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Displaying results 201 - 300 of 940
Sequence 2THE ELEMENTARY CHILD' s PLACE IN THE NATURAL WORLD by Phoebe Allen Phoebe Allen's article speaks for the early… |
Sequence 14Bruner, Jerome. "Man: A Course of Study." Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1966… |
Sequence 2THE GREAT RIVER by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The Great River is sometimes referred to as a metaphor for human unity, which has… |
Sequence 3The first gathering ofEsF took place in Italy during the summer of 1999. At the end of the six-week convocation, the… |
Sequence 4to forty years in the field; several were not long out of training. I looked forward to revisiting Montessori's legacy… |
Sequence 9Love and Knowledge cannot be separated: "Man must be edu- cated. It is true that education can create a better kind… |
Sequence 17attempts I made to dig out information about Maria Montessori's stay and work in Koda i. My inquiries were frequent! y… |
Sequence 2ESTABLISHING THE ERDKINDER APPENDICES AS AN AUTHORITY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini was chosen to open… |
Sequence 8criticism which does not stem from experimentation or even reflection. People just reacted against and criticized. I found a… |
Sequence 2COMMUNITY, FREEDOM, AND DISCIPLINE IN A CARING CLASSROOM by John McNamara John McNamara characterizes adolescents through… |
Sequence 1How MY STUDENTS SEE THEIR ADOLESCENT EXPERIENCE AND TURN OUT IN LIFE by John McN amara The chorus of letters written to… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI THEORY: V ALORIZATION by Jenny Hoglund Personality, mental and moral independence, the law of maximum effort,… |
Sequence 20other. For this power is the quintessential one for the probing of not only science, but history, geography, mathematics, and… |
Sequence 1THE ROLE OF THE DISCIPLINES FOR COSMIC EDUCATION by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini continues to discuss… |
Sequence 16convinced when they saw some sugar transform itself into a fuming mass of the blackest coal under their eyes, after sulfuric… |
Sequence 17geography, etc., allowing practical experience in addition to studying books. For this type of school, secondary school… |
Sequence 1THE ROLE OF THE SPECIALIST by Baiba Krumins Grazzini This article touches on the roles of specialist and generalist as… |
Sequence 1HISTORY: HUMAN SOLIDARITY: MAN WHITHER BOUND by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The human solidarity concept is a second-plane… |
Sequence 21Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Oxford: Clio, 1988. Montessori, Maria. From… |
Sequence 2THE MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE STUDY OF NATURE AND SOCIETY A PROPOSAL by David Kahn David Kahn presents a high school… |
Sequence 12Overview Staging Areas for Montessori High School Urban Centers L~tle Italy Neighborhood useum of Nalural HislorY, ershey… |
Sequence 16• Joint funds development (administrative) · Carpentry assistance 4. The Little Italy Neighborhood The Little Italy… |
Sequence 22THE MONTESSORI INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DESIGN Careful explication of Montessori primary texts, including Maria… |
Sequence 2TEN MONTESSORI IDEAS THAT CONVERT PARENTS TO THE CHILD'S POINT OF VIEW by David Kahn This outline serves as a guide for… |
Sequence 16The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 10ITHE .4 PLANs~ OF DJVELOPMENT! I TH «BULB> ,~~~' ~ ~ Figure 1. The Bulb. Maria Montessori, Rome, 1951 (cited… |
Sequence 1QUALITIES OF A MONTESSORI SECONDARY MATHEMATICS PROGRAM by Christopher Kjaer, John McNamara, and Michael W aski The… |
Sequence 5In secondary school Maria had at first studied mathematics, then science, and in the university she studied biology. All were… |
Sequence 8Montessori looked around the ward and saw only beds. Nothing but beds. The room was completely empty of anything that would… |
Sequence 9Early in September, 1898, Italy and its educational establishment were rocked when an Italian anarchist assassinated Elizabeth… |
Sequence 11Butitisin the human con- text that we must come to un- derstand the depth of this tragedy-the terrible wrench to a mother… |
