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Displaying results 1 - 66 of 66
Sequence 15Erikson, E. Identity. Youth and Crisis. (New York: Norton Press, 1968). Erikson, E. The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 9language approach in which all aspects of language study support the acquisition of meaning from print and from oral… |
Sequence 38ground. New York: Oxford University Press. Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1985). The singing game. New York: Oxford University… |
Sequence 19Bremer, J. (1985, Fall). Education as peace. The NAMTA Quar- terly, 11(1), 21-40. Capra, F. (1993). The turning of the tide.… |
Sequence 21Bremer, J. (1985, Fall). Education as peace. The NAMTA Quar- terly, 11(1), 21-40. Capra, F. (1993). The turning of the tide.… |
Sequence 24Resnick, L. (1987). The 1987 presidential address: Learning in school and out. Educational Research, pp. 13-20. Rogoff, B. (… |
Sequence 4ization: Theory and Research. Ed. D. Goslin. New York: Rand McNally, 1969. Kohlberg, L., & C. Gilligan. "The… |
Sequence 3Figure 3. Ursuline Montessori School, Louisville, KY life of a child at their school. Although this includes how the child… |
Sequence 37extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 24accepted their differences in their weak areas. Their concept of them- selves as a learner and a person remained intact.… |
Sequence 18integrate the arts (in children's eyes). Therapeutic gardens offer innumerable opportunities for in- tegration of the… |
Sequence 17BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Earthworms Kalman, Bobbie. The Life Cycle of n11 Enrl/1wor111. New York: Crabtree, 2004. Simon, Seymour… |
Sequence 11Montessori, Maria. Tile For111ntio11 of Mn11. 1955. Oxford: Clio, 1989. Montessori, Maria. Unpublished lectures. Dr. Maria… |
Sequence 12And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 19215 Sackett • “The Lines That Make the Clouds” a references Devlin, Keith. The Math Gene: How Mathematical Think- ing… |
Sequence 7AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 54AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 80AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 118AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 55AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 81AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 119AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 5materials on the shelves. Booklets designed and prepared at the Wash- ington Montessori Institute for this purpose can be… |
Sequence 1BOOKS ABOUT CHILDREN'S LITERATURE by Carol Himmelsteib An experienced librarian compiles a few fauorite books about… |
Sequence 4materials on the shelves. Booklets designed and prepared at the Wash- ington Montessori Institute for this purpose can be… |
Sequence 4Phases I and II teachers involved in Phase III noticed that the children could apply the concepts and language gained in the… |
Sequence 69 Drummond, Margaret. (1920). Five years old or thereabouts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, (96). Drummond,… |
Sequence 710 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 3031 Gupta, R. K. (1964). Consciousness and the child. Around the Child, .2_, 42-45, (4). Hillman, Rebecca. (1968, Fall… |
Sequence 4344 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 5960 Evans, Olive. (1968, July 7). The Montessori method--pro and con. New York Times, .2, p. 4, (1). Fleege, Urban. ( 1968… |
Sequence 6768 Dru11DDond, Margaret. (1935). Montessori method as a basis of modern education. Conference of Educational Associations… |
Sequence 9899 After 1907 Books still in print are not available from NAMTA, Not every edition of Montessori' s books was… |
Sequence 179Tagore, Rabindranath. Montessori School. (1934). An address: On the opening of the Rajhat Reprinted (1961) Around the… |
Sequence 37Erikson, E. Identity. Youth and Crisis. (New York: Norton Press, 1968). Erikson, E. The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of… |
Sequence 63beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 74language approach in which all aspects of language study support the acquisition of meaning from print and from oral… |
Sequence 52ground. New York: Oxford University Press. Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1985). The singing game. New York: Oxford University… |
Sequence 181Bremer, J. (1985, Fall). Education as peace. The NAMTA Quar- terly, 11(1), 21-40. Capra, F. (1993). The turning of the tide.… |
Sequence 34Resnick, L. (1987). The 1987 presidential address: Learning in school and out. Educational Research, pp. 13-20. Rogoff, B. (… |
Sequence 43ization: Theory and Research. Ed. D. Goslin. New York: Rand McNally, 1969. Kohlberg, L., & C. Gilligan. "The… |
Sequence 242Figure 3. Ursuline Montessori School, Louisville, KY life of a child at their school. Although this includes how the child… |
Sequence 116extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 103accepted their differences in their weak areas. Their concept of them- selves as a learner and a person remained intact.… |
Sequence 181integrate the arts (in children's eyes). Therapeutic gardens offer innumerable opportunities for in- tegration of the… |
Sequence 248BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Earthworms Kalman, Bobbie. The Life Cycle of n11 Enrl/1wor111. New York: Crabtree, 2004. Simon, Seymour… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. Tile For111ntio11 of Mn11. 1955. Oxford: Clio, 1989. Montessori, Maria. Unpublished lectures. Dr. Maria… |
Sequence 158And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 221215 Sackett • “The Lines That Make the Clouds” a references Devlin, Keith. The Math Gene: How Mathematical Think- ing… |
Sequence 52AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 90AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 116AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 13materials on the shelves. Booklets designed and prepared at the Wash- ington Montessori Institute for this purpose can be… |
Sequence 16BOOKS ABOUT CHILDREN'S LITERATURE by Carol Himmelsteib An experienced librarian compiles a few fauorite books about… |
Sequence 35Phases I and II teachers involved in Phase III noticed that the children could apply the concepts and language gained in the… |
Sequence 149 Drummond, Margaret. (1920). Five years old or thereabouts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, (96). Drummond,… |
Sequence 1510 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 3831 Gupta, R. K. (1964). Consciousness and the child. Around the Child, .2_, 42-45, (4). Hillman, Rebecca. (1968, Fall… |
Sequence 5144 Claremont, Claude. of Montessori. (1949, June 3). The activity school--The purposefulness Times Educational Supplement… |
Sequence 6760 Evans, Olive. (1968, July 7). The Montessori method--pro and con. New York Times, .2, p. 4, (1). Fleege, Urban. ( 1968… |
Sequence 7568 Dru11DDond, Margaret. (1935). Montessori method as a basis of modern education. Conference of Educational Associations… |
Sequence 10699 After 1907 Books still in print are not available from NAMTA, Not every edition of Montessori' s books was… |
Sequence 187Tagore, Rabindranath. Montessori School. (1934). An address: On the opening of the Rajhat Reprinted (1961) Around the… |