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Displaying results 1001 - 1100 of 1883
Sequence 161Grumet, M.R (1989). "Dinner at Abigail's: Nurturing collaboration." NEA Today, 7(6), 20-25. Livingston… |
Sequence 27Footnotes 1. Thomas Berry. (1988). The dream of the earth. Sierra Club, p. 206. See also: (a) Thomas Berry, "Coming… |
Sequence 28The biodynamic fann seeks to fanction as a self-sustaining, total organism comprising humans, plants, animals, water, and… |
Sequence 30AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 63References 'Abdu'l-Baha. (1982). The promul,gation of universal peace. Wilmette. Baha'{ Publishing Trust.… |
Sequence 21le is clear from an analysis of human development that education is an indispensable function in che formation of man.… |
Sequence 2210. Jerome S. Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Universiry Press, 1966). I l. Alexis Carrel,… |
Sequence 62References Goffstein, M.B. (1979). Natural history. New York. Farrar, Straus, Giroux. Goffstein, M.B. (I 984). A little… |
Sequence 75References Eisley, Loren. (1964). The unexpected universe. New York. Harcou re, Brace, and World, Inc. Lorenz, Konrad. (1990… |
Sequence 100References Bjorklund, D.F. ( l 989). Children's thinking: developmental function and individual differences. Pacific… |
Sequence 138Footnotes 1 • Maria Montessori, To Educate the Human Potential. Madras, India. Kalakshetra Publications, 1973, p. 4. 2 •… |
Sequence 156invention, it also provides the holistic, integrated basis for clarifying complex tensions between human and natural systems.… |
Sequence 198viduals and social organizations to deal with complexity and change in ways which are both adaptive and creative. The emerging… |
Sequence 199Kahn, David. (1990). Implementing Montessori education in the public sector. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. North American… |
Sequence 206administrative experience in the AMI Montessori tradition. Primary and elemenrary Montessori diplomas arc desirable.… |
Sequence 207OHIO Positions open for Montessori teachers. Elmmuary dirrr- rms (,~ I to 3) and primary rrnchn(ages 3 to 6). AMI or… |
Sequence 35MONTESSORI DEVELOPMENTAL CONTINUUM Merging Designs With Prepared Environments "Flow" is the way people… |
Sequence 88coverage in the Washington Post. NAMTA, with its specialization in media, will manage the publications and videos resulting… |
Sequence 131implementation of the Montessori model but will provide a wealth of more general information about children's school… |
Sequence 48features of orality that are bon a penser. Their ability to think and learn is, in general, sophisticated, but structured… |
Sequence 49its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 50Goody, J. (1977). The domestica1ion of the savage mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goody, J. ( I 987). The… |
Sequence 51Levi-Strauss, C. (1966). The savage mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Levi-Strauss, C. ( 1969). The raw and the… |
Sequence 52ground. New York: Oxford University Press. Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1985). The singing game. New York: Oxford University… |
Sequence 89Bruner, Jerome S. ( 1971 ). The relevance of education. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Chadwick, Bruce A; Bahr… |
Sequence 134Third, and finally, all excellent teaching-all-is done by practitioners of the intellectual life who teach. For these… |
Sequence 206three primary and two elementary classes (ages 6-12). The new Head of School will have the exciting opportunity to implement… |
Sequence 207gram development challenge and will compen- sate our new administrator with a very competi- tive salary and benefits package… |
Sequence 29References Arnold, M. B. 0984). Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.… |
Sequence 30Carew, T., et al. 0990). The Development of Leaming and Memory in Aplysia. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, and G. Lynch (Eds… |
Sequence 31Hopkins, W.G. and Brown, M.C. 0984). Development of Nerve Cells and their Connections. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- sity… |
Sequence 32Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 33Super, C. M. 0991). Developmental Transitions of Cognitive Functioning in Rural Kenya and Metropolitan America. In Gibson, K… |
