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Displaying results 301 - 400 of 447
Sequence 578Hershey Montessori School, Coo:ord Twp., OH (Laurie Ewert-l<rockex) Adolescent Program at Salila, SWedE!II 0enn y Marie… |
Sequence 591cation in ways that are appropriate for the older adolescent, thus completing the vision of Maria Montessori from birth to… |
Sequence 592• Case Western Reserve University, which is currently prototyping a Montessori high school biology course at its University… |
Sequence 600written a number of book chapters and articles onstudentengagement in classrooms. Margaret E. Stephenson is AMI Elementary… |
Sequence 191and three. But what we need to do is assess the ones that are develop- mentally appropriate in our assessment of this child… |
Sequence 233NAMTANEWS NAMTAJouRNALs: PRODUCTION REPORT AND SCHEDULING With the release of a nearly definitive 600 page Journal in… |
Sequence 243Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JUNE 2002! ♦ Convenient three-… |
Sequence 229Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2002-2003 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 9or "land lab," it is a community effort and will be used by the entire community. The enrichment of the… |
Sequence 126• feeling of usefulness and an understanding of one's "many sided powers of adaptation" (Montessori,… |
Sequence 224Results of the study will be released at the Adolescent National Retreat taking place in Cleveland July 28-August 1, 2003, as… |
Sequence 245Montessori school in a Christian environment and are seeking pro- fessionals that are dedicated toed u- ca ting children and… |
Sequence 246catechesistrainingforthosewhoare interested. Please contact: Dan Teller Queen of Angels Montessori 4460 Berwick St.,… |
Sequence 160teaching. As a violinist myself, I am reminded of the relationship between the instrument and the musician-without one or the… |
Sequence 200TheMontessoriSchoolofRaleigh An Equal Opportunity Employer Accredited by the American Montessori Society and… |
Sequence 201Hershey Montessori School has pro- grams for Parent/Infant, Young Child Community (2), Children's House (3), Early… |
Sequence 202Hudson Montessori School in Hudson, Ohio is seeking a 6-9 el- ementary guide for a new classroom for the Fall of 2003. Our… |
Sequence 88Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level ( ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 11that if you invented your project without Montessori parameters, your result would not be a Montessori original but a banal… |
Sequence 180A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 181Thus I indicated that the paper was originally written for the Adolescent Colloquium, which was held in Cleveland and… |
Sequence 296Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 221Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level ( ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 48SOCIAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT: IMPORTANCE OF THE f AMILY by John McNamara This comprehensive view of social and moral… |
Sequence 157year. There is a three-year cycle before we repeat most specific studies. We do seminars in relation to primary sources, we do… |
Sequence 225julianagroup.comorcall usat 1-800- 959-6159. You may also email us at Position Wanted Position… |
Sequence 229General sessions in the morning will explain the basis for shaping each specialty with a Montessori orientation. In the late… |
Sequence 132uniqueness into a richer idea of society and what we can achieve as humanity. REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary… |
Sequence 279Ohio Akron Montessori School has been teaching kindness and respect for diversity for 21 years. We are selectively… |
Sequence 280South Suburban Montessori School in Brecksville, Ohio is seeking an Upper Elementary and Children's House Director/… |
Sequence 281Small non-profit school with steadygrowthseeksMontessoricre- dentialed director/ directress (6-9) beginning fall 2005.… |
Sequence 60established in 1970, SSMS serves children from 18 months through 12 years old and takes greatprideinits dedicated and… |
Sequence 241have to dois to recognize this, and help the children to see this. We may have to build solidarity from a psychological point… |
Sequence 398self-sufficiency. The adolescent attempts to find a base for a multifac- eted independence, but the greatest of all… |
