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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 257
Sequence 898 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 it is also a place to experience what it is like to live and work in a… |
Sequence 20110 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Leonard, G. “An Interview with Thomas Berry.” The NAMTA Journal 16.3 (… |
Sequence 14126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 It is important to understand that Dr. Montessori did not advocate that… |
Sequence 2258 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 Complex global issues are a compelling and developmentally appropriate… |
Sequence 2359 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems awareness wherever there is a Montessori adolescent program. This is a need for… |
Sequence 385 McNamara • Naturally Integrates Science, Mathematics, Technology uses a similar expression: “Forced growth weakens the… |
Sequence 1597 McNamara • Naturally Integrates Science, Mathematics, Technology bibliogrAphy Grazzini, Camillo. “An Interview with… |
Sequence 4298 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 and different. The careful precision, the slow movements, the silence,… |
Sequence 4399 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Scientist bibliOgraPhy Joosten, A. M. “Errors and Their Correction.” Bombay: Indian… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 21 Thus, the apparent passivity of the infant belies the profound work in which the infant is… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 23 • patience and the ability to share • respect for others • a willingness to abide by rules… |
Sequence 12AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 29 The activities young children are most enthusiastic about are those that are necessary for… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 117 Once they have reached this level, the children no longer act thoughtlessly, but put the… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 165 Today, young people often finish university without having made a choice of vocation and… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 165 Today, young people often finish university without having made a choice of vocation and… |
Sequence 52AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 117 Once they have reached this level, the children no longer act thoughtlessly, but put the… |
Sequence 140AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 29 The activities young children are most enthusiastic about are those that are necessary for… |
Sequence 146AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 23 • patience and the ability to share • respect for others • a willingness to abide by rules… |
Sequence 148AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 21 Thus, the apparent passivity of the infant belies the profound work in which the infant is… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 165 Today, young people often finish university without having made a choice of vocation and… |
Sequence 53AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 117 Once they have reached this level, the children no longer act thoughtlessly, but put the… |
Sequence 141AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 29 The activities young children are most enthusiastic about are those that are necessary for… |
Sequence 147AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 23 • patience and the ability to share • respect for others • a willingness to abide by rules… |
Sequence 149AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 21 Thus, the apparent passivity of the infant belies the profound work in which the infant is… |
Sequence 233 Leonard • Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled Montessori… |
Sequence 1445 Leonard • Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science Marsh, George P. The Earth as Modified by Human Action: Man and Nature.… |
Sequence 1560 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Second, these words from Teilhard de Chardin: The day will come, when… |
Sequence 1Announcement: 19th INTERNATIONAL MONTES.SORI CONGRESS 1979 in Amsterdam International Year of the Child 50th Anniversary… |
Sequence 52Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 202204 Midwest training course, Chicago, Illinois. (1965). The Constructive Triangle, !, 21, (1). Montessori in America.… |
Sequence 36Montessori explains that, "The teacher must have the greatest respect for the personality of the adolescent,… |
Sequence 37Erikson, E. Identity. Youth and Crisis. (New York: Norton Press, 1968). Erikson, E. The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of… |
Sequence 54STARTING AT BIRTH AND TEACHING NEW MOTHERS by J. Mc Vicker Hunt Dr. Hunt's presentation here is really two essays.… |
Sequence 55below). In cases where the food and care that infants receive is uncon- tingent with their strivings, as is the case in many… |
Sequence 72References Banta, T.J. Tests for the evaluation of early childhood education: The Cincinnati Autonomy Test Battery (CATB). In… |
Sequence 10912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 19Physical hygiene is not in itself sufficient. Often, on the contrary, it has been physical hygiene which indirectly has done… |
Sequence 145Week Fbur: July 20 to July 24, 1991 THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF MORAL RESPONSIBILITY: Education and Society In this section… |
Sequence 78my children's tears, ro laugh with rhem, choose the books we read, the music we listened to, the food they are, were all… |
Sequence 137EXPAND THE HEAD START PROGRAM-BY REVAMPING CHAPTER 1 by Edward Zigler and Susan Muenchow Head Start using Montessori methods… |
Sequence 162Let us take a look at what Montessori was really saying about peace and education. I want to read a little here from the… |
Sequence 23social life which may endure for years. Such defects in social adjustment may have dangerous consequences for the indi-… |
Sequence 28constructive instincts that as yet have neither been recognized nor put to use .... Might not this goal be reached by changing… |
Sequence 95these great lords of the earth, these dominating all-powerful adults, so confident in their own powers, so conscious of their… |
Sequence 112THE PREPARED ENVIRONMENT by Eduardo J. Cuevas In this summary of his workshop session, Eduardo Cuevas explores what really… |
Sequence 110To provide for the education of young children is a luxury, however. Almost every government, while sympathizing with the… |
Sequence 247two great-great-great-grandparents, and so on until you get to the "eighteen greats" level, where you have… |
Sequence 297START THE NEW YEAR OFF WITH THESE $-- PUBLICATIONS The Normalized Child I<it Futrell's classic booklet, The… |
