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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 258
Sequence 93Personals Positi.cnis Available ALASKA Seeking Montessori Teacher, primary (3-5), AM/PM SY 88-89/89-90. Salary $17,600-24,… |
Sequence 107Announcing New AMI Course Offerings The Montessori Institute - Assistants to Infancy Training, Mitchell Montessori School,… |
Sequence 109NAMTANEWS Montessori in the Public Schools: A Finished Documentary NAMTA traveled with cameras and lights to four cities… |
Sequence 112COLORADO Accepting applications for openings in our Elementary level, both 6-9 and 9-12. School has been in existence 24… |
Sequence 54Renilde Montessori and Margo Waltuch Photo by Paul Biwer. MONTESSORI DIVERSITY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR "Multicultural… |
Sequence 64complex civilizations that the Mexican philosopher and educator Jose Vasconcelos dubbed them "the cosmic race.&… |
Sequence 65developmental bilingualism. The experiences, materials, and suppor- tive atmosphere make a second language offering natural… |
Sequence 81SCHOOLING AND THOUGHTFULNESS by Rexford Brown Mr. Brown 8 view of restructuring American educai:ion is a tacit request for… |
Sequence 91David Kahn, Executive Directm; NAMTA , wlw has su:pported CYUr work UJ disseminate research information UJ Montessori.ans and… |
Sequence 115Personals CALIFORNIA BRIGHT STAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL is seeking 1 primary and 1 elementary guide with experience for the 1.… |
Sequence 116Elementary teacher needed for well-established, fully equipped 6 to 9 classroom. School owned and operated by AMI directress… |
Sequence 5THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY: A SPECIAL EDUCATOR by Dr. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. introduces the arigins of… |
Sequence 104PARTTHREE- ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY TRAINING . ,,-(/ Assistant,s t,o Infancy Training, Denver. Plwt.o by R1:ul Biwer &… |
Sequence 121FAMILY STAR: MONTESSORI IN COMMUNITY LIFE by Karin Salzmann The Denver Family Star Project i,s not just a school extension… |
Sequence 122Assistants To Infancy Training, Denver. Plww by Fl:iul Biwer 118 |
Sequence 123Maria Montessori said, ''We have nothing to hope from the external world till the normalization of man is recognized… |
Sequence 124Families will be invited to use park space adjoining the infant/ toddler in which a solar biodome will facilitate year… |
Sequence 152Personals ALASKA The JUNEAU MONTESSORI CENTER, located downtown in Alaska's capital city, is recruiting for an AMS/… |
Sequence 83Let me give you a little background on the Coalition of Essential Schools. Ted Sizer, the chairman, whom you will meet… |
Sequence 127References Brown, Rexford. (1989a). 'Testing and thoughtfulness." Education Leader- ship, 46 (7), 31-33. Brown… |
Sequence 205ALASKA The ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT has an esrab- lishcd Moniessori program which nml.s urrifird rlrmemnry uachm on an… |
Sequence 71of the data collection process; (c) to analyze the data; and (d) to prepare both an interim and a final report of findings.… |
Sequence 79August 1993 ◊ Two Week Summer Seminar Design Review Team presents curriculum designs with completed prototypes to pilot… |
Sequence 90Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 95Participating Schools Phase 2 and Phase 3 Public Montessori Schools Carson Montessori School Brenda K. White Clissold… |
Sequence 96Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 98Other Participating Institutions and Societies American Montessori Society Beloit College Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 150Peggy Skinner, 400 E. Evergreen Blvd., Van- couver. WA 98660. CANADA THE NORTH YORK MONTESSORI LEARN- ING CENTRE, 9600… |
Sequence 52I want to stress here that haiku Is a feeling. It Isa dramatic momentiound in oommob everyday occurrences, in the small… |
Sequence 53information from them about haiku except that they loved it and they taught it to the children at their Montessori school in… |
Sequence 191Unusual Teacher for an Unusual School The Heads Up! Elementary Program Palo Alto, California Innovative Montessori-based… |
Sequence 170Colorado COME TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS-- AMI/ AMS-primary, elementary and middle school Montessori teachers needed for Fall,… |