Sequence 13condition-the tenants were in charge of the care and maintenance of the tenements. It acted as a sort of covenant. And he… |
Sequence 1THE CHILD AND SOCIETY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Kru 111ins Grnzzini puts the relationsl1ip between child a11d society… |
Sequence 9contacted Dr. Montessori to help with an urban renewal project in the San Lorenzo District of Rome. The press referred to… |
Sequence 10What They Showed Us One day, in great emotion, I took my heart in my two hands as though to encourage it to rise to the… |
Sequence 12Italy, continued Writing on che chalkboard, an early Italian Montessori school, dote unknown. "They revealed a… |
Sequence 13Sometimes very tiny children show a precocious skill and accuracy of movement that must arouse our wonder. If an environment… |
Sequence 28Far Journey to the Southlands REPORT Montessori Methods of Education. M. M. SIMPSON. '-"""… |
Sequence 76A Scottish Montessori School The child has a great passion to learn. If he did not, how could he find his bearings in the… |
Sequence 85There was not a separation between indoors and outdoors.. . . Laughingly, we used to say, "There is never any bad… |
Sequence 125In this passage written in 1967, Claude Claremont described how to start the Silence Game: "Setting her chair in a… |
Sequence 140Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences "The eye that sees and the hand that obeys:• South Africa, 2006 Dramar:ic… |
Sequence 152Margot Waltuch and Amos, 1933 Peace and Education, continued A Time for Peace on Earth Sandwiched between two world wars,… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 1671948 Training courses in Mmedabad, Adyar, and Poona; lectures in Bombay. Trip to Gwalior. India; supervises the opening of a… |
Sequence 176Maria Montessori's Vision '- Maria Montessori greeting children at the St Angelo School in Rome, around 1911 Man… |
Sequence 184Notes and Sources, continued What They Showed Us (Italy) The photos of the first Casa dei Bambini and the Casa in Milan are… |
Sequence 190Notes and Sources, continued Three major bibliographies of Montessori-related books and articles have appeared in recent… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI: p ATHWAYS TO EDUCATION REFORM, 1907-2007 by David Kahn Tllis nrticle puts i11to sepnrntenccou11ts n brief… |
Sequence 3ACT I. THE DRAMA OF SAN LORENZO: LINKING SOCIAL ANO EDUCATIONAL REFORM-1907 Montessori con temporaries travel to Rome in… |
Sequence 6oxidation. Extensive oxidation of organic matter takes oxygen out of the atmosphere and replaces it with carbon dioxide. At… |
Sequence 5Figure 1. The Four Planes of Development: The "Constructive Rhythm of Life." Maria Montessori, Perugia,… |
Sequence 2THE CHILD AND SOCIETY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Km 111i11s Grnzzini puts the relatio11s/1ip between child and society… |
Sequence 2THE MONTESSORI MODEL UNITED NATIONS by Judith Cunningham Judith Cunning/Jam puts her practice of peace educatio11 into t/Je… |
Sequence 3to the Montessori-Pierson Estates, that gave me the possibility to do this very interesting (at least for me!) work. Let me… |
Sequence 5Details and correspondences thc1t passed unobserved for a long time, suddenly become clear, like a revelation, sending a… |
Sequence 1EDUCATION AND PEACE: CURRICULUM INTEGRATION AT MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL by Regina Feldman Tl,e following text explores… |
Sequence 2WHY IT Is IMPORTANT TO KNOW THE CHILD by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Citi11g the words of Marin Montessori, Dr. Montanaro… |
Sequence 1CHILDREN'S EDUCATION AND THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro This final chapter of Dr. Mo11tanaro… |
Sequence 5should recognize that we have not yet taken all the possible steps to favor the harmonious and integrated development of… |
Sequence 1PROFILE: SANTA CRUZ MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Karen Donovan Santa Cruz Montessori School, with a history of forty-five years, has… |
Sequence 1THE DISCIPLINES: THEIR EVOLVING ROLES FROM CHILDHOOD TO ADOLESCENCE by David Kahn Looking at elementary progmms from the… |
