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Displaying results 301 - 346 of 346
Sequence 9589 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God Photo 2. The wooden cabinet in the atrium for the “middle children”… |
Sequence 9892 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 Sofia lights one candle (except for the light from the windows there is… |
Sequence 10094 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 and gifts, which will be part of the procession. All the children are now… |
Sequence 10599 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God S: And where are we in this long history…? C: (All the children go to… |
Sequence 106100 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 at the beginning (“creation”); and they place various little Gospel… |
Sequence 107101 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God S: Why have you put these sheep with candles attached to them…? C:… |
Sequence 109103 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God during it, meditatively. Sofia reads the verse of the creation of… |
Sequence 110104 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 The children are responding. Then they gather together around the… |
Sequence 123117 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God C: From then on it’s one road. ~ But the light always becomes more… |
Sequence 133127 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God ~ The Good Shepherd. ~ The Found Sheep. ~ Jesus says, “patience.”… |
Sequence 137131 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God “the unity of the Vine” and shows that we are “really part of the… |
Sequence 140134 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 represents a certain part of the Mass. Only the white cards (the “Propers… |
Sequence 141135 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God suggest, as they move through the prayers, “Why don’t we sing…?” And… |
Sequence 144138 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 C: Because they were the smallest. ~ They were small in their greatness… |
Sequence 163157 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God it. God had offered him something extraordinary and Abraham believed… |
Sequence 164158 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 Photo 17. A child working with the aid of the light through the window.… |
Sequence 168162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 C: To read the Bible. ~ To do good to those who hate you. Sofia once… |
Sequence 172166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 ~ “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” ~ “Ask and it will be… |
Sequence 200194 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 Wonder and the parables of Kingdom of God: infinite • depths and… |
Sequence 208202 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 aPPEndix 2 ConvErSation With Gianna Gobbi After Gianna’s death (in 2002… |
Sequence 212206 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 aPPEndix 3 GloSSary by Gianna Gobbi Descriptions of the following… |
Sequence 214208 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 1 • Winter 2017 also concerning “the existence of something like a religious sensi- tive… |
Sequence 217211 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God a rEfErEnCES Cavalletti, Sofia. 1985. “Characteristics of the Good… |
Sequence 219213 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God about PatriCia CoultEr Ever since her original studies at the Good… |
Sequence 441435 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds atmosphere. Knowledge of the Catholic Faith a must; Catechesis of the Good Shepherd… |
Sequence 121115 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds and qualifications. Experienced or recent Montessori graduates of AMI, AMS or other… |
Sequence 163Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 163 least Maria Montessori thinks so. She indicates that what might be considered “to be rooted”… |
Sequence 164164 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 164 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 picture of what… |
Sequence 9praying with these words: "Goodness, light, Amen.", and so, "Jesus is beautiful, is beautiful.&… |
Sequence 10meditate the teaching even more deeply. Parables are a method of teach- ing that help us to meditate by ourselves. What have… |
Sequence 14though we freely admit that the child comes to know his world and him- self through objects, we often belittle the idea that… |
Sequence 55Spiritual Education: The Parable Method Dr. Sofia Cavalletti Dr. Cavalletti utilizes the parable as the basis for her… |
Sequence 56The parable opens a door to us, but to walk ahead on the path that departs from it - this is ours to do. The parable, however… |
Sequence 57true Vine)2, he has made us know the reality of his Kingdom, he has disclosed the secrets of certain actions of God, which… |
Sequence 43nor Jew, but, we believe, neither adult nor child. Before the Word of God we are all hearers of a message that God addresses… |
Sequence 4440 in the religious experience. Indeed, we believe that early childhood is the time of the serene enjoyment of God, when the… |
Sequence 45are illustrated as two interchangeable images; therefore Christmas and Easter are viewed as historical events in the Good… |
Sequence 25Conclusion Religious Potential of the Child (Ages Three to Six) by Sofia Cavalletti Reaching the end of our brief… |
Sequence 28into Montessori - but with an added dimension. We had all experienced a lack at the very heart of the most normalized… |
Sequence 29The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 216Appendix l GEOMETRY Grazzini, Camillo . (1975). Games with constructive triangles. Communications,~. 18-23, (6). Leeds… |
Sequence 2611 I 1, II Ii I I There [ sat, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, in July of 1973, and I had not yet found any classes of my own. A… |
Sequence 27Missionaries of Charity, the sisters of Mother Teresa. At every step of their development I was wishing I'd taken the… |
Sequence 28!I I children and trying to see what is universal in their revelations to us and what still requires more thought and study… |
Sequence 29Proposal - The Montessori Atrium by Carol Dittberner and Joan Miller As an elaboration on the career of the Montessori… |
Sequence 30and the actual place of prayer. The children's atrium is the environment between the Church and the school. Tactile… |