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Displaying results 401 - 500 of 505
Sequence 57The Model School at Laren, Netherlands, continued Documents from the Model School at Laren, Netherlands, 1938-1939 At Laren… |
Sequence 187Far Journey to the Southlands (Australia and New Zealand) We are indebted to Debbie Senoff-Langford of Chicago for graciously… |
Sequence 191Discovering the Universal Child (India) Adding to what has been mentioned on the Indian panel, the famed Gujarati educator… |
Sequence 2WHAT Is NAMTA? rhe North American Monte..,,011 Tcad1er,: A,,ociatmn pnn 1dl', a medium ol ,tud). mtcrprct,nmn md in pro… |
Sequence 61the last plane of develop- ment-the eighteen- to twenty-four-year-olds. My own observations of a Montessori high school… |
Sequence 105Who then are this young chi.Id's teachers? Above all else he has an inner teacher, nature herself, who has determined… |
Sequence 137ln the somewhat distant past, while a hu- o_ 't 5 J-1 On.: E )'' iJ: man being was looking around and settling… |
Sequence 263REFERENCES Barres, Victoria. "Maria Montessori and UNESCO." AMI Co1111111111icntio11s 2004 (#2-3): 41-44… |
Sequence 280Montes~ori, Man.1. The S1•cret of Cl1ildho<1d. 1936. Tr.1ns. \I. Joseph C.ostelloc. c" York: Ballantine, 1992… |
Sequence 306The campaign itself is $6.8 million, which requires an extensive reach into the philanthropic community as well as talking to… |
Sequence 316REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |
Sequence 10This is why an integration of the special needs child in a class of normal children is possible. Montessori tells us that It… |
Sequence 26We 11111st think deeply fora/I 011rchildre11 a11dfor tomorrow's world. We must clarify the essence of man, study !tow to… |
Sequence 151WHOLE-SCHOOL APPROACHES TO MONTESSORI SPECIAL EDUCATION by Paula Leigh-Doyle, Jacquie Maughan, and Maura Joyce… |
Sequence 2WHAT Is NAMTA? The \Jonh American :\1onte,,nn Teacher,· ,\,-,oc1ati11n prm 1de, a medium of ,tud). interpretation. and im-… |
Sequence 188the adults' brain scans showed more activity in the medial prefrontal cortex located towards the front of the brain. The… |
Sequence 171REFERENCES Barrack, A. C." A Journey of Love: The Influence of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology on Parent-Child… |
Sequence 189When J think about Dr. Montessori and what manifests itself as her greatest genius, l believe it is her insight into the power… |
Sequence 42of special needs, especially during this period. This is a time of dynamic formation of the brain and of mental faculties and… |
Sequence 162picture) on the wall and a short list of words from the picture to be placed next to it. [t is wise to remember that creative… |
Sequence 208teacher training programs. Like the international and national Mon- tessori organizations, the International Dyslexia… |
Sequence 241"Schools Attuned has helped our teachers go beyond the diagnosis that the kids come in with-like ADD-and helps them… |
Sequence 186Arma virumque J:3lia .i:, htora °"" ...... , •rmum, arrnl: Vl SIUJ -· (pL), mu le:,: Wen arm..a… |
Sequence 3301 luman Populauon. Carrying Capacity and Resource Use Population D)'nam1cs hponemial Gro" th Propenies ~~~l;:c… |
Sequence 82Our short-term goal is building and retaining enrollment. Our long-term goal is bringing the Montessori experience to all… |
Sequence 111First is a simple tool for determining where the energy lies in the process that comes from Claes Janssen, a social… |
Sequence 72turns them into appropriate motor, behavioral, or communicative responses. Essentially it is a failure of the sensory system… |
Sequence 79going pretty well. After a few bites, however, his motivation went down, quickly followed by his ability to concentrate on… |
Sequence 87Batshaw, Mark L., & Yvonne M. Perret. Cltildre11 with Disabilities: A Medical Primer. 3rd ed. Baltimore: P.H. Brookes… |
Sequence 46Fukatsu, Takako. "Commitment to Wider Community: The Global Child, an Example from Southeast Asia."… |
Sequence 167enhance a school, collected funds for a Montessori school in Haiti, and worked with an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.… |
Sequence 136manual before touching the device? Or do you fire it up and play around with it until you get stuck and have to look up… |
