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Displaying results 1101 - 1200 of 1883
Sequence 127story? The brain knows that the spiritual feelings that people have are important. You have to deal with that in some way. In… |
Sequence 131Donaldson, M. (1978). Children's minds. New York: W. W. Norton. Feuerstein, R. (1980). The dynamic assessment of… |
Sequence 142Follow the child. Trust her judgments. Inspire trust by trusting. Why does it seem so difficult? Follow the child. Find… |
Sequence 154rewarded. We did trust her with our 6- to 12-year-olds. That was more of a challenge, because there is a competing model, the… |
Sequence 168bility. What is it? We do not know, but we must hasten to find out. It must be the child who reveals to us what happens during… |
Sequence 177spiritual exercises, having found the path ... of ascent to the inner heights of the soul" (1949 /1984, p. 207). Is… |
Sequence 182When something is amiss in our classroom, in our school, among the parents, or within ourselves, why not take Montessori'… |
Sequence 201independence in the child's life. Dr. Sears states, "Independence is not, in itself, one of our most important… |
Sequence 222And these separate energies, finding nothing to satisfy them, give rise to innumerable combinations of wrong and deviated… |
Sequence 268sibilities/ advancement. Mail hand- written cover letter, resume with ref- erences to: Maria Montessori Ctr., 32450 W. 13… |
Sequence 14THE CHILDREN' s HOUSE by Lili E. Peller Lili Peller' s interest in creating the right environment as a decisive… |
Sequence 30THEORIES OF PLAY by Lili E. Peller As a Montessorian and psychoanalyst, Lili Peller provides a developmental perspective on… |
Sequence 45Bornstein, B. (1935). Phobia in a two-and-a-half-year-old child. Psa. Quart., 4. Erikson, E. H. (1937). Configurations in… |
Sequence 73importance of modelling appropriate behavior not merely for the children but for their parents as well! REFERENCES Corbett,… |
Sequence 82space is not very large, but it allows the children access to the outdoors at any time. We use this space all year long for… |
Sequence 91be whether that is significant and which environmental factors mitigate or aggravate it. This information is not publicized,… |
Sequence 92Belsky, J., & Braungart, J. M. (1991). Are insecure-avoidant infants with extensive day-care experience less stressed… |
Sequence 101Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Through learning we recreate ourselves. Through learning we… |
Sequence 144The days are flying by. In two days I'll be home away from this place I can freely calJ home. Away from my house, my… |
Sequence 156The Center for Socratic Practice The Judson Montessori School 705 Trafalgar San Antonio, Texas 78216 (210) 344-3117… |
Sequence 43REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1956). The school and society (Combined edition with The child and the curriculum). Chicago: U of… |
Sequence 50is try or physics, and you cannot study life without its environ- ment, which brings us to geography. But then again, you… |
Sequence 83story told by an Inuit woman to ethnologist Rasmussen early in this century: In the very earliest time when both people and… |
Sequence 120• "You can tell a story and not make it boring. You learn to get your point across. It's better to tell a story… |
Sequence 121Egan, K. (1987). Literacy and the oral foundations of educa- tion. Harvard Educational Review, 57, 445-472. Egan, K. (1989).… |
Sequence 123EVOLUTION AND FLOW by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Dr. Csikszentmihalyi presents his theory of "flow" in the… |
Sequence 178REFERENCES Montessori, M. {1966). The secret of childhood. New Delhi: Orient Longmans. (Original work published 1936)… |
Sequence 188Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 192learning approaches. This strong concern of the teachers points to the test's lack of balance in supporting a wide… |
Sequence 237inclusive community, not one that divides them in order to conquer, but one that unifies them in order to set them free. I… |
Sequence 238Healy, J. (1990). Endangered minds: Why children don't think and what we can do about it. New York: Touchstone/Simon… |
Sequence 260New Jersey, 28 Conrow Rd., Delran, NJ 08075, 609/461-2121. New York 33 year established growing schools seeking a trained 0… |
Sequence 50And I said, "Well, don't worry. Just go out and stop people in the street and within half an hour you will find… |
Sequence 107REFERENCES Foster, R. (1978). Celebration of discipline. New York: Harper & Row. Krishnamurti, J. (1953).… |
Sequence 115adult and the children, as these expressions of the spirit pour out of their daily experiences of togetherness-their oneness… |
Sequence 121of the intellect for its own sake. The reasoning mind has a much grander task: The work of humanity that always loves more,… |
Sequence 126REFERENCES Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper & Row.… |
Sequence 141REFERENCES Gebhardt-Seele, P. (1997). Evaluating experiences in adolescent programs. The NAMTA Journal, 22(1), 14-21.… |
Sequence 161It is possible to conceive a universal movement for human reconstruction which follows a single path. Its sole aim is to help… |
Sequence 199At least some of the teenagers in this study were demonstrating that they understood the requirements of growth. They had… |
Sequence 200Kobasa, S.C., & Maddi, S.R. (1977). Existential personality theory. In R. Corsini (Ed.), Current personality theories… |
Sequence 211small school, located in a newly reno- vated barn, with 3-6 and 6-9 classes. Our farm setting lends itself to gar- dening… |
Sequence 217Assistant to Infancy sought to fill preg- nancy leave, starting immediately, with potential for continued team teaching… |
Sequence 70It was also decided that the proceedings of the Colloquium would be transcribed, circulated to all the participants, and… |
Sequence 36WHY REWARDS FAIL How come? Very quickly, let me suggest a couple of possible reasons (see Figure 2). If you want more on any… |
Sequence 65had they not had a democratic class meeting about something appar- ently irrelevant like how do we want to decorate our room.… |
Sequence 66Kohn, A. (1992) No contest: The case against competition (Rev. ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kohn, A. (1993). Punished by… |
Sequence 103• Use the "gentling the violence" technique, developed by a Hungarian woman named Magda Gerber, who founded… |
