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Displaying results 1 - 76 of 76
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 4cient, not relying on servants to do everything for them. They want their children to become responsible leaders who can… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERING THE HIDDEN PERSON by Rita Zener and Laura Noriega Ezcurdia Capturing the optimism of normalization theory, the… |
Sequence 2THE TOTONACA PEOPLE AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Maria Christlieb Robles Illustrating the spread of the… |
Sequence 10something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 21Creativity is vital. It's easy to overlook. But it's easy and fun to use when you have the right spirit and the… |
Sequence 1OBITUARY MARIA CHRISTLIEB ROBLES Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lost a friend,… |
Sequence 28Creativity is vital. It's easy to overlook. But it's easy and fun to use when you have the right spirit and the… |
Sequence 178MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 183something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 19you are not good at waiting. How can you be? We are, in Europe, suffering from the defects of old age, and that is why we… |
Sequence 4To sum things up in Dr. Montessori' swords, "A creature can be led astray by something that is in itself quite… |
Sequence 3the training of Montessori teachers: in Europe (Bergamo, Dublin, London, Paris, Perugia, Rome); in Asia (Bombay, Colombo,… |
Sequence 45the training of Montessori teachers: in Europe (Bergamo, Dublin, London, Paris, Perugia, Rome); in Asia (Bombay, Colombo,… |
Sequence 2As a response to fulfill the aims, Educateurs sans Frontieres (EsF) became Article 17 in the Articles of Association of AMI as… |
Sequence 3life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 3work together, move forward in history. This is what the adolescent must experience and absorb: division of labor, the… |
Sequence 180Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 18Gardner, Howard. The U11schooled Mind. NY: Basic Books, 1991. Haines, Annette. Lecture. "Creativity: Our Challenge.… |
Sequence 2CHILDREN THE MAKERS OF CULTURE: THE ARTIST WITHIN by Olga Dantus Olgn Da11t11s writes 11 refreshing, impressionistic view of… |
Sequence 4168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 suddenly every detail of every encounter becomes an invitation into… |
Sequence 1the adolescent: taKinG on the tasK of huManity— conductinG the dialoGue between nature and suPranature by Laurie Ewert-… |
Sequence 4262 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 are called upon to take an active part in the life of humanity, they… |
Sequence 1The monTessoRi ClassRoom: a foUndaTion foR GloBal CiTizenship by Gerard Leonard Gerard Leonard maps the child’s increasingly… |
Sequence 494 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 out of acquaintance with the true story of a place and seeing that story… |
Sequence 595 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom good fortune to be welcomed and taught about Mexico by wonderful people who are so… |
Sequence 20110 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Leonard, G. “An Interview with Thomas Berry.” The NAMTA Journal 16.3 (… |
Sequence 1The essenTial is invisible TO The eye: The evOluTiOn Of The ParenT Observer ParT i by Mary Caroline Parker In… |
Sequence 1The essenTial is invisible TO The eye: The evOluTiOn Of The ParenT Observer by Mary Caroline Parker ParT ii The question of… |
Sequence 3Joosten: It is a kind of in-service training for a regular institution, so not like we have the pre-primary and primary people… |
Sequence 232 rabbits, ducks and chickens; use and market their products such as eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese and wool; account for the… |
Sequence 1The Professional Development of the Montessori Teacher by Elizabeth Hall This talk was given at The First International… |
Sequence 1Mario M. Montessori Is Dead Chronicle of a Ceremony by Camillo Grazzini Mr. Grazzini's sensitive portrayal of the… |
Sequence 2work with disabled children, specialized training courses have been established by 1he Association Montessori lnternationale… |
Sequence 1Carl Rogers Speaks to Montessorians Interview by Sylvia Dubovoy and Charlene Trochta Carl Rogers this past November… |
Sequence 5Approximate Mailing Date Jan. 15, 1984 Winter April I. 1984 Spring-Summer Publication Schedule 1983-84 Publication… |
Sequence 10Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 20cient, not relying on servants to do everything for them. They want their children to become responsible leaders who can… |