Sequence 2221 2 3 time, and you can't put a larger ring on top of a smaller ring. See if you can solve the problem. With some… |
Sequence 15XVI Didactics "Mauro Laeng" - University of Roma Tre - and promoter of educational and documentary… |
Sequence 24I O Part One - Toll'ard the Children's /-louse: The Formation Years managed to move him so much that the good friar… |
Sequence 2612 Part One - Toll'ard the Children's I louse: The Formation Years Her decision to do a thesis on antagonistic… |
Sequence 3824 Part One - Toward the Children's House: The Formation Years based on four fundamental types - moral madness,… |
Sequence 39Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 25 ' Jean M. G. ltard ( 1775-1838) !,rraduated in medicine and decided to… |
Sequence 51Science and Society: The Woman Question 37 11 M. Montessori, ·'Greetings of Italian Women. in International Council of… |
Sequence 9711/ustrations •• •• □ Illustration 17: "Working with clay - Resting. Confiding in Mme Pujol". Illustration… |
Sequence 119011 the Move with the "New Child'' 105 the means for conducting work that the child seeks and wants.… |
Sequence 129On the Move with the "New Child" I 15 attention to the study of the dynamics of child psichic life. The… |
Sequence 175Far/i·om Ita~1•: First Europe and then India 161 she would later analyzc in more detail in her essay "The Erdkinder… |
Sequence 176162 Part Tll'O - For a Science of rhe Formation of Man ln August 1937 there was the 6th international Montessori… |
Sequence 185Farjiwn Italy: First Europe and then India 171 would receive the same nomination in the following two years. However,… |
Sequence 211Maria Montessori Through the Seasom of the "Method" 197 D'Arcangeli M. A., Luigi Credaro e la Rivista… |
Sequence 216202 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Montessori M., "La teoria lombrosiana e l… |
Sequence 226212 Maria Montessori Through 1he Seasons of the "Method"' desks". Illustration 8: The… |
Sequence 92Studies show that intelligence has little correlation with creativ- ity; thus, a highly intelligent person may not be very… |
Sequence 219in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 2422. The Houston Museum of Natural Science has hosted our group for intimate talks with Dr. Donald Johan- son (credited with… |
Sequence 299Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years on meringue made from… |
Sequence 135CURRICULUM VITAE Translator's Note Short as it is, Sofias c11rric11/u111 vitae belongs in a chapter of its own. lts… |
Sequence 8779 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Scientist pendent choice of cookie baking. She worked alone with concen- tration from 9:… |
Sequence 5653 Allen • Of Natural Science of Amsterdam, and the rest from a sale of her artwork. Maria Sibylla was 52 and Dorothea was 21… |
Sequence 32would never guC'ss that a camera was in proximity given the natural poist• of thl'S(' childn•n nt work. Pl… |
Sequence 32When plays were just developing in the early days of the Italian theater, the audience came provided with a suitable… |
Sequence 36many of the ballads are simply asking to be acted out. There's one which children - the little wretches - (heavy laughter… |
Sequence 52questions for each exercise. At the third grade level, I use McCall-Crabbs booklet A, which has ten multiple choice questions… |
Sequence 61OUTDOOR CLASSROOM AREA The outdoor classroom lies between the building and the screen walls. Each classroom has direct access… |
Sequence 19Dock", which is eight, nine, ten in the same language. Why I do not use these is because they are actually survivals… |
Sequence 20One of the discoveries that you will make is that there will be only a few rhymes that apply to the prehistory time line, but… |
Sequence 76both a 3 hr morning and a 3 hr afternoon session. hmned to 25 per dass. plan, for summer ,cssion and extended day by 1979.… |
Sequence 1814 are the Walking on the Line exercises, which are an essential part of the daily routine of a new class. Lessons of this… |
Sequence 19Farb, P. Word Play, Knopf, New York, 1974. Gibson, E. J. Principles of Perceptual Learninl{ and Development, Appleton, Century… |
Sequence 51Announcement: On Becoming an AMI-Recognized School The Association Montessori lnternationale was founded in 1929 by Dr. Maria… |
Sequence 36until Einstein and the physicists began to challenge the mechanistic view - was not a scientific age, but a scientistic age.… |
Sequence 44communication by Meers) that after some 25 years of experience these different coun- tries are quickly changing and modifying… |
Sequence 45REFERENCES 'Cone/, J.L. The Brain Structure of the Newborn and Consideration of the Senile Brain. Res. Publ Ass. Nerv.… |
Sequence 57off together to find a new work - to collaborate with the child once again - the child in nature, in Sri Lanka, and we found… |
Sequence 84 urban school to be an acceptable compromise it will have to be organized along more traditional lines. So the task for the… |
Sequence 13man? What are its characteristics? Are there any universal similarities of the role an individual plays in some of the major… |
Sequence 16Mrs. Wyatt: What is Robbie's language development level? Mrs. Hines: It was just about on age level. And the amazing… |
Sequence 3834 Friday morning's program was opened with remarks by Phil Gang, who has been a part of the research toward an… |
Sequence 6460 Day I 9:()().12:00 Keyno1e (Jones)" Op1ion I lnlanl 1Maloo0 Op1ion 2 Paren1 Education 1Damusl Op1ton J… |
Sequence 52r-----------------------------------~ FIRST ANNUAL SUMMF.R INSTITUTE REGISTRATION FORM Name t\J.,in.·,, I dc.•phtlll\.… |
Sequence 51Reorganization of AMI: Administrators Meet at Unicoi by John K. Long "Let us not be limited by patterns of the past… |
Sequence 6662 Announcements: NAMTA Regional Workshops Winter and Spring 1983 The Child's Nature: Inside and Out San Diego,… |
Sequence 6460 what one perceives, creativity amounts to making new connections. It is a cognitive process based on recognizing reality,… |
Sequence 6864 schools. "The gains produced are less likely to deteriorate over time than those of other programs and may not… |
Sequence 6923. M. Brearley ed. The Teaching of Young Children. New York: Schocken Books. 1971. 24. D. Anker, "Teaching… |
Sequence 62 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 45Afternoons (1;30-3:00) Something Light Monda): Crearfrr H ritinR in thr f'rimory Clas.Jro1,m introduce<; nt.… |
Sequence 4642 -- ...__ __ __Jl f <\Cll I llh: Room,: kH,m<' 1t.,11 t•16 on mar> c,.ira,11, %) I a:-,. SI… |
Sequence 5The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning by Carl Rogers "Teaching is vastly overrated.&… |
Sequence 17Rogers: l think there are many different ways of helping the child learn content and I do regard that as important, but I don… |
Sequence 40could not f.!(•t ha('k this gn•at gift hy tlwmselvPs. That is why ,Jt,sus canw. -R,•!t~11111, Ed11n1/11111 in R,•l&… |
Sequence 14Curriculum Drama by Elizabeth Flory Kelly "Anyone who i~ concerned wirh making rhearerldrama cemral 10 sociery has… |
Sequence 45breakable objects or the danger of sharp tools. The whole concept of childproofing a home is misleading. The child needs… |
Sequence 47Contact: Paula Polk Lillard Organizing Chairman 121 East Sheridan Place lake Bluff. Illinois 60044 Telephone: 1 I 2-295-… |
Sequence 55A PAttf'J''f'S CUIDE TO MONTES..WRI £UMFNTARY I\• !,c;"hool t·ou•~uc ~tJflN 1ug1,cfliucni....-,m\… |
Sequence 58r----------------------------------------------------1 I ~HDIACfl'HfROROfR fORM I l-ilm rilt1. ... I. Oe-;1_Et11\… |
Sequence 1815 1946 "Incentives to Development and Means of Early Education," The Psychoanalytic Study of rhe Child. II… |
Sequence 25and inches by which they pushed the child nearer to this goal.2 Gesell emphasizes that not every trait that appears in the… |
Sequence 62SPONSORSHIP APPL ICAN rs WANTED' H11thland Community School "ill ,pon-.or a C H 1rained D1rc-c1nrle"… |
Sequence 28A second strategy open to the copywriter - and this is particularly useful for what might be called "luxuries&… |
Sequence 56NAMT A Presents a Practical Publication for Parents MONTESSORI TALKS TO PARENTS NEWSLETTER In pircm dl'ol.:uv,N)fl,,… |
Sequence 57BUILD SCHOOL SPIRIT - DO "TALKS TO PARENTS" Series One □ Home Environment □ Discipline □ Spirirua/ Side… |
Sequence 58SPECIAL '85 - '86 School Tour MONTESSORI TALKS TO PARENTS- ON TOUR Editor, David Kahn will conduct a "… |