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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 102
Sequence 1lrven De \bre (1.963) discussing African guinea fowl that had been caught in snares by the San hunters. © Stanley Washburn,… |
Sequence 4mth regard w hominid evolution, apparently tlie sequential lineage of hominids i.s cmnpletely wrong; f<YUr very… |
Sequence 1mth regard w hominid evolution, apparently tlie sequential lineage of hominids i.s cmnpletely wrong; f<YUr very… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI AND THE "GLASS HOUSE" by Alan Bonsteel, MD Dr. Bonstee/' s article not only conveys… |
Sequence 2for giving us metaphors. If we don't do some criticism of the meta- phors we have inherited, then we will be guided by… |
Sequence 2behavior must be described before optimal development can be de- scribed, much less realized. Yet a description of the ideal… |
Sequence 20What happened? What made this unique culture? I've argued, and I think I can make the argument very briefly this morning… |
Sequence 3Palmer, Parker J. The Courage to Teach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Rathunde, Kevin. "Adolescent Engagement… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 12THE CHILD According to Carol Alver, there are some observable behaviors by the children who stay in the school programs all… |
Sequence 13We are not alone. We cannot do everything. We can do many things. Thank you for your kind attention. REFERENCES Greenleaf,… |
Sequence 6Preface, continued The exhibit left its impression of Montessori significance on visitors at Centennial celebrations in both… |
Sequence 20From Nova Scotia to San Francisco J Seated for lunch in the glass-walled classroom, Palace of Education and Social Economy,… |
Sequence 21School bus of Calgary Montessori School, Calgary, Canodo, I 9 2 9 Montessori's Beginnings in Canada Alexander Graham… |
Sequence 14Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 3Montessori School. Together we ran four full lnternational courses. Then the political situation changed and many of those… |
Sequence 18Carver, Charles & Scheier, Michael. "Themes and Issues in Self-Regulation of Behavior." Perspectives… |
Sequence 34profoundly astute observations regarding this esoteric subject than even most adults are capable of making. On the other hand… |
Sequence 145 Chapter V Proposal for a Scientific Pedagogy V.1 Where children "do not see the light, but see the darkness&… |
Sequence 2468 Part One - Toward the Children's House: The Formation Years She also cited her own works, mainly Antropo!ogia… |
Sequence 3Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 195 Dal/'Unita ad oggi. Da contadini a operai (… |
Sequence 12204 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Italian c.!dition with the title P.1icoaritmetirn… |
Sequence 15Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 207 Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970. Prezzolini G.,… |
Sequence 34REFERENCES Bronson, Po & Ashley Merryman. N11r/11res!tock: New TJ,i11ki11g About CJ,i/dre11. New York: Hatchette Book… |
Sequence 2PRACTICAL LIFE AT SAN LORENZO: IMPLICATIONS FOR ERDKINDER by Paola Trabalzini Translated by Frank Amodeo and Mariabambina… |
Sequence 10116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 12260 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 references Cossentino, J. “Following All the Children: Early Interven-… |
Sequence 14AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 31 The Second Plane of Development (6-12 years) Kay Baker Thinking about human development… |
Sequence 2The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 41The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 138AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 31 The Second Plane of Development (6-12 years) Kay Baker Thinking about human development… |
Sequence 42The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 139AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 31 The Second Plane of Development (6-12 years) Kay Baker Thinking about human development… |
Sequence 2Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 1Report: Opportunity for Renewal: Montessori in the Inner City by Pearl Lucas At Harlem, New York amid the tumult and… |
Sequence 139Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE ALASKA Fairbanks Montessori School, 2014 30th Ave., Fairbanks, AK 99701. 1 Teacher AM/PM $… |
Sequence 93Personals Positi.cnis Available ALASKA Seeking Montessori Teacher, primary (3-5), AM/PM SY 88-89/89-90. Salary $17,600-24,… |
Sequence 111Personals: Positions A vaillwle ALASKA Seeking Montessori Teacher, primary (3- 5), AM/PM SY 88-89/89-90. Salary $17,600-24… |
Sequence 98lrven De \bre (1.963) discussing African guinea fowl that had been caught in snares by the San hunters. © Stanley Washburn,… |
Sequence 101mth regard w hominid evolution, apparently tlie sequential lineage of hominids i.s cmnpletely wrong; f<YUr very… |
Sequence 190Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for Septem- ber, 1993. We welcome applicants who… |
Sequence 177POSITIONS Arizona AMI Elementary and Primary teaching positions available. Please send resume and credentials to:… |
Sequence 1781994-1995 school year. We have classes ranging from infant through 9-12. Our campuses have beautiful buildings which all… |
Sequence 13MARIA MONTESSORI AND THE "GLASS HOUSE" by Alan Bonsteel, MD Dr. Bonstee/' s article not only conveys… |
Sequence 115for giving us metaphors. If we don't do some criticism of the meta- phors we have inherited, then we will be guided by… |
Sequence 261Established in 1963, MMS now has 200 students from age 2 through 12. Our beautifulcampus is located directly on the San… |
Sequence 251CLASSIFIEDS Arizona AMI primary (3-6) and elementary (6-9) openings Sept. '97. Scenic Papago Park & Camelback… |
Sequence 356Good salary, benefits. MCDC is a small 2 classroom school in a con- verted house, founded in 1978. It is located in a rural… |
Sequence 264CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Charter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 1999-… |
