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Sequence 7istry or physics, and you cannot study life without its environ- ment, which brings us to geography. But then again, you… |
Sequence 8For the second quote, we find: "The child's intelligence ... a fertile field in which seeds may be sown"… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 7istry or physics, and you cannot study life without its environ- ment, which brings us to geography. But then again, you… |
Sequence 8For the second quote, we find: "The child's intelligence ... a fertile field in which seeds may be sown"… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 2recommend it to the school and community on the Pine Ridge Reser- vation, and even to the state of South Dakota. The location… |
Sequence 5A Variety of Interesting Readers for Primary and Early Elementary I Can Read Se1'ies: Harper & Row, New York.… |
Sequence 2Culturally too, silence has many interpretations. Within our society silence can be construed as inferring compliance or… |
Sequence 3included as a mandatory part of our school curricula. On the other hand, Konstantil explained, "Here we give the… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL: AMI MONTESSORI: BACK TO THE FUTURE By David Kahn We are in the turmoil of becoming. And as one undergoes the… |
Sequence 1THE KODAIKANAL EXPERIENCE Kahn-Montessori Interveiw From late 1942 to March, 1944, Maria Montessori was interned against her… |
Sequence 2was taking the RAFers through enemy territory to a place near Bel- gium where they could cross to go back home. And my two… |
Sequence 5Kahn: Another part of Cosmic Education are the charts and the time- lines. Doesn't your original work in Kodaikanal run… |
Sequence 6child can experience in nature that there is something eternal, present everywhere and always, which seems to have organized… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION: SOWING LIFE, NOT THEORIES by David Kahn This is an attempt to clarify the role of Cosmic Education in… |
Sequence 5minutes of testing each month. Results showed that the cultural model consistently outperformed the Montessori model and the… |
Sequence 6The research took place in the Clavis Montessori Head Start centers staffed by Montessori teachers in Fullerton and Costa Mesa… |
Sequence 1GENEROUS UNDERSTANDING: KNOWING OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER by Edwin Delattre Delattre's wide range of human experience,… |
Sequence 10complex civilizations that the Mexican philosopher and educator Jose Vasconcelos dubbed them "the cosmic race.&… |
Sequence 5director (and occupied this charge until his deathi Branches are func- tioning in many European, Asian, and American countries… |
Sequence 6ethnic groups struggling for popular control over the schools. In the midst of ugly strike and turmoil, there appeared quiet… |
Sequence 3understood better through discussions of bonding, and attachment, and so forth. And so they began to see that here was another… |
Sequence 2strides they had touched che outer limits of che universe, they painted their timdines, collected fossils and rocks of… |
Sequence 2Don't call it Montessori. If it works along Montessori lines, that is good. But there is no Montessori method for the… |
Sequence 3To use more familiar language, the divine arts are theology and related studies. The liberal arts (traditionally classified as… |
Sequence 12This will always stick in my mind: two men, talking about two black, disabled soldiers who had not been shot by the enemy but… |
Sequence 8Around six, the child un- dergoes a greattransfor- mation. He is now no longer satisfied with the society of his family and… |
Sequence 2Reading, seminars, field experiences, journaling, interviewing, and expository and creative writing are integrated into this… |
Sequence 17disturbing the other's sleep and, more importanl, how to comfort each other when one awoke in the middle of the night out… |
Sequence 1Timeline of Montessori Adolescent Programs 1900 1910 1907: Casadei Bambini founded In Rome 1920 1930 early 1930s: first… |
Sequence 1Rist, R. (1970). Social class and teacher expectations: The self- fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education. Harvard Educational… |
Sequence 19Rist, R. (1970). Social class and teacher expectations: The self- fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education. Harvard Educational… |
Sequence 2for the most part, dependent upon the opinions and decisions of teachers and school administrators in determining the… |
Sequence 1GROUNDS FOR CHANGE: LEARNING THROUGH LANDSCAPES IN BRITAIN by Bill Lucas There are more than 30,000 schools in Britain.… |
Sequence 2need to return to Montessori's writing-particularly From Childhood to Adolescence and Education and Peace. But it was… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI AND THE "GLASS HOUSE" by Alan Bonsteel, MD Dr. Bonstee/' s article not only conveys… |
Sequence 5and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 7is try or physics, and you cannot study life without its environ- ment, which brings us to geography. But then again, you… |
Sequence 8For the second quote, we find: "The child's intelligence ... a fertile field in which seeds may be sown"… |
Sequence 17parison with this all-too-frequent condition, the total involvement of flow is experienced as rewarding. Our studies over the… |
Sequence 19THE CONSEQUENCES OF FLOW There are many reasons why experiencing flow is beneficial. Per- haps the most important is also the… |
Sequence 1THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION: A MODEL FOR EDUCATIONAL CHANGE by Rexford Brown Dr. Brown first highlights the ways in which a… |
Sequence 3designed to meet new needs, it becomes increasingly isolated from its clients or customers. Broken into tiny subunits where… |
Sequence 17Q: How do we make what we have to offer as teachers or as parents valued? As Montessori teachers or as Montessorians, how do… |
Sequence 3universe; for one must encounter the facts of nature so that the imagination can build its vision of the whole based in the… |
Sequence 2Kodaikanal, India THE IMPACT OF INDIA by Mario M. Montessori Looking back on the checkered life of Dr. Montessori in this… |
Sequence 1Kodaikanal, India THE KooAIKANAL EXPERIENCE: KAHN-MONTESSORI INTERVIEW by David Kahn David Kahn: You once alluded to… |
Sequence 2of creation should fashion that the e it but absorb it i h~y will feel that o lace to live in, a p ace w ere generosity… |
