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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 209
Sequence 6education." Now I draw attention to these lapses not for any wish to belittle the remarkable achievement of Maria… |
Sequence 4The Montessori Didactic Material. u=ic:J============c::==~ooooc:===::::i============c::::J7J D D D ~ D □ 0 0 □ D… |
Sequence 101Baylol", Byrd: I don't remembel' which book l found fil'st, but since then, it's become an… |
Sequence 106"textbooked" it, but only rarely did we cast it, in terms of intriguing and interesting questions. So, if… |
Sequence 30AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 78In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 12thousand Montessori private schools and one hundred public schools in seventy school districts. Montessori schools are… |
Sequence 7EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 168This will always stick in my mind: two men, talking about two black, disabled soldiers who had not been shot by the enemy but… |
Sequence 53information from them about haiku except that they loved it and they taught it to the children at their Montessori school in… |
Sequence 55Dr. McGregor Smith, retiring director of the Environmental Ethics Institute at Miami-Dade Community College in Miami, says,… |
Sequence 673. Economic Development-How have societies organized themselves economically? What conditions have caused changes in the ways… |
Sequence 101In an earlier chapter of "A Good Enough Parent," Bettelheim describes studies which compare Japanese… |
Sequence 35MONTESSORI AS AN AID TO LIFE by Hildegard Solzbacher Hildegard Solzbacher's direct encounter with Montessori values and… |
Sequence 27Maria Montessori died in 1952, but her work continues. Today there are close to five thousand private and approximately two… |
Sequence 155Junior Great Books The Great Books Foundation 40 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 1-800-222-5870 Provides… |
Sequence 14But before we do that, let me talk a little bit about what these activities are like. After I did these original interviews,… |
Sequence 33greater in a Montessori than in a regular classroom, where we are afraid of giving kids control. Of course, in the Montessori… |
Sequence 60evolving society around us. That can be done through things like education, through the program you are doing, but also… |
Sequence 131the same elements that you see in Montessori and Sylvia Ashton Warner. For example, in all of these approaches is a deep… |
Sequence 244culture, not because it failed, but because it succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. In other words, using the old Platonic… |
Sequence 263And I said, "What do you mean?" And he said, "Well, you've got this Wal-Mart." Well… |
Sequence 351organization of story, logic, and truth, which comes to the inevitable realization that to serve is to balance one's… |
Sequence 7"Respect This House" is Mario's anecdote about the early days of the Spanish Civil War, and it is… |
Sequence 41AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 47Listening to poetry is art unto itself. Like listening to jazz or opera, it involves both a disciplined listening and a deep… |
Sequence 137The child needs to continue experiencing the living environment- the wilds, plants, animals, rocks, various kinds of terrain-… |
Sequence 25percent of people, both here and in Japan and Germany, where they have also done research, say "No, I don't know… |
Sequence 85In October, 1939, Maria and Mario, her son, landed in Madras, south India, guests of George Arundale, President of the… |
Sequence 174FOLLOWING THE HAND: THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF LIFE by Judi Orion Delineating the steps of development of the human hand from… |
Sequence 183one or both arms onto something so they can use their hands to manipulate. Once they are standing, they do not want to sit… |
Sequence 244Japan Saint Maur International School, Yokohama requires Montessori teachers for the 2001-2002academic year. Applicants,… |
Sequence 78still acknowledges the insect's ultimate goal: "Spin and die/ To live again a butterfly." Finally, if… |
Sequence 113just been watching a movie. As I exited, I noticed that many trucks were parked around the perimeter of the camp. Men started… |
Sequence 114Near the end of the war I leaned toward the Japanese side. And when the war ended I was sad. I was sad and relieved. I was… |
Sequence 341ence, and material overabundance. The nature of human nature being what it is, we would quickly, as Nietzsche said, sink into… |
Sequence 86some simple food-related activities that young children can do at home. I'm working in Japan right now. In Japan, most… |
Sequence 38Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 98teenagers-wake up, and they help out, and then the husband goes fishing or hunting for mushrooms, and then he comes back and… |
Sequence 198going to have a hard time with the financial side sometimes. They're at odds. There is absolutely no question that they… |
Sequence 200We have a lot of fun with our outside stakeholders, too-our customers. They have a lot of fun. All of our ads are uniquely… |
Sequence 104Under Three, continued Core of the outdoor environment ond living things promotes intellectual os well os physical development… |
Sequence 105__J Preparation for meals and snacks is vital to the life of the community, Japan, 2006. The work of the hand, whether… |
Sequence 122Japan: Precision and Refinement As early as I 912, an article on Montessori appeared in the Japanese newspaper Nanchouhou.… |
Sequence 144Cosmic Education, continued The laws governing the universe can he made interesting and wonderful to the child, more… |
Sequence 145Studying the time/ine of life on earth, a geologicof.biological progression of animals, plants, and earth changes, Japan,… |
Sequence 165Japanese sandpaper letters These letters are Hiragana characters, one of the three graphic systems in Japan. The other two… |
Sequence 181Photo Crediu, continued Elise Broun Barnett Collection Soro Brody Helen Brophy Kannekar Butt Coring for Young Refugees… |
Sequence 190Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 39Details and correspondences thc1t passed unobserved for a long time, suddenly become clear, like a revelation, sending a… |
Sequence 9WHY IT Is IMPORTANT TO KNOW THE CHILD by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Citi11g the words of Marin Montessori, Dr. Montanaro… |