Sequence 1LANGUAGE: THE SONG OF LIFE by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Ms.Krumins Grazzi11 i's lecture begi11s with a vision of articulate… |
Sequence 17Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given; Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; And laughter, learnt of… |
Sequence 14Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. More Dutch came, not to New York, but to Pennsylvania. The French came and settled in South… |
Sequence 1INTEGRATION OF DISCIPLINES IN THE HIGH SCHOOL by Christopher Kjaer Mr. Kjaer expresses t'1e i111porta11ce of encl,… |
Sequence 2MATHEMATICS MoNTESSORI-1B FRAMEWORK by Michael Waski BACKGROUND AND METHODOLOGY Each plane of development has its own… |
Sequence 9• • • • • • ► ___ ....... .,. ... • • • • • • Figure 7. Even and odd numbers, from Aristotle's Metaphysics. In all… |
Sequence 13four or five, almost all of them say the left arrives first. The other square appears larger. What we did two years ago with… |
Sequence 14using for pedagogical purposes the history of mathematics. Surely she was a genius. Really she suggested very good acth ities… |
Sequence 1THE ESSENTIAL MONTESSORI MATH THROUGH THE YEARS by John McNamara John McNamara has developed a classical practitioners… |
Sequence 1A HISTORY APPROACH TO MATHEMATICS FOR THE ADOLESCENT by Michael Waski Miclznel Wnski shows //tat tlte 11tilizatio11 of… |
Sequence 18Figure 17. A square that is hall the area of the large square. This square, which has a diagonal equal to the edge of the… |
Sequence 25Claude Claremont utilized his classroom as more than just an environment for the instruction of pupils. He utilized his… |
Sequence 1FROM PEACEMAKER TO PEACEBUILDER by Judith Cunningham Judith C1111ningha111 introduces the Montessori Model United Nations (… |
Sequence 2CELEBRATING LIFE, NOT THEORIES by Sanford Jones Sa11ford Jones' article is a very perso11a/ essay (combined witlt a… |
Sequence 5There were five of us, three of us fresh from Bergamo, Italy or, should Isa y exhausted from Bergamo, and two others who had… |
Sequence 17child and the natural world. Certain urban children without means of transport have never seen a farm or farm animals. Maurice… |
Sequence 2INITIATION TO THE KNOWLEDGE THAT Is THE PRIDE OF OUR CIVILIZATION by Donald C. Goertz Don Goertz's nccount of his… |
Sequence 3Of the many cultures of humankind, of the plenitude of history's eras and their mass of pivotal artifacts, we reasoned… |
Sequence 27Growth in our adolescent program is strong, and as it continues, we expect that within the next year or two, we will have to… |
Sequence 2XII Bambini (The Method of Scient(fic Pedagogy as applied lo child education in the Children's Houses) is explained by… |
Sequence 2XVI Didactics "Mauro Laeng" - University of Roma Tre - and promoter of educational and documentary… |
Sequence 24 Par/ One - Toward 1he Children's House: The Formalion Years distant origins: and if the course of the present… |
Sequence 3From Childhood to Youth 5 fundamentally a rural country in which half of the inhabitants were peasant farmers, cattle… |
Sequence 11From Childhood to Yowh 13 and cultural hurdles, it also marked the beginning of her entrance to the medical-scientific… |
Sequence 1214 Parr One - Toward 1he Children's House: The Forma1io11 Years 13 The years 1877-1900 saw eleven women admitted to… |
Sequence 116 Chapter II Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children II. I Civil commitment and scientific research Berlin, 22… |
Sequence 10Science and Society: Phrenasthenic Children 25 ' Jean M. G. ltard ( 1775-1838) !,rraduated in medicine and decided to… |
Sequence 328 Part One - Toll'ard the Children ·s !louse: The Forma1io11 Years social and cultural sensibility, that is a coming… |
Sequence 4Science and Society: The Woman Q11es1io11 29 effective action that everywhere honored women's industriousness and left… |
Sequence 934 Part One - To1rnrd the Children's I louse: The Formation Years of the pro-vote committee, and she - along with other… |
Sequence 442 Par/ One - Toward /he Children's House: The Forma/ion Years did the school system do in the face of such biological… |
Sequence 5Anthropology in School 43 anthropological data were supplemented for pedagogical purposes. Her study of regional ethnic… |