Sequence 299ORDER TODAY! Send to: Name: ------------------------ Schoo I: ____________________ _ ShippingAddresss: (No P.O. Boxes)… |
Sequence 91must be aroused in the coming generations," she said (The Child, Society and the World 113). The Montessori approach… |
Sequence 13These changes touch on all of our cu I tures, and they accu- mulate Ii ttle by little until one day we can't recover… |
Sequence 111In the plan she outlined, Dr. Montessori would have the whole life of the adolescent revolve around the idea of society,… |
Sequence 112Then what about the tendencies of man and their relationship to the construction that goes on in the third plane of… |
Sequence 116individual, in particular his moral values, and second, from the point of view of organizing the individual possessed of… |
Sequence 47Montessori, Maria. What You Should Know about Your Child. 1948. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1966. Montessori, Mario.… |
Sequence 44Ravitch, D. The Troubled Crusade. New York: Basic Books, 1983. Rogers, D. "Stage Theory and Critical Period as… |
Sequence 153written material, discussion, and a variety of field experi- ences. Each student will: • Read Travels with Charley, by John… |
Sequence 556Balancing Creativity and Service Although creativity and social service may seem dichotomous notions, it is the combination… |
Sequence 12Rathunde's present study focused on one public Montessori ado- lescent program, three private "urban"… |
Sequence 116The Child, Society and the World: Unpublished Speeches and Writings This book (Clio Press) includes a lecture given by Maria… |
Sequence 119differences also by providing each elementary environment (be it six to nine or nine to twelve) with a full set of advanced… |
Sequence 192Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 52ables him to grow, teaches him to speak, and thus perfects him" (The Secret of Childhood 36). It was Betty… |
Sequence 58be recognized for who they really are, for the power they possess. We will work on relationships, first with one another, for… |
Sequence 10PLACES FOR BELONGING: FROM WOMB TO HOME TO MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Judi Orion Judi Orion chronicles,from a psychological and… |
Sequence 66CREATING THE ALL-DAY MONTESSORI PLACE: A CONSTRUCT by Annette M. Haines Annette Haines' well researched "… |
Sequence 82THE ALL-DAY, ALL-YEAR MONTESSORI COMMUNITY: A PLACE FOR LIVING AT SCHOOL by Michele Aspinall From a purely practitioner… |
Sequence 112THE ELEMENTARY CHILD' s PLACE IN THE NATURAL WORLD by Phoebe Allen Phoebe Allen's article speaks for the early… |
Sequence 126ation what it means to become humanity, to continue creation, to be part of the great work of human invention or not. The… |
Sequence 132uniqueness into a richer idea of society and what we can achieve as humanity. REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary… |
Sequence 190• Live as someone who makes a difference, accepting that you may not understand how or why. • Live in the present without… |
Sequence 196Montessori, Maria. The Child, Society and the World: Unpub- lished Speeches and Writings. 1979. Trans. Caroline Juler &… |
Sequence 201social conceptions, and was interned by the British just as she was. As a professor and later chancellor of the university, he… |
Sequence 36First of all, and as far as I'm concerned I am pointing out what's very, very obvious, whenever we set up Montessori… |
Sequence 45You may perhaps condemn the plan [so let us think of the Appendices] as visionary and unpractical, but I hope that you will… |
Sequence 196This being said, the albums of my two Montessori trainings, by Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson for primary and by Camillo… |
Sequence 227Koch, Kenneth. Rose, Where Did You Get That Red? Teaching Great Poetry to Children. New York: Random House, 1973. Montessori… |
Sequence 330First and Second Dimensions The first and second dimensions aie subjects that encompass academic materials required in the… |
Sequence 422• a formal connection to a place of higher learning • an historic or actual connection to farming or other kinds of harvest… |
Sequence 145However, before we embark upon the quest to identify some of the answers to these questions, there is another question that… |
Sequence 152related to moral action. At times, we must take a particular action in order to achieve some (moral) end. At other times, we… |
Sequence 156dissuade children from tattling. We may even elect to demand that the child stop this pattern of tattling. Montessori teaches… |
Sequence 165into a being that is far superior to us. He will not only be capable of a better way of living but will be the only person who… |
Sequence 166Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1959… |
Sequence 1Volume32 Number 1 Winter2007 N·A·M·T·A J 0 u The Montessori Century Concept: A Continuing Process in Reality R N A The… |
Sequence 21declared that she would dedicate herself to pedagogy. Then she began her studies of the learning problems of normal children… |
Sequence 28THE LIGHT OF THE CHILD by Dr. Maria Montessori First published in 1957 by AMT inn special booklet com111e111orating fifty… |
Sequence 50been in Montessori work for almost half of the century we are celebrat- ing. Surely r have something to say on the topic, for… |
Sequence 65For, ultimately, the healthy, balanced personality who has built herself through work and passion, throughout the four planes… |
Sequence 269But by this definition, perceiving ourselves as distinct is not enough. Sharing common interests is not enough. And… |
Sequence 272Parents in Today's Society The parents, who, in numbers, form the largest subgroup of adults in the school community,… |
Sequence 279most basic of tools in any community and need to be prevalent in the Montessori school. Patience As we all must exhibit in… |
Sequence 3257. Be interested yourself if you want to captivate the child's interest. During the course of my program, we were able… |
Sequence 209REFERENCES Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland. Science Survey 2006. 2006. Grazzini, Camillo. "The Montessori… |
Sequence 78Howlin, Patricia. CJ,i/dre11 wit!, A11tis111 and Asperger Syn- dro11,e: A C11ide for Practitioners and Carers. New York:… |
Sequence 206They sorted, with computer-like efficiency, the words of our language containing various single phonograms, those containing… |
Sequence 28consortium of educational institutions with the ability to extend the disciplines (See Figure 5). Nine libraries, five long-… |
Sequence 327was done because it allows our students to see things twice, be it something as simple as the progression of the seasons, or… |
Sequence 331Food Global Food Supply Global Food Politics Land-Based Food Production Water-Based Food Production Energy Efriciency and… |