Sequence 27fast. Would it be possible for a young child to decipher my language clearly? Can they hear clearly articulated words? J don… |
Sequence 29placed in this position, he protests. That protest is interpreted as "He doesn't like it," and the baby… |
Sequence 248hard-worker, to work with a special needs popula- tion. The family is willing to support other underpriviledged… |
Sequence 249One time offering in Vancouver, Canada! Assistants to Infancy: O - 3 June 22 - August 21, 2009 June 21 - August 27, 2010… |
Sequence 35UNIFYING THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT: A TRAINER' s PERSPECTIVE by Greg MacDonald In this article, Greg MacDonald… |
Sequence 58around and relating in as warm, affectionate, patient, prideless, angerless a manner as humanly possible, then we may be actu… |
Sequence 365days to hear a bout topics the students were considering. The range of research topics has been outstanding: the Feminist… |
Sequence 13say that we have lived in peace and we have had a Lot of conflict. Peace is the capacity to face the conflicts, overcome the… |
Sequence 67need in one's lifetime? What children need are the keys to under- standing. The Montessori history stories simply and… |
Sequence 73• study the history of painting, sculpture, etc. • make a timeline of art • go on Going Out trips to theater, puppet, or… |
Sequence 99and there are 192 countries that are members of the United Nations (UN). But that's not the end of the issue. There are… |
Sequence 100However, the ownership of this atoll gives Japan the exclusive rights to huge areas of the sea bed, areas in which there are… |
Sequence 122108 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Ma11 was white with snow! He made friends with Mario who as far back as then… |
Sequence 119world brings them a variety of designs, ways to solve problems, the opportunity to explore the similarities and differences in… |
Sequence 167In a typical study we would have two hundred children doing this questionnaire eight times a day for a week, four or five… |
Sequence 295Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Detailed studies:… |
Sequence 337EDUCATION AND PEACE RECONSIDERED Rereading Education and Peace [in March of 2011] with the junior class as part of a study of… |
Sequence 53• Specific ways of handling tools that are in daily use in his environment: How to hold a spoon, how to carry a pitcher, how… |
Sequence 123113 Grazzini • Maria Montessori’s Cosmic Vision, Cosmic Plan, and Cosmic Education “all sciences (branches of learning) can… |
Sequence 132122 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Education cannot be dismissed as an insignificant factor in people’s… |
Sequence 140130 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 History, as the story of man and his achieve- ments, is at the center of… |
Sequence 166156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 So first of all it is essential that our children get their hands in the… |
Sequence 209199 Hutchison • Teaching Nature: From Philosophy to Practice Courtesy of Mr. Katsuhiko Yorita, Information Center, Okinawa,… |
Sequence 214204 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 of living systems. This is a theory that is only now fully emerging but… |
Sequence 268258 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Courtesy of Mr. Katsuhiko Yorita, Information Center, Okinawa, Japan,… |
Sequence 294284 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 attracted and curious about all the objects in the environment and… |
Sequence 296286 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 affinity for growing things. Nature must continue to be a constant in… |
Sequence 305Special thanks to the 2013 International Montessori Congress in Portland and the following individuals and schools for sharing… |
Sequence 182176 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 the classroom into the real world and examining how individuals shape… |
Sequence 111106 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 cated interdependencies. We cannot afford to be ignorant of one half of… |
Sequence 113108 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 somehow the same. Music is one of the great unifying forces; it is a… |
Sequence 217212 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 PARENT EDUCATION After reading these books I better understand, . —A… |
Sequence 148142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 Highly acclaimed Montessori Introductions for PARENT EDUCATION… |
Sequence 7771 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace dents naturally start asking their own questions and making their own observations.… |
Sequence 10599 MacDonald • Technology in the Montessori Classroom Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And… |
Sequence 141133 MacDonald • Becoming a Scientific Observer becOMing a scienTific Observer by Greg MacDonald inTrOducTiOn Greg… |
Sequence 1714 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Getting Smart –… |
Sequence 7168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 San Rafael, California, uses Big History as a first-year experience for… |
Sequence 7572 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 gunship, with its seventeen cannons and its ability to sail fast in… |
Sequence 95Leonard & Allen • Experiences In Nature 95 Courtesy of Mr. Katsuhiko Yorita, Information Center, Okinawa, Japan,… |
Sequence 33School Administration: The Spiritual Factor: Formulating a Policy by Charlene S. Trochta How should the school respond to… |
Sequence 19Dock", which is eight, nine, ten in the same language. Why I do not use these is because they are actually survivals… |
Sequence 32the next century they could require assistance equal to our entire agricultural production. Patently, that picture is bleak.… |
Sequence 33economies as well as that of Japan are now structural problems, with inflation as a permanent factor which simply cannot be… |
Sequence 63Announcement I Consultation in the Eighties. by Margot R. Waltuch Margot Waltuch is National Consultant for AMI at both the… |
Sequence 11A Sense of Community: Montessori's Gift to the Developing Child by Charlene S. Trochta My involvement in Montessori… |
Sequence 13man? What are its characteristics? Are there any universal similarities of the role an individual plays in some of the major… |