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Sequence 28188 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 is the sequence of phases in perspective-taking, and the insight that… |
Sequence 567 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace Namara), I would argue that well-trained Montessori students are exactly the people we… |
Sequence 1moral DeveloPment: from cosmic eDucation to aDolescent action by Elizabeth Henke “The most essential component to offering… |
Sequence 11and to seek ways for a greater fulfillment of human life to an extent which no philosopher, prophet or social reformer would… |
Sequence 97A WORLD CORE CURRICULUM by Robert Muller Robert Muller's World Core Curriculum suggests a new world educational… |
Sequence 194188 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 is the sequence of phases in perspective-taking, and the insight that… |
Sequence 7367 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace Namara), I would argue that well-trained Montessori students are exactly the people we… |
Sequence 3731 Henke • Moral Development moral DeveloPment: from cosmic eDucation to aDolescent action by Elizabeth Henke “The most… |
Sequence 19and to seek ways for a greater fulfillment of human life to an extent which no philosopher, prophet or social reformer would… |