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Displaying results 401 - 500 of 940
Sequence 16Psycho-Grammar page 154 understood by children until they have mastered logical language (Discovery of the Child 244).… |
Sequence 42The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 95AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 75 attention to the fact that we mustn’t place floor mats over the line. Because, like any… |
Sequence 1HISTORY: HUMAN SOLIDARITY: MAN WHITHER BOUND Baiba Krumins Grazzini is director of training at the International Centre for… |
Sequence 5mond, and Dr. Patricia Kuhl (a specialist in early child- hood language development at the University of Wash- ington who… |
Sequence 1PRACTICAL LIFE AS A MODEL FOR CONNECTING THE CHILD TO HIS WORLD Junnifa Uzodike is an AMI-trained Montessori educator for… |
Sequence 1A TRIBUTE: DAVID KAHN The NAMTA-AMI legacy would not be complete without recognizing the impact David Kahn has had on NAMTA… |
Sequence 4154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 In September, 1996… |
Sequence 2156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 stitute, The AMI… |
Sequence 1Parent Education Exchange: A Child's Home Environment by Barbara Kahn The Parent Education Exchange invites… |
Sequence 2RECOMMENDATIONS: Over the past few years, in an attempt to share their independent curriculum development, Montessori… |
Sequence 1The Spiritual Development of the Child by Sofia Cavalletti In the summer of 1975 Sofia Cavalletti conducted the first U.S.… |
Sequence 2Belgium, the States, France and Italy. I would like to add what I have seen myself directly, or indirectly through past pupils… |
Sequence 1Some Reflections on Religion and the Child by Sanford Jones Successful in his classroom ecumenical approach, Sanford Jones… |
Sequence 2would never guC'ss that a camera was in proximity given the natural poist• of thl'S(' childn•n nt work. Pl… |
Sequence 1Book Review: Maria Montessori Author: Rita Kramer 4 JO pp. New York: G.P. Putnam 's Sons, 1976 review by David Kahn… |
Sequence 3views the preservationist impulse as dogmatism. Kramer maintains that after a certain point Montessori's life work ceased… |
Sequence 1Editorial Report: Cosmic Education by Mario Montessori, Jr. Mario Montessori's book Education for Human Development dem… |
Sequence 9Working and Earning Many of the activities of Erdkinder - whether in a hostel, on the farm, or in the shop - provide… |
Sequence 12adaptable than the mother. I don't even talk about the fathers. Tomorrow, if you go to Europe for three months, the… |
Sequence 13a clarity of vision. But anyone's vision can fail. How can we build in experimental controls so that we can have the same… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Development: The Montessori Approach To Mathematics by Carnillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini, prominent Montessori… |
Sequence 2The Period of Acceptance Interview The practitioner's common sense in Nancy Jordon, speaks with the integrity of… |
Sequence 9Errors IIIUI T/teir Co"ectio11, T/te E1niro111fle11t, Its Amurgelflettt o,uf Moillte11011ce, Tlte Mo11tessori House of… |
Sequence 2Plank: We lived right in the school at first, and then around the corner. We were in a working class district where there were… |
Sequence 5care situations. Is it a danger to prescribe a nursery school situation for unenlightened parents? What becomes of a child who… |
Sequence 26 class should be created as soon as upper class nine year olds are ready to continue. The large 6-9 base then follows the… |
Sequence 5structure. On the other hand, if writing programs contain only elements of composi- tion and drill and omit the "… |
Sequence 1The Maria Montessori Farmschool/Erdkinder at Half Moon Bay (Press. release) Ursula Thrush's brave new world deserves… |
Sequence 232 rabbits, ducks and chickens; use and market their products such as eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese and wool; account for the… |
Sequence 1Expansion: Low Cost Expansion By Ron Ackerman, Principal Principal Ackerman achieves in one year's time an expansion… |