Sequence 176Montessori Public School Consortium The Consortium aims to promote awareness and dia- logue about Montessori integrity… |
Sequence 1781994-1995 school year. We have classes ranging from infant through 9-12. Our campuses have beautiful buildings which all… |
Sequence 6occupations, looking at new challenges in linking practical life and experience with academic frameworks. Louise Chawla and… |
Sequence 205tessori history. NAMT A would like to begin to glean from practi- tioners a comprehensive view of Montessori-appropriate ap… |
Sequence 193A LITERACY WORTH HAVING by Rexford Brown LITERACY IN THE BROADEST SENSE At P.S.1, literacy involves reading and writing… |
Sequence 2041995-1996 CONFERENCES ANO EVENTS (PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE, SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Cleveland, OH July 10-28, Study Intensive on… |
Sequence 248NAMTANEWS NATURE Is BEST TEACHER In order to invigorate the Montessorian's use of the outdoors, NAMTA presented two… |
Sequence 262portive parent body, AMI-trained ad- ministration and staff, competitive sal- ary and benefits. Please send resume and… |
Sequence 94MONTESSORI: A CARING PEDAGOGY by Elizabeth Hall In this Montessori manifesto of caring, Ms. Hall puts forward the impor-… |
Sequence 95The characteristics we came up with were described from a student's point of view. For example, the first one is: A… |
Sequence 204ideas about how to get there, and processes for questioning and changing those ideas when they do not seem to work or when… |
Sequence 253forfulldayprograminaMontessorischool located in inner city Denver whose mis- sion is transformation through educa- tion.… |
Sequence 348PRESENTING.,, Kay Baker is AMI Elementary Director of Training at the Washington (DC) Montessori Institute. Wmfried Bohm is… |
Sequence 358to: Gena Engelfried, Academic Director, Montessori in Redlands; 1890 Orange A venue; Redlands, CA 92374 (909) 793-6989.… |
Sequence 376main Road, Whakatane, New Zealand, Fax 07 3070491, EMAIL- sprouts@wa United Kingdom ENGLAND: Vacancy for Elemen… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 2) by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro presents an intellectual view… |
Sequence 189Colorado Scenic Boulder, Colorado's Pub- lic Montessori School is continu- ing to expand and is seeking dedicated… |
Sequence 127ART FROM THE UNIVERSE STORY: NEW MEANING FOR THE CHILD by John Fowler An ardent devotee of Brian Swimme, Mr. Fowler… |
Sequence 10THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A CENTURY CONCEPT by Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall walks readers through early Montessori history, from… |
Sequence 252in large part on the cooperative ef- forts of an experienced and corn mit- ted faculty and board. Position requirements: A… |
Sequence 253children of all socioeconomic back- grounds in bilingual environments. Resume to Deborah Sullivan, 2246 Federal Blvd.,… |
Sequence 277THE NORTH AMERICAN MONTESSORJ TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION SPRING CONFERENCES, 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Process of… |
Sequence 246Salinas, CA 93908 Phone: 831-455-1546 Fax: 831-455-9628 WeareseekingaPrimaryTeacher starting summer… |
Sequence 247petitive salaries along with paid health and retirement benefits. Please send resume to: Compass Montessori School, 10399 W… |
Sequence 127development, showing us what happens with the fullest realization of human formation and development," said Mr. Kahn… |
Sequence 136Our school was established in 1995 and has grown to be an asset to the surrounding community. With overwhelming support and… |
Sequence 214Valley Inn & Spa, 905 Country Club Road, Ojai, CA 93023. Tel: 805-646- 5511. Montessori Leaming Center Est. 1973… |
Sequence 21580302. 303-447-5407, Fax 303-444- 7479. Corne to the Rocky Mountains Denison Montessori Elementary (Magnet School) in the… |
Sequence 191e Montessori Institute OF MILWAUKEE, INC. 3195 S. Superior St. • Suite L 428 • Milwaukee. WI 53207 414-481-5050 • Fax 414-… |
Sequence 97THE DEVELOPMENT OF COORDINATED MOVEMENT by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro discusses the stages of movement in… |
Sequence 183THE IMPACT OF THE ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY PROGRAM ON PRIMARY CHILDREN by Liz Hall When a Primary ( ages three to six) class… |
Sequence 220THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY: A SPECIAL EDUCATOR by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro introduces the origins of the… |