Sequence 104Branden, N. (1997). The art of living consciously. New York: Simon & Schuster. Briggs, D.C. (1970). Your child's… |
Sequence 114goal-oriented individual. The thirst for knowledge, the spontaneous desire to discover and explore, is supported by and… |
Sequence 125We will come to realize that each child has artistic potential and each child will relish the deep satisfaction derived from… |
Sequence 142fixed in your mind. What is your place in the cosmos? What is the child's place in the cosmos? What is our purpose on the… |
Sequence 143Fried an, B. (1962). The feminine mystique. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Mann, A. (1996, August). [Untitled workshop]. In… |
Sequence 174Theologically, the responsibility of the human is to perceive the evolutionary universe as the primary revelatory experience… |
Sequence 208REFERENCES Anderson, B.W. (1986). Understanding the Old Testament (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Anderson,… |
Sequence 238is because children will enjoy and live more fully and fulfill their potentials. But also because they are more likely to… |
Sequence 260quite accurate analysis. I think we all have to realize that farms like mine are being destroyed in California. All of my… |
Sequence 326Grazzini, C. (1996). The four planes of development. The NAMTA Journal, 21(2), 208-241. Kahn, D. (1997a). Normalization and… |
Sequence 334My own experiences working with children and farming con- firmed what Sarver (1985) postulates: that caring for another im-… |
Sequence 337studied, the experience of working with the earth and connecting it to curriculum only enhanced the learning. Despite the… |
Sequence 54Montessori, Maria. "Gott und das Kind." Trans. Helene Helm- ing. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Montessori-… |
Sequence 90It is important for us not to change the vision of Dr. Montessori by creating a reductive attitude to what we do, by focusing… |
Sequence 110Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Method. Trans. A. George. 1912. New York: Schocken, 1962. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of… |
Sequence 123REFERENCES Aries, P. Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage, 1962. Csikszentmihalyi, M. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal… |
Sequence 135likelier to have more rewarding relationships with their mothers and fathers than the bored. This should not be surprising,… |
Sequence 136Maslow, Abraham H. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. NY: Viking, 1971. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans.… |
Sequence 168REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 185Open up to nature And enter Yet another world THE FUTURE CHALLENGE: FORMING A NEW CONSCIOUSNESS There needs to be a &… |
Sequence 191Many would argue that on the question of protection of children this is too strong a statement and that in many cases children… |
Sequence 209REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 210Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 228encode (write) multiple forms of representation creates opportunities for activating, developing, and refining our minds. We… |
Sequence 247two great-great-great-grandparents, and so on until you get to the "eighteen greats" level, where you have… |
Sequence 248Hakim, Joy. "Reading, Writing, and ... History." History Mat- ters! (May 1996): 19 pars. 1 Dec. 1998 <… |
Sequence 258birth of new life. "The personality of the mother," she observes, "is characterized by this: with… |
Sequence 260Pedagogy for the Planet: From Childhood to Adolescence (Baltimore, November 5-8) linked the adolescent quest for Erdkinder to… |
Sequence 278Ohio Montessori Training Institute at Computer Associates International Inc., Long Island NY • AMI Primary Training ( ages… |
Sequence 284school and the positions offered. We invite your telephone, written, or email inquiry at: Mark Fish, Executive Director… |
Sequence 8center of our efforts to insure, in Gianna Gobbi's words, "healthy psychic life and [to pave] the way for human… |
Sequence 20I wish you to enjoy the vision of the human being in the first season of life, blossoming at the warmth of a Person, or of a… |
Sequence 30The current spiritual renaissance, even outside traditional reli- gious institutions, shows the necessity and the desire of… |
Sequence 80Montessori, Maria. Education for a New World. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1946. Montessori, Maria. The… |
Sequence 87• We will get to see how the human being is formed, the human being who is made "in the image of God" and… |
Sequence 109The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 111Tagore, Rabindranath. The Crescent Moon. New York: Macmillan, 1920. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Building the Earth. Denville… |
Sequence 116Implicit in each of the Great Lessons are practical experiences that make the stories part of ordinary day-to-day activities… |
Sequence 128The human is a great collaborator. And nature welcomes a gentle intervention. The trees' wounds will heal, and the maple… |
Sequence 157the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 177Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Oxford, England: Clio, 1994. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 198available at Primary, 6-9 and 9-12 and Junior levels. Please send to M. Rice, THE CORNERSTONE SCHOOL, 146 High Street,… |
Sequence 22If you can't look him straight in the eye. He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with… |
Sequence 41rational consciousness, to that which can be known and measured and defined. But life is made upof opposites, typified by the… |
Sequence 73MONTESSORI AND Music by Elise Braun Barnett With the sense of discovery characteristic of a first-generation Mon tessorian,… |
Sequence 125hearts (131). This was in 1949. It is just as true-perhaps truer-in 1999, fifty years later! Our job as educators is to aid… |
Sequence 142Light Expanding, Radiant Rushing, Giving, Receiving It burns in all of us, The Giver REFERENCES Cajete, Greg. Look to the… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. "The Four Planes of Education." AMI Communications (1971, #4), 4-10. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 53REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 54Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |
Sequence 102Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |