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Displaying results 501 - 600 of 940
Sequence 168<crr4e Jl:l[antessari Jl:l[ateria!s ®uil~ Tiat?hee ~ontessori 4717 Chesapeake StreetNW, Washington, DC 20016 (202) 362… |
Sequence 9THE ECOLOGY OF TIIE MIND by Luciano Mazzetti The title of this lecture, "The Ecology of the Mind," comes… |
Sequence 52in order to study medicine. At that time, a woman who went among men, and especially among naked bodies which she cut to… |
Sequence 59We give far too much attention to the conscious, and hardly any to the unconscious. And yet, it is the unconscious which… |
Sequence 61"Mother, when am I going to plll on this corsage thal you have?" In Italy these are often made with velvet,… |
Sequence 190~auh.e.e 4f.l!{ont.essori 4717 Chesapeake StreetNW, Washington, DC 20016 (301) 251-6319 Traditional, internationally approved… |
Sequence 84A complete selection of beautiful, appropriate, well-researched and tested materials for the Montessori classroom. All four… |
Sequence 9CREATIVE ABILITY IN CHILDHOOD by Maria Montessori Dr. Montessori presented this lecture at the Eightlz l11ternatio11al… |
Sequence 93COSMIC EDUCATION AND LITERATURE- BASED TEACHING by Daniel Bachhuber Daniel Bachhuber provides a practical gttide to the… |
Sequence 115part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 189Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was the first woman physician of her native country, Italy. She became interested in… |
Sequence 69thought to what it was I enjoyed as a child. From this reflection I would like to add a couple of additional reasons why… |
Sequence 89basic human values through spiritual good works. Is this not the human being we desire to see as part of our future as a… |
Sequence 151REPORT ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN A PRIVATE MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Tim Duax, PhD A research study at an established private… |
Sequence 13MARIA MONTESSORI AND THE "GLASS HOUSE" by Alan Bonsteel, MD Dr. Bonstee/' s article not only conveys… |
Sequence 14these "deficient" children, in 1907 she took her new teaching prin- ciples to "normal"… |
Sequence 16lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 17and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 107the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 26SLIDE SHOW TO INTRODUCE WHAT Is MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL? Maria Montessori was, in many ways, ahead of her time. Born in Italy… |
Sequence 146The word is obviously German. Literally it would translate into English as "earth children." It is a plural… |
Sequence 148• serious farming: growing crops and animals; • selling the products for monetary gain at the nearby town market; •… |
Sequence 214THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 216What I propose to do today is not to repeat, or even to summarize, what has already been said by Montessorians preceding me,… |
Sequence 226adult who can work for the good of humanity and can participate in humanity's (cosmic) mission on this Earth. This is… |
Sequence 241The Italian government did not join the IBE and thereby indirectly favored the dominating influence of the Geneva group of… |
Sequence 244Nature for human development; the emphasis is found at the begin- ning of development, that is to say at birth and the first… |
Sequence 44COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 46COSMIC EDUCATION IN THE FORM OF A CONCRETE IMAGE I think that everyone, during the course of their lives, has experienced at… |
Sequence 63beings, the exploration of this aspect of human society, we usually identify as economic geography in our courses. Montessori… |
Sequence 128well he or she is doing. Most games, sports, artis- tic performances, and re- ligious ceremonies have well-specified goals… |
Sequence 148FLOW IN EVERYDA y LIFE There is no objective way to measure whether a person is in flow or not, comparable, let us say, to… |
Sequence 154EVOLUTION AS PHILOSOPHY AND ACTION by Judith Cunningham-Scott Judith Cunningham-Scott's survey of the spiritual and… |
Sequence 68the U.S. This poet says, "What happens is the work becomes real. It's an alternative reality that suddenly is… |
Sequence 127NORMALIZATION AND NORMALITY ACROSS THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by David Kahn With the current emphasis on the four planes of… |
Sequence 72Camillo Grazzini is AMI Elementary Director of Training at Fondazione "Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani,… |
Sequence 138visitor you'd be swept off your feet when you see what's happening with children. It interests me as to what they… |
Sequence 243tion of agrarianism, I will try to suggest to you, is tied to Western culture. In other words, Western culture would not have… |
Sequence 244culture, not because it failed, but because it succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. In other words, using the old Platonic… |
Sequence 382MONTESSORI MATERIALS In Montessori schools the environment is the principal teacher, every piece of material carefully chosen… |
Sequence 7"Respect This House" is Mario's anecdote about the early days of the Spanish Civil War, and it is… |
Sequence 10when the teacher observes the child's adaptation to the modern world, the educator becomes educated by just how the… |
Sequence 22with the names of the veins when he was asked the names of the shapes. That is how the present material was devised. The… |
Sequence 36direttamente da Dio. lo nascondo il mio immenso potere e lo uso per ridurre la mia divinita a umanita- per diventare come te… |
Sequence 37discoveries of Maria Montessori, which are set forth in this book, special assistants were trained to guide the mothers in the… |
Sequence 95with great thoroughness and perspicacity. And, as formerly stated, he must have followed some inner directive that caused him… |
Sequence 116MONTESSORI MATERIALS In Montessori schools the environmem is the principal teacher, every piece of material carefully chosen… |
Sequence 17THE INTERNATIONAL STUDY CENTRE Since Maria Montessori inaugurated the first Casa dei Bambini in 1907, Montessori schools have… |
Sequence 61ing fourteen leaf-shaped insets with wooden frames. The study of leaves launched the children into a detailed and particular… |
Sequence 63It was a delight to watch Mario with children of any age, in any country, immersed in any situation. Mario could speak with… |
Sequence 138A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 148Certainly more than twenty years of the" urban compromise" in the United States represents a noteworthy… |
Sequence 149in other words, who had been deeply scarred by the war, injured in both body and soul. 6 Other types of institutions have… |
Sequence 168REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 209REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 261culminate in a book featuring the model school design, principles of Montessori architecture, and documentation of existing… |
Sequence 262by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker and David Kahn in this Journal issue). He reported on the project to the AMI Pedagogical Committee in… |
Sequence 300MONTESSORI MATERIALS In Montessori schools the environment is the principal teacher. every piece of material carefully chosen… |
Sequence 43THE TOTONACA PEOPLE AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Maria Christlieb Robles Illustrating the spread of the… |
Sequence 213RECOMMENDED MONTESSORI MATERIALS SUPPLIERS: ln Montessori schools !he environment is !he principal teacher, and the adult the… |
Sequence 75own creative way, with love for the child as her guiding principle. It was this that led the first woman medical doctor in… |
Sequence 127ART FROM THE UNIVERSE STORY: NEW MEANING FOR THE CHILD by John Fowler An ardent devotee of Brian Swimme, Mr. Fowler… |
Sequence 22FOREWORD TO THE SECRET OF CHILDHOOD by Margaret E. Stephenson Margaret Stephenson's classic introduction to the root… |
Sequence 197REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 246OBITUARY MARIA CHRISTLIEB ROBLES Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lost a friend,… |
Sequence 272FORTYYEARS OF HISTORY Founded by Mario M. Montessori in 1961, the 'Centro Jnternazionale Studi Montessoriani' of… |
Sequence 276renovatedAMischoolwith400stu- dents ranging in age from 18 months to 14 years. Send resume or queries to: Pat McLaughlin,… |
Sequence 84We must present the human story, and this goal is the central and overarching history theme of any Montessori adolescent… |
Sequence 85In October, 1939, Maria and Mario, her son, landed in Madras, south India, guests of George Arundale, President of the… |
Sequence 58COSMIC EDUCATION by Margaret E. Stephenson Cosmic Education is, in a way, what we have been leading up to all these days,… |
Sequence 28misunderstood terminology can be partially explained by the fact that Montessori started creating her method during her… |
Sequence 99THE MONTESSORI FARM SCHOOL: ERDKINDER BEGINNINGS 2000 by David Kahn David Kahn's report of the first stages of The… |
Sequence 115First Column: Preparation for Adult Life (Humanities) Montessori's three thematic approaches to history are The Study of… |
Sequence 210guest. She praised the school for its extensive prepared environment and for the high morale of the students. The Montessori… |
Sequence 8LANGUAGE ACQUISITION by Silvana Montanaro Dr. Montanaro' s concise presentation of language development in children… |
Sequence 247Joosten: You say that the first-year children may not be able to manage more than four and a half days. You also are a mother… |
Sequence 250Joosten: I don't think there is a yes or a no. Is it either or? There is a blend. We can't go outside to an… |
Sequence 251Joosten: Some have disappeared and others have come in, etc. But whatever they use, whatever you see being used, will be a… |
Sequence 294developed a program for the third plane of development. For the children at that age she created the term Erdkinder. The word… |
Sequence 296• A boarding situation with some adults, on a farm, not too far from the city, but ina rural environment, in a farming commu… |
Sequence 319ideas of Erdkinder out of this milieu is the thesis that the documenta- tion in this paper seeks to demonstrate. She as much… |
Sequence 340exist in other cultures. We're not supposed to speak of Western chauvinism now, but I think that I can prove to you that… |
Sequence 341ence, and material overabundance. The nature of human nature being what it is, we would quickly, as Nietzsche said, sink into… |
Sequence 491GEOMETRY AND ERDKINDER by Nathaniel J. McDonald Nate MacDonald's chronicle of his first year of teaching geometry at the… |
Sequence 577Timeline: Montessori Secondary Development 1907-Rome: Opening of tht Ctlsa dri Biim&mi, the flm MonleSiori e,iperiment… |
Sequence 578Hershey Montessori School, Coo:ord Twp., OH (Laurie Ewert-l<rockex) Adolescent Program at Salila, SWedE!II 0enn y Marie… |
Sequence 579(Bergamo, Italy), the Farm School provides the basis for continuing authentic Montessori education through the end of high… |
Sequence 592• Case Western Reserve University, which is currently prototyping a Montessori high school biology course at its University… |
Sequence 597Victor Davis Hanson is professor of Greek at California State University (Fresno) and lives on his family's farm in the… |
Sequence 598Jan Koning is Professor Emeritus of Pedagogics at the University of Amsterdam. He was the first principal of a secondary… |
Sequence 599land, OH). He also teachessports,music, and mathematics at the Farm School. John McNamara is teaching principal of Ruffing… |
Sequence 8forty-five years prior to any of the early brain research on the potentials of children under three. So once again she was a… |
Sequence 9these little tiny children, they begin to function quite independently. Their language explodes, and they become very joyful,… |
Sequence 221child, the greater must be the preparation of the people who will take care of him or her. During the many years she spent in… |
Sequence 228were put in strollers to go for walks. The rooms contained lots of plastic toys. The only mixed age groups were the… |
Sequence 12LITURGY IN THE CosMic PLAN OF Goo by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti's conviction that the greatest realities are… |
Sequence 38Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 70Jesus invites us to comprehend the depth and intimacy of his relation- ship with us, the providential love and care of the… |
Sequence 143trembled in the morning sun. They were golden, translu- cent, amazing sheaves of wheat. The light drove down the shafts of… |