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Displaying results 601 - 622 of 622
Sequence 45whenever we go to the doctor's office, or whenever there may be plenty of time on our hands. On trips, some families read… |
Sequence 57Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Henson Valley Montessori School is seeking bo1h a Primary 1eacher and an experienced… |
Sequence 60I I 1214 Varela St .. Key West. FL 33040. SEEKING full or pan time experienced and qual• ified direc1ress. Salary… |
Sequence 61portation provided. Contact: Mrs. C. Wolhardt. Taipei Montessori School, No 10, Alley 4. Lane 43, Tien-Mou E. Road. Taipei,… |
Sequence 149 Drummond, Margaret. (1920). Five years old or thereabouts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, (96). Drummond,… |
Sequence 2316 Montessori, Maria. (1929). Child in the church: Essays on the religious education of children and the training of… |
Sequence 4437 Trochta, Charlene. (1980). A sense of community: Montessori' s gift to the developing child. NAMTA Quarterly, 1,… |
Sequence 4538 Birchmei, A.K. (1980). Rehabilitation, 19, 115. Bizman, A. (1978). Journal of School Psychology, ~. 194. Blau, H. (… |
Sequence 46Deci, E.L. (1978). Bookmen's ii 07170, 1978, 193. Degenhar, M.A. (1979). Journal of Moral Education, !, 92. Dennis,… |
Sequence 5750 Spodek, Bernard. (1970). What are the sources of early childhood curriculum? Young Children, 26, 48-50. (3). Standing… |
Sequence 105Wa~~nschein, Martin. (1960). The teaching of mathematics--A tragedy. Paper presented at the 12th International Montessori… |
Sequence 108101 (1939). The cosmic task of man. Lecture, London Montessori Training Course, 1939. Reprinted (1975). Around the Child,… |
Sequence 110(1923,25,30,37, 46,). Dr. Montessori on independence. Lecture excerpts reprinted in (1976). Communications, 3/4, 28-36, (… |
Sequence 119112 ( 1). Montessori' s reception in Rome. (1914). Freedom for the Child, l, 14, (1). Montessori in Vienna:… |
Sequence 148142 Karlson, Alfred L. & Stodolsky, Susan S.(1973) Predicting school outcomes from observations of child behavior… |
Sequence 150144 Bissell, Joan S. (1970). The cognitive effects of preschool programs for disadvantaged children. ( Unpublished… |
Sequence 191Child, c. M. (1924). PhJsiological foundations of behavior. Henry Holt, Co., (346 . New York: Coghill, G. E. 0929). Anatomy… |
Sequence 35'What kind of a human being will I be todayr How will I affect others today?' It is these thoughts that explain why… |
Sequence 71NEEDED: Teachers 10 organize/run summer daycamp at our school on Manha's Vineyard. 8eau1iful school. playground: walk IO… |
Sequence 72ALCulN /IIONTESSORI SCHOOL. ,'\t3bhshed 1961. Five primary-all extended day: four clemcn 1ar) MontC'-',()rtan… |
Sequence 76s1on of assis1an1. parent educauon and participation wuh parent board m school operation. Compe111ive ;alar) and gcncrou,… |
Sequence 8Treasure Article 2017 page 7 ago. Politics and peace talks may provide a cessation of war but they cannot create peace.… |