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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 299
Sequence 4Wri1ing and number work. One child has worked ou1 a design on 1he noor wi1h ma1erial origina1ed by Mrs. Hurd. Ano1hcr sc1 of… |
Sequence 113Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA PRIMARY AND/OR ELEMENTARY Direc- tor/ress for Northern California. The school… |
Sequence 114Elementary positions available to teach both lower level class (6-9) and upper level class (9- 12). The Montessori School of… |
Sequence 115ALCUIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL, estab- lished 1961. Five primary-all extended day; five elementary. Montessorian as full-time… |
Sequence 116MICHIGAN The Montessori Children's Center of Traverse City, Michigan is currently accepting applica- tions for PRIMARY… |
Sequence 117OHIO Cincinnati Public Schools needs four 6-12 trained teacher beginning September 1987. Send letters of inquiry and resumes… |
Sequence 5OF ROOTS AND WINGS by David Kahn A philosophical outlook on the parent's role in Montessm-i, educa- tion, this article… |
Sequence 35I strongly urge Montessori directors and directresses to collect com- ments by their students on Montessori education. I began… |
Sequence 134even included a cookbook of the recipes served. The ratings were universally positive for both cuisine and pedagogy. Ow·… |
Sequence 144good. Please call James or Elizabeth Webster at (704)542-7021 for informa- tion. Send resumes or questions to OMNI… |
Sequence 146SEEKING POSITIONS AMI-trained (2 1/,! • 12) almost 15 yrs experience as classroom teacher and administrator, M.Ed., address… |
Sequence 6THE BOTANICAL CARDS by Mario M. Montessori This insightful article illustrates the underlying developmental principles which… |
Sequence 76Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 108scale, another time computing the relative distances between the plan- ets to a scale that would fit in the classroom. The… |
Sequence 142from birth through the age of twelve. Parents are supportive of our program and participate in parent education classes.… |
Sequence 143available. Send resume to LaPepiniere Montessori Centers, 5601 W 70th St., Edina, MN 55435 or call collect 612- 920-5457.… |
Sequence 145Begin an exciting career with us as we move to our beautiful new school campus situated on 4 acres and located near His-… |
Sequence 103INTRODUCING LUCIANO MAZZETTI Luciano Mazzetti Dr. uuciano Mazzetti is the president of the International Montes- sori Center… |
Sequence 112COLORADO Accepting applications for openings in our Elementary level, both 6-9 and 9-12. School has been in existence 24… |
Sequence 114is located in a beautiful facility with ren- ovated barns on an old farm. Just 15 min· utes North of Baltimore Inner Harbor… |
Sequence 13The Montessori idea is unfinished by design. Some complain that the curriculum presented in Montessori training is incomplete… |
Sequence 34RESPONSE TO GENEROUS UNDERSTANDING: KNOWING OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER by Charles Torranova I want to thank David Kahn for… |
Sequence 132intended to broaden the perspective of the participants, thereby lending greater sensitivity to the variety of peoples served… |
Sequence 50Although externally her life was affected by political forces, within she remained detached as this statement indicates: Not… |
Sequence 56&location must be considered as most imponant; for as diseases in the world of bodies are extremely contagious, so, in… |
Sequence 59this principle in this way will surely make a difference in our world. In The Promulgation of Universal Peace, 'Abdu… |
Sequence 110NAMTANEWS 1991-92 NAMTA CoNFERFNCFS October 11,12,13, 1991 Balrimore, Maryland THE DISCOVERY OF TIIE CHlID Margot W11lN,ch… |
Sequence 112The adolescents may choose to design the garden for community ser- vice: to beautify the city; to provide flowers to nursing… |
Sequence 208FOR FALL OF '93. Primary teacher to team teach in small day home setting. Beautiful envi- ronment in the museum district… |
Sequence 192ILLINOIS Opportunity to work with respect, support, independence. Beautiful environments. Experienced colleagues and… |
Sequence 193and a supportive AMI trained administrator. Call and send resume to: Rosina Orr Cullinane Children's Own School 86… |
Sequence 107PROGRAM DESCRIPTION SAMPLER 7bese pragmattc descriptions of adolescent program components which provide an operational view… |
