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Sequence 9behavior by males is absolutely unknown in the animal kingdom except in chimps and humans. So if one is interested in the… |
Sequence 3and not a panicipant in the process. Plans for schools and buildings, ways to organize classrooms and groups within… |
Sequence 8to the patience of the people we encountered. In fact, the students expressed some sadness when we returned to the city and to… |
Sequence 7schools. We've visited a few and they seemed good enough. Good enough, in fact, that we even put in applications… |
Sequence 13with what had become a luscious, teeming mountain of fertilizer and abundance. He looked up from a vast shovel-full, and,… |
Sequence 28If a child, for instance, feels overwhelmed by the challenges present, if he's anxious, he or she is not going to… |
Sequence 31A: That's really difficult because you find, for instance, there have been very good studies that show that if you get a… |
Sequence 23concrete example in a school environment that exemplifies a doing to approach or a working with approach. If it's one… |
Sequence 15needs of each are different, it causes conflict and very often the needs of the adults will take precedence over the needs of… |
Sequence 19most ridiculed people in Greek literature because they smell, they're cranky, they have coarse language. But all… |
Sequence 20own culture. We're better people than that"-not to say, "Oh, don't do that. We've got to go… |
Sequence 13Oeconomicus-that one person can take a piece of ground and do something with it and another person simply can't. Believe… |
Sequence 18and language. So you might think there's got to be a connection between the two. But what precisely is the connection?… |
Sequence 12to follow an indigenous Aztec pattern of development. That's a very cruel thing to say, but it's absolutely true.… |
Sequence 21and was put in jail and they confiscated his tractor-a big scandal in the southern San Joaquin Valley. About that same time in… |
Sequence 28three hundred and you've got two hundred. What did you do wrong?" Or when I had these plum trees, thegreattrag… |
Sequence 16a toothpick in it. And of course my adult instinct was to say, "Don't squeeze the water out." But I… |
Sequence 20the third world, which replicates on a global scale what used to be the struggle within society in the nineteenth century. We… |
Sequence 6Finally, a word about the third and fourth points. Thoreau went to Walden, he said, in order to drive some of the problems… |
Sequence 11have heard of him. He's on expedition right now going up to the Northwest Territories. This is a nine-month expedition.… |
Sequence 17pion of the project and the company forever. So either way, the result is excellent. Once every eighteen months, we sponsor a… |
Sequence 6We have had a rule for the past two years: Any fiction reading done in or for school must be a classic. This fall a new… |
Sequence 33wisdom. And wisdom involves putting together everything I've said today. It's about the use of your successful… |
Sequence 2SOCIALIZATION THROUGH THE p ARTNERSHIP WITH PRAIRIE CROSSING by Linda Davis Highlighting the primary function of adolescent… |
Sequence 11Montessori emphasizes the importance of these adolescents being protected and prepared, so that they can become strong, so… |
Sequence 20"Cool! That's what a ball bearing is? How does it work? Can we take apart the ottoman? Oh, I get it, why didn… |
Sequence 25For math, and especially for younger children, I recommend the work of Constance Kam ii, a series of books titled Yo1111g… |
Sequence 2morning, and, believe it or not, I have a lot of working people who do stay for the breakfast after drop-off and then go to… |
Sequence 16don't always put directions by them; it depends on the material. Some of them just say "explore";… |
Sequence 26being a child in so many years. And to try to get in touch with myself as a child is ... I can't even express it.&… |
Sequence 7relations, even though we know and have long known from psychol- ogy that these are very formative. They so profoundly affect… |
Sequence 10the good leader, the good manager will exercise that power in a partnership structure. These are very important distinctions… |
Sequence 16solutely no evidence, they write, that male bonobos have any interest whatsoever in passing on their genes-none. Why? First of… |
Sequence 18always expected to give their bodies, their lives, because some guy on top wanted more real estate. In fact, in Euro- pean… |
Sequence 14accommodate those specialists' coming in to our school, so they don't all have to get on the little yellow bus and… |
Sequence 26This approach has also presented some challenges. One is that when we screen children across the board, we've had to be… |
Sequence 30really delicate. L think one of the first things it's the parent's respon- sibility to do is to say, "ls it… |
Sequence 3miles east of Atlanta, with no prospect of becoming rural. In fact, the tension has come from the fact that we have no desire… |
Sequence 14percent of science labs are used for classes other than science and nineteen percent are regularly used for courses other than… |
Sequence 3usual) talking about child development, and the beautiful way in which Montessori education meets all the needs of a child.… |
Sequence 8it was a little different, allowing for repetition with variety, and the children loved it. After the third rehearsal, the… |
Sequence 1FROM SOWING SEEDS TO HARVESTING SYRUP by Tony Losasso This prese11tntion trnces ti,e ndolesce11t occ11pntio11 of 111nple… |
Sequence 32locations, other places you go to visit, are viewed. But you have to Practical life, going out-these know your place first.… |
Sequence 5to the school and even if things are difficult with a spouse's job or mortgage payments, they know they are valued at… |
Sequence 10Several parent partnership meetings (parent education) are of- fered throughout the year, including two focusing on Montessori… |
Sequence 4We've all heard the expression, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well." I think it was… |
Sequence 16One consequence of the mistaken belief that coincidences are quite special and almost always significant is their rarity in… |
Sequence 7Differentiation of Material and Spiritual Needs The Fundamental Needs chart differentiates between material and spiritual… |
Sequence 5I want you to imagine Kerala-a long, thin state that stretches along the southwest coast of lndia-a state where the av- ernge… |
