer world in… |
Sequence 64Psychologists, on the other hand, were traditionally foot-bound, over- burdened with statistical evidence, viewing "… |
Sequence 56Discontinuity, however, is to be found not only in relation to the education provided by the state or public sector, but also… |
Sequence 30In holding her as a model, in retelling that part of the story of her inspiration, I think she showed each of us what is most… |
Sequence 22condition-the tenants were in charge of the care and maintenance of the tenements. It acted as a sort of covenant. And he… |
Sequence 23Many left Rome convinced and opened Children's Houses in other countries. In 1909, Montessori published her book in order… |
Sequence 204Montessori far more than her American counterparts. At the same time it offered opportunities to enhance and enrich her… |
Sequence 201A Classic Work of Pedagogy 187 "nonnalization" process - a preliminary one and an educational one proper,… |
Sequence 256250 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Child study is an old-fashioned term. Interestingly, it originated at… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI HUMANISM: ORIGIN AND TRENDS Montessori in the Humanist Tradition by Ron Miller The Perfectibility of the… |
Sequence 27Language, the Basis of Humanism by J.H. Pestalozzi Pestalozzi is mentioned in Montessori's early works as a principal… |
Sequence 29widespread, by educators such as Pestalozzi, Froebel, and Dewey. Permissiveness should be the keynote of early education, not… |
Sequence 9487 LANGUAGE ARTS A, English as a Second Language Patra, Kumari Arati. (1958). English with non-English children-part 1.… |