Sequence 181Orange County, CA: AMI/ AMS Directress and an as- sistant. We are currently accepting ap- plications for Montessori… |
Sequence 184If interested, please send or fax resume and handwritten cover let- ter to: Paula Biwer, Administrator, PO Box 736, 5200… |
Sequence 147CLASSIFIEDS Alaska Island Montessori School in Ju- neau, AK, is looking for an AMI cer- tified primaryguideforthc 1999-2000… |
Sequence 149sion plan, professional development fees, tuition discounts & more.Nelda Nutter (805-683-9383, 805-683-9384 fax,… |
Sequence 132erative, non-profit Montessori school located in the beautiful San Fran- cisco Bay Area. For fourteen years we have run a… |
Sequence 157including pecan floors throughout. The house has a large tree-covered, fenced yard, a screened porch and off-street parking… |
Sequence 77behavior must be described before optimal development can be de- scribed, much less realized. Yet a description of the ideal… |
Sequence 190benefit package. AMI or AMS Certi- fication required. 831-455-1546, Fax 831-455-9628. Pacific Rim 1ntemationa1 School (… |
Sequence 343What happened? What made this unique culture? I've argued, and I think I can make the argument very briefly this morning… |
Sequence 563Palmer, Parker J. The Courage to Teach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Rathunde, Kevin. "Adolescent Engagement… |
Sequence 237five Primary, three Lower Elemen- tary, one Upper Elementary and one Middle School. MIR is actively seeking AMI trained… |
Sequence 180environment,a love for children and excellent communication and man- agement skills. Preschool offers high level of parent… |
Sequence 156Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 76THE CHILD According to Carol Alver, there are some observable behaviors by the children who stay in the school programs all… |
Sequence 147We are not alone. We cannot do everything. We can do many things. Thank you for your kind attention. REFERENCES Greenleaf,… |
Sequence 42If you feel that you would be an asset to our school, please send us your resume and cover letter. Salary commensurate with… |
Sequence 43Send resume to: M. Dolores Rosales, Director Montessori School of Linda Mar P.O. Box621 Pacifica, CA 94044 Tel.: 650-355-… |
Sequence 8Preface, continued The exhibit left its impression of Montessori significance on visitors at Centennial celebrations in both… |
Sequence 22From Nova Scotia to San Francisco J Seated for lunch in the glass-walled classroom, Palace of Education and Social Economy,… |
Sequence 23School bus of Calgary Montessori School, Calgary, Canodo, I 9 2 9 Montessori's Beginnings in Canada Alexander Graham… |
Sequence 229miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. Please send re- sume or contact: Juli Inman 21 William St. Cotati, CA 94931… |
Sequence 231paring to open an elementary pro- gram! We foster a warm and sup- portivecommunity amongourstaff and parents, provide a high… |
Sequence 113Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 22Montessori School. Together we ran four full lnternational courses. Then the political situation changed and many of those… |
Sequence 206Carver, Charles & Scheier, Michael. "Themes and Issues in Self-Regulation of Behavior." Perspectives… |
Sequence 264profoundly astute observations regarding this esoteric subject than even most adults are capable of making. On the other hand… |
Sequence 5945 Chapter V Proposal for a Scientific Pedagogy V.1 Where children "do not see the light, but see the darkness&… |
Sequence 8268 Part One - Toward the Children's House: The Formation Years She also cited her own works, mainly Antropo!ogia… |
Sequence 209Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 195 Dal/'Unita ad oggi. Da contadini a operai (… |
Sequence 218204 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Italian c.!dition with the title P.1icoaritmetirn… |
Sequence 221Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 207 Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970. Prezzolini G.,… |
Sequence 41REFERENCES Bronson, Po & Ashley Merryman. N11r/11res!tock: New TJ,i11ki11g About CJ,i/dre11. New York: Hatchette Book… |
Sequence 244PRACTICAL LIFE AT SAN LORENZO: IMPLICATIONS FOR ERDKINDER by Paola Trabalzini Translated by Frank Amodeo and Mariabambina… |
Sequence 126116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 201195 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds Head of School, LePort Montes- sori, Southern California & San Francisco,… |
Sequence 233227 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds erations. Qualifications include an Undergraduate Degree, Montessori Training, and 4+… |
Sequence 236230 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 trustees. Part of Los Angeles County, Pasadena is one of the primary… |
Sequence 279273 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds information on LePort, visit www. Head of School, LePort Montes-… |
Sequence 266260 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 references Cossentino, J. “Following All the Children: Early Interven-… |
Sequence 443437 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds University of Nevada Reno is our local institution for undergraduate and post graduate… |
Sequence 32AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 31 The Second Plane of Development (6-12 years) Kay Baker Thinking about human development… |
Sequence 129The Totality of Montessori page 128 a handful were so moved, so touched, by the idea that they acted as missionaries,… |
Sequence 42Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 63You can live near the school in historic area or 15 min away on a beautiful beach. Easy access to fas· cinating low-country… |
Sequence 5450 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Prominent south shore community located on the Great South Bay. seeking AMI junior… |
Sequence 5Report: Opportunity for Renewal: Montessori in the Inner City by Pearl Lucas At Harlem, New York amid the tumult and… |
Sequence 5046 Opcn111g for J-<i Mon1c,<,0n teacher at Whitby School. Take over an C\Ulbh,hcd cla;_, of 25 child· ren with… |
Sequence 8JeM Olrilc A..,._ Mon_, Scbool Unlonville, Onwio Canada JaMk NIDCdielll Day Care Ccmre Soweco, Trannul, S.A. Kq Wilson… |