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Displaying results 1 - 60 of 60
Sequence 2Jensen, J. & Kohlberg, L. (1966). Report of a ,-e,earch and denwnatrotion proj«t f01' culturolly duadvantaged… |
Sequence 7rational behaviorist thought that the small child could hide within him "spiritual germs" or "… |
Sequence 2Let me give you a little background on the Coalition of Essential Schools. Ted Sizer, the chairman, whom you will meet… |
Sequence 10her clinical experience--if he or she had one, and if it was done well. These are big ifi. The kind of literacy that we are… |
Sequence 3Nonetheless, a significant sector of the modern West has inher- ited and further developed Enlightenment attitudes which… |
Sequence 15Lepper, M.R. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Chil- dren: Detrimental Effects of Superfluous Social Con- trols… |
Sequence 12Lepper, M.R. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Chil- dren: Detrimental Effects of Superfluous Social Con- trols… |
Sequence 7• buildings that, in their materials and structure, can teach lessons ("pedagogy of place"). As an example… |
Sequence 21lots of geese and ducks and grass and stuff; did I really expect someone who's sixty-five to come up to me and say,… |
Sequence 13bridge from Asia more than fourteen thousand years ago. 1 The Powhatan, the Susquehanna, the Delaware, the Cherokee, the… |
Sequence 14Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. More Dutch came, not to New York, but to Pennsylvania. The French came and settled in South… |
Sequence 22ity Develop111e11t. Eds. Daniel. K. Mroczek & Todd. D. Little. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. 109-128… |
Sequence 19107 Ludick • The Work of the Hand a Napier, John. Hands. 1980. New Jersey: Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1993. Wilson,… |
Sequence 15167 Stapleton • Multi-Sensory, Hands-On Manipulatives and Adult ESL tribute to what we can know although we are fallible” (p… |
Sequence 1799 Huneke-Stone • Grace and Courtesy in the Elementary Community well-being of this classroom, and this universe, is… |
Sequence 1A Special Child by Evelyn Zehden Dr. Theodore Hellebrugge in a definitive essay on Early Social Development (NAMTA Quarterly… |
Sequence 1The Special Child: Why Montessori for Deaf Children? by Marie A.E. Afneck The development of abilities is at least, in part… |
Sequence 9child to the parent or relate specific anecdotes. But basically, the act of writing grants permanence and a kind of legitimacy… |
Sequence 170172 Gans, Ruth (1979). Consultation: A rationale for the total school approach. 30-32, (3). The Constructive Triangle… |
Sequence 143available. Send resume to LaPepiniere Montessori Centers, 5601 W 70th St., Edina, MN 55435 or call collect 612- 920-5457.… |
Sequence 64Jensen, J. & Kohlberg, L. (1966). Report of a ,-e,earch and denwnatrotion proj«t f01' culturolly duadvantaged… |
Sequence 80rational behaviorist thought that the small child could hide within him "spiritual germs" or "… |
Sequence 114is located in a beautiful facility with ren- ovated barns on an old farm. Just 15 min· utes North of Baltimore Inner Harbor… |
Sequence 115of Trustees, Montessori Family School, 102 W. Franklin Ave., Pennington, NJ 08534 .. Preschool & Toddler… |
Sequence 83Let me give you a little background on the Coalition of Essential Schools. Ted Sizer, the chairman, whom you will meet… |
Sequence 124her clinical experience--if he or she had one, and if it was done well. These are big ifi. The kind of literacy that we are… |
Sequence 116school situated 30 miles from the Pocono Mts. and 30 miles from New York City in north- western New Jersey. Staff and… |
Sequence 206three primary and two elementary classes (ages 6-12). The new Head of School will have the exciting opportunity to implement… |
Sequence 164New Hampshire Well established Montessori school in Rye, H seeks experienced 3-6 teacher for year-round position beginning… |
Sequence 172Massachusetts The Eliot Montessori School, South Natick, MA, founded in 1971, serves 130+ students in grades 1-8. Our pro-… |
Sequence 180and 12 years, is currently accepting appli- cations for Montessori Elementary teach- ers (ages 6-9 and 9-12). A school owned… |
Sequence 259Michigan Primary & Elementary Teachers needed in September '97 for an Ex- tended Day and 6-9 classroom. Class… |
Sequence 260New Jersey, 28 Conrow Rd., Delran, NJ 08075, 609/461-2121. New York 33 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0… |
Sequence 217Assistant to Infancy sought to fill preg- nancy leave, starting immediately, with potential for continued team teaching… |
Sequence 189Nonetheless, a significant sector of the modern West has inher- ited and further developed Enlightenment attitudes which… |
Sequence 365ten located in Northwest Michi- gan. The School was established in 1978 and operates as an inde- pendent non-profit… |
Sequence 284school and the positions offered. We invite your telephone, written, or email inquiry at: Mark Fish, Executive Director… |
Sequence 235Lepper, M.R. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Chil- dren: Detrimental Effects of Superfluous Social Con- trols… |
Sequence 261Persons involved in teacher train- ing are also invited to contact Prairie Hill for infonna tion regarding spon- sorship… |
Sequence 230Montessori School, 3551 E. Sunset Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89120. Phone: 702-56 7-5080. New Jersey A.M.I. Guides needed for 2 won… |
Sequence 202Please call Patricia Thompson 617-361-2522, Fax 617-364-0911, Email, or send resume to: Thacher… |
Sequence 232salary fortopcredentials, ten-month contract, four weeks vacation. Excel- lent benefits including health/ den- tal/ 403(b… |
Sequence 154• buildings that, in their materials and structure, can teach lessons ("pedagogy of place"). As an example… |
Sequence 196Des Peres Montessori P.O. Box 31084 St. Louis, MO 63131 Montana Children's House Montessori School is now accepting… |
Sequence 290Ifyouareinterestedinworkingin an environment which supports your work as an AMI professional, please contact: Heather… |
Sequence 49lots of geese and ducks and grass and stuff; did I really expect someone who's sixty-five to come up to me and say,… |
Sequence 227bridge from Asia more than fourteen thousand years ago. 1 The Powhatan, the Susquehanna, the Delaware, the Cherokee, the… |
Sequence 228Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. More Dutch came, not to New York, but to Pennsylvania. The French came and settled in South… |
Sequence 210ity Develop111e11t. Eds. Daniel. K. Mroczek & Todd. D. Little. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. 109-128… |
Sequence 113107 Ludick • The Work of the Hand a Napier, John. Hands. 1980. New Jersey: Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1993. Wilson,… |
Sequence 173167 Stapleton • Multi-Sensory, Hands-On Manipulatives and Adult ESL tribute to what we can know although we are fallible” (p… |
Sequence 10599 Huneke-Stone • Grace and Courtesy in the Elementary Community well-being of this classroom, and this universe, is… |
Sequence 43teacher in attractive resort area. AMI pre- ferred. Contact Marie Scott, Montessori Children's Center, 200 W. 7th St.,… |
Sequence 21A Special Child by Evelyn Zehden Dr. Theodore Hellebrugge in a definitive essay on Early Social Development (NAMTA Quarterly… |
Sequence 3228 The Special Child: Why Montessori for Deaf Children? by Marie A.E. Afneck The development of abilities is at least, in… |
Sequence 7066 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE NEW ENGLAND Scituate, Massachuse11s: Elementary teacher needed Sept. 1983 10 reach a… |
Sequence 13child to the parent or relate specific anecdotes. But basically, the act of writing grants permanence and a kind of legitimacy… |
Sequence 178172 Gans, Ruth (1979). Consultation: A rationale for the total school approach. 30-32, (3). The Constructive Triangle… |