Sequence 49References Egan, Kieran (1992). Imagination in Teaching and Learning. Chicago: U of Chicago. Montessori, Maria (1965; first… |
Sequence 90Loeffler, Margaret H. (1980). An Investigation of the Relationship of Protowriting (Invented Spelling) and Cognitive… |
Sequence 105the t i n ings ngl o- fY, au & f>eau ng is po- ttry, tincf:'from the p f other na- tions, f… |
Sequence 139creation of a public space; Dewey talked consistently about an "articulate public" bringing a public sphere… |
Sequence 140Heidegger, M. (1966). DiScourseon Thinking. New York: Harper and Row. Hirsch, E.D. (1987). Cultural Literacy. New York:… |
Sequence 165resolute without becoming impenetrable to evidence and losing all traces of intellectual and moral humility. It means, as one… |
Sequence 193and a supportive AMI trained administrator. Call and send resume to: Rosina Orr Cullinane Children's Own School 86… |
Sequence 91CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF Anol.ESCENTS: A COMPARATIVE STIJDY compiled by John Long Almost eve,y Montessori seconda,y… |
Sequence 163Northampton is a beautiful city in the western part of the state. Convenient to both Boston and New York, Northampton… |
Sequence 164New Hampshire Well established Montessori school in Rye, H seeks experienced 3-6 teacher for year-round position beginning… |
Sequence 90References Egan, K. (1986). Teaching as story telling: An alternative ap- proach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary… |
Sequence 107Dumtschin,). (1988, March). Recognize language development and delay in early childhood. Young Children, p. 20. Geyer, G. (… |
Sequence 130unafraid to take bold initiatives with new partners so that all of America's children would be part of the success story… |
Sequence 137rightful place in a reform agenda, perhaps a leadership role in helping others articulate their visions for schools that are… |
Sequence 149References Hubbard, R.S., & B.M. Power 0993). 7be art of classroom inquiry. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational… |
Sequence 165Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 166Miller, J. B. 0 976). Toward a new psychology of women. Boston: Beacon. Montagu, A. (1986, August 7). Qtd. in Woodstock Times… |
Sequence 28Bowlby, J. (1969). The child's tie to his mother: Attachment behavior. In Allachment. New York: Basic Books. Chamberlain… |
Sequence 29Maclean, P. D. 0985b). The triune brain in conflict. Fam.if;y, Play, and the Separation Call, 12. Maturana, H. R., &… |
Sequence 91"And If You're Good ... " Countless parents, including some who deliberately try to avoid using… |
Sequence 95Blumenfeld, P. C., Pimrich, P. R., & Hamilton, V. L. (1986). Children's concepts of ability, effott, and conduct… |
Sequence 96prosocial motivation: A socialization study. Developmental Psychology, 25, 509-15. Glasser, \VI. (1969).… |
Sequence 97thinking and choice making. School Psychology Review, 20, 382-88. Kutner, L 0990, November 29). As motivator, the carrot may… |
Sequence 141Hellbrugge, T. 0979, Spring). Early social development and proficiency in later life. Tbe NAMTA Q11arter(y, 4<.2), 6-14… |
Sequence 161teaching, which are now standard fixtures in the early education scene in America. Dr. Montessori was strongly influenced by… |
Sequence 172behavior and learning such as posture and coordination, the development of directionality and laterality, and the development… |
Sequence 173NJCLD Cl 988). Position paper on definition of learning disabili- ties. Baltimore: The Orton Dyslexia Society. Orton, J.L. (… |
Sequence 181a well equipped and established school located in Northwest New Jersey. The area offers many cultural and recre- ational… |
Sequence 69lis), Montessori on the Lake (Lake Forest, CA), Meadow Montessori School (Monroe, lvll), Mercy Montessori Center (Cincinnati… |
Sequence 70Kahn, David U980, Winter). Extending the elementary: McNamara- Kahn imerview. The /\~\ffA Quarter(v. ~2), 13-20. The… |
Sequence 33You, the teacher, with your knowledge and attitudes about guiding the process of normalization, are the most important part of… |
Sequence 69Lambert, N. (1988). Adolescent outcomes for hyperactive children. American Psychologist 43(1), 786-799. Meichenbaum, D. (1977… |
Sequence 90Clay, M. (1991). Becoming literate: The construction of inner control. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Clay, M. (1993). Reading… |
