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Sequence 113Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA PRIMARY AND/OR ELEMENTARY Direc- tor/ress for Northern California. The school… |
Sequence 115Personals CALIFORNIA BRIGHT STAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL is seeking 1 primary and 1 elementary guide with experience for the 1.… |
Sequence 73Personals: POSITIONS A VAILABLE: AMI trained Primary teacher to take over 3rd year class and AMI Junior teacher to begin a 6… |
Sequence 7470 Excellent opportunity available for Primary Mon• tessori Directress with established school in Uni- versity town. Respond… |
Sequence 71Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Opportunity for one elementary and one primary directress for Fall, 1984. Established school… |
Sequence 596·9 program in September. 1985. Salary negotiable. For further information please contact: Romeo Montessori Center. Susan… |