Sequence 414Local Demand for a Montessori High School Model Cleveland (northeast Ohio) is the second oldest Montessori hub in the United… |
Sequence 415Botanical Garden in the development of adolescent respon- siveness to the impact of urban sprawl on the natural world; • the… |
Sequence 420of Trustees representing every village and township in Geauga County, Ohio. Century Village Museum is our first choice for… |
Sequence 425• Joint funds development (administrative) · Carpentry assistance 4. The Little Italy Neighborhood The Little Italy… |
Sequence 91ogy, and futurists who predict the success of human problem solving. In addition, representatives of the Dutch Montessori… |
Sequence 174Korpela, K. "Adolescents' Favorite Places and Environ- mental Self-Regulation." Journal of… |
Sequence 254al} Montessori Institute of .Jltfanta ., Primary level (ages 3-6) Now accepting applications for September 2007 •… |
Sequence 275The NAMTA Centenary Exhibit A Montessori Journey 1907-2007 an Unprecedented Montessori Event----- Upcoming stops include:… |
Sequence 8Preface, continued The exhibit left its impression of Montessori significance on visitors at Centennial celebrations in both… |
Sequence 179Cleveland, Sydney, or Paris. After all, Marx (1818-1883) was a German Jewish classicist whose doctoral thesis was on the… |
Sequence 350NAMTA NEWS NAMTA's CoNTR1euno To THE CENTENARY YEAR With its touring exhibit, A Montessori Journey: 1907-2007, NAMTA… |
Sequence 353The NAMT A Center for Montessori Adolescent Studies (NCMAS) Presents Its Annual Professional Development Event A Montessori… |
Sequence 237Discovery Montessori Is Expand- ing and is Accepting Resumes for Nido and InfantComrnunity Our school opened in 2006 and we… |
Sequence 250Paula Leigh-Doyle, Head of School 440-357-0918 Hudson Montessori School isac- cepting resumes for… |
Sequence 217raphy is the study of the relationships between people (with varying demographic qualities) and places (endowed with specific… |
Sequence 239meta-cognitive f111e11cy of travel along the cen ter axis, which intensifies with intellectual move- ment from present to… |
Sequence 248intense, self-motivated work arising out ofoptimal engagement), not of the individual alone, but a collective maximum effort… |
Sequence 262Cleveland Cleveland \.V cstern Reserve Case Wcstem Botanical Garden Museum of Hist.orical Society Reserve Natural Hi.… |
Sequence 263• Is all knowledge historical knowledge? • What makes history significant? What role do famous people play in determining… |
Sequence 16The importance is to go from the study key to reality outside the school walls using the discipline as the structure of the… |
Sequence 35UNIFYING THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT: A TRAINER' s PERSPECTIVE by Greg MacDonald In this article, Greg MacDonald… |
Sequence 45working together to create a seamless process of interaction with transitioning children. It is with these ideas in mind that… |
Sequence 78We are asked to make conscious and dear all that is small and infinite, linear and turning, the music and the dance, and the… |
Sequence 147biology, geography. Evolution did not happen apart from the dynam- ics of the earth. Biological time is geological time. The… |
Sequence 348and a lower elementary class. Please contact Barbara Beasley, Director@ 757-428-1034 or e-mail chog@ Our… |
Sequence 154gram Director. The Elementary and Adolescent Program Director works collaboratively with all el- ementary and adolescent… |
Sequence 200194 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 A successful candidate is hard working and should be able to operate in… |
Sequence 250244 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 CW is a non-profit 501(c)3 corpora- tion equal opportunity employer… |
Sequence 1711 Ludick • Grace and Courtesy Across the Planes of Development Grace and courteSy acroSS the PlaneS of develoPment by Pat… |
Sequence 159153 Kahn • Review of Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter review of like leaven By Patricia coulter by Barbara Kahn I first met… |
Sequence 2519 Coulter • All Is Gift: Enjoying the Presence of God a aCknoWlEdGMEntS by Patricia Coulter With profound gratitude to… |
Sequence 385379 Murphy-Ryan • The Role of the Physician Vanderbilt Scales for rating ADHD are available • free of charge at http://www.… |
