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Sequence 1STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 1Grace and courteSy in the elementary community by Elise Huneke-Stone Don’t be fooled by Elise Huneke-Stone’s disarming… |
Sequence 1globAl science And sociAl sysTeMs: The essenTiAls oF MonTessori educATion And peAce FrAMeworks From Childhood to Adolescence… |
Sequence 1Technology, TogeTherness, And AdolescenTs: creATing A MeAningFul AdolescenT leArning coMMuniTy in The digiTAl Age by Ben… |
Sequence 1Technology And The prepAred environMenT For The Third-plAne child by Cynthia Castiglione Cynthia Castiglione presents Near… |
Sequence 209January 27-30, 2005 Phoenix, Arizona Understanding Intelligence: The Montessori Contribution (Also Included: National… |
Sequence 8STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 8983 Huneke-Stone • Grace and Courtesy in the Elementary Community Grace and courteSy in the elementary community by Elise… |
Sequence 4337 Kahn • Global Science and Social Systems globAl science And sociAl sysTeMs: The essenTiAls oF MonTessori educATion And… |
Sequence 115109 Moudry • Technology, Togetherness, and Adolescents Technology, TogeTherness, And AdolescenTs: creATing A MeAningFul… |
Sequence 137131 Castiglione • Technology and the Prepared Environment Technology And The prepAred environMenT For The Third-plAne child… |