Sequence 1Maria Montessori, a musical play in ten scenes on the life of Maria Montessori, was written and produced by the students of… |
Sequence 2The Arts: Setting: Time: Characters: A Play on Writing a Play By Sister Mary Aloyse Gerhardstein, R.S.M. The 9-12… |
Sequence 6Ana: I really wanted to be in the morgue scene. I had some really neat ideas on how to make it really scary, but I must have… |
Sequence 1Feature: Dialogue: Jean-Jacques Rousseau meets Maria Montessori by Gordon Maas Rousseau and Montessori have a great deal in… |
Sequence 8evidently there is tremendous attraction felt by the child for the spoken word, for the way people talk. One will even acquire… |
Sequence 1Mario M. Montessori Is Dead Chronicle of a Ceremony by Camillo Grazzini Mr. Grazzini's sensitive portrayal of the… |
Sequence 430 Not a photograph: only the eyes have seen for remembrance. The Master of Cere- monies conducts us to another room already… |
Sequence 1Montessori and the Special Child by Jon Osterkorn Little did Dr. Montessori realize as she passed through the gates of the… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 1Education to Wonder and the Kingdom of God by Sofia Cavalletti The following two selections are excerpted from Sofia… |
Sequence 2model to meet the objective conditions required for the continuation and expansion of Montessori elementary training. Such… |
Sequence 12 The bibliography, is organized by topics not by dates. In so far as possible we used large encompassing topic… |
Sequence 1718 Montessori, Maria. (1964). The Montessori method. Cambridge, Mass.: Robert Bentley, Inc. 1. Stendler, Celia. (1965).… |
Sequence 100101 (1939). The cosmic task of man. Lecture, London Montessori Training Course, 1939. Reprinted (1975). Around the Child,… |
Sequence 151153 Hornberger, Mary Alice. (1982). The developmental psychology of Maria Montes- sori (Italy). (Unpublished doctoral… |
Sequence 173175 Kinel, Lola. (1924). Montessori system as applied in the Mary Crane Nursery of Chicago. Visual Education, 1, 6-7, (2… |
Sequence 175A Montessori mother. 0978). [Letter]. Communications, .!_, 34, (1). The Montessori movement in Holland. (1924). Call of… |
Sequence 11and to seek ways for a greater fulfillment of human life to an extent which no philosopher, prophet or social reformer would… |
Sequence 3Bambino, was formed to develop materials and to continue the study of the develop- ment of the religious potential in children… |
Sequence 4The Montessori Didactic Material. u=ic:J============c::==~ooooc:===::::i============c::::J7J D D D ~ D □ 0 0 □ D… |
Sequence 5October specially prepared cnvironment, one in which he could make his own discoverics and arrive at concepts throughhis… |
Sequence 6house; it belongs to a friend of children.” Tt was signed with the communist emblem: the hammer and sickle. In country… |
Sequence 5A MONTESSORI VISION OF ADOLESCENCE by Lawrence Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's deve/,opmental outlook for the adolescent arises… |
Sequence 9Environmental deprivation is another factor. Families without proper food, clothing, and shelter are hindered from offering… |
Sequence 10Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 110norlh ame.ri,c;an 111,1 The 1987 Montessori Summer Institute Presented by the Nonh American Montessori Teachers'… |
Sequence 119future growth. The school has current enroll- ment of 15 students with a capacity for 28. Sale price includes a building with… |
Sequence 92We begin the elementary years with a time line of creation, which is also introduced in a visual way with a ribbon fifty… |
Sequence 11stand. They would bring this back and take another which contained other pictures to which to apply other names. Experience… |
Sequence 132TRIBUTE TO LINDA PRESTON By David Kahn In Memory of LINDA SOULE PRESTON April 4, 1938 - March 20, 1988 Memorial Service… |
Sequence 134touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 147--f;: .. - . ----:i~;,,•w•- ~....,DaCATION FOR THE 21ST CENT(JR AMI ill hold an International Study Conference ngton, D.C… |