Sequence 32Thank you for listening to me today. We have looked at many zumpkins, seemingly unrelated things that can come together into… |
Sequence 6Kahn: How is the nap set up? Gadpaille: There are two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys. The boys are in the gym… |
Sequence 8evidently there is tremendous attraction felt by the child for the spoken word, for the way people talk. One will even acquire… |
Sequence 47behavior by males is absolutely unknown in the animal kingdom except in chimps and humans. So if one is interested in the… |
Sequence 67and not a panicipant in the process. Plans for schools and buildings, ways to organize classrooms and groups within… |
Sequence 162to the patience of the people we encountered. In fact, the students expressed some sadness when we returned to the city and to… |
Sequence 175schools. We've visited a few and they seemed good enough. Good enough, in fact, that we even put in applications… |
Sequence 181with what had become a luscious, teeming mountain of fertilizer and abundance. He looked up from a vast shovel-full, and,… |
Sequence 35If a child, for instance, feels overwhelmed by the challenges present, if he's anxious, he or she is not going to… |
Sequence 38A: That's really difficult because you find, for instance, there have been very good studies that show that if you get a… |
Sequence 31concrete example in a school environment that exemplifies a doing to approach or a working with approach. If it's one… |
Sequence 81needs of each are different, it causes conflict and very often the needs of the adults will take precedence over the needs of… |
Sequence 258most ridiculed people in Greek literature because they smell, they're cranky, they have coarse language. But all… |
Sequence 259own culture. We're better people than that"-not to say, "Oh, don't do that. We've got to go… |
Sequence 274Oeconomicus-that one person can take a piece of ground and do something with it and another person simply can't. Believe… |
Sequence 122and language. So you might think there's got to be a connection between the two. But what precisely is the connection?… |
Sequence 355to follow an indigenous Aztec pattern of development. That's a very cruel thing to say, but it's absolutely true.… |
Sequence 364and was put in jail and they confiscated his tractor-a big scandal in the southern San Joaquin Valley. About that same time in… |
Sequence 371three hundred and you've got two hundred. What did you do wrong?" Or when I had these plum trees, thegreattrag… |
Sequence 88a toothpick in it. And of course my adult instinct was to say, "Don't squeeze the water out." But I… |
Sequence 111the third world, which replicates on a global scale what used to be the struggle within society in the nineteenth century. We… |
Sequence 178Finally, a word about the third and fourth points. Thoreau went to Walden, he said, in order to drive some of the problems… |
Sequence 199have heard of him. He's on expedition right now going up to the Northwest Territories. This is a nine-month expedition.… |
Sequence 205pion of the project and the company forever. So either way, the result is excellent. Once every eighteen months, we sponsor a… |
Sequence 138We have had a rule for the past two years: Any fiction reading done in or for school must be a classic. This fall a new… |
Sequence 61wisdom. And wisdom involves putting together everything I've said today. It's about the use of your successful… |
Sequence 117SOCIALIZATION THROUGH THE p ARTNERSHIP WITH PRAIRIE CROSSING by Linda Davis Highlighting the primary function of adolescent… |
Sequence 191Montessori emphasizes the importance of these adolescents being protected and prepared, so that they can become strong, so… |
Sequence 50"Cool! That's what a ball bearing is? How does it work? Can we take apart the ottoman? Oh, I get it, why didn… |
Sequence 55For math, and especially for younger children, I recommend the work of Constance Kam ii, a series of books titled Yo1111g… |
Sequence 81morning, and, believe it or not, I have a lot of working people who do stay for the breakfast after drop-off and then go to… |
Sequence 95don't always put directions by them; it depends on the material. Some of them just say "explore";… |
Sequence 105being a child in so many years. And to try to get in touch with myself as a child is ... I can't even express it.&… |
Sequence 238relations, even though we know and have long known from psychol- ogy that these are very formative. They so profoundly affect… |
Sequence 241the good leader, the good manager will exercise that power in a partnership structure. These are very important distinctions… |
Sequence 247solutely no evidence, they write, that male bonobos have any interest whatsoever in passing on their genes-none. Why? First of… |
Sequence 249always expected to give their bodies, their lives, because some guy on top wanted more real estate. In fact, in Euro- pean… |
Sequence 163accommodate those specialists' coming in to our school, so they don't all have to get on the little yellow bus and… |
Sequence 175This approach has also presented some challenges. One is that when we screen children across the board, we've had to be… |
Sequence 179really delicate. L think one of the first things it's the parent's respon- sibility to do is to say, "ls it… |
Sequence 161miles east of Atlanta, with no prospect of becoming rural. In fact, the tension has come from the fact that we have no desire… |
Sequence 208percent of science labs are used for classes other than science and nineteen percent are regularly used for courses other than… |
Sequence 82usual) talking about child development, and the beautiful way in which Montessori education meets all the needs of a child.… |
Sequence 129it was a little different, allowing for repetition with variety, and the children loved it. After the third rehearsal, the… |
Sequence 265FROM SOWING SEEDS TO HARVESTING SYRUP by Tony Losasso This prese11tntion trnces ti,e ndolesce11t occ11pntio11 of 111nple… |
Sequence 304locations, other places you go to visit, are viewed. But you have to Practical life, going out-these know your place first.… |
Sequence 90to the school and even if things are difficult with a spouse's job or mortgage payments, they know they are valued at… |
Sequence 95Several parent partnership meetings (parent education) are of- fered throughout the year, including two focusing on Montessori… |
Sequence 137We've all heard the expression, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well." I think it was… |