Sequence 155NAMTANEWs The Montessori Academy Is Full A new kind of summer program intended to encourage depth, The Montessori Academy… |
Sequence 160POSITIONS California Seeking administrator for AMI-accred- ited, non-profit Montessori school in Redlands, California.… |
Sequence 168imagination, and John Wyatt of Beloit College introduced his model curriculum centered around the ancient city of Alexandria… |
Sequence 177years. Preferably small city mountain area. Please contact Lee Elion, 47 Beach Road, Tahvnanui, Nelson, NZ; phone (03) 348-… |
Sequence 177POSITIONS Arizona AMI Elementary and Primary teaching positions available. Please send resume and credentials to:… |
Sequence 1781994-1995 school year. We have classes ranging from infant through 9-12. Our campuses have beautiful buildings which all… |
Sequence 184Canada PHOENIX MONTESSORI SCHOOL is expanding. Forthe 1994-95 school year we are offering three positions; pri- mary, lower… |
Sequence 79tion and cultivation of Montessori val- ues and ideals. Austin Montessori School's exceptionally lo,,. t~chertum- o,·er… |
Sequence 18concrete, real, and relevant to the lives of young children; (5) provid- ing experiences for children that are outside of the… |
Sequence 26Teachers have to know strategies that concern their own move- ments. "The teacher should study her own movements, to… |
Sequence 36It is complex-not simply taught, but demanding continuous study and investigation of all aspects of life. It is complex… |
Sequence 208both owned and administered by the same Montessori trained teacher for 21 years, are seeking 1 primary teacher and 1… |
Sequence 214development, implement board poli- cies and promote excellent relations among constituents. Undergraduate degree is required… |
Sequence 217Minimum teacher salary is $24,413.00 (1994-95 Salary Schedule). An AMI or AMS elementary certification is necessary as well… |
Sequence 218program. Steady growth with excel- lent further potential. Supportive Mon- tessori community with Montessori elementary in… |
Sequence 25To the Montessori "bleachers" the serving of the luncheon of milk and crackers is the most interesting part… |
Sequence 67misery as it does in prosperity, in oppression as in freedom, in war as in peace, and that he did not really know what life is… |
Sequence 118CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Toddler, Primary, Elementary and Sec- ondary Teachers. Arizona Montessori Charter Schools and… |
Sequence 50New Jersey AMI school established in 1965 seek- ing a Primary Guide for a new class. Come join our dedicated supportive… |
Sequence 541971. lnterim (Jan.-Sept. '96) or longer. Education or related degree required 703 / 43 7-8285. Washington… |
Sequence 62At birth-before words, language, abstract reasoning, cognitive patterning, and conceptual thinking-were images. The brain… |
Sequence 128If you're a Bell Curve thinker, you think that a quarter of the people don't even have intel- lect and most of… |
Sequence 220"potentialities which determine his development"; "there exists within this inert being a global… |
Sequence 234full control of all one's energies, which is the result of the maturation that has been reached. The Four Planes In her… |
Sequence 235ergies that are repressed lead to inferiority complexes, the weakening of personality, lack of responsibility, listlessness,… |
Sequence 245Mon te.:;sori has drawn in the middle of her chart, between the drawing above and that below, between "nature&… |
Sequence 253A multicultural perspective for all elementary-aged students, the program is set at the time of the Roman Empire and centered… |
Sequence 256Participants will be expected to complete reading and writing assignments both in preparation for and during the course. John… |
Sequence 268sibilities/ advancement. Mail hand- written cover letter, resume with ref- erences to: Maria Montessori Ctr., 32450 W. 13… |
Sequence 270seasoned Montessori students. Candi- date must love and respect children and be able to provide a nurturing and happy… |
Sequence 53self-evident and emotionally satisfying, and the child is never left wondering, "What is the point of all this?&… |
Sequence 260New Jersey, 28 Conrow Rd., Delran, NJ 08075, 609/461-2121. New York 33 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0… |
Sequence 210Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for September, 1997. One of our founding members,… |
Sequence 211small school, located in a newly reno- vated barn, with 3-6 and 6-9 classes. Our farm setting lends itself to gar- dening… |
Sequence 212to prepare adults for the great work of assisting children in their growth. Responsibilities include organiza- tional tasks… |
Sequence 216Michigan Primary & Elementary Teachers needed in September '97 for an Ex- tended Day and 6-9 classroom. Class… |
Sequence 217Assistant to Infancy sought to fill preg- nancy leave, starting immediately, with potential for continued team teaching… |
Sequence 72Camillo Grazzini is AMI Elementary Director of Training at Fondazione "Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani,… |
Sequence 108he thinks he can go anywhere, and the urge to explore and discover his world has to be limited rather than pushed. Motivation… |
Sequence 354CLASSIFIEDS Alabama SEEKING ADMINISTRATOR to grow with our 32 yr. old AMS not-for-profit school. Toddler, preprimary,… |
Sequence 362NE 11th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Fax # (954) 768-8117. Montessori Country Day School seeks AMI teacher for established… |
Sequence 369yr old NHMS, located in Phila suburb, boasts an exp. & dedi- cated staff, committed parent-run board of directors… |
Sequence 370sori trained teachers for the fol- lowing positions due to building and program expansion: (1) Tod- dler teacher for 2-3… |
Sequence 374Become a Montessori Teacher • preschool level (ages 3-6) • bachelor's degree required • master's program available… |
Sequence 33where we - d with t and spi• At the time, Dr. Montessori and I cer- tainly felt the inner burden of the situation. It was… |
Sequence 25this idea on its head, she once commented at a gathering to honor her, "The highest honor and the deepest gratitude… |
Sequence 211IN MEMORIAM SISTER MARY JACINTA SHAY, R.S.M. DECEMBER 31, 2000 I wish I could have told Sister Jacinta goodbye in person.… |
Sequence 235Ruffing Montessori School, serv- ing 275 students ages three through 14, is offering the following posi- tions for the… |
Sequence 242range of recreational and cultural opportunities. Applicants must be eligibleforWashingtonStatecertifi- cation. Call 509-354… |
Sequence 118Afterward: Extending beyond the six weeks was continued work on refining their mission statements in preparation for… |
Sequence 150Everything about the children ment clearly urges middle schools to has a history, and if the stu- transform the fundamental… |
Sequence 245have not had Montessori Our thoughts were that those children would be very carefully selected, certainly not children with… |
Sequence 250Joosten: I don't think there is a yes or a no. Is it either or? There is a blend. We can't go outside to an… |
Sequence 267The Montessori Erd- The Montessori Erdkinder, insofar as it kinder concept is far from a is a home away from home for the… |
Sequence 278The education of young people in a commu- nity that is not isolated but only separated from the larger society entails… |
Sequence 283For all that, I thought it must be possible to apply certain funda- mental principles of the Montessori method to secondary… |
Sequence 322from fairly affluent families who ran away from home for the thrill of becoming street musicians and earnjng a few pennies on… |
Sequence 8forty-five years prior to any of the early brain research on the potentials of children under three. So once again she was a… |
Sequence 236CLASSIFIEDS Arkansas Walnut Farm Montessori School is seeking an AMI 6 to 9 teacher for the 2002-2003 school year ( or… |
Sequence 238Lake Tahoe's recreational area. We have fully equipped classrooms, in several different campuses through- out Northern… |
Sequence 2231343 Spring St. St. Helena, CA 9457 4 Fax: 707-967-3392 e-mail: Colorado Teachers and Assistants Southwest… |
Sequence 233Fax: 856-461-6835 E-mail: New York Our corporate on-site child devel- opment centers provide a Montes-… |
Sequence 290Ifyouareinterestedinworkingin an environment which supports your work as an AMI professional, please contact: Heather… |
Sequence 52ables him to grow, teaches him to speak, and thus perfects him" (The Secret of Childhood 36). It was Betty… |
Sequence 3THE NAMTA JOURNAL VOL. 33, No. 1 • WrNTER 2008 MONTESSORI AND SOCIAL REFORM In affili:nion wi1h 1hc A,-_,ocimion Mo111c,sori… |
Sequence 13In this book we shall consider the different stages of human de- velopment and try to understand their significance with the… |
Sequence 2198. Prepare yourself for the birthi11g of your child. You may want to consider taking a birthing class and think about your… |