Sequence 36ideal aim of education is to have two minds share one thought. Central to Montessori's idea is that the child is the… |
Sequence 5THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY: A SPECIAL EDUCATOR by Dr. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. introduces the arigins of… |
Sequence 6"Man himself must become the center of education and we must never forget that man does not develop only at… |
Sequence 9Jan.23, 1883 1909 1935 1946 1947 1957 1961 HISTORY OF ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY Adele Costa Gnocchi was born in Montefalco… |
Sequence 22The need to place all the golden rules of child care at the service of the child and not to force him into those of authority… |
Sequence 47THE FATHER'S PRESENCE by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro WHAT IS A "FATHER"? , Every child has a… |
Sequence 62THE VALUE OF SEPARATION by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Mon:tanaros philosophicaJ, outlook on separation as 'f)Q,rt… |
Sequence 10THE MONTESSORI MOVEMENT (1956) by A.M. Joosten The development of the Montessori movement i.s followed from, Mon- tessori s… |
Sequence 156INNER CITY MONTESSORI ASSOC.,2 Eum- lla St., Burwood NSW 2134, Australia. Queensland Australia: Beautiful One Day, Perfect… |
Sequence 48which new, higher, more perfect forms of life appeared, as totally new conditions of existence on earth came about (Education… |
Sequence 49conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 50Although externally her life was affected by political forces, within she remained detached as this statement indicates: Not… |
Sequence 52Whilst everyone was admfring my idiots I was searching for the reasons which rould keep back the healthy and happy children of… |
Sequence 78In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 7THE CONTRIBUTION OF MARIA MONTFSSORI by Mario M. Montessori Jr.· Mario Montessori characterizes the Montessori vision as… |
Sequence 119Elementary-Bergamo, Italy zoo, our goal may be the study of a class of the chordates; our goal in visiting a beach may be the… |
Sequence 101APPENDIX I HERSHEY MONTESSORI ERDKINDER PROJECT A Preliminary Proposal by Michael Bagiackas Hershey Montessori School has… |
Sequence 155Wlye J4[ontessori J4[aterials ®uilb- !.tihtijhte ~ontessori 4717 Chesapeake Street NW, Washington, DC 20016 (202) 362-1172… |
Sequence 11INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OF A MONTESSORI OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT by Michael Bagiackas Toleration by earth's ecosystems to… |
Sequence 119tbtauhee ~oniessori 4717 Chesapeake Street NW, Washington, DC 20016 (202) 362-1172 Traditional, internationally approved… |
Sequence 7EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 12EDITORIAL ON THE PRESERVATION OF MONTESSORI IDEAS by Tim Duax I have heard it asked, don't Montessori trainers adhere… |
Sequence 198the outdoor/indoor curriculum design for children ages three to twelve. Activities include observation, maintenance and… |
Sequence 201MONTESSORI PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSORTIUM SELECTS NEW DIRECTOR Endorsed by both the Association Montessori Internationale and the… |
Sequence 215'!IRat!hee{ontessori 4717 Chesapeake Street NW, Washington, DC 20016 (202) 362-1172 Traditional, internationally… |
Sequence 93LITERATURE AND GRAMMAR by Mrs. Francesca Claremont Transcribed and Edited by Jim and Frances Fitzpatrick Here follow two… |
Sequence 118have been traced, and seventeen Robin Hoods. This snowballing happens because there are so few names. Even in England-… |
Sequence 126to escape marriage with the father. The mother is dead before the story is opened, and that is why the father is wanting to… |
Sequence 157One of the best cases of such teaching I ever witnessed-one of the best examples of teaching the Golden Rule and a child… |
Sequence 200Wire Jfillontessori Jfillaterials ®uilh t& ~ont.essori 4717 Chesapeake Stteet NW, Washington, OC 20016 (202)… |
Sequence 77A MONTESSORI VISION OF ADoLESCENCE by Lawrence Schaefer, PhD Dr. Schaefer's developmental outlook for the adolescent… |