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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 231
Sequence 1181992-1993 NAMTA CONFERENCES October 1-3 October 15-17 November 6-7 December 4-5 February 5-7 March 19-20 April 30-May I… |
Sequence 180Unique Opportunity The Laufenburg Ranch, under the ownership of the Sonoma Land Trust, is unique in offering rich… |
Sequence 213MONTESSORI TEACHER EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE 11424 Bellflower Road NE Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 421-1905 fax (216) 421-8193… |
Sequence 198MONTESSORI TEACHER EDUCATION COUABORATIVE an AMI affiliate operating the Ohio Montessori Training Institute (Cleveland, Ohio… |
Sequence 158Lake Country School will host a middle school tour and presenta- tion. Starts: Reception, Thursday, Decem- ber 2, 1993, 7:… |
Sequence 180Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative Forthcoming Courses mer:Prl Commencl level Three Consecutive Summers June… |
Sequence 181- Man: A Course of Study Cleveland, OH February I 0-12, 1994: Begins Feb. I 0, 7:00 pm • Ends Feb. 12, 4:00 pm Featuring:… |
Sequence 187Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative Forthcoming Courses Summer Primary Course Commencing June 1994 Cleveland, OH… |
Sequence 13Where are they located? One school is in Canada, one in Mexico, and 31 in the United States. Nine schools are east of the… |
Sequence 78AMI ell'mcntary dircctor/direclrcss for the fall of 199·1 \\7 ebstcr ,\lontessori School 1s a twenty-seven year old non… |
Sequence 121care" one. Work with qualified and experienced Mon tessorians who prac- tice Montessori-all day. Applications are… |
Sequence 52dergarten. Must have strong finan- cial and personnel management skills. Established in 1972; provides before and after… |
Sequence 161MONTESSORI IN Omo: A CALL FOR CONTINUING REGIONAL DIALOGUE COLUMBUS, OHIO MAY 1-3, 1997 Speakers to be announced. This… |
Sequence 167compensation for 5-day, overnight el- ementary trips. Salaries are commen- surate with living expenses in an exciting, big… |
Sequence 168Ohio. We will be starting our 3rd year with 45 students from age 2½ through 10. We will eventually grow to include8th grade… |
Sequence 27UNIFYING THE URBAN CONTRIBUTION: MOVING TOWARD ERDKINDER by David Kahn This article suggests that the Erdkinder is a… |
Sequence 189PUBLIC MONTESSORI AND STATE-MANDATED ASSESSMENT by Keith Boehme and Elizabeth Wymer Keith Boehme and Elizabeth Wymer make… |
Sequence 2WHAT Is MTEC? The Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative (MTEC) operates the Ohio Montessori Training Institute (… |
Sequence 36Mike clarified that Mr. Grazzini had proposed both a national model and a coordinating body, and that Miss Stephenson's… |
Sequence 290ERDKINDER UNDER CONSTRUCTION: WHAT THE FARM SCHOOLS SHOWED Us by David Kahn Mr. Kahn is directing a project to start a farm… |
Sequence 374Become a Montessori Teacher • preschool level (ages 3-6) • bachelor's degree required • master's program available… |
Sequence 262by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker and David Kahn in this Journal issue). He reported on the project to the AMI Pedagogical Committee in… |
Sequence 265ence in a Montessori school. Our new Program Manager will hold an AMI diploma, a B.A., and have five years teaching… |
Sequence 278Ohio Montessori Training Institute at Computer Associates International Inc., Long Island NY • AMI Primary Training ( ages… |
Sequence 286Ontario. Send resume to Rosa Piccirillo, 300 Chesterton Road, Rochester, New York 14626 or call (716) 227-4830 or home (716… |
Sequence 179Positive Pedagogy for Today's Challenges, held in Portland, Oregon, April 8-11, began with an all-morning keynote by… |
Sequence 187Become a Montessori Teacher • preschool level (ages 3-6) • bachelor's degree required • master's program available… |
Sequence 198available at Primary, 6-9 and 9-12 and Junior levels. Please send to M. Rice, THE CORNERSTONE SCHOOL, 146 High Street,… |
Sequence 155CMA; Post Office Box 14, LaFox, IL 60147 e-mail: Phone: (630) 542-1589. Chicago Suburb. AMI recognized… |
Sequence 161This is a new school that expects expansion through age 12. We would like an enthusiastic, independent, self-motivated indi… |
