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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 957
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts; and, finally, where specialization of… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI VISION OF ADOLESCENCE by Lawrence Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's deve/,opmental outlook for the adolescent arises… |
Sequence 1CURRICULUM FOR CARING: BUILDING A SENSE OF MISSION WITH THE ADOLESCENT by David Kahn and Marilyn DoelT Innovated as part of… |
Sequence 4evaluation. One point is clear-evaluation is an essential ingredient of the Montessori secondary program, probably because… |
Sequence 1THE BLACK COAT: USING THERAPEUTIC STORIES IN THE CLASSROOM by Daniel Bachhuber Utilizing the art of storytelling, Mr.… |
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 1School Profiles: A series of brief portrayals of Montessori urban programs viewed from a personal as well as institutional… |
Sequence 1BUILDING CORRELATIONS: COSMIC EDUCATION AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT Part One by David Kahn Looking at the classical Montessori… |
Sequence 11love, patience, and individual bonding with the children needed to be there because the adolescent was in a sense… |
Sequence 7I strongly urge Montessori directors and directresses to collect com- ments by their students on Montessori education. I began… |
Sequence 1WHEN THE KIDS FIGHT HOW TO INTERVENE HELPFULLY By Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish have written… |
Sequence 3basically teachers turned trainers. How objectively valid is that pro- cess in terms of maintaining Montessori heritage?… |
Sequence 8land, to support future races. "21 The emotional depiction of coral as part of a cosmic legacy of doing right by… |
Sequence 1EXPLORING WITH THE NINE TO TWELVE CHILD by Kathleen Futrell Delineating a master portrait of a Montessori "upper… |
Sequence 1TRIBUTE TO LINDA PRESTON By David Kahn In Memory of LINDA SOULE PRESTON April 4, 1938 - March 20, 1988 Memorial Service… |
Sequence 1Urban Education PERFORMANCE OF MONTESSORI GRADUATES IN PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASSROOMS Carol Takacs Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 8the subjects of geometry and language. In geometry the essentialist will be governed by the sensorial reality of the materials… |
Sequence 6Montessori and the Humanities means a clarification of goals. We have a saying in Montessori - "Montessori is an aid… |
Sequence 2best conduct a collaborative project which would provide impartial involvement of both AMI and AMS. With the assistance of NAM… |
Sequence 5the facility by different personnel which always adds stress to any program. (Good teachers, especially Montessorians, do not… |
Sequence 12References Brown, Rexford G. ( 1991). Schools of thought: How the politics of litera,cy shape thinking in the classroom. San… |
Sequence 4What makes the Montessori curriculwn work are: its long history of implementation, its focus on giving the keys (process) to… |
Sequence 17Elementary-Bergamo, Italy zoo, our goal may be the study of a class of the chordates; our goal in visiting a beach may be the… |
Sequence 6informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 15I. Practical life enhances the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the… |
Sequence 2ASSESSMENT Montessori 2000 provides an extremely important opportunity to further an unfulfilled assessment need that has… |
Sequence 3Guided by the belief that assessment of student progress should be based on multiple sources of evidence, the evaluation of… |
Sequence 4be an iterative process in writing and by telephone that will continue until the student outcomes are clearly specified. Task… |
Sequence 5of a variety of student activities required to master the objective. Student performance in these classroom activities, if… |
Sequence 3Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 7Design Review Team and Task Force Roster • Michael Bagiackas, Teacher-Head, Hershey Montessori School 10229 Prouty, Concord… |
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 15Gloria Dei Virginia Varga Hershey Montessori School Michael Bagiackas Judson Montessori School Jim Judson Lake Country… |
Sequence 3Gloria Dei Virginia Varga Hershey Montessori School Michael Bagiackas Judson Montessori School Jim Judson Lake Country… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 11Design Review Team and Task Force Roster • Michael Bagiackas, Teacher-Head, Hershey Montessori School 10229 Prouty, Concord… |
Sequence 15Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 30of a variety of student activities required to master the objective. Student performance in these classroom activities, if… |
Sequence 31be an iterative process in writing and by telephone that will continue until the student outcomes are clearly specified. Task… |
Sequence 32Guided by the belief that assessment of student progress should be based on multiple sources of evidence, the evaluation of… |
Sequence 33ASSESSMENT Montessori 2000 provides an extremely important opportunity to further an unfulfilled assessment need that has… |
Sequence 52I. Practical life enhances the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the… |
Sequence 79informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 1APPENDIX I HERSHEY MONTESSORI ERDKINDER PROJECT A Preliminary Proposal by Michael Bagiackas Hershey Montessori School has… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OF A MONTESSORI OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT by Michael Bagiackas Toleration by earth's ecosystems to… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL ON THE PRESERVATION OF MONTESSORI IDEAS by Tim Duax I have heard it asked, don't Montessori trainers adhere… |
Sequence 2THE FERm..E FIEID OF IMAGINATION by David Kahn Starting/ram a precise definition of imagination in Montessori terms, David… |
Sequence 3sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagina- tion" (Montessori, 1948, p. 15). Imagination Through Space and Time… |
Sequence 2Goon BooKS To SUPPORT CHilDREN's REsEARCH by Mary Maher Boehnlein, Ph.D. In this review, Mary Boehnlein takes a… |
Sequence 1Cosmic Education at the middle school level, while including the areas of geography, biology, and geology, also includes the… |
Sequence 2Reading, seminars, field experiences, journaling, interviewing, and expository and creative writing are integrated into this… |
Sequence 4• Choose a specific ethnic neighborhood in the Cleveland area to research regarding its history, settlement, landmarks,… |
Sequence 4middle school environment on to another level of risk and finally out into the Cleveland community, the fact is that the… |
Sequence 10teachers of history. We must become students of history because a knowledge of the past is essential to thinking clearly. I… |
Sequence 2SURVEY OF MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS: INTERPRETIVE COMMENTARY by John Long Introduction Let me Lell a personal story… |
Sequence 18particularly in maLh, science, and writing, but also of note were history, foreign languages, geography, and grammar. Thinking… |
Sequence 1THE PLACE OF READING RECOVERY IN MONTESSORI SCHOOLS by Mary Maher Boehnlein, PhD Dr. Boehnlein discusses the Reading… |
Sequence 3COSMIC EDUCATION AND LITERATURE- BASED TEACHING by Daniel Bachhuber Daniel Bachhuber provides a practical gttide to the… |
Sequence 20In my Bergamo training course, we learned that one of the goals of grammar study at the 6 to 9 level is style analysis in the… |
Sequence 25part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 8The work of this stage of development is adaptation to social life. The adolescent is vulnerable to the development of all… |
Sequence 70The work of this stage of development is adaptation to social life. The adolescent is vulnerable to the development of all… |
Sequence 87part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 92In my Bergamo training course, we learned that one of the goals of grammar study at the 6 to 9 level is style analysis in the… |
Sequence 109COSMIC EDUCATION AND LITERATURE- BASED TEACHING by Daniel Bachhuber Daniel Bachhuber provides a practical gttide to the… |
Sequence 129THE PLACE OF READING RECOVERY IN MONTESSORI SCHOOLS by Mary Maher Boehnlein, PhD Dr. Boehnlein discusses the Reading… |
Sequence 9Delegate Agency: An organization designated by a Grantee to operate a Head Start program, using funds channeled through the… |
Sequence 1REPORT ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN A PRIVATE MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Tim Duax, PhD A research study at an established private… |
Sequence 1THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 3What I propose to do today is not to repeat, or even to summarize, what has already been said by Montessorians preceding me,… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 12is, or can be, referred to the whole; where the whole is a set of ordered parts;and,finally,… |
Sequence 1EVOLUTION AS PHILOSOPHY AND ACTION by Judith Cunningham-Scott Judith Cunningham-Scott's survey of the spiritual and… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 1NORMALIZATION AND NORMALITY ACROSS THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by David Kahn With the current emphasis on the four planes of… |
Sequence 5Figure 1 suggests that the vision and understanding of Erdkinder must come through a variety of pathways, beginning with… |
Sequence 38Grazzini, C. (1996). The four planes of development. The NAMTA Journal, 21(2), 208-241. Kahn, D. (1997a). Normalization and… |
Sequence 5when the teacher observes the child's adaptation to the modern world, the educator becomes educated by just how the… |
Sequence 7discoveries of Maria Montessori, which are set forth in this book, special assistants were trained to guide the mothers in the… |
Sequence 9It was a delight to watch Mario with children of any age, in any country, immersed in any situation. Mario could speak with… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 2FOREWORD When I was asked to prepare a blurb for this presentation, I decided it was important to give some background… |
Sequence 3story, is clearly touched by the Montessori ideas-whether they have ever heard ofMaria"Montessori or not, whether or… |
Sequence 16Pendleton, Renee, comp. & ed. The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher… |
Sequence 2The motivational underpinning to learning the facts is that they are woven into a relationship between facts and concrete… |
Sequence 12-------------------------------- --~ we are attempting to do with the Erdkinder project in Cleveland is to bring farm and… |
Sequence 1ART FROM THE UNIVERSE STORY: NEW MEANING FOR THE CHILD by John Fowler An ardent devotee of Brian Swimme, Mr. Fowler… |
Sequence 11She "jumped off" into new territory without having a plan in place-and let her commitment to fighting for… |
Sequence 2they knew that there was more than Practical Life, Art Expression, Spoken Language, and Music. But the materials got there… |
Sequence 4Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 7Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Sequence 1NURTURING THE RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY THROUGH PRACTICAL LIFE by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |