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Sequence 2recommend it to the school and community on the Pine Ridge Reser- vation, and even to the state of South Dakota. The location… |
Sequence 1ONE WORLD, ONE DRUM by Tom Sipes My first teaching assignment was in a Catholic seminary in East Africa, in the town of… |
Sequence 5A Variety of Interesting Readers for Primary and Early Elementary I Can Read Se1'ies: Harper & Row, New York.… |
Sequence 2Culturally too, silence has many interpretations. Within our society silence can be construed as inferring compliance or… |
Sequence 2Dwye1·: Well, yes of course it does relate to being able to decode; some call that reading, although it is only a small part… |
Sequence 3included as a mandatory part of our school curricula. On the other hand, Konstantil explained, "Here we give the… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL: AMI MONTESSORI: BACK TO THE FUTURE By David Kahn We are in the turmoil of becoming. And as one undergoes the… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION: SOWING LIFE, NOT THEORIES by David Kahn This is an attempt to clarify the role of Cosmic Education in… |
Sequence 5misunderstood by non-professionals who view evolution as a simple ladder of progress, and therefore expect a linear array of… |
Sequence 5minutes of testing each month. Results showed that the cultural model consistently outperformed the Montessori model and the… |
Sequence 6The research took place in the Clavis Montessori Head Start centers staffed by Montessori teachers in Fullerton and Costa Mesa… |
Sequence 3The Montessorian, in reading Socrates' Theaet,et:us, may begin to describe the Montessori vision with new vocabulary and… |
Sequence 2society. "Rituals are considered to represent only a negative dead- weight from the past." Margaret Mead… |
Sequence 14passes for an education in this day and time, but I am not deceived by it." She was deceived by very little; she was… |
Sequence 1GENEROUS UNDERSTANDING: KNOWING OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER by Edwin Delattre Delattre's wide range of human experience,… |
Sequence 9behavior by males is absolutely unknown in the animal kingdom except in chimps and humans. So if one is interested in the… |
Sequence 6can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 10complex civilizations that the Mexican philosopher and educator Jose Vasconcelos dubbed them "the cosmic race.&… |
Sequence 4mth regard w hominid evolution, apparently tlie sequential lineage of hominids i.s cmnpletely wrong; f<YUr very… |
Sequence 1mth regard w hominid evolution, apparently tlie sequential lineage of hominids i.s cmnpletely wrong; f<YUr very… |
Sequence 6ethnic groups struggling for popular control over the schools. In the midst of ugly strike and turmoil, there appeared quiet… |
Sequence 2the common experience for fashioning questions in the right way to reveal what they know, rather than just revealing… |
Sequence 3understood better through discussions of bonding, and attachment, and so forth. And so they began to see that here was another… |
Sequence 2strides they had touched che outer limits of che universe, they painted their timdines, collected fossils and rocks of… |
Sequence 10of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 5... he showed me a picture of the night sky taken with the big telescope. There were tens of thousands of stars and… |
Sequence 3To use more familiar language, the divine arts are theology and related studies. The liberal arts (traditionally classified as… |
Sequence 12This will always stick in my mind: two men, talking about two black, disabled soldiers who had not been shot by the enemy but… |
Sequence 11have been traced, and seventeen Robin Hoods. This snowballing happens because there are so few names. Even in England-… |
Sequence 8Around six, the child un- dergoes a greattransfor- mation. He is now no longer satisfied with the society of his family and… |
Sequence 2Reading, seminars, field experiences, journaling, interviewing, and expository and creative writing are integrated into this… |
Sequence 11An exceptional example of vertical history was the Columbus Quincentennary Exhibit at the National Gallery of Art nearly two… |
Sequence 6Alexander the Great, another Greek, was also a great traveller, founding Alexandria in Egypt, and many other towns named… |
Sequence 2People came from the ends of the earth to live in Alexandria. Everyone entered through the Gate of the Sun and left through… |
Sequence 11unpaid, or at best low paid, productive activities are systematically exploited. As the United Nations State of the World… |
Sequence 10were in a Catholic country, so it can be ascribed to the Catholic religion. But it happens in India, it happens in Africa, it… |
Sequence 17disturbing the other's sleep and, more importanl, how to comfort each other when one awoke in the middle of the night out… |
Sequence 1Timeline of Montessori Adolescent Programs 1900 1910 1907: Casadei Bambini founded In Rome 1920 1930 early 1930s: first… |
Sequence 1Rist, R. (1970). Social class and teacher expectations: The self- fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education. Harvard Educational… |
Sequence 19Rist, R. (1970). Social class and teacher expectations: The self- fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education. Harvard Educational… |
Sequence 2for the most part, dependent upon the opinions and decisions of teachers and school administrators in determining the… |
Sequence 1GROUNDS FOR CHANGE: LEARNING THROUGH LANDSCAPES IN BRITAIN by Bill Lucas There are more than 30,000 schools in Britain.… |
Sequence 2need to return to Montessori's writing-particularly From Childhood to Adolescence and Education and Peace. But it was… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI AND THE "GLASS HOUSE" by Alan Bonsteel, MD Dr. Bonstee/' s article not only conveys… |
Sequence 5and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 2The thought of so condemning greed and ambition seems alien for a society apparently rooted in greed and ambition, although… |
Sequence 3another of a Euro-American provincialism, as though a majority of the world's population and their historical… |
Sequence 17parison with this all-too-frequent condition, the total involvement of flow is experienced as rewarding. Our studies over the… |