Sequence 72Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 266Huntsburg, Ohio. We enjoy stable enrollmentandstaff,andofferacom- petitive benefit package. Please send resumes to Deborah… |
Sequence 267Ohio Montessori Training Institute ♦ Primary level (ages 3-6) • Nine-month, full-time course • Bachelor's degree… |
Sequence 264Ohio Montessori Training lnsfiMe Now ACCEPTltG APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2000-2001 ACADEMIC YEARI • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 148Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2000-2001 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 151Ohio, just a short commute from Cleveland and beautiful Lake Erie. Currentlyweofferprograrnsforchil- dren from 18 months - 6… |
Sequence 211IN MEMORIAM SISTER MARY JACINTA SHAY, R.S.M. DECEMBER 31, 2000 I wish I could have told Sister Jacinta goodbye in person.… |
Sequence 216Contact us today to leam about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 220Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2001-2002 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 195Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2001-2002 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) ♦… |
Sequence 204updatingfacilitiesintheclassrooms. Our Faculty support and enrichment programs include professional de- velopment funding… |
Sequence 212Contact us today to leam about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 177THE PEDAGOGY OF PLACE by Pat Ludick Pedagogy of Place as presented in Pat Lu dick's article looks at pedagogy of place… |
Sequence 387THE FARM EXPERIENCE: ITS IMPORTANCE IN A CHILD' s LIFE by Richard Barker Richard Barker's pioneering work in… |
Sequence 395not whether the schools were better or worse after the changes, but that there was a deeply felt need for reform based on the… |
Sequence 465requirements of head and hand. Montessori actually says that the methods should allow the student to alternate his or her… |
Sequence 491GEOMETRY AND ERDKINDER by Nathaniel J. McDonald Nate MacDonald's chronicle of his first year of teaching geometry at the… |
Sequence 523lized has a very nice series of activities and explanations that make use of the concept of similarity to build up to an… |
Sequence 594The following timetable for implementation is suggested: 2001-2002 School Year: • Consolidate and refine the content of the… |
Sequence 243Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JUNE 2002! ♦ Convenient three-… |
Sequence 255Contact us today to learn about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 229Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2002-2003 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 234OUI school is entering its 24th year with a total enrollment of 185. We have 2 primary classes, 3 classes of 6-9 yearolds,… |
Sequence 238Contact us today to learn about the M.Ed. in Montessori Education offered in collaboration with off-site AMI training centers… |
Sequence 181Similar efforts are underway in higher education, pioneered by an organization called Second Nature, located in Boston, which… |
Sequence 194Q. Is there grant and foundation money toward green schools, green buildings? A. Yes, there is grant money. You should… |
Sequence 259Speakers A Community of Program Speakers The following speakers represent a core of AMI practitioners and organizers who… |
Sequence 200TheMontessoriSchoolofRaleigh An Equal Opportunity Employer Accredited by the American Montessori Society and… |
Sequence 88Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level ( ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 265finally, (4) Erdkinder experiments integrating real community work and intellectual development as part of living on the farm… |
Sequence 271Speakers A Community of Proeram Speakers The following speakers represent a core of AMI practitioners and organizers who… |
Sequence 281ber of 2003. This school has one toddler, and four primary class- rooms. We have a committed, sup- portive, cheerful and… |
Sequence 296Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 10TIMELESS DEDICATION: MONTESSORI FROM THE DEPTH OF THE SOUL by J oen Bettmann Joen Bettman.n 's touching article… |
Sequence 116based on the same objectives as found on the proficiency tests, and each school was evaluated in a number of areas, including… |
Sequence 12027. It reduced thinking skills from broad-patterned to domain- specific thinking. 28. It placed our school in a… |
Sequence 121The standards-based model is characterized by standards and consequent curriculum developed by committees overseen by state… |
Sequence 123presented with items of knowledge because we think they have to understand it and to learn it. (77) For over ten years in our… |
Sequence 221Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level ( ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 215efits package and professional de- velopment opportunities. For more information on TMS, visit our website at… |
Sequence 225julianagroup.comorcall usat 1-800- 959-6159. You may also email us at Position Wanted Position… |
Sequence 58Peace, Diversity, Environmental- ism These are our core values at Montessori School of Syracuse. Come be a part of our… |
Sequence 32standing of the essentials of a discipline, and the generalist, who needs to build an overview of all the disciplines in their… |
Sequence 391I would like to present two examples of Little Communities as prepared environments: Colegio Montessori de Tepoztlan in Mexico… |
Sequence 411THE MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE STUDY OF NATURE AND SOCIETY A PROPOSAL by David Kahn David Kahn presents a high school… |
Sequence 413In October, 2005, NAMT A sponsored the third international Ado- lescent Colloquium, a gathering of eminent Montessori… |
Sequence 414Local Demand for a Montessori High School Model Cleveland (northeast Ohio) is the second oldest Montessori hub in the United… |
Sequence 425• Joint funds development (administrative) · Carpentry assistance 4. The Little Italy Neighborhood The Little Italy… |
Sequence 426High School Responsibilities: • Creating a newsletter of urban-rural natural history for high school students in northeast… |
Sequence 245for unique individuals, with a true commitment to Christ, Montessori excellence, and professional growth. We serve ages… |
Sequence 117Montessori, Maria. The Secret oJC!,i/dlwod. 1936. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1966. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 182Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 161miles east of Atlanta, with no prospect of becoming rural. In fact, the tension has come from the fact that we have no desire… |
Sequence 144book on the current financial crisis, The World ls Curved by David Smick, and [ highly recommend it to you. As we eventually… |
Sequence 230as the important work of this sensitive age group. The approach is low-key, beautiful, and lyrical. Bulk purchases of the… |
Sequence 241pleasehanddeliverormailforarrival by Monday, February 2nd, 2009 Ben Moudry Great River School 1326 Energy Park Drive St.… |
Sequence 308This full time position offers a competitive salary and benefits. Visit to learn more about oux… |
Sequence 255O1arter School. We are located in Morrisville, North Carolina near Raleigh and close to Durham and Chapel Hill, equidistant… |
Sequence 270NAMTANEWS NAMTA ADOLESCENT ORIENTATION RECEIVES NEW STATUS FROM AMI The NAMTA Adolescent Orientation has been designated by… |
Sequence 271NAMTA WELCOMES EDITOR Renee Ergazos brings fifteen years of ex- perience as an academic editor to her new role at NAMTA.… |
Sequence 277a sense of order, sociability, self- discipline and a love of work. The ideal candidate will possess a Bachelors degree or… |
Sequence 72world of our ancestors. In an increasing global world, we must be continually aware that we share our planet and its natural… |
Sequence 133 Kahn • Preface: Revelations Then and Now—Guided by Nature of the human personality and of our planetary system are playing… |
Sequence 184174 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Courtesy of Sara Guren © MDP, Hershey Montessori School, Huntsburg, Ohio |
Sequence 186176 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Although not every adolescent is dysfunctional, rebel- lious, or… |
Sequence 187177 Ewert-Krocker • The Adolescent: Taking on the Task of Humanity the healing and restorative aspects of nature tomor- row… |
Sequence 188178 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Once outside, they are usually happy to be there and may choose to find… |