Sequence 172DISCOVERING THE HIDDEN PERSON by Rita Zener and Laura Noriega Ezcurdia Capturing the optimism of normalization theory, the… |
Sequence 43THE TOTONACA PEOPLE AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Maria Christlieb Robles Illustrating the spread of the… |
Sequence 64something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 69MONTESSORI TO ROMANIA: PROJECT UPDATE by Rita Schaefer Zener Rita Zener' s continuing dedication to Romania has brought… |
Sequence 219Creativity is vital. It's easy to overlook. But it's easy and fun to use when you have the right spirit and the… |
Sequence 246OBITUARY MARIA CHRISTLIEB ROBLES Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lost a friend,… |
Sequence 234you are not good at waiting. How can you be? We are, in Europe, suffering from the defects of old age, and that is why we… |
Sequence 186To sum things up in Dr. Montessori' swords, "A creature can be led astray by something that is in itself quite… |
Sequence 217the training of Montessori teachers: in Europe (Bergamo, Dublin, London, Paris, Perugia, Rome); in Asia (Bombay, Colombo,… |
Sequence 184As a response to fulfill the aims, Educateurs sans Frontieres (EsF) became Article 17 in the Articles of Association of AMI as… |
Sequence 185life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 189work together, move forward in history. This is what the adolescent must experience and absorb: division of labor, the… |
Sequence 182Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 107Gardner, Howard. The U11schooled Mind. NY: Basic Books, 1991. Haines, Annette. Lecture. "Creativity: Our Challenge.… |
Sequence 109CHILDREN THE MAKERS OF CULTURE: THE ARTIST WITHIN by Olga Dantus Olgn Da11t11s writes 11 refreshing, impressionistic view of… |
Sequence 4838 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Courtesy of Tessie Schjetnan, Montessori del Pedregal, Mexico City, Mexico |
Sequence 178168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 suddenly every detail of every encounter becomes an invitation into… |
Sequence 185175 Ewert-Krocker • The Adolescent: Taking on the Task of Humanity the adolescent: taKinG on the tasK of huManity—… |
Sequence 272262 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 are called upon to take an active part in the life of humanity, they… |
Sequence 305Special thanks to the 2013 International Montessori Congress in Portland and the following individuals and schools for sharing… |
Sequence 296290 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Washington Middle School Science and Math Teacher, Pacific Crest School… |
Sequence 9691 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom The monTessoRi ClassRoom: a foUndaTion foR GloBal CiTizenship by Gerard Leonard… |
Sequence 9994 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 out of acquaintance with the true story of a place and seeing that story… |
Sequence 10095 Leonard • The Montessori Classroom good fortune to be welcomed and taught about Mexico by wonderful people who are so… |
Sequence 115110 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Leonard, G. “An Interview with Thomas Berry.” The NAMTA Journal 16.3 (… |
Sequence 285277 Parker • The Essential Is Invisible to the Eye The essenTial is invisible TO The eye: The evOluTiOn Of The ParenT… |
Sequence 311303 Parker • The Essential Is Invisible to the Eye The essenTial is invisible TO The eye: The evOluTiOn Of The ParenT… |
Sequence 24Joosten: It is a kind of in-service training for a regular institution, so not like we have the pre-primary and primary people… |
Sequence 3632 rabbits, ducks and chickens; use and market their products such as eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese and wool; account for the… |
Sequence 1410 The Professional Development of the Montessori Teacher by Elizabeth Hall This talk was given at The First International… |
Sequence 31Mario M. Montessori Is Dead Chronicle of a Ceremony by Camillo Grazzini Mr. Grazzini's sensitive portrayal of the… |
Sequence 43work with disabled children, specialized training courses have been established by 1he Association Montessori lnternationale… |
Sequence 14"One of the things I have noticed about Montessori people is there isn't much mentioned on understanding. The… |
Sequence 15Carl Rogers Speaks to Montessorians Interview by Sylvia Dubovoy and Charlene Trochta Carl Rogers this past November… |
Sequence 49Approximate Mailing Date Jan. 15, 1984 Winter April I. 1984 Spring-Summer Publication Schedule 1983-84 Publication… |