Sequence 123of thumb might be What I do cover I will do patiently and well. The subconscious of the child can make connections to other… |
Sequence 125Hopkins, L.B. (1987). Pass the poetry, please. New York: Harper Collins Children's Books. Koch, K. (1970). Wishes, lies… |
Sequence 142They build upon one another. Every ending is a new beginning. They must be understood as a whole-they must be correlated. They… |
Sequence 162References Abelson, R., et al. (1968). Theories of cognitive consistency: A sourcebook. Chicago: Rand McNally. Bandura, A… |
Sequence 163Navarra, J. G. (1955). The development of scientific concepts in a young child. New York: Columbia University Bureau of… |
Sequence 1701982, pp. 219-245), who escape early tracking into special education categories are still at risk for being labeled as BD (… |
Sequence 181Bremer, J. (1985, Fall). Education as peace. The NAMTA Quar- terly, 11(1), 21-40. Capra, F. (1993). The turning of the tide.… |
Sequence 182Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 185IN MEMORIAM ELISE BRAUN BARNETT 1904-1994 On November 20, 1994, the Montessori community lost a tireless lover of children… |
Sequence 186In 1938, with the help of friends in India, she and her family managed to leave Austria before the War. She was to spend nine… |
Sequence 201References Montessori, M. (1962). The discoven; of the child. Madras, India: Kalakshetra. (Original work published 1948)… |
Sequence 21school takes on its final stage of maturity. Endowments emerge to build scholarships, provide for building maintenance and… |
Sequence 32Once a decision has been made to enroll a child, additional steps are taken to firmly initiate this partnership with parents… |
Sequence 73community level where solutions need to be found for the more appro- priate management of the landscape. By beginning with… |
Sequence 74Froebe}, F. (1887). The education of man (Trans. W.M. Hailman). New York: Appleton. (Original work published 1886) Hart, R… |
Sequence 135Assessment (1992, p. 7), and the future of testing in America depends on issues of equity and the improvement of opportunities… |
Sequence 150ences in them, listen to each other better, and be both more tolerant and more compassionate. Teachers adopting these… |
Sequence 169REFERENCES Coles, G. (1987). The learning mystique: A critical look at learning disabilities. New York: Pantheon Books.… |
Sequence 102that we are now faced with a crisis of global proportions. This situation takes the form of a crisis in energy, food, ecology… |
Sequence 112REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1915). The school and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kramer, R. (1976). Maria… |
Sequence 114their behavior and get involved in their communities. Available in all six official languages of the United Nations, copies… |
Sequence 121care" one. Work with qualified and experienced Mon tessorians who prac- tice Montessori-all day. Applications are… |
Sequence 50New Jersey AMI school established in 1965 seek- ing a Primary Guide for a new class. Come join our dedicated supportive… |
Sequence 31they run the risk of failing to engage the very thinking processes which enabled the great figures of the modern era to… |
Sequence 32Ceci, S.J., & Liker, J. (1987). IQ and reasoning complexity: The role of experience.Journal of Experimental Psychology… |
Sequence 33Gruber, H. (1974). Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific creativity. New York: Dutton. Haney, W., &… |
Sequence 34Resnick, L. (1987). The 1987 presidential address: Learning in school and out. Educational Research, pp. 13-20. Rogoff, B. (… |
Sequence 49REFERENCES Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind (2nd ed.) New York: Basic Books. (Original work published 1983) Hermstein, R… |
Sequence 69CONCLUSION Thus far we have looked at two intelligences and their relation- ship to the Montessori materials. We have looked… |
Sequence 83• Good and strong preparation of teachers/ guides Two quotes follow, giving us food for thought about the future. First, in… |
Sequence 84Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. Montessori, M. (1994). The absorbent mind. Oxford: Clio… |
Sequence 101games were once part of natural play, and there is nothing to replace their contribution to neurological organization for the… |