Sequence 6had its cosmic task. And some of these tasks were not pleasant for human beings. The children might consider the task horrible… |
Sequence 7contained by a cylinder, it pushes together. When you take the sides of the cylinder off, it pushes together. Then you… |
Sequence 8Montessori: Yes. In the olden times, Dr. Montessori had the children up to six, and then from time to time would keep children… |
Sequence 1Kodaikanal, India THE UNCONSCIOUS IN HISTORY by Maria Montessori In the book The Absorbent Mind, the influence of the &… |
Sequence 7ing fourteen leaf-shaped insets with wooden frames. The study of leaves launched the children into a detailed and particular… |
Sequence 5The adolescent is a social embryo, so your prepared environ• ment must be what society is all about, in the context of the… |
Sequence 21Anyone planning to involve children in a community participation project should be prepared to answer such questions as… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI: A LEARNER TAUGHT BY CHILDREN by Robert G. Buckenmeyer In 1915, Maria Montessori traveled to San Francisco… |
Sequence 6Listening to poetry is art unto itself. Like listening to jazz or opera, it involves both a disciplined listening and a deep… |
Sequence 5Though the discovery of cosmic and terrestrial evolution has involved humans from a diversity of cultural backgrounds and can… |
Sequence 5It was Maria Montessori' s insight that the child had within an "inner teacher" that dictated a &… |
Sequence 3First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
Sequence 176First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
Sequence 208It was Maria Montessori' s insight that the child had within an "inner teacher" that dictated a &… |
Sequence 8In October, 1939, Maria and Mario, her son, landed in Madras, south India, guests of George Arundale, President of the… |
Sequence 9The Greek word cosmic has four complementary and interwoven meanings. On its basic level, it means order and harmony; then… |
Sequence 10The third thing we should understand is that elementary children were full partners in the creation of cosmic education. The… |
Sequence 16ment. Knowledge is what the human mind strives to acquire and what gives the child a rewarding life. MORAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, & Kevin Rathunde. "The Devel- opment of the Person: An Experiential… |
Sequence 5Near the end of the war I leaned toward the Japanese side. And when the war ended I was sad. I was sad and relieved. I was… |
Sequence 11written material, discussion, and a variety of field experi- ences. Each student will: • Read Travels with Charley, by John… |
Sequence 24Joosten: The seventh leg is someone who really wants to do it. But it's not enough to want to. That is where we have to… |
Sequence 20all contributed to a spirit of reevalua tion and reform in education that began in the last decades of the nineteenth century… |
Sequence 29ideas of Erdkinder out of this milieu is the thesis that the documenta- tion in this paper seeks to demonstrate. She as much… |
Sequence 31road to achieving economic independence." A big difference, perhaps the largest difference, of the Erdkinder when… |
Sequence 32from fairly affluent families who ran away from home for the thrill of becoming street musicians and earnjng a few pennies on… |
Sequence 3really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 8Marchetti, Maria Teresa. "La scuola per gli adolescenti- IJI." Vita del/'lnfanzia 2.3 (1953) 7+.… |
Sequence 8that assessed the ability to discriminate various tastes, smells, sounds, and textures, the study found that these individuals… |
Sequence 9trembled in the morning sun. They were golden, translu- cent, amazing sheaves of wheat. The light drove down the shafts of… |
Sequence 19Hoffman, E. Visions of Innocence. Boston: Shambhala Pub- lications, 1992. Huchingson, J. E. (Ed.) Religion and the Natural… |
Sequence 9holistic, or even naturalistic values that fly in the face of disciplinary thinking. Science, geography, history, and other… |
Sequence 34foJlowed by the genius. His characteristics are absorbed attention, a profound concentration which isolates him from all the… |
Sequence 9context provided by the psychological planes of development, it was easier to see the materials as part of a whole rather than… |
Sequence 4with his back to my table just where my lighted cigarette was protrud- ing beyond the edge and burned the elegant beige linen… |
Sequence 8invisible causes of a mysterious kind of communication, that nonetheless transport the actual voice of Man and the thoughts… |
Sequence 16invisible causes of a mysterious kind of communication, that nonetheless transport the actual voice of Man and the thoughts… |
Sequence 36with his back to my table just where my lighted cigarette was protrud- ing beyond the edge and burned the elegant beige linen… |
Sequence 239context provided by the psychological planes of development, it was easier to see the materials as part of a whole rather than… |
Sequence 2THE GREAT RIVER by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The Great River is sometimes referred to as a metaphor for human unity, which has… |
Sequence 5Because of our human tendency to perfection, we adults struggle to find the perfect solution, the perfect time, the perfect… |
Sequence 7House and a Montessori elementary school were from the beginning and for many decades an explicit part of the educational… |
Sequence 9classes existed for students from the ages of six to twelve, but in Kodaikanal Maria Montessori developed cosmic education as… |
Sequence 10about this: " ... when coming to Kodaikanal, a whole new world opened up for Mario. He was mostly experimenting and… |
Sequence 11Because of its seclusion, the population of Kodai grew slowly despite the favorable climate, and always there were many more… |
Sequence 12and finally abandoned. Remaining are unique archives with histori- cal documents about the Jesuit missionaries in southern… |
Sequence 13children, the Swedish and the Jewish school, as well as a few Catholic schools for the children of Tamil families. How was… |
Sequence 14opened a small school, where she began working with four children and eventually, together with other Indian women, cared for… |
Sequence 15Maria Montessori probably was notable to appreciate the unusual diversity of nature with the same open-mindedness with which… |