Sequence 2What Is NaMta? The North American Montessori Teachers’ Association provides a medium of study, interpretation, and im-… |
Sequence 7165 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule “cookie cutter,” and performances in the music course are created and… |
Sequence 125119 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds North Carolina Lead Infant/Toddler Teacher, Christian Montessori School of Lake Norman… |
Sequence 132126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 2017-2018 namta conference scHeDule Plan now to attend these events!… |
Sequence 45Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 44 references The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH:… |
Sequence 53Montessori and Assessment: Some Issues of Assessment and Curriculum Reform introduction This study investigates the impact… |
Sequence 116AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 41 Kahn • Preface David Kahn introduces Baiba Krumins Grazzini at NAMTA’s 2018 Cleveland conference. PreFACe Photo by… |
Sequence 52 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 MoNTessori hisTory: seArChiNg For TruTh hisTory MAkes A JoyFul Noise by… |
Sequence 63 Kahn • Preface The Cleveland conference was presented in the perfect venue for its message: within the walls of the… |
Sequence 6259 Allen • Of Natural Science When I was looking for a parallel quote from Montes- sori’s writings, this one stood out to me… |
Sequence 8784 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 liViNg By gAiA by Lynn Margulis The 2018 Cleveland conference screened… |
Sequence 6262 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 JOEN BETTMANN… |
Sequence 3THE FUTURE OF MO!'iTESSORI ELEME.,"'TARY Editorial Report: Montessori Elt'mentary: Where Do We Go… |
Sequence 34Curriculum Review: Tribute to True Reading by John Thiel Literary inclusions for the elementary level are essential Sound… |
Sequence 45N.A.M.T.A. News MEMBER SCHOOLS RECEIVE NEW SERVICES This summer NAMTA is developing a new multiphasic Elementary In-… |
Sequence 32Feature: On Readiness for School by Erna Furman The Cleveland Center for Research in Child Development offers courses and… |
Sequence 67__ check if this is a new address last name first street address city and state ( ) area code/phone number N.A.M.T.A.… |
Sequence 78Omares1 Dr. Columbia. SC 29210 Elementary teacher before August I. Ten year old. year-round school for potentially-gifted.… |
Sequence 63You can live near the school in historic area or 15 min away on a beautiful beach. Easy access to fas· cinating low-country… |
Sequence 5The Prepared Environment by Jean K. Miller Ms. Miller provides us with a broad base definition of prepared environment moving… |
Sequence 31Looking at the Individual Child Interview Emma Plank, editor of a new book On Development and Education of Young Children,… |
Sequence 50Evaluation of the Child Study Group: Psychoanalytic Consultation with Preschool Teachers by Sandra Louise Redmond A direct… |
Sequence 75N.A.M.T.A. News JOURNAL REVISIONS FOR 1978-1979 This year to accommodate rising costs due to media center outlay and to the… |
Sequence 77All subscriptions should be mailed to: NAMTA 2859 Scarborough Rd. Cleveland Hts., OH 44118 Subscriptions may be ordered in… |
Sequence 60WANTED: EXPERIENCED AMI ELE- MENTARY DIRECTRESS/DIRECTOR for new school opening Sept '79 in Evergreen, Colo in the… |
Sequence 63Full time Montessori directress with BA, AMI or AMS beginning fall 79. Double sessions, benefits, salary open. Send resume to… |
Sequence 55AMI primary/elementary teacher for Fall 1980. Owner/Operator opponunuy. Number I U.S. small ci1y for quality of life.… |
Sequence 4"There must be more complex joint activity between the chilt. and an adult who has an enduring, irrational, mutual… |
Sequence 35Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Charlotte Montessori seeks AMI Primary and AMI Junior guide for Fall '80 or '8 I.… |
Sequence 39within schools. Full training begins in Rome this year. This workshop will be especially helpful to teachers and… |
Sequence 33Curriculum Review: Man: A Course of Study Kahn-Bruner Interview Jerome Bruner's recollection of his famous Man: A… |
Sequence 3430 of my existence because I can't go to a concert in New York or San Francisco or Cleveland or to the theater without… |
Sequence 5854 Established Montessori Children's House in Fay• etteville, Arkansas, is seeking two certified primary teachers. One… |