Sequence 19THE CONSEQUENCES OF FLOW There are many reasons why experiencing flow is beneficial. Per- haps the most important is also the… |
Sequence 1THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION: A MODEL FOR EDUCATIONAL CHANGE by Rexford Brown Dr. Brown first highlights the ways in which a… |
Sequence 3designed to meet new needs, it becomes increasingly isolated from its clients or customers. Broken into tiny subunits where… |
Sequence 5the same elements that you see in Montessori and Sylvia Ashton Warner. For example, in all of these approaches is a deep… |
Sequence 8requires it; it requires that we dialogue. If you dialogue, you've got to be culturally salient. I think you will hear in… |
Sequence 16fixed in your mind. What is your place in the cosmos? What is the child's place in the cosmos? What is our purpose on the… |
Sequence 17Q: How do we make what we have to offer as teachers or as parents valued? As Montessori teachers or as Montessorians, how do… |
Sequence 17to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 20own culture. We're better people than that"-not to say, "Oh, don't do that. We've got to go… |
Sequence 4which evolves on its own terms. Like the child, as human culture grows with the passage of time, it becomes more conscious of… |
Sequence 1PAST, PRESENT, AND POSSIBLE: A MONTESSORI GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE by Muriel Dwyer Muriel Dwyer, whose sense of mission and single… |
Sequence 3The simplicity of his early years and his life with Dr. Montessori gave him a rare quality: the ability to mix and be"… |
Sequence 2THE INTEGRATION OF CULTURES: THE MONTESSORI CONTRIBUTION by Winfried Bohm translated by Devan Barker In this masterful… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE CHALLENGE, THE DREAM, AND THE PROMISE by Orcillia Oppenheimer The African challenge is… |
Sequence 2South Africa is the southern tip of the African continent. A country of contrasts-from the trees of the dinosaurs to the… |
Sequence 3TURMOIL Reality of Turmoil The argument whether the Sturm und Orang (storm and stress) of the teenage years is a natural and… |
Sequence 5The adolescent is a social embryo, so your prepared environ• ment must be what society is all about, in the context of the… |
Sequence 17A further argument for emphasizing local environmental research by children is that genuine ecological understanding involves… |
Sequence 21Anyone planning to involve children in a community participation project should be prepared to answer such questions as… |
Sequence 25Orr, D. W. Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World. Albany: SUNY, 1992. Piaget,J. TheGtild… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI: A LEARNER TAUGHT BY CHILDREN by Robert G. Buckenmeyer In 1915, Maria Montessori traveled to San Francisco… |
Sequence 9love." "With eternal love I love you" say the prophets of Israel (Isaiah 54:8,Jeremiah31:3). &… |
Sequence 2Our mother, 1 five years in America and fresh to the ways of Ameri- can Catholicism, was not daunted by being a woman. A lay… |
Sequence 9When they are in high school, are former Montessori students reaching out to others? Are they volunteer tutors? Are they… |
Sequence 6Listening to poetry is art unto itself. Like listening to jazz or opera, it involves both a disciplined listening and a deep… |
Sequence 5Though the discovery of cosmic and terrestrial evolution has involved humans from a diversity of cultural backgrounds and can… |
Sequence 6in the year 1000, we find a series of settlements around the planet with a smaller number of hunter-gatherer bands that are… |
Sequence 5It was Maria Montessori' s insight that the child had within an "inner teacher" that dictated a &… |
Sequence 15The child's mind between three and six can not only see by intelligence the relations between things, but it has the… |
Sequence 9Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 3First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
Sequence 14The child needs to continue experiencing the living environment- the wilds, plants, animals, rocks, various kinds of terrain-… |
Sequence 110The child needs to continue experiencing the living environment- the wilds, plants, animals, rocks, various kinds of terrain-… |
Sequence 176First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
Sequence 184Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 198The child's mind between three and six can not only see by intelligence the relations between things, but it has the… |
Sequence 208It was Maria Montessori' s insight that the child had within an "inner teacher" that dictated a &… |
Sequence 5Near the end of the war I leaned toward the Japanese side. And when the war ended I was sad. I was sad and relieved. I was… |
Sequence 11written material, discussion, and a variety of field experi- ences. Each student will: • Read Travels with Charley, by John… |
Sequence 24Joosten: The seventh leg is someone who really wants to do it. But it's not enough to want to. That is where we have to… |
Sequence 20all contributed to a spirit of reevalua tion and reform in education that began in the last decades of the nineteenth century… |
Sequence 8Marchetti, Maria Teresa. "La scuola per gli adolescenti- IJI." Vita del/'lnfanzia 2.3 (1953) 7+.… |
Sequence 10start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 12to follow an indigenous Aztec pattern of development. That's a very cruel thing to say, but it's absolutely true.… |
Sequence 8that assessed the ability to discriminate various tastes, smells, sounds, and textures, the study found that these individuals… |
Sequence 16the Children's House, let them first know a friendly world, which they can love, admire, and feel at one with. Where they… |
Sequence 9holistic, or even naturalistic values that fly in the face of disciplinary thinking. Science, geography, history, and other… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI LIFE AS A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY-PART 2 by Muriel Dwyer Muriel Dwyer' s caution that the best-laid plans do not… |
Sequence 3In all organisms, the major task is to produce more calories than what you consume and be able to pass on your genes to the… |
Sequence 34foJlowed by the genius. His characteristics are absorbed attention, a profound concentration which isolates him from all the… |
Sequence 4only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |