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Displaying results 1 - 31 of 31
Sequence 1movement and character lecture, london, 1946 by Maria Montessori Dr. Montessori’s words from the 1946 London Lectures… |
Sequence 1723 Black • Community a May you make of yourself a light, inspiring awe and wonder in each of the lives you touch everyday… |
Sequence 1man and sUpeRnaTURe leCTURe 12, sepTemBeR 27, 1946 by Maria Montessori “Man and SuperNature” is a lyrical chapter in the… |
Sequence 119th international montessori training Course, london leCture 29 17 noVemBer 1933 by Maria Montessori Followers of Maria… |
Sequence 39171 MacDonald • Becoming a Scientific Observer references Doyle, Arthur Conan. “The Adventure of the Copper Beeches.” The… |
Sequence 1lecTure 3 sOMe suggesTiOns and reMarks uPOn Observing children by Maria Montessori These two lectures succinctly discuss… |
Sequence 1lecTure 11 sOMe MOre suggesTiOns and reMarks by Maria Montessori This lecture was delivered at the International Training… |
Sequence 1660 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 brain-… |
Sequence 23285 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges Danner, N. & Fowler, S.A. “Montessori and Non-Montessori… |
Sequence 5Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 6Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 9Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 15Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 1Reflections by Colleagues on the AMI Editorial Board My first memory of Annette was as a student in the elementary course she… |
Sequence 10Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 16Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 13Scientific Pedagogy in Action “My method is founded on the child himself. Our study has its ori- gins in the child. The… |
Sequence 7Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 161 In the same first journal, Margaret Stephenson reminisced of a daycare in England during World… |
Sequence 4337 Montessori • Movement and Character movement and character lecture, london, 1946 by Maria Montessori Dr. Montessori’s… |
Sequence 2923 Black • Community a May you make of yourself a light, inspiring awe and wonder in each of the lives you touch everyday… |
Sequence 134129 Montessori • Man and SuperNature Reprinted from The 1946 London Lectures. Copyright 2012 by the Montessori-Pierson… |
Sequence 179171 MacDonald • Becoming a Scientific Observer references Doyle, Arthur Conan. “The Adventure of the Copper Beeches.” The… |
Sequence 399391 Montessori • Some Suggestions and Remarks upon Observing Children lecTure 3 sOMe suggesTiOns and reMarks uPOn Observing… |
Sequence 407399 Montessori • Some More Suggestions and Remarks lecTure 11 sOMe MOre suggesTiOns and reMarks by Maria Montessori This… |
Sequence 6660 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 brain-… |
Sequence 291285 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges Danner, N. & Fowler, S.A. “Montessori and Non-Montessori… |
Sequence 155Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 161Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 170AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 169 Reflections by Colleagues on the AMI Editorial Board My first memory of Annette was as a… |
Sequence 45Scientific Pedagogy in Action “My method is founded on the child himself. Our study has its ori- gins in the child. The… |
Sequence 161Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 161 In the same first journal, Margaret Stephenson reminisced of a daycare in England during World… |