Sequence 238Lake Tahoe's recreational area. We have fully equipped classrooms, in several different campuses through- out Northern… |
Sequence 249Authentic, complete, contemporary Montessori Teacher Training at The Montessori Institute Beginning June, 2002 Assistants… |
Sequence 231tain Shadows is currently seeking an AMI trained Primary teacher for an established class beginning fall, 2003. Established… |
Sequence 7A MONTESSORI LIFE AS A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY-PART 1 by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro speaks of how Montessori… |
Sequence 180environment,a love for children and excellent communication and man- agement skills. Preschool offers high level of parent… |
Sequence 181Wheat Ridge and Golden Jefferson County Public Charter School close to Denver and themoun- tainswithawarm,invitingenviron-… |
Sequence 272Program Assistant: Jenny Hoglund is pursuing the AMI Training of Trainers Programme at the elementary level. She earned the… |
Sequence 285Denison is a magnet school in the Denver Public schools, which opened its first Children's House in 1986. Currently… |
Sequence 214Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking Montessori- trained teachers who are native… |
Sequence 2278 Authentic, complete, contemporary Montessori Teacher Training at The Montessori Institute Assistants to Infancy: Ages 0-3… |
Sequence 10PLACES FOR BELONGING: FROM WOMB TO HOME TO MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Judi Orion Judi Orion chronicles,from a psychological and… |
Sequence 30MONTESSORI UNDER THREE: THE FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PERSONALITY by Judi Orion Looking at the roots of human personality, Ms.… |
Sequence 20405, followed by the natural exten- sion to an Adolescent program with the Arts Center as the prepared envi- ronment. Enroll… |
Sequence 2062005-2006 will include a Montessori Principal and primary, lower and upper A.M.S. or AM.I. teachers for Buena Vista… |
Sequence 259AMI credential as well. Experience in public schools a plus. Competi- tive salary and good benefits. Please email Michelle… |
Sequence 260Denison is a magnet school in the Denver Public Schools and opened its first Children's House in 1986. Currently there… |
Sequence 44ested in sponsoring any Montessori adults in training. PRINTS is a unique bilingual school which offers two tracks: a… |
Sequence 229BA/BSdegree,AMS/ AMlcertifica- tion and 2+ years Montessori expe- rience (will consider otherwise qualified applicants w / o… |
Sequence 181Photo Crediu, continued Elise Broun Barnett Collection Soro Brody Helen Brophy Kannekar Butt Coring for Young Refugees… |
Sequence 355tobea LargeCenterDirectorwith the CO DeptofHumanServices. Strong communication skills, written and oral are a must.… |
Sequence 21THE MONTESSORI INFANT AND THE WHOLE DEVELOPMENTAL CONTINUUM by Judi Orion Ms. Orion explicates the concept of the spiritual… |
Sequence 85NORMALIZATION UNDER THREE by Judi Orion Montessori speaks of normalization as ti,e single 111ost important aspect of the… |
Sequence 232and is close to San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and the Napa Valley. We offer a competitive salary package, medical and dental ben… |
Sequence 297Colorado Boulder, Colorado's Public Montessori School is completing its expansion for the 2009-10 school year. We are… |
Sequence 400established in 2003 and a traditional program. We have three Primary classrooms, three Lower Elemen- tary classrooms and one… |
Sequence 116FOLLOW THE p ARENT: p ARENT EDUCATION AT THE MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF LAKE FOREST by Ann Jordahl A11nforda'1/ emphasizes… |
Sequence 144HIGH ANXIETY, THE SEQUEL by Patrick F. Bassett Patrick Bassett offers wan11th, h11111or, and opti111is111 for independent… |
Sequence 147• Best case-continued growth or modest dip of+/- 3-5% (the normal fluctuation inde- pendent schools experience during… |
Sequence 149Emphasizing what I saw that was good, I was able to give talks to these teachers, but after all these years of internal… |
Sequence 273California English speaking A to l guide needed for January 2011. Good at- titude, classroom management, 2 years exp., AMJ… |
Sequence 268While all applicants are thanked for their interest, only those chosen for interviews